The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1236: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (26)

"I heard that you have brought out a business prodigy from Pingan County, a subordinate of the city!"

"Even our superiors have heard of it."

"This kind of person who can publish articles in local and national economic weekly magazines is really a rare talent."

"I really envy you from the city. You can have such excellent subordinates, which can be useful in many places."

That unfinished word... was cut off by the Mavericks here.

But it immediately gave the person in charge of Zicheng a new inspiration and reminder.

Yes, the dead horse has the right to be a living horse doctor, and everyone is at a loss. So what will happen to this person who is classified as a wicked one to try?

Therefore, this is the reason why the person in charge sat in front of Gu Zheng.

Now what he is waiting for is Gu Zheng's next answer.

After a long silence, a low and firm voice followed.

"Okay! I'll try it!"

Just try, you won't make any mistakes.

After all, the process of trying will always be accompanied by failure.

"However, I have to go to the cannery to conduct on-site inspections. Besides, the existing structure of the factory, interpersonal relationships, original sales channels, and a huge number of them all need to be connected."

"No matter how I rush, I still need time."

"You give me half a year, and I will definitely take care of it for you."

This time is not long, but the person in charge on the other side shook his head.

"No, the time I can give you is only three months. If the company you will experience later takes over, the issue of property separation can be postponed."

"However, the sales of the pledged goods and the original wage arrears must be resolved in three months."

"Gu Zheng, just ask if you dare to take this heavy burden?"

Hearing Gu Zheng here, once again assessed the return on investment and income, after all, he gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

"Sure! I'm going to do this next!"

"Then we should do it now?"

"Then do it, you go directly to the cannery with me!"

The person in charge who was able to get up was also a pragmatist. He and Gu Zheng immediately rushed to the city's first cannery.

Since then, Gu Zheng has lived a life of dire straits.

After he ran a few large cities in Sichuan Province, and even several large cities in Yan Country, he discovered that the canned food market had become oversaturated.

In the next three years or even longer, the current canned food within the validity period will be sufficient to meet the consumption of canned food in a country.

In the process, it is impossible to close all the canneries, right?

For a while, Gu Zheng, who was staring at Nancheng Port and watching the waves, fell into contemplation.

As in the past, the processing method is also very simple. The domestic sales are saturated, and we can switch to overseas sales.

But now, even the domestic business is still in a period that has not been thawed, how can you let you do the import and export trade unscrupulously alone?

Gu Zheng sighed, feeling that his energy alone was so small for the first time.

Thinking about the incident, he looked up again, only to realize that he had actually returned to the small noodle stall in Nancheng Railway Station that he had frequented many times.

If it only made him a little surprised to meet Wang Maddao, then on this noodle stall, he actually saw Boss Zhang coming out with his front and back feet, which made Gu Zheng completely unexpected.

"Boss Zhang, why are you here?"

The other two people who were surprised by Gu Zheng's words...they were a little funny holding a bowl of noodles, holding chopsticks, and staying on the spot, with two noodles hanging from their mouths that I didn't remember to **** in.

"Gu Zheng? Why are you here."

And Wang Maddao, who was startled by the conversation between two people at the same time, pointed to Boss Zhang and then to Gu Zheng, and asked in an unbelievable way: "How do you two know each other?"

"Don't talk about the folks' style, you are two different people at all."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhang just glanced at Gu Zheng more, but the meaning in his eyes was quite obvious.

This is what you plan to say. Anyway, Wang Maddao knows what identity his boss originally was.

But Gu Zheng didn't even think about concealing his experience.

He frankly sat down in front of Wang Maddao, and after very extravagantly ordering a braised noodle to the side of Sister Wang, he clearly stated his friendship with Boss Zhang.

"Because Boss Zhang is the eldest brother I knew when I was in the detention center! Or the one who takes good care of me."

"Don't you know? I just came out of it not long after, and I have been closed for more than half a year."

"Oh, brother, but didn't sell you, we are just a crime of speculation!"

What can I be proud of!

Wang Maddao was not interested in Gu Zheng's experience in the detention center, but he was a little frightened by Gu Zheng's charges.

Out of caution, this courageous man lowered his voice and asked in more detail.

"Brother Gu Zheng, how did you get released."

"It's only half a year, right? Isn't it that speculation will have the minimum sentence for one year?"

"Brother tell me!"

No wonder Wang Maddao was so curious.

Because Gu Zheng led him on the path of the middleman, even if Gu Zheng unilaterally broke contact with him, his relationship and business were not broken.

Now, the errand boy under Wang Fengdao's hands has evolved from the seven or eight people in the alley to a spectacular scene of Nancheng brothers all over the city.

