Watch the fastest hand-issued website WWW. t/angkx. com mobile phone reading watch the fastest hand-issued website WWW. t/angkx. The com mobile phone reader not only threw the two to the nearest street according to the address stated in their mouths, but also took out twenty dollars in cash from their pockets very intimately to relieve the urgent needs of the two superheroes.

This made Gu Zheng, who had saved people all night, felt a special press.

He felt that the word good man is rewarded finally came to pass on him.

No, I knew he was poor, and rushed to send him money.

And his partner, the Green Turtle Man, is a local tyrant, and he doesn't need his twenty dollars to contribute. Not only that, but he also looked at him for a long time with very heartbroken eyes, and said compassionate words with a little pity.

"It’s okay with the Eastern Gods, we will be able to get to my base right away. When we have processed this wave of things, your mission points can reach level d at least, and then you can be rewarded with higher rewards. Characters, you can make a lot of money."

And it was this sentence that made Gu Zheng very pleased. He maintained this good mood until the Green Turtle led him to the Green Turtle Underground Castle with twists and turns.

There is no way, to know such things as hatred of the rich, he is not the will of a poor man himself.

It's that some people are a little too rich.

Gu Zheng, who has never really experienced how rich Batman and Iron Man are, has seen the so-called...compared to the poor Green

The Green Turtle’s secret base was built underneath an independent small apartment in the middle of downtown Manhattan.

The bottom of most of Chinatown in the vertical and horizontal directions extends down to a distance of at least five floors.

This reinforced concrete, more luxurious than the city subway, full high-tech control, and a base managed by human officials, let Gu Zheng fully understand how poor he is.

And those iris scans and Metal Gear, which can only be seen in movies and comics, also made Gu Zheng very puzzled... What kind of thought did this rich man want to go with him in that car, which was dirty everywhere. Taxi to perform the task.

Therefore, Gu Zheng pointed to the streamlined green luxury chariot and asked the question in his mind.

The Green Turtle, who put on a new suit for himself on the side, scratched his head with embarrassment. "Because we are partners, I always feel that we are all overseas Chinese. At the beginning If it’s too high-profile, it won’t allow the two of us to truly bond with each other and become real good friends."

There is another sentence that Green Turtle didn't have the embarrassment to say, that is, he also has his own careful thoughts.

As a superhero, who can be without a little arrogance?

It is always necessary to understand the other party's character and behavior. If his ability is too poor or his character is not good enough, the Green Turtle will disdain to form a partner with the other party.

These things don't need to be said by the Green Turtle, Gu Zheng, who has seen too much, can understand it in seconds.

Not only did he not get angry, but he was very pleased and took a picture of this partner who wanted to admit him. He didn't recognize him at all, so he picked up some high-tech weapons from the side arsenal to choose one for himself. It's a defensive thing with hands.

This is good. After a night of running-in, he feels that there is nothing wrong with forming a team with the Green Turtle.

When Gu Zheng loaded two alloy machetes and a wretched sniper rifle on his body, his feet shook again.

‘Boom Rumble...’

This time the vibration is no longer the separation of energy that can only be felt between superhumans, but the ground vibration in the traditional sense.

This shock was especially obvious to Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle, who were below the surface. It also made the two of them ignorant of their previous plan to go straight to the private airport by helicopter. Instead, they jumped on both sides. The Green Turtle’s tortoise chariot, with the opening of the underground base, buzzed straight to the direction of the source of the earthquake.

This chariot really was built at a high price. The old taxis would take tens of minutes to drive. When the turtle green car came out, it was just a dazzling effort.

This chariot suspended in mid-air, along with the group of Iron Man, Superman, and Batman who came and observed from the side, witnessed the occurrence of a terrifying incident.

The mainland of Long Island, which borders New York, is being separated from the entire continental plate in a very strange state.

This state is as strange as a piece of whole wheat bread being torn off.

If this is nothing, then the rapid separation of Long Island has neither caused a tsunami nor caused an eruption of submarine magma. It just made the surrounding areas feel a slight shock with a magnitude of less than 3... This is the most terrifying thing. Things.

