The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1285: Playback of the game (5)

At this time, No.1, who was sitting in a space that didn't know what it was made of, was silent for a second, and then said his next arrangement.

   "There is an unmarked blind spot 12 meters southwest. You two go here for a short escape."

   "After half a minute, I will arrange the second escape route, and then I will take the initiative to contact you."

   "In this process, you must be absolutely quiet, reduce your sense of existence, and wait for my response!"

   After finishing speaking, No. 1 gave No. 6 a big smile, and then unilaterally hung up the communication signal.

   Behind him, a huge communication screen was mobilized by him, and a communicator different from No. 6 was then lit up in front of him.

   "Humans, what's the situation on your side?"

   As the screen stabbed, the kitchen that Gu Zheng first saw slowly returned to the front of the camera.

   But at this time, in this huge kitchen and bathroom space, there is an army of guards lying down on the ground.

   Looking at their crooked posture, it should be the result of a sudden attack when they were eating lunch.

  The leading human in this shot has the most typical physical characteristics of a Chinese chef.

   Blushing and thick neck.

   But just such an ordinary cook, when facing the twists and turns of this room, he still has the heart to light a calm cigarette for himself.

   He didn't seem to hear the nervousness of No. 1, he just raised his eyelids slightly and said, "Don't worry, my cooking skills are not blown out."

   "They ate the special dishes I carefully made with 18 kinds of ingredients mixed with each other. No one lasts for ten and a half months, and it is impossible to wake up."

   After finishing these words, the sleeping gods next to them seemed to cooperate with the chef's words, and they snored so much to the face, not to mention how comfortable they were.

   "So, you don't have to worry about us here."

   "Even if the investigator comes over, we are the party without fault."

After speaking, the chef took a sip of the Taishan brand cigarettes in his hand, and picked up a small reminder the size of the belly of a human finger on the huge table, and enlarged the screen to make No. 1 machine. People can see clearly.

   The densely written on the nameplate is all Chinese characters!

The first of    is one of the most distinctive rules of this restaurant.

   That is what the cook does and what the diners eat.

   is delicious and unpalatable, all by luck.

   This is equivalent to the family-style private kitchen on earth.

   What you do depends on your boss' mood. If you eat to your stomach, you are lucky. If it is like this, then you are unlucky.

   After all, once this rule was introduced, it was really correct for the temper of these aliens looking for excitement.

  Among so many planets, the reason why they choose Traveling Star as a place to travel and relax is not because of the freedom on this planet and not playing cards according to common sense.

   So, taking advantage of this rule, the chef succeeded in getting the guards who were supposed to have the set meal to be recruited.

   In the end, it was the captain who wanted to try the newly launched food on impulse, not his conscientious chef.

   After seeing the situation here, No. 1 breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked another question.

   "Is the spacecraft they are on still parked in front of your kitchen?"

   The chef who was asked turned the screen to the outside of his super luxurious kitchen, so that No. 1 could see the situation clearly.

   "Still still."

   "In order not to arouse suspicion once and for all, I asked the side dish worker to pretend the box lunch of the personnel on the ship, and it has been delivered for about fifteen minutes."

   "Up to now, no one has rushed out there and put a gun against my head, which shows that the timing of my meal is controlled accurately."

   "The people on the ship can still be full of energy for ten minutes after eating the meal before they officially lie down. You say my cooking skills, I am afraid that no one in the universe can match it."

   Speaking of this, the chef smacked his cigarette triumphantly and suggested to the camera: "What? The public travel plan failed?"

   "Then I suggest you come over and take a look, the resistance on this spaceship is probably already solved."

   "As for the rest?"

   The cook who flicked his cigarette **** sighed faintly: "That's not something I can handle. After all, I'm just a cook."

   But this is enough.

   No. 1 thanked him and immediately informed him of the location of No. 6, and asked them to move towards the human kitchen not far from the station.

   On the other hand, other races that need to be evacuated together, the standby races that are good at hiding and fighting, also emerged from all corners of the travel star.

   has only one purpose, and that is to assist No.6.