They lie on the main roads in and out of Nancheng, using the flexibility of long-distance freight drivers to purchase local products from various places, and by the way sell Nancheng Xinchao's clothing, fashionable electrical appliances and extremely rare luxury goods.

The current Wang Maddao is already in a small corner of the world. With his vast network of contacts and the development direction of his great success, he stupefied his own intermediary business to make a prototype of later logistics.

If it were not for the current regulations, the number of private hired workers cannot exceed eight, and those little brothers are still in a semi-underground state.

Now Wang Maddao can open a courier company that dominates the entire Nancheng.

This made Gu Zheng, who had not yet said why he came out, but had already figured out all the Lao Dier Wang Maddao, deeply admired.

"So, now your business is getting bigger and bigger?"

"Then you and Boss Zhang just met today?"

This is really fate!

But when they were chatting, Boss Zhang, who didn't say a word, was sweating all the time.

Looking at that appearance, even Gu Zheng had to admit that the strong man was a man, Zhang, how could he look so weak at this time?

As a result, Gu Zheng, who had noticed something wrong, turned the topic to Boss Zhang again unconsciously.

"Big brother, what's the matter with you? Why do you keep wiping sweat!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said extraneously, Wang Maddao, who was sucking noodles, seemed to think of something, and he laughed out loud.

"It depends on me! It depends on me!"

"Sister! Help me get the handle and call Mizogen to help us stare at the spot."

Crazy Wang, who turned his head, nodded towards Boss Zhang, and said words that relieved the other party.

"Brother Zhang, you stock, just put it here, at the price you agreed."

"Since you know Brother Gu Zheng, you are yours. It's not worth it to be noisy here because of that bama."

Is this a business?

What does it have to do with sweating?

Just when Gu Zheng was slightly at a loss, he saw Wang Maddao winking a wink...Two little brothers suddenly ran over behind him.

One left and one right put Boss Zhang into the shop and then used black rubber cloth to make a simple shelter in the shed.

It wasn't until this time that Gu Zheng could see exactly what kind of business Mr. Zhang was doing.

As he got up and left, several layers of burrs were exposed under his large and somewhat exaggerated gown.

Looking at the color and texture, it must be the same as the fur.

Think again about where you are used to producing such high-quality things.

That must have come from the north.

But even in the northeast, the kind of fur on Boss Zhang's body is rare.

Thinking about the shrewd calculations different from the southern father, the harshness and hardships of the northern father, Gu Zheng turned to understand the origin of these rare furs.

Probably it was traded from the Great Bear Country.

The invisible black market products are surprisingly well sold in Yan Nation, especially the fur, medicinal materials, and heavy industry products of the Great Bear Nation.

That is quite popular among buyers.

This self-introduction of the boss in the detention center must have reservations.

Gu Zheng knew he was a ruthless character, but he didn't expect to be so ruthless that he dared to go north alone alone.

From this moment on, Gu Zheng's expression on Boss Zhang changed.

This person is simply the one who puts his head on the waistband and walks forward.

But the north, the north.


Gu Zheng's eyes lit up when he thought of it, why didn't he think of it!

There is also an outside line for cross-border transactions without the need for foreign official trade!

His cannery is saved!

At this time, Gu Zheng didn't rush to leave. He was at ease, while gnawing on the burnt and boneless row, while looking at the shack where Mr. Zhang had disappeared.

He waited for the deal between Boss Zhang and Wang Maddao to be completed, and after that, he took the man in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, when Boss Zhang once again walked out of the dark shack, he had completed his great cause of slimming.

It's not sweating, not breathing, and having a good time towards Gu Zheng, I finally have the time to relive the past with everyone.

When Gu Zheng told Boss Zhang that he would follow him to the north side.

This big brother who is not afraid of the heavens and the earth is not afraid, but shook his head quite resolutely, and he held back for a long time before speaking his truth.

"Don't go, brother, it's not that the old brother didn't take you to get rich, but I was afraid that I would lead you to a dead end."

"I heard from Little Brother Gu, you once said that your family is a big family, with parents and old people at the top, and three young brothers at the bottom. The burden of supporting the family rests on you, a strong laborer."

"But what about Brother Zhang and me? I'm lonely, and the whole family won't be hungry when one is full."

"The nature of the two of us is different."

"If you follow me northward, there is a place where you can confess your life."

"I can't even guarantee my own life, so how can I guarantee you?"

"If I agree to your request and lead you to a dead end, that's not my boss's guideline."

"Brothers...Is there any reason to lead people to Huangquan Road!"

