The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1241: Reality: Records of the Fallen Lord (31)

"Shanren has a clever plan, Dad, when the time comes, take the donkey egg, and the two pillars will go over together."

   "Let them follow me and learn well, until I grasp the essence of it, I will still have great use in the future."

   As it is said, Gu De was frustrated for a while, his heart, after a pumping, couldn't get down anymore.

   You said this dog head, how long has it been since then.

   is just a trip to the north, and the people who dealt with it immediately increased three heights.

   When did it start to change?

   Subconsciously, Gu Defa looked at the black red-flag sedan that they had parked downstairs lent to them by the person in charge.

   should be when Gu Zheng put Zicheng's bankrupt company on his shoulders.

   He changed his original goal of leading the people of a village out of the mountains to lead the self-city enterprises on the road of independent development.

   The two goals are too far apart, which means that the road ahead...will be even more bumpy.

   As a good father who loves his children, Gu Defa is actually unwilling to work so hard for Gu Zheng.

   But when he saw Gu Zheng's bright eyes, serious expressions, and the people in the mountains who were getting more and more optimistic, his words of comfort swallowed again.

   It's nothing more, my son is a high spirited man, he can do things that ordinary people can't do, and seek benefits for the country and more people.

   Regardless of the point of view, Gu Defa should not stop his son from continuing on the path.

   What he can do is to take care of his eldest son's daily life for his mother-in-law.

   Don't let his son lose his body because of his busy work.

Gu Defa, who had strengthened his heart, got on the plane that must have a letter of introduction for the first time. After feeling the vastness and vastness of the motherland, they had not recovered from the shock at takeoff. Has fallen on the land of Beicheng.

   Gu Zheng got off the terminal, but he didn't move at all.

   After confirming the docking time with the bank on the public phone, he took the bill of lading sent by Da Maoguo and went straight to the apron warehouse.

   Because the amount involved in Gu Zheng's list is not small, the mortgage products are quite precious.

  The evaluation experts of the bank and the approval department have all paid great attention to it.

   It took them half a day to give the bottom line of the amount of loans approved by the bank.

   28 million is already 60% of the maximum amount of collateral.

   This is also the result of all aspects of Gu Zheng passing the breath.

   Gu Zheng is very satisfied with this amount.

   Because of the purchase expectations he made earlier, only 20 million yuan is enough to purchase the 50 million yuan worth of light industrial products to be replaced by the first aircraft in the country.

   First of all, the trade difference between the supply price and the product comparison between Yan and Mao is a gap of about 10 million.

  Secondly, if the goods of 30 million light industrial products are provided by the low-quality and cheap southern factories in Yanguo, the real purchase price can be reduced to about 18 million.

   As for the remaining 10 million products, all of them were replaced by the backlog of the three canneries in Zicheng under Gu Zheng.

   The price of those overstocked products is only 5 million.

   Inside and outside, when he prepared all the products on the list through the light industry trading company in Beicheng, he only paid the necessary amount of 18 million for the southern purchase of the 28 million in cash in his hand.

   As for the money from the cannery, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to settle the money.

   He just took out 2 million and credited it to the factory's hedging account to settle the wages owed by the three factories in the first half of the year.

The remaining 8 million, Gu Zheng is unambiguous at all. With the help of relevant departments in the city, he became the first example of a state-owned enterprise acquired by individual investment, and it was all used to purchase production companies related to the food industry. .

  Convenience products, sauce manufacturers, and a condiment factory that produces hot pot bottoms and surrounding condiments.

   plus the original cannery.

   The Gu Group can really claim to the outside world that it is a food and light industry group.

When Gu Zheng finished these procedures, the trading company in North City successfully pulled the light industrial products of more than 200 wagons to the station in Oklahoma City according to the arrangement of taking care of Zheng, and saw the first batch of goods. Fedorov, who received the payment, immediately sent the second plane to Yan Country as scheduled.

   The arrival of this second plane happened to be the day before the delivery date signed by Gu Zheng and Sichuan Airlines.

   Sichuan Airlines engineers, logistics personnel responsible for procurement and inspections, as well as heads of relevant departments in Sichuan Province, all gathered on the new aircraft apron at the Sichuan Airport.

   When the engineer who wiped his face black with excitement crawled out of the body of Guo 541, he gave a heavy nod to the people who were facing upward under the plane.

   "Great, Comrade Gu Zheng, you really solved a big problem for our Sichuan Airlines!"

   "On behalf of all employees of Sichuan Airlines, I would like to thank Comrade Gu Zheng for his contribution to us."

   When the buyer saw here, he held Gu Zheng's hand tightly, and the gratitude in his words could not be concealed.

   But Gu Zheng did not dare to take credit at all, but rather humblely returned: "Where, I just want to seek more benefits for my hometown."

   "Such a cheap plane, but you can meet but not ask for it!"

is not that right?

   The purchase agreement signed with Da Maoguo states 200 million light industrial products.

