A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! While the earth is undergoing great changes, no matter which power the people on the east belong to, whether they are decent or evil, they still know it anyway. One is in the same boat, helping each other to the outside world, but when it comes to the Western hero, it is simply a radish meeting with a gathering of heroes.

That's...no one accepts anyone.

After all, let's not say how deep the enmity between the justice and the villain is. Just take the heroes of the justice group, and there is no real friendship between them.

Except for Superman and Batman, the small friction between other heroes is really likely to rise to the level of life and death.

The people in the west admire the concept of self-management. If the enemies they encounter are too powerful, they are the masters who would rather be a lone ranger than bother to form a team.

They are not like the East, since they have admitted the classification of cultivation levels from the bottom of their hearts.

The decent ones have the cultivator level, and the villains also have the corresponding reflection level. Even among the very rare zombies, fairies, and ghosts, they are divided into corresponding levels.

Which is stronger and weaker? Putting the energy out, just relying on coercion and divine consciousness is enough to distinguish between superiors and inferior ones.

But this is not the case in the West.

Even if there is a basic division standard for the central area, but you say, the kind of superheroes who think that they are the third and the third best... will they feel that they are worse than others?

That is absolutely impossible.

Take the Green Turtle standing next to Gu Zheng. His assessment of the central area has only reached the B level, but in his subconscious, he feels that he is much better than Batman except for being poor.

But Batman was stunned that he could select an S-rank hero by virtue of his wealth.

Do you think this can make the Green Turtle feel at ease?

Therefore, in the discussion about who is the first to fire the first shot, this Western faction has divided up no less than dozens of small groups in an instant. The smell of gunpowder is full.

Gu Zheng, whose eyelids twitched once again, moved closer to the group of people in the east according to his original intention. Not only that, he also pulled a handful of the Turtle Turtle, who is also the face of the East, by the way.

And his move was really appropriate, because just after the Green Turtle followed Gu Zheng and moved a few meters to the east because of trust, the gangs of the pros and the villains that did not suppress their anger. They started beating each other.

'boom! ! ’

‘Boom! ! ’

Bombs, bullets flying all over the sky, super-energy rays, violent impacts of natural elements, the grievances accumulated over the years, finally have a channel to vent, but just a few breaths, the people on the west are ganged up, of course, they By the way, he completed the task of attacking the protective wall.

Because the stray bullets reflected off Superman, the cannonballs pushed away by Iron Man at will, the energy shock waves converted and pushed out by the mutants, always, most of them hit this invisible barrier.

And their attacks proved once again that the attack methods of the superheroes in the west are also ineffective for this layer of matter.

But Western superheroes have long ignored the issue of being ashamed of themselves in front of the Easterners.

For example, now, the Red Skull and Captain America are holding each other’s eyeballs. The Green Devils and Spider-Man are glued together into a cocoon of cobwebs, and Dr. Lizard on the side is helping the spider. Kicked Xia's ass.

At this time, the Westerners will never completely kill the villains, and always use soft and pure friendship to influence their malpractices... it is completely revealed.

Looking at the villains in the finale of the Eastern mythology system, few can survive.

As for the so-called evil monks that exist in the East, they are allowed to survive in the eastern realm after being authenticated by the laws of heaven and earth.

For example, monsters, after the founding of the country, they are no longer allowed to become refined in front of mortals.

Another example is Guixiu. After breaking down the feudal superstition, all the things they came up with had to be answered in a scientific way.

Only in accordance with the planning and regulations of the East can they continue to practice and join the organization. Otherwise, they will be uncooperative and illegal. No matter which organization is discovered, they must be dispatched from the source. Completely wiped out.

For example, for the corpse-driving faction in Xiangxi, their zombie-manipulation spells must be explained as a way for poor people to transport corpses with ropes.

For example, the Taoist orthodoxy of Longhu Mountain and Maoshan has become a phenomenon after illusion and self-deception caused by religion and spiritual sustenance.

As for the few zombies that squat behind the eastern army, they are almost incapable of bones. With the help of Taoist priests, they are now mixed in the studios of major special effects films, participating in some designated movies and TV series for a long time. Dragon set actors.

And the totem wild fairy, or the beasts and evil beasts that have been worshipped before, if such a big thing happened this time, the main body is about to face the realm of disintegration because of the rapid retreat of spiritual power, they will not Come and join in the excitement this time.

This group of magical orc goblins who walked from the wild to between humans, under the meticulous attention of their respective **** shovel officers, have long been accustomed to returning to the wilderness to be a mountain king.