Hearing this, Gu Zheng was moved by Boss Zhang.

This brother's persona is only truly completed now.

Under his fierce shell, there was a heart of loyal spirit, and the beating of pure red blood, warm and especially powerful.

The more this happened, the more Gu Zheng had to follow Boss Zhang on a trip to the north.

It is really rare to have a trusted partner and a guide who is familiar with the local situation.

If he just gave up like this, he would be really stupid at home.

Therefore, at this small noodle stall, Gu Zheng did not shy away from telling the truth about the mess he is currently taking over.

And when he told his guess, the two people sitting across from him, Zhang Wang, who are also the backbone of the fallen master, had already gasped in excitement.

"Huh, are you true?"

"Is it true that future policies will no longer target people like us?"

Looking at their flushed faces one or two, Gu Zheng felt it necessary to remind the two brothers who are now in the same group.

"Yes, in the future, private businesses will not be banned, and even the people at the bottom can start their own businesses and operate freely."

"Many industries are blooming everywhere, and all kinds of unexpected ways to make money will come into being."

"But at that time, Daoye will also be eliminated by history. Because of the symmetry of information and the circulation of freight, people no longer need the job of Daoye."

"At that time, people might be able to buy what they thought of without leaving their homes. The rare objects that were once became common objects within reach."

"Where should we people go at that time, don't you have any follow-up plans?"

"Yes, now we are already a wealthy ten-thousand-thousand-thousand family. With the help of people around us, we are extremely rich."

"But when everyone gets richer? Ten thousand yuan is no longer worth it?"

"By then, will you be able to withstand this gap?"

After a brief moment of excitement, Wang Maddao and Boss Zhang, who were both very uncomfortable, were poured a basin of cold water on their heads, and they woke up in an instant.

Yes, what should be done, what should they do after those who have been at the forefront have become ordinary people?

When everyone fell into contemplation.

Gu Zheng gave his answer.

"We are all brothers, and I have the following suggestions."

"First, go to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to buy a house. Of course, this condition will only be effective when commercial houses that outsiders can purchase on their own are opened after the household registration is opened."

"But at that time, a million-dollar household was afraid that it would be bankrupt to buy one or two sets."

"Then, become a real estate speculator that collects rent for a living or buys and sells?"

"Would you like such a dull life?"

"Second, just like me, I turned to industry early."

"Taking advantage of the funding gap after the opening of the economy to take over the problematic enterprises left over by state-owned enterprises."

"I completely abandon my bad status and turn to the category of industrial entrepreneurs."

"On the basis of making our own enterprises bigger and stronger, we will invest in multiple aspects, pay attention to the development and promotion of emerging industries, and use money to make money, and then develop the industrial group into a diversified, multi-field group industry."

"Well, does it sound more feasible? Does it fit the mindset of people like us who dare to dare to fight?"

"So, Brother Zhang, what are you waiting for! Join the embryonic form of our group, and contribute your own strength to our successful transformation in the future!"

What this said made Wang Maddao and Zhang Boss directly turn into mosquito-repellent coiled eyes.

They listened dimly and stumbled. Many terms have not been clarified yet, but what is inexplicable is that they feel that what Gu Zheng said makes sense.

At this moment, the two people asked the same sentence.

"Brother Gu Zheng, you said this next step, what should we do?"

Two independent bad masters, who were supposed to be professional like lone wolves, but at this time, because of the appearance of Gu Zheng, they hug each other.


Gu Zheng who said here laughed: "Let's go north first before talking!"

Only when he went to that place and tried it himself, could he know whether that road was easy.

And this short meeting did not end because of the differences between the three people.


Three days later, the tacit Boss Zhang, together with the heavily armed Gu Zheng, embarked on the train bound for Beicheng, the capital.

Here, they need to find the boss in the scalper market, spend ten dollars a piece of high-priced purchasing agent, and let the other party grab two express trains to the big bear country Oklahoma City.

This is a long-distance train that departs from Beicheng through Manzhouli and across the border between the two countries for six days and six nights.

It is this arduous shuttle bus that connects the economic lifeline of the army to the north.

When the train was moving, thanks to the cover of Boss Zhang, Gu Zheng, a man who walked through Oklahoma City with bare hands, was not so conspicuous.

Because anyone who walks this route, no matter which city he is from, has only one profession.

That's the Lord.

They carried large and small bags and packed every box full.

These guys usually pack up the entire sleeping box, but only leave a sleeping berth for themselves, and all other places are filled with the goods he carried on the car.

Except for normal eating and drinking, these bad guys didn't leave the carriage they were in.

Those are real money.

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