   But the purchase contract of Sichuan Airlines is 40 million yuan in cash.

   There is a trade gap of nearly tens of millions in the middle, and Gu Zheng does not have a black heart to make money.

   Because of the price given by Sichuan Airlines, there is enough room for Gu Zheng to continue operations.

   So, for the second batch of goods, Gu Zheng smashed all the purchase money paid for the first aircraft in one go.

   Smart Gu Zheng staggered the delivery date of these light industrial products by seven days.

   When the second batch of products arrived in Oklahoma City, and Gu Zheng confirmed that the third plane was already on the way to North City, he sent the third batch of light industry.

   At the end, it was the people from Da Mao Country who completed the goods transaction with Gu Zheng first.

   Comrade Fedorov, for this he also received an award from his superiors.

   The National 541 aircraft, which had a production cost of only 35 million, was exchanged for 50 million precious light industrial materials.

   Fedorov is really a capable and good comrade.

Of course, when the last plane that was no longer in debt arrived at Sichuan Airlines Airport and Gu Zheng and Sichuan Airlines paid off the third balance, Gu Zheng had a balance of 60 million in his account. cash.

   At this time, he arrived at Beicheng as quickly as possible and redeemed his mortgage, the plane with a mortgage loan of 28 million yuan, even with capital and profit.

   When he paid nearly 30 million in exchange for the plane and transported it to Sichuan Airlines.

   The last balance payment was also successfully transferred to the bank account of his Gu Group.

   So far, this is his final profit this time.

  70 million in cash income.

   was realized in less than three months of back-and-forth.

  He needs to take out nearly ten million to settle the remaining payment for the cannery.

   Because of Gu Zheng’s large-scale purchase this time, he has emptied all the canned goods in all the factories, not to mention, he also caused all the production lines of the other three factories to rotate.

   revitalized the three lifeless factories.


   "Boom, boom, boom"

   The glass jar on the track is filled with tangerines that have just been planted in Sichuan Province.

The golden orange petals, with white tentacles hanging from the petals, along with the sticky sweet juice, are poured into the room like a big belly bowl, filling the whole factory with winter time Sweet and greasy taste.

   Days pass by, and the time for the holidays is coming.

   But the whole factory is busy without any call for festivals.

   But even so, there is no dissatisfaction on the faces of the workers in the workshop.

   They are on the contrary eagerly immersed in blood like chicken blood.



   This is the last process before the canned food is brushed into the box.

   On the side of a long slender track, a group of grandpas and aunts flicked their fingers with the paste.

   They looked like extremely skilled little workers. The small brush in their hands only needed to be up and down three times to wipe out an extremely regular strip shape.

'Snapped! ’

   followed by affixed a trademark printed with the words and pictures of Zicheng Tangerine, and the paste was covered under it for not many points, but not too many points.

   The most amazing thing is that the four small corners of the trademark are not turned upside down, which shows how stable these people's hands are.

   Of course, this can only be done by the old workers in the cannery.

Taking a small bench, the half-old children sitting next to them can only pick up a trademark and carefully apply glue to the back of a piece of paper before they dare to compare carefully. Follow the dotted line to paste the trademark neatly.

   Don’t be surprised. The people sitting in the front of the track are full-time employees in the factory. The people who help are all the kids who have gone to school on vacation.

   This is one of the benefits the new chairman of the group gives them these old employees.

   That is, the kid who can help can be called to the factory to work overtime together.

   At noon and in the evening, they are in charge of a large pot of rice. The odd jobs they do are counted on the parents of each family.

   Oh, I forgot to mention it, now the cannery is no longer the old factory’s standard of remuneration for eating big pot of rice.

  , but on the basis of the basic salary, distribution according to work, distribution by piece.

   is a bit like the remuneration standard Nancheng first arranged for temporary workers.

   Simple and clear, fair and just.

   When this rule came out, there was an uproar.

   Human beings are the most prone to be inert.

   Since the cannery was on the verge of closing down, the production lines of the three factories have never been opened.

   But the workers in the factory come to the factory to check in at a fixed time.

   Then there is no work to do, why do you come to the factory again?

   On the one hand, I'm afraid that I won't be paid if I won't come to the factory. On the other hand, there are such workers who can always smoke, chat, and play poker.

   In the end, a mahjong table was set up next to the factory.

   Carry forward the quintessence of Sichuan province.

   When Gu Zheng first took over these factories, what he saw when he entered the factory area was this spectacular scene.

  The white mist in the sky was lit by a cigarette in my mouth.

   The noisy environment is made by people who play mahjong when they are arguing.

  The unique place is called scolding, mixed with mahjong-specific terminology such as "Yaoji" and "coffin board board", not to mention is so smoky.

  ‘Clang 啷啷...’

   An empty wine bottle rolled down the **** to the feet of Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng, who was not angry but happy, turned his head and left this unique factory area.

   turned the old face of the old factory director who accompanied him into an eggplant.