Just kidding, someone will bring it to your mouth when you are hungry, and you can choose the brand of mineral water at will when you are thirsty. When the owner is busy...they also have their own tablet to play games on the Internet and chat with them. How can they not think about it? I have to go to remote areas to occupy the mountain as the king.

A few beasts who have lost their morals, who have been reduced to cats, dogs, foxes, and ferrets, are now looking at those western superhumans who seem to have a little orc descent with their little eyes of contempt. It’s their own comment.

A yawning white cat raised his paw and clicked on the rocket raccoon who was shooting with a machine gun. "Look, is it a particularly barren place to the west? What do you see? A little panda. It's refined."

And a small black tortoise squatting next to him refuted the white cat’s words when he drew his neck back: "What a bullshit, how could there be our national treasure-level animals in the west? Just a raccoon spirit."

"Speaking of a little thing that doesn't seem to be very powerful, it can't even be transformed into a human body."

As soon as the little tortoise's voice fell, a red bird on the side chirping retorted: "I think the main body is quite good, we orcs, when fighting, the animal shape is stronger."

"Otherwise, look, why would the delicious little spider over there be crushed by a lizard and another green-skinned human?"

"Isn't it that he can't transform his body when fighting."

"To be honest, he is really embarrassing to the insect spirits. Look at the ability of the zergs of the Academy of Sciences for the research and development of insect characteristics under the leadership of the mosquito person. Pass it."

The discussion is now, and a four-legged snake crawling on the ground with gold and silver in it finally said: "Well, it seems to be the case. I have just watched all the other people's spirits."

"What are those things, what squirrel monsters, praying mantises, wasps, ants, lizards, and oh there is a dryad."

"A baby Dryad, hahaha, what the hell, is there no one in the west?"

When the four petite animals laughed at the people from the west, the group of villainous churches in the east also nodded in agreement.

Compared with these powerful people in the eastern animal and plant world, the people in the west are obviously at a lower level.

And these cute and weak animals have never avoided outsiders when discussing them. Although their voices are not loud, they are in a heated battle, but as a group of super-powerful people with ears and eyes, As long as you pay a little attention, who can't hear it?

Of course, this kind of discussion is simply a very satisfactory way of evaluation for Western villains. For them living in the dark, they have long been worried about such superheroes.

Why are you spiders, wasps, ants, and so on that are high-level heroes who save the world, and we, lizards, fleas, and flies...we can only lurk in the stinking ditch.

Everyone is a human transformation of the same species. Who is more advanced than whom?

But this remark is too unfriendly to the righteous party.

Those Spider-Mans who were mainly attacked are now too busy to take care of them. They can’t find the trouble with these little animals, but this does not mean that other superhuman beings in the West are surrounded by others to bully the weak of these four. .

Because as the timeline of the earth’s tremendous changes stretched, more and more superhumans came out of their homes and gathered towards the North Pole. In the process of Westerners fighting for life, the second-class economy class also People have come down long ago.

At this time, no matter what the result is, you can't fall into your own prestige in front of the Easterners.

As a result, there were a few superhumans whose names Gu Zheng had never heard of...showing the true qualities of the little hooligans, copying their hands towards the back of the four little animals, and then dropped their hands.

"Hey, I'm not good at it, but my tone is not small. Where can pet cats and four-legged snakes be more noble than others? I'm afraid that I have been a pet for too long. I thought everyone would be like your owner. Do you spoil you?"

When he said this, the hands of the two or three super-powerful people who were wearing the same low-end as Gu Zheng were about to touch the bodies of these cute pets.

As a person who has been paying attention to the development of the East all the time, Gu Zheng has already faintly guessed the body of the animals in his heart. Then he saw the group of Taoist monks, fairies and ghosts around him. The hands of a few Westerners actually showed indifference... and even vaguely looked like a good show. Gu Zheng knew that his guess was 80% correct.

No, when the two parties were about to touch each other, the aura on the four harmless little animals changed in horror. An upright aura spread to the surroundings. Come.

Now that this is the case, it is the polar north, which is empty except for superhumans, and they no longer need to worry about the provisions of the Eastern Loose Alliance... It is forbidden to show the ontology in human society and engage in feudal superstition propaganda. The rules are set, one or two, completely let go of the self, but the main body of oneself is revealed in an instant.

Of course, for the sake of the overall harmonious atmosphere, and also to prevent the ice layer of the Polar North from being completely crushed, they are still kept when they manifest themselves.

In this way, the four animals, which had become huge in an instant, still plunged the scene in full swing into a quiet state.

