Who makes the home so tall? On the huge square along the flat Chang'an Avenue, it is furnished in a semi-arc-shaped building. The clear lake around the venue surrounds the main hall, allowing the country The grand theater is as dazzling and radiant as a pearl floating on the water.

Coupled with the shade of the surrounding greenery and flowers, the National Centre for the Performing Arts has become one of the sixteen famous landmarks in the new capital.

Even if it is leaning on the west side of **, it will not lose its color by the contrast of this famous building.

It is a very elegant and beautiful building full of artistic atmosphere and modern charm.

This made Gu Zheng, who had never been in it, looked forward to it inexplicably.

It's just that, now, after reviewing the map of this building in his mind, when the car starts, he just thinks about what to eat around the **.

The first thing that jumped into Gu Zheng's mind was Laijin Yuxuan. This time-honored brand located at the west gate of Zhongshan Park, not far from the main entrance of the Chinese Grand Theater, is located in the center of a century-old building complex.

Whether it is a large opening with classical characteristics, or an observation deck in the courtyard for chatting and tasting tea, it is a special mood.

In addition, the dishes operated in Jinyuxuan are also very distinctive, because this is the only old craft restaurant in the inner ring of Beijing that makes red house dishes.

It has been here since 1915. With a handful of winter vegetable buns, it has made the name of the Red Mansion, so that the people living in the capital can talk about it and praise it.

Or, let's be here at noon.

Although it is a bit extravagant, let’s come to a scallop that Grandma Liu absolutely praised. A few sisters Lin ate some refreshing winter vegetable buns and a bowl of eight-treasure porridge gifted by the royal family. This lunch is called Qihuo. NS.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, the water was spitting, and the accelerator under his feet was slamming, but after a while, he rushed to the place of Laijin Yuxuan.

But the heart-hearted host, after the enthusiastic lady of etiquette welcomed him into the door, he suddenly found out, hey, how did this restaurant become a teahouse?

Looking at the tea inside, it's very close to the people. There is 25 cups of green tea and a plate of dim sum from Daoxiang Village, but what I want is vegetable buns with rice porridge.

You return my red house!

It's a pity that the words of others serving the younger sister broke Gu Zheng's illusion.

This restaurant was sold three years ago because the owner was old and there was no one to succeed.

And the one who took it, didn't even plan to open a restaurant at all, so Jin Yuxuan changed it into a high-end clubhouse and added a tea house.

This part of the outside sale of the lobby was set up only after seeing the large flow of tourists here and earning a small amount of money from individual tourists.

As for the original master?

How many years have passed since, where would I find Gu Zheng to make a bun?

Hearing here, Gu Zheng burst into tears, and there was only one voice in his heart roaring in anger!

Give me three and fifty cents of winter vegetable buns!

Lao Tzu fights with you.

You know, this change of career in Jin Yuxuan has completely cut off the original historical heritage and the inheritance of the No.1 Red Mansion Cuisine in Beijing.

Once upon a time, how many literati and guests gathered here, the rattan chairs in the courtyard shook, the fan under the pagoda tree trembled, and the guqin in the side corridor was the most common scene in the present Yuxuan.

Accompanied by the ancient paintings and photos on the side wall of the compound, the countless people who used to leave blanks here have also been permanently sealed as the restaurant is closed.

This cold, miserable follow-up to the teahouse really became like a grand view garden that was ransacked, which made people feel quite desolate.

Gu Zheng, who was holding back his tears, turned his head and left.

He was afraid that he would be late and that dissatisfaction would burst out.

He still has work to do in the afternoon, and now there is not much time left. He is afraid that he has to find a place to eat something right away.

To say that Gu Zheng is also a bachelor, he just called Dean Tan while watching his meal, and he knew that he couldn't turn on the small stove, and it was always right to go to the unit leader.

No, as soon as he received the call, Dean Tan, who expressed his great importance, asked Gu Zheng to come straight to the fourth floor of the Grand Theater.

There is a self-service western restaurant here, and it is absolutely no problem to simply deal with couples.

But when Gu Zheng regained his spirits and arrived in the restaurant with a little expectation, he found that in this high-end luxurious upper-grade Italian western restaurant, his share of food was sandwiches with soup. Juice, don't mention too much insincere.

This made Gu Zheng who saw it here, the grief and anger in his heart inexplicable.

This is a double blow today, so how can he spend this noon, a person who pursues nothing but food.

But Dean Tan on the side was touching his pocket, his expression on his face was even more sad than him, a bit resentful and said angrily: "Satisfaction with you!"

"You know just because you are late~www.readwn.com~ I have to pay for it out of my own pocket and buy you an Italian restaurant?"

"Do you know that the staff accompanying us at the Xiqu Academy have their lunches in the staff canteen of the Grand Theater on the second basement floor?"

"Do you know just this sandwich you ate, oh no, how much is it called Italian Panini?"

Dean Tan, who wiped away a handful of tears that did not exist, was as tragic as paying a huge sum of money to invite Gu Zheng to eat a luxurious meal, but Gu Zheng subconsciously glanced at the menu, but only saw Italy. The Panini set meal includes a price tag of 58 yuan in the soup.

Feelings that you look like the sky is going to fall are worth a fifty-eight, and my Gu Zheng's weight in your mind is still a friend's friendship price within 100 yuan!

Gu Zheng, who had figured it out, didn't dare to be a demon. Instead, he picked up the Panini from the dinner plate like venting his anger, and took a big bite very fiercely.

This bite is called a force, from the outer crust to the inner core of the meat sausage, and it is never let go of one layer.

Whoever came to think, it was this mouthful that made Gu Zheng, who couldn't even swallow it, his eyes lit up with a swish.

His whole state was like a dying person in the desert who saw a Wang Qingquan and came back to life.

Then, Gu Zheng's mouth chewed faster and faster, and he was almost ready to compete with the squirrel.

And the movements under his hands were also non-stop. After he swallowed the big mouthful of panini, he was busy with a bowl of mushroom soup that was included in the set meal, and then he uttered a very comfortable sound. : The wheezing sound of "hu".

It's so delicious. There is a reason why Italian sandwiches dominate the sandwich world.

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