It is as if this section of Long Island is surrounded and isolated by an energy body that does not belong to this planet, and in a trance, there is actually a texture after the multiple fusion of several planes.

At this time, Long Island no longer belongs to the space of the earth, and it merges into another time and space inexplicably.

And this phenomenon also made these superheroes feel helpless.

The feats that made them fight against the so-called gods are not so glorious.

This is also the first time that superhumans on earth have learned that so-called superheroes are not omnipotent.

Even if they are all superpowers, they are helpless.

If this is the case, everyone will be watching to the end... they can only forget it unwillingly. At most, let's see where this large area is really not small.

After a night of fighting in this place, irrelevant people have been evacuated. Apart from the two groups of non-humans who are still engaged in small-scale battles, there are no other people in the area.

It's just that there was another very weird thing that happened along with it, which made these big guys feel a little nervous.

Because they discovered that since Long Island became independent from the plate continent, the auras scattered around it started to converge towards the center of this slowly floating Long Island.

It's as if this continent was walking while collecting the aura on its path, gathering it in this area, not knowing what it was going to do.

This incredible phenomenon makes these superhumans unable to ignore.

As the information analysis in the central area is fed back to the instruments of every superhuman being enthroned, they are even more uncomfortable.

"Attention to all units, please note to all units. According to data analysis, the direction of movement of the Long Island continental plate that was split by inexplicable energy... is exactly the direction north of the polar region."

"During the movement, the surrounding energy bodies rapidly dissipating to the far north... were converged to the direction of Long Island."

"The data feedback from the central area of ​​China's Xiu Taoism, which is connected to us, the Jiaodong Peninsula in the Asian plate, as well as the Penglai Wonderland and other places... also broke away from the continental plate and moved to the extreme north in the same manifestation. "

"When passing by some islands and reefs that may collide, they actually pass by in a very strange state."

"Now, practitioners on the Chinese side are actively cooperating with the local government to transfer ordinary humans to the continental plate that has not changed."

"Because of China's efficient operations and the launch of its proprietary skills to move mountains and seas, the Jiaodong Peninsula is now in a state of unmanned land drifting alone."

"I hope that the superheroes near Long Island will pay attention, search for the existing survivors in Long Island, carry out rapid transfer, ensure the control of the island, and achieve a long-term monitoring state."

"If nothing happens, we will meet with the super heroes of the Eastern Alliance in three days."

"This will be the first fusion of the two energy systems, and the first fusion of two unknown islands."

"The final result of these two continents, which integrate all the energy systems of the eastern and western hemispheres, after meeting in the northern polar regions, we cannot estimate now."

"The Justice League in the Central Region hopes that qualified superheroes can actively use their existing conditions to follow the Long Island continental plate that originally belongs to New York and go to the center of the extreme north to investigate the local situation."

"Now we will release the latest early warning level sss level. The mission rewards high points and high rewards."

"The mission requires understanding and mastering the events in the far north, as well as finding the ultimate reason for the tremendous changes in this world."

"There is no limit to the number of characters, and there is no limit to the way of teaming up."

"I hope that people with lofty ideals in the central region will actively respond to the mission needs of the central region and make an outstanding contribution to our North American superhuman beings."


After a few beeps, the communication equipment was officially shut down.

At this time, the superhumans who had the ability to hover in the air, after looking at each other for a circle, each energetically rushed towards the same direction.

For a time, it was flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, and the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and each showed their magical powers.

The combination of the Green Turtle, who was one step ahead of others, glanced at each other in their aircraft, and then hurriedly drove the engine toward their private apron.

The Burmese kid over there sent a flight reception staff exclusively for the Green Turtle.

When the plane took off, apart from the super-powerful people like Iron Man, there were few people who were faster than them.

This also frees Gu Zheng and the others from having to buy the fastest flight of the day, to Iceland or Greenland, like those slightly embarrassed low-level heroes. The slow response is that they can’t even buy the economy class. arrive.

Compared with the miserable them, the Green Turtle sitting in the plane did not dislike his own plane...Flying slower than those superhumans who flew past by themselves.

At least they can enjoy the journey comfortably and steadily.

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