At this moment, Deadpool's fingers were inserted in the chrysanthemum of a villain who looked familiar, and the big mouth of the clown was chewing on Batman's head. The dark bat was still hanging from his body. From the faces of four or five super familiar villains, it can be seen how terrible this hero's finishing work is.

But no matter how weird they were in entanglement and fight, at this time they all showed the same form, that is petrification.

In this way, they showed a state of dementia, watching the four eastern animals motionlessly, turning out their bodies.

The huge body either squatted on the ground or flew into the sky, and the momentary swelling squeezed a place that was not too big.

The prepared Eastern cultivators withdrew early and went tens of meters away, but the Western super people who knew nothing about power, and those brave enough to challenge the unknown, were instantly transformed into ten. The four sacred beasts, one-half the size of their body, were pressed under their bodies.

Several people who were accidentally injured in the marginal zone are now facing each other's smooth and slippery fur, which is definitely not what ordinary beasts can have, and they staggered out from under the bodies of these precious species.

By this time, even the people who knew the least about the East knew who these four sacred beasts really were.

The Azure Dragon alone is enough to make everyone on and off the field go crazy.

It winds in the air, and its icy eyes are staring at Westerners who are no longer fighting for life and death. The contempt that comes out of it makes everyone feel cold, even more so. Let a kind of superman with reptile blood or beast of dragon blood in the field have a desire to surrender from the bottom of my heart.

There are a few frost snakes from the Nordic mythological kingdoms, and there is a family of Ochi Orochi from the realm of Hokage.

This allowed those dragon knights and ninjas who were able to control everything consciously. Not only did they lose their mounts and companions, but with the time of turning their faces, their original enslaved and enslaved status changed one by one, but instead they became that one. The one on the head.

Qinglong was originally very dissatisfied with these groups similar to the Shenlong clan, but after seeing the other party and knowing the basic fear, he nodded to the group of children with a little encouragement and interest: "This That’s right. Although the dragon blood in your body is not pure at all, it is as thin as a drop of water flowing into the sea, but since you can wake up in time, it is still for the sake of fighting spirit, I reluctantly. Forgive you for embarrassing the Shenlong clan."

"You must always keep in mind that human beings are our food delivery workers, the house cleaners who clean the house regularly, and the performers of difficult agency matters. We are in the same line. Human beings engage in deep-level communication."

"Do you understand?"

It makes sense. It's too domineering. The little worms nodded one after another, and the worship in their eyes couldn't hide.

This is just a classification of reptiles, but there are still amphibians, birds and mammals, and the three beasts of the dragon are also making a fuss with the dragon.

At this moment, it made the scene very unsightly.

The West itself was automatically divided into multiple sections due to the civil war. Now, because of the division of the East, a group of people have lost their true ability to settle down. Can the heroes of the West feel better?

Just like the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, oh, plus a Green Turtle.

A few of them are now crawling in the direction of Xuanwu at turtle speed.

No way, natural racial worship, regardless of how many generations their turtle species have undergone changes in Darwin's theory of evolution, but as long as it is the turtle king, none of them are not suppressed by basalt.

Do you think they can feel comfortable in their hearts?

The yellow-skinned Green Turtle is okay here~www.readwn.com~ Chinese, born superstitious about the existence of beasts, but the local sewer people, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, feel too awkward.

They were struggling to fight the thirst in the bloodline, and they moved out three steps and backed back two steps at a time, miserable.

At this time, who still has the mind to fight.

After one or two of them looked at each other in hindsight, they shivered and hugged each other.

At this time, several humans who seemed to be compassionate and immortal, led by Dongfang, used Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission Dafa to overlay their reminders on the heads of Westerners: "Everyone, when can you try?"

"If you don't do it again, I'm afraid that the land of Feng Shui of the two schools of you and me will reach this far north."

Yes, I almost forgot to do business.

Let's hurry up, maybe because of the difference in the power system, it might be able to break through this barrier.

When the time comes, their faces on the west side will not be too serious, and they will be able to find a reason for their incompetence.

A few superheroes with relatively strong combat power, at this moment, straightened their posture, got up from the ground, and shivered all the villains on their bodies by the way, and then turned towards what they were originally looking at. The other heroes who were not so pleasing to the eye contacted.


ps: Recommend an old author's new book "The Most Powerful Guy in the Heavens", 6 million words quality guarantee. Burning Qi Luck, he can travel through the sky, and Chu Yi opened his eyes and found himself lying in the bidet room, an old **** holding a knife and gesturing at his hip...


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