The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1203: Ghost Story: Naihe Town (24)

After talking about this, Gu Zheng looked around, picked up a pen that the old doctor had placed on the table, took out the medical record sheet on one side, brushed it... and wrote it on the top.

"Here, these are the complete list of folk prescriptions... This is the official Chinese patent medicine of the past dynasties... As for this, it is the secret recipe passed down by the medical family..."

"Look at it, which one you like, just pick it!"

These words were quite atmospheric, which made the old man sitting across from his astonishment and unbelief at the beginning, and he was dubious at the end.

When Gu Zheng gathered up the last sum, the list of prescriptions he listed was enough to fill up three lists.

Let me pick up one at random and look closely at the old doctor in the past. The first time I saw this list, I didn't take the look from the top.

After he lived such a long time, he had never seen the prescriptions listed by Gu Zheng... out of ten.

Among them, the uncommon classification is unheard of before. It is said that it is precious, but it is all light. This is simply precious.

At the end, the old doctor's hand shook into a sieve.

Holding these three medical slips, his eyes were red, and he asked Gu Zheng straightforwardly: "Are you really planning to use these things in exchange?"

"You know, these, these things, but those who don't pass on from men to women who don't die, can't find good things that the heirs would rather burn them than show them to outsiders!"

"Also, these are all lost prescriptions in the existing medical classics. If these things are true, once they come out, they will be an uproar in the medical world."

"You don't want anything, just change this key?"

"Yes, just this key..." Gu Zheng replied quite firmly, pointing to the key in the hands of the old doctor and adding another fire: "For you, this is just the key to the ownership of health. ."

"If you have these prescriptions, let alone open a health clinic in a nearby town, even if you open a private clinic in the capital city, you will be able to survive."

"How much money can be made in this dilapidated town? The rich are all outside."

It makes sense. The old doctor nodded repeatedly, and the hand holding the key was about to pass it in the direction of Gu Zheng.

But at this moment...

A faint voice rang right behind the two of them.

"Have you asked my opinion?"

"This health center, you don't have the final say..."

That glamorous female nurse, who was now standing behind the bottle rack with a green face, made her look extremely gloomy at this time because of the projection of the incandescent light on her face.

"Oh, it's you, Xiaomei..."

The old doctor who was caught was a little embarrassed with a smile: "Look, this health center is like this now, and one of them will come to see the sick all day long."

"If this continues, we will have no food sooner or later."

"After I exchanged things with this guy, I might as well just shut it down in silence."

"What do you mean, Xiaomei?"

The nurse named Xiaomei snorted, but instead pointed her finger at the registration office, half reminding and half threatening, and said to the old doctor: "Oh, you are sure that this health center belongs to the two of us. ?"

"Did you forget that one?"

After saying this, Gu Zheng keenly noticed that the back of the old doctor on the opposite side became straight in an instant.

It's as if the hedgehog has encountered a natural enemy, and the thorns all over his body are tied up.

However, the old doctor who was trembling in his heart and dissatisfied with his mouth did not want to show his timidity in front of Gu Zheng. For a doctor of Chinese medicine, he really wanted to make this deal.

Therefore, the old man who had firmed up his determination once again glanced at the prescription list given by Gu Zheng, and showed a firm expression, and with a slightly pitiful look in Xiaomei's direction, he asked for help: " As long as you are willing to join forces with me... the two of us can'persuade' the one outside."

"Xiaomei, are you willing to stay with this ghost place for a lifetime? If you can exchange success, I promise to take you to live in the big city."

"You know, my new clinic is lacking a capable and beautiful head nurse like you."

What this said made Xiaomei's original green face turned white all at once, and when she turned her face, she was blushing a little.

She is obviously a sorrowful woman, but she covered her face with her hands like a little girl, stomped her feet while twisting her waist, and kept saying: "I hate it, I hate it..."


Regarding this situation, Gu Zheng was not surprised. He just stared at the key directly, and waited for the old man opposite to get the female nurse to get it done, then he cleared the customs and left.

Turning a blind eye to Gu Zheng, the old doctor and the female nurse who had been coaxed were quite satisfied with his performance.

In order to show how important they are to this transaction, they also put the key in front of Gu Zheng and left him enough paper and pen to copy these prescriptions directly in this clinic room. Come down.

In the process of Gu Zheng's copying, the two of them directly found the registration office, by the way, to solve the last trouble in the health clinic.

The fat guy who always squatted in the door of the registration office.

