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Those unfamiliar ninjas with red and blue lights finally dispatched the mainstays of their villages, the super-powerful fighting power during the foreign war... the upper ninjas went to fight.

And these elite ninjas with various foreheads and different color logos, at this time, have merged into a whole, using dazzling ninjutsu, and some relatively famous super The heroes collided together.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Gu Zheng, who was riding on the bike, frowned.

As a human being transformed from an ordinary person into a superhero through cheating, what he immediately thought of was how many casualties the ordinary people living in the central area had suffered at this time.

I have experienced countless years of wars, and no one knows better than Gu Zheng...Under this situation, it is difficult for ordinary people to handle it.

He suddenly lost the sense of beauty in the upgrade of monsters just now, and he woke up from the enthusiasm that had just been aroused.

"Green Turtle?"


"Let's go deeper into it!"

Hearing the Green Turtle here squeaking the hand brakes squeaking and creaking, and rubbing the bicycle in his hand at least two meters away, he turned his head and looked at Gu Zheng with a slight horror: "You are crazy. Ah? What are you going to do in there?"

"Didn't you find out? That group of people, that group of people is no longer a existence that our BCD-type heroes can contend with."

"The opponent's least the strength to crush a hundred of us! I know that you are a newcomer, and I want to find out!"

"But, the main battlefield is really not something people of our level should go to!!"

According to the original plan of the Green Turtle, they solved the severely wounded and dying enemies at the edge of the war circle, and it was the cheapest of the high-powered superheroes.

Or check the coordinates of the entrance and exit of this weird island in the surrounding area and be a little expert in data collection.

If it weren't for the Green Turtle's indestructible shell, he might not even get past the outer area, and would still follow the original plan to search for a reconnaissance team in the outer circle of Long Island.

But now, what are his new players talking to him? Go into the center circle.

Is this crazy?

Have you even forgotten the beautiful qualities of the Chinese sons and daughters of fear of death?

Seeing that the Green Turtle had obviously misunderstood his attempt, Gu Zheng smiled bitterly at his teammates and explained: "Don't look at me like that. Although I am a newcomer, I have already reached the point when I first evaluated it. E-level."

"As a superhuman, I also have a few good ways to save my life."

"I don't want to fight arrogantly, I just want to help the innocent people in the circle of war."

"After all...Aren't we superheroes on the righteous side?"

"Isn't the so-called justice protecting ordinary people who really need help?"

"Actually, the most unneeded in this world are super-powerful people like us?"

Hearing the Green Turtle here was silent, after the two people looked at each other for a long time, the Green Turtle who didn’t know how to refute Gu Zheng weakly replied: “But if it’s the super in this world The heroes have all disappeared, and when we encounter the current situation again, how should a world without the power of a chicken to resist it?"

Gu Zheng, who was sitting opposite, never answered this question head-on. He just asked back from the side: "How can an ordinary world without superpowers reappear such a mysterious enemy now?"

"From the perspective of scientific development, this kind of unscientific plane is shouldn't have existed at all!"

"If the world we live in doesn't have so much super energy, maybe it won't always attract so many troubles."

Gu Zheng's words were quite reasonable, and the Green Turtle couldn't refute it for a while.

He just looked at this compatriot who was at least ten years younger than him, but still had scorching eyes, and showed a relieved smile.

"You want to help others. Okay, we are a whole. You can't leave your teammates behind. If you use my turtle shell ability, let's be more careful, and there won't be any major problems."

This is promised.

The Green Turtle is essentially an enthusiastic and warm superhero.

Gu Zheng laughed. He struck a spot with the Green Turtle's hand. This superman with the characteristics of tortoises started to be a superhero in the night with the roar of explosions...should do Things.

First, they will search for the survivors and the wounded in the residential community that has been bombed into powder in the middle of Long Island.

In the area that has not been affected by the battle, advance notice and evacuation will be carried out.

These things that should have been done by disaster firefighters and government troops, because they were in this superhuman world, they were weakened to the point where no one dared to appear at all.

If this is in China...

It's not that Gu Zheng brags himself.

No matter how powerful people with superpowers are, they must be controlled by government departments.

This is caused by the excessive self-pursuit of the West, and a responsible person like Gu Zheng needs to bear it back.

The duo, who are not afraid of death, rode fast. In the short ten-minute drive, they changed from a few sporadic encounters at the beginning to... The degree of splash damage.

The people in the air and the people on the ground were fighting fiercely.

Even if there is a translator for processing, as the group of ninjas who have never left the ninja village, the language of English is very unfamiliar.