   And when everyone gathered to the small black ship that they had all seen.

   originally thought it would be a fierce confrontation, but because the chef calmly gave an order, everyone was put into the ship without any hindrance.


   "Dididi, voiceprint comparison is correct, level 1 permission is open."


   The multi-ethnic Free Army entered unimpededly into the undefended ships.

   The cook standing outside the ship waved to the warriors like them, and returned to their own kitchen without reluctance.

   These days, there are more places where you can go in for food delivery.

dont you agree?

   Interplanetary Kitchen System?

   This is an earthling who has obtained the most suitable golden finger in the outer sky. The legend he wrote will be another story.

   As for the multi-ethnic coalition forces who had arrived at the control barn with an unbelievable look, they discovered that all the people in this spacecraft were lying on the ground and fell asleep.

   "Isn't it? That's OK?"

   "Then what are you waiting for? Give the instructions, let's go!"

  The race with high hopes for shielding and interference with their own signals, particularly consciously, stood in front of the scanner.

   After several unsuccessful attempts, he finally succeeded in getting through the ship’s identification system, treating them as soldiers with certain authority, and completely opening the authority of the interstellar travel locator to this group of villains.

   One of these officers, who once belonged to a defeated country on a technological planet, immediately took the seat of the control seat, and entered the coordinates of the joint location they had contacted in advance into the database of the main system.

   Press a full-line button for priority take-off, and all that is left is to follow this ship steadily and successfully break away from the travel star, which is destined to be unstable.


   The black ship rose into the air, and at the same time, it received a priority departure signal in the travel interplanetary sailing system that turned on the war warning.

   As a conscientious travel star mastermind, he opened the way for the spacecraft to fly away in the first place.

   is just a flash of time. The spacecraft that reached the 3s level jumped out a few nodes, completely out of the range of the traveling star, and disappeared into the vast starry sky.

   "Huh, huh!"

   "Quick! All outgoing routes, public transportation, private ships, and all tools are not allowed to leave Travelstar!"

   "Check! Start the global scanning system! Catch criminals in disguise!"

   The chairman of the Superstar Alliance, was kidnapped on Traveling Star.

   The news has reached thousands of households.

   If he doesn't want to apologize with death, he should save the people quickly and then take his time.

   After blocking the area he can handle, all that is left is to report layer by layer.

   Such a big thing has happened, and it is no longer a problem to be solved slowly by closing the door.

   What's more, after the travel planet was closed as a whole and checked one by one, but no traces related to the kidnappers were found, the ball became truly anxious.

Because only the formal entry and exit recorder showed that before the planetary warning was formally blocked, there were no less than a hundred private ships and star navigation tools that successfully escaped from this dangerous planet and moved towards the star field in all directions. The escape broke away.

   Among them, only 40% of them have been formally registered in government-regulated departments.

   The rest are all the private airships of the gray area and even the ugly thieves.

  Think about it, too, if there are really no problems at all, why is it running so fast?

   This incident is afraid that all the dark forces on the travel star have been solemnly cleared But the ball length at this time is the culprit who is not thankful for this matter at all.

   In the completely out of control situation, he can only turn to the superior with more authority.

   So, a dedicated line that can only be used by the heads of the Superstar Star Territory Alliance was connected by him.

   With a ‘crack’, the screen was switched on, and a mud-like organism appeared in front of the traveling planet.

   "Hello, the deputy master of the Sesame Galaxy, your subordinate traveling planet is here to salute. I have a very serious news to report to you and ask for your help."

   And the seemingly imposing slug silently sent out a character-like feedback on the screen.

When    is translated, it should be a ‘may’.

   And when the ball captain finished reporting the events that happened on their planet and applied for the opening of the all-star alliance's news notification and search rights, the slug gave an ambiguous answer: ‘wait’!

After    finished speaking, the other party moved the ball-length communication screen to the bottom corner, and the slug who turned his head began to communicate with his superior.


The emergency communication device of the chief of the Sesame Galaxy is suddenly connected.

   The cartoon version of the department chief of et with his thirteenth wife slept with his arms around him, after being woken up suddenly, his mood was very unpleasant.

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