A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! I thought the system would not give them any feedback. Who would have thought that the other party was silent again after only a moment of silence. Answered it.

"It is impossible for the Lord God Transformation Center to only receive immigrant races on the planet, Earthlings, and among the multiple races being transported... there will always be some... that can accommodate relatively few races on the planet."

"The unacceptable races must either invest in the main **** and become a participant in the main **** game, or be completely abandoned in the transfer station, hoping that a new planet can be born in the universe to accommodate them."

"Of course, how to choose is all voluntary."

"It's just that the birth of a new planet is not easy. When a race lives in a monotonous confined space for too long, various problems will always arise."

"After evaluation, it is confirmed that they are no longer suitable for independent survival, or they have lost their minds and the qualifications to choose planets. For the sake of safety, they will be locked up in the Cherished Races Exhibition Hall."

"The large and small boxes you see are actually ethnic holding boxes, and the maximum holding capacity can reach 100 million people."

"It's just that if it can be packed in this box, this group is afraid that there will not be many people alive."

Obviously it was quite a mechanical answer, and Gu Zheng just heard it somewhat gloating.

Now that the function of this thing is understood, it's time to judge...whether to go ahead and explore it.

"Gu Zheng, shall we go?"

"Go! Must go!" Gu Zheng replied categorically. Because of the intervention of the plant superhuman beings, all the searching work just now was done in vain.

Even at the end, they can't find a full gate, but as long as they find more essence pieces, they will definitely be able to find people who trade with each other.

In order to increase his chances of survival and not end up like the race in this pile of boxes, Gu Zheng knew that they had to go ahead and explore.


Gu Zheng, who broke down a stump from the edge of the dense forest on the side, tentatively stabbed the nearest box to him.

Although the device above the door lock is a bit rusty, it seems that there is no sign of damage.

There is a black hole in the box, and I can't see what's inside. It seems that there is no danger for the time being.

"This box is okay. Let's be safe and walk slowly."

"You can explore the surrounding area... Have you found anything special?"

The Green Turtle, who was lying on the ground with his shell on the ground, fumbled his hands to the sides of the box, and responded to Gu Zheng: "There is no..."

Just when the two people are talking carefully...

'boom! ’

A crash came from the box they were touching.

On that box...Only a square inch-sized transparent display mouth was stuck with an eyeball, yellow, yellow, green... and full of purple-red bloodshot eyes.

"Cough cough cough... what is this!"

Gu Zheng, who was standing at the position of the lattice window, was frightened. He was as courageous as a person like him... he couldn't help but step back.

The space they were in was very bright, but the sight in the box was blurred. Gu Zheng, who was barely composing himself, looked in and found out why his eyeballs had become that kind of appearance.

This is not the eyeball of a living person at all, but the eyeball of a living dead person.

Probably because of some decay, it was hung from the eye sockets by a trace of muscle and crawled into the glass.

And the owner of that eyeball... also can't see anything.

It just felt some noise outside the box, as well as the breath of a living person.

"This... Zombie?"

Even the Green Turtle, who was crawling on the ground, got up.

The two of them relied on the box to look sturdy, so they looked inside and looked at it carefully.

I don't know how many people are there. I just feel that it is dark and dense, and I can't see the energy.

However, withdrawing his gaze from that window, it was nothing more than a slightly larger box.

It was dusty and inconspicuous at all.

The existence of this kind of horror caused Gu Zheng and Green Turtle to bypass the box subconsciously, and by the way they discussed a few sentences with each other.

"I remember the system said that the maximum limit is 100 million... I said, the box is not full, right?"

Suddenly, the two of them did not dare to talk anymore. Thinking about the kind of creatures, it’s no wonder that this kind of transportation space is needed to solve these things. Similarly, a species that has long lost its mind and lives just like a walking dead, naturally it’s impossible. Find the essence of the next planet smoothly in this space.

In the end, he was completely imprisoned in this cage that could never be escaped, and one day he would return to the dust due to the passage of time... until death in the true sense.

This is pretty good.

Unexpectedly, this kind of space actually did some good things.

But, turning it over and thinking about it again, the Green Turtle couldn't help but smile.

The main **** system categorizes zombies and superheroes on earth as one kind of creatures.

Doesn't it mean that...their existence