   He followed Gu Zheng in a dingy manner, and he was cut off by the other party by a full 10% of the transfer amount.

   And when the documents for the restructuring of the enterprise were issued, the workers who played mahjong still did not respond from it.

  Until one day, when the door of the rusty squeeze warehouse was opened again, the workers of the cannery were slightly confused and embarrassed to surround the remote and desolate door.

   They watched carts of cans being pulled out of the warehouse and loaded with green pickup trucks labeled Nancheng Logistics, as if they had emptied their hearts together.

   "Fusheng, Fusheng, where do you want to pull this can?"

   Among the workers, there was someone who was close to Liu Fusheng, and at a glance, he realized that it was the gate of the warehouse that this kid was in charge of opening.

   And the face of the kid named Liu Fusheng was hard to hide his joy.

   He seemed to be telling everyone about the good news, yelling loudly at everyone present.

   "All the cans in our factory have been sold!"

   "Our factory is coming to a new director too!"

   "Do you know? These cans are sold by the new director!"

   Just this sentence caused the onlookers to have a coaxing discussion.

   "Gosh, the new director is really capable!"

   "If the backlog of products is sold, can I be paid?"

   But there are workers who are more sober and worry about another problem.

   "How can a factory like ours change the director casually?"

   "These goods are sold, can the factory continue to operate?"

   "If we can't open it, do we have to disband the factory? What about our work?"

   They will not follow in the footsteps of the tractor factory. After the factory closes, let all the staff stay idle and be laid off at home.

   Because of these few roars, the whole scene was quiet immediately.

   Everyone's eyes were fixed on Liu Fusheng, but this young man really didn't say anything, and he shared the news he had received in the past few days with everyone without stage fright.

   "Why can our factory be closed directly? Director Gu is the first factory manager after the system reform of our factory."

   "Director Gu also said that the five million stocks he pulled away are only part of his order."

   "Our factory, together with the second and third canning factories, have the remaining 15 million orders to be fulfilled!"

   "With so much output, it is not a problem for our workers to work continuously for two or three years."

   "At that time, relying on the ability of Director Gu, can't get the next order?"

   "So as long as we put our minds at ease, we don't have to worry about not having a job!"

  When Liu Fusheng finished speaking, the people on the side nodded again and again.

   If you think carefully about this, then people like them have nothing to worry about.

   But who came up with the idea? They are still surrounded by heated discussions. The uncle who has been in charge of the security work at the gate of the factory ran towards them with one foot deep and one shallow foot.

   I can’t help it, because I’m so excited that I didn’t wear a shoe completely, but I just pulled it on my foot.

   "Big guy, come and have a look at the factory gate!"

   "The notice is posted at the entrance of the courtyard!"

   "We're going to pay wages!"


   The noise this time is really uniform. The people who were still standing at the door of the warehouse couldn't even bother to chat. It was Sa Yazi who ran to the door of the factory yard.

   When they gathered at the gate, they saw the huge red notice at a glance.

   It completely covers half of the wall on the other side that is used for posting notices and notices, and it is densely covered with Chinese characters.

   "Notice...looks like this is our way of receiving wages..."

   "Oh, after receiving the old salary, look at this, the nature of our factory has been regulated again."

   "What is a private enterprise"

   "Is it possible to set up private factories now? Our cannery is bought for individuals?"

   "Does the country leave us alone?"

   After seeing this notice, everyone was shocked.

   When these workers were about to get into an uproar, UU reading found that the last sentence fell behind the notice.

   Cannery has already marked bankruptcy in the bank.

   The modified plant has been re-merged and acquired.

   Since then, Zicheng Cannery No. 1, 2 and 3 will be merged into Zicheng Cannery General Factory, and the new plant will be moved to the industrial park of Zicheng Xinxing Development Zone.

  The production lines belonging to different factories will be merged into a whole.

  Because the new factory is about to start, it is urgent to re-employ a number of skilled jobs in the original cannery.

  The benefits are as follows...

   When everyone saw this place along the lines, the original dissatisfaction, anger, loss and helplessness after being abandoned all turned into nervous excitement and eagerness.

  Because this gives an outrageous salary income.

Basic workers, loading goods, labeling, this kind of purely physical and non-technical type of work, one month’s basic salary is 45 yuan, transportation subsidies and meal allowances totaling 12 yuan, bonus piece-rate rewards, each box is awarded The commissions for each type of work are also very different.

   For those technical jobs that need to operate machines and participate in the ratio of product raw materials, the basic salary alone has reached as much as 60 yuan. The food subsidy and transportation subsidy remain unchanged.

   This kind of salary is equivalent to double their previous salary.

   After seeing this income level, those who are about to lose their jobs are afraid of losing their jobs, and the unknown about the future is nothing.

   Those old workers who work hard and really have two brushes are full of confidence. Now they directly took out the books in their pockets and recorded the time and address of the application and the phone number of the relevant person in charge.

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