They keenly sensed that this is not the country they once lived in, and by the way, they also felt the huge energy that exists in this world space.

This energy has never reached its peak. This energy that is very beneficial to the ninja that permeates the entire world... is still slowly rising.

For the people in the Hokage World, this is simply a paradise for cultivation.

When their continent collided with it, the supreme leaders of several huge nations...the shadows convened a joint meeting.

We must find a way to occupy a place in the whole world, and find a new way out for the ninjas in their gradually barren world.

This is also the reason why this group of ninjas became very powerful with this group of local heroes after being discovered for the first time.

If they can show their abilities in front of this group of natives, they are scared, or convinced, then they can negotiate terms.

Only the residents of Long Island, who are still asleep, have to pay for this reckless attack.

No, when Gu Zheng removed the blessing of the Thor system and ran into the battlefield with only five times the upgrade ability of ordinary people, he saw a collapsed building.


The cry of crying is not obvious in the huge fire explosion, but the tragic that permeated the battlefield is so real.


Gu Zheng, who clenched his fists, suddenly understood the client's mood.

In the sea of ​​his consciousness, there is still a host who died in vain because of superhuman beings.

An inexplicable sadness emerged from his heart, leading him to rush into the fire-filled community courtyard.

It used to be a cozy garden villa. In the daytime, the courtyard swimming pool also accommodates children and pet dogs at home.

But now, a young corpse covered with charred... is lying on the lawn in the courtyard, and the body of the corpse can still be seen vaguely in pajamas.

The little child’s unburnt deformed hand...holds an ugly teddy bear, probably because it was blown out by the shock wave along with the little owner. This should have been a well-made toy, helpless The cotton inside burst out.

There was an undetectable moan from the house. If it weren't for Gu Zheng's facial features that had become several times more sensitive, he would not have noticed that there are still living people here.

This made Gu Zheng too late to remember the loss of a young child's life, and with one stride, he knocked open the door of the half-collapsed room with his shoulder.

It was a brown-haired woman whose lower body was held down by a collapsed building.

The moaning like weeping came from her mouth.

"Madam, madam, are you okay?"

While trying to awaken the consciousness of the survivor, Gu Zheng worked hard to move away the building that was pressing on him.

"Child...My Marita..."

This strong woman was seriously injured, but she was still struggling...keep awake.

This is a mother's worries about her young child, and it is precisely because of this that she is forced to...not just fall down.

"Uh..." Gu Zheng hesitated, but in the next second, he naturally uttered a white lie: "Oh, ma'am, is your child a little girl in white silk pajamas?"

"Just now, my companion just handed her and her little baby to the first wave of rescuers who rushed over."

"So, you must stick to it. I believe that as long as you recover, you will be able to see your children."

After hearing Gu Zheng's comfort, this woman actually burst out with a great will to survive. Her **** hands immediately grabbed the rescue hand that Gu Zheng had handed over, and her strength was low. He said aloud: "Help me! I want to live..." Then, he fainted because of exhaustion.

Inside the room, it became silent again.

The Green Turtle, who was responsible for cleaning up the garden lawn, gently placed the little girl's body under the vigorous flowers blooming on the edge of the grass, and there was no trace of any living person in this house.

"Green Turtle! I need support!"

At this moment, Gu Zheng, who was holding the first person he rescued, rushed out, and continued to shout towards the Green Turtle: "Ambulance, doctor, fireman, emergency force!"

"So many collapsed buildings, such a big disaster, it is impossible for the two of us to complete it!"

"What about people? Why is there no one here?"

"Does the poor ordinary people who are affected by superheroes wait for death like this when they are fighting?"

These few words of Gu Zheng were basically screaming with his life, and the sadness in it made him follow behind him secretly, and he couldn't help being taken aback if he didn't leave the dead waiter who was hitting soy sauce by the way.

Yes, who can live and die?

Didn't you become the ghost like you are now because you want to live?

Gu Zheng's anger did not last for two seconds before being broken by the cruelest reality that Green Turtle had said.

"The ambulance said that it takes at least half an hour to get to the scene. This does not include the cause of death caused by the spread of fighting."

"The operator of the nearest emergency center here heard about the situation and initiated a plan for superhuman battles. In order to protect the safety of medical staff who are just ordinary humans, when there are casualties due to the battle between superhumans, The emergency center is allowed to carry out rescue assignments after the battle."