What is the dispatched personnel of the higher-level health system.

Unlike them who were hired from outside, the dissolution of the health clinic was the most harmful to him.

He is tantamount to directly losing a job position.

If the superior did not arrange for him separately, it meant that the fat man immediately became an unemployed person.

Therefore, when the old doctor and the female nurse explained their intentions, the fat man who only showed one hand to ask for money during the day was a snap and put his face on the surface of the frosted glass. The old doctor standing in front of the window of the registration office was caught off guard.

"I said, what's wrong with you, who do you want to scare to death?"

"How about it, Xiao Du, don't you agree to give me a correct call?"

And the fat man stuck on the glass stared at the old doctor's face blankly, and squeezed out of his throat like a toothpaste: "I, say, no, the same, meaning, is that useful?"

"Didn't you make a decision for me????!"

"Ah! You won't let me live? I will drag you to die too!"

After that, the fat man pulled his face off the glass surface like a sucker hook. When everyone didn’t react, he rushed to the toll window and covered his entire arm. He came out and grabbed the old doctor's collar with a snap.


The hand holding the collar was clenching harder and harder. Seeing this posture, he didn't intend to keep his hand, and wanted to kill the old man directly.

The old doctor who was attacked suddenly started coughing due to the violent twisting and hypoxia. As the strength of the opponent's wrist increased, the eyeballs were protruding and the tip of the tongue was protruding, as if immediately. It looks like it's going to be strangled to death.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

Seeing this, Xiaomei screamed exaggeratedly, clutching her chin.

But the fat guy who was about to succeed laughed frantically.

"What do you say I want to do? Kill this old man who wants to leave, and this health clinic is safe!"

"As long as there are still injections and medicines here, the staff of the health clinic will not be lost, and I will still be staffing!"

"You stinky lady's heart... and you won't be hooked by this old thing. Just stay in this town and accompany me!"


A few words express the sadness and tears of an honest person.

But let this old man take advantage of this moment's time to slow down.

He squinted vigorously towards the female nurse, and took the opportunity to put his dangling hands in the pockets of the white coat and took out his weapon.

A shiny silver needle pierced straight towards the wrist of the white hand holding his collar.


There was a screaming scream, and the old doctor responded... and he fell to the ground with a ‘poof’.

"Xiaomei! Do it! If you don't balance him, none of us can leave!"

This started infighting.


Gu Zheng, who was sitting in the outpatient room, had already stood up from his seat at this time. While writing the prescription silently on the paper, he stared at the battle outside.

He fumbled around this empty outpatient room with one hand just now, let alone, he found something particularly interesting.

This is a photo that has been explored many times. It is placed on the desk of the female nurse's injection area. It is pasted on the upper part of the drawer with two transparent adhesive strips. If it weren’t for Gu Zheng’s ability to discern nothingness The system, I am afraid that this item was almost missed by mistake.

Old photos: record the best memories of many people...

What surprised Gu Zheng most was that the person snuggling together in this photo was not a combination of a nurse and a doctor who seemed to have one leg on the surface.

In this photo, the gorgeous female nurse is nestled in the arms of a fat, white, fat man with smiling eyes and curled eyes.

The scene where the two people get together is so harmonious, no matter from which details, it looks like a couple in love.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he placed the photo close to his chest, while subconsciously glanced in the direction of the fight outside the door.

But he just happened to see the counterattack of the fat hand at the registration window.

And when the doctor took out the silver needle in the roar and planned to stick it towards the wrist of that hand, the owner of this wrist only felt bad, and in the midst of the crisis, it broke out that it was difficult for ordinary people to do it. Potential.

I saw that at this toll window, a piece of white fat appeared suddenly, like a huge Shar Pei, spreading the fat and skin on his body into layers of folds.

And this pile of wrinkles, after filling up the not-so-large toll window, was actually supported by the thick layer of frosted glass due to this extremely strong squeeze. Open.


The whole fan of glass, which was one finger wide, was broken into the air in pieces, and after a beautiful arc was drawn in the air, it fell straight to the ground and shattered into pieces of dust.

Without the obstruction of the glass, the true face of the last person hidden in the toll booth was also revealed to Gu Zheng.

Sure enough, according to the premonition in his heart, the monster with fat body and unchanged face... is the fat man who once appeared in the photo.

"What is the relationship? Something is wrong, wrong!"

While writing the prescription, and looking at the battle outside, Gu Zheng started to move towards this small room again.

The relationship between these three people can be said to be contrary to the clue he found.

If you don't figure out what the mystery is hidden in this, I'm afraid he will die in this small health clinic by then.

Because at the root of it, the culprit responsible for the disintegration of the health center is his Gu Zheng.

The sweat on his forehead was anxious for Gu Zheng. When he touched the drawer of the empty desk of the old doctor for the third time, he found a slight difference in the deepest corner.

There was a very small hole, and a burr appeared in the hole, which looked like a burr of trough wood.

Thanks to the fact that Gu Zheng's nails in this world weren't completely cut bald, he now pinched the thorn's head and tried to pull it out, only to find that the thorn's head was pulled out for a small amount. part.

Babble, patter

This seems to be the location of the piston in the drawer mezzanine. When Gu Zheng successfully pulled it out, the baffle disguised as the innermost layer of the drawer fell down along with it, revealing the inside which had been carefully concealed. The inner layer is not big.

"Sure enough... let me see what's inside..."

When Gu Zheng pulled out the very vintage and curled paper, he realized that it turned out to be a very special medical record.

On the front cover of the book, a person’s name was written on the cover: Xiaomei.

Opening the medical record book, Gu Zheng just scanned it roughly, and he understood the reason for this.

Because the only case recorded in this medical record was the last prescription made by this woman in this health clinic.

And the blood stains at the end of the case fully showed the girl's final result, which was not so wonderful.

She died, otherwise she would not appear here.

It's just that the way and why she died was related to the two fighting in the field.

The female nurse died of hemorrhage due to a medical abortion, but the person who prescribed the medicine was the old man who seemed to have a few brushes, and the person who left the final curse was the fat man.

It can be said that these two men on the field joined forces to cause the death of this woman.

However, how did it appear to be what it is today in Gu Zheng's eyes?

Once again touched a white key on the table, Gu Zheng, who was considering whether to jump out of the window and try to escape, found that the key in his hand could still be realized. As he found these two After the clues, it was like other nothingness objects, it dissipated into a little white light, and no trace of it was seen anymore.

"Ah! TMD"

What am I doing?

He found hidden clues and overturned all the previous conclusions. Everything must be rethinked and connected, and finally the answer that was most beneficial to him was reached.

In fact, it is not as difficult as imagined.

Because after seeing that the key that the old doctor took out was actually nothing, Gu Zheng made a bold guess.

He suddenly stopped writing the non-stop prescription in his hand, and shouted in the direction of the registration hall.

"Failong, don't fight! Did you forget? Xiaomei is dead!"

"That old doctor was killed by you afterwards!"

"Look, he, a quack doctor, will never harm others again!"

After speaking, Gu Zheng shook the blood-stained medical record book twice toward the door, and successfully stopped the three people in a group.

"What? What do you mean?"

"You said the old man died, or did I kill him?"

But he clearly stood in front of me, and pierced me vigorously with a needle.

"Yes!" Seeing that the other party stopped the action in his hand, Gu Zheng continued his efforts and continued: "Yes, if my guess is correct, the old man in front of you and your favorite Xiaomei are all you. The characters you imagined are not like you, they are real in the entire health clinic."

"Otherwise, how do you explain that Xiaomei's character and behavior are completely opposite to the photo I saw?"

"Have you forgotten? Are you and Xiaomei the real lovers?"

"Don't tell me, you forgot even her love?"

After speaking, Gu Zheng took out the photo. In order to make it easy for Fat Long to see it clearly, he also held the edge of a corner in one hand and showed the photo in front of Fat Long, facing the light.

The woman in the photo smiled sincerely, and had never been disgusted by the man's failed appearance.

What's more, she had also been pregnant with his child, but it was only when she was growing up that she discovered that the fetus did not have any fetal movement.

Regarding this situation, the two of them are naturally very sad, but in any case, we must first clean up the things that are no longer alive in the stomach.

So, out of a newcomer to the only old doctor in the health clinic, the couple put themselves in the hands of the old doctor.

It's a pity that they never thought that this old man who looked very reliable would turn out to be a complete quack.

And that in this world, may be the only girl who loved him, and died.

The angry fat dragon killed someone for the first time, and when his lover was lying on the cold hospital bed, he sent the culprit to the ground for his lover's burial.

It's just that Fat Long's guilt was too deep, and he even hated himself.

If it hadn't been for him to make Xiaomei pregnant, then the one he loved the most would not die.

And it was because he was so guilty that he couldn't even wait for him to die with him, but he fainted because of excessive sadness.

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