In other words, the life of doctors and nurses is also life. In the case of unsure whether the medical staff is in danger, the other party can refuse to send ambulances and medical teams to the dangerous area.

"What about the firefighters?"

"Fire preplans, disaster relief, these are their obligatory things, right?"

The Green Turtle, who had automatically switched the frequency modulation, looked helpless: "Called, saying that the fire fighting vehicles and personnel in the entire Long Island area have been dispatched, and even the caller on duty will not let go."

"But the area affected by the disaster is too large and there are too many fires to extinguish, and they have no more manpower."

Hearing here, Gu Zheng simply gritted his teeth and said the last words to the Green Turtle: "What about the army? What about the strongest army that the United States claims to fight all over the world?"

"They have all their abilities to show off their strength to the outside world! To rescue these citizens in dire straits."

Hearing the Green Turtle here was even more embarrassed, he was a little bit arrogant, even his voice was three points lower: "The army is special, the order of the higher military department is needed."

"Several minutes have passed since the real large-scale battle."

"According to the principle of level-by-level, the soldiers of the army may have accepted the order to help."

"Because of the stability-seeking style of some commanders, maybe even the arrangements for the rescue process... take an hour to investigate."

"So inferred, it will take about an hour before the military arrives..."

"That is to say..." Gu Zheng was already out of anger: "In other words, these ordinary people just lie here and wait for death just because they don't have superpowers, right?!!!"


The Green Turtle was ashamed at this time. After seeing Gu Zheng's next move, he was terrified.

"No, Gu Zheng, what are you going to do? What are you calling D9 for?"

Gu Zheng, who had already clicked on the linker, replied confidently, "Of course I am seeking support."

"Since we didn't need to handle the delivery of the last task by ourselves, does it mean that there are service personnel in the central area at the scene of such a large-scale battle?"

"Isn't it good for them to do this kind of logistical work?"

After talking about it, Gu Zheng calmly clicked on the dialogue device that D9 was connected to in an instant, and said his request.

This is probably the first request issued by a super person for ordinary people, and this new receptionist in the central area was very surprised.

However, it is part of his job responsibilities to provide corresponding services to his superpowers.

After Gu Zheng paid the corresponding price, he was naturally able to serve his super-powered people appropriately.

Therefore, Gu Zheng knew for the first time what it was like, **** games, sucking my blood and sweat... feelings.

Because in the service charging guide that D9 mobilized for him, except for the follow-up work related to related tasks that does not require money, all other tasks need to be paid.

If you don’t have money, you can earn points.

And the rescue work that Gu Zheng needs in a terrible environment, his mother, is really expensive.

He touched his wallet in embarrassment. After this large-scale rescue, he was afraid that he would go bankrupt.

At this moment, the Green Turtle behind him suddenly said, "Um, Gu Zheng...Actually, I'm still a little bountiful..."

Gu Zheng thought that the Green Tortoise could not see him alone in life, and planned to hold on to help him bear some of the burden. He waved his hand very moved: "I will use you wherever you are, a waiter who delivers food..."

Unfortunately, his next words were interrupted by the Green Turtle.

"The maintenance cost of the tunnel under my villa is too expensive, and the helicopter apron has just been built. The second one is a little tight, or I will provide one million How? Is it enough?"


Gu Zheng subconsciously took a look at the regional assistance bill just given by D9. Among the cheapest personnel assistance categories, it only costs US$90,000.

Fu Qiu's Gu Zheng did not hesitate to transfer the name of the bill payer to the Green Turtle's communication device.

The most annoying second-generation person who pretends to be a poor ghost is set!

This makes the real poor B...too faceless.

The faceless Gu Zheng sent the man he rescued to the ambulance dispatched from the central area, and then raised his own questions as he rushed to the next location of the incident.

"I said, Green Turtle, where did you get so much money?"

This invincible buddy replied very surprised: "Inherited?"

"Don't you inherit the estate? Don't you have a family behind you?"

"Most super people like us are piled up by money."

"You see Tony Stark has 1.5 billion in a uniform. If you don't have a tens of millions of dollars, you would be embarrassed to say hello to this group of people."

"Of course, if you are a natural ability person, be poorer if you are poor."

"You need to know that the king next to Doctor Strange is responsible for the cost of the two people, and he often comes out to beg for food."

"So, the establishment of the central area is really thoughtful. You can earn pocket money by doing tasks. For people like us, it is better than nothing, but for people who live in a quagmire or who only have 2 rubles, It's simply too happy."

"Hey, what's the matter with you Eastern gods? Your complexion is not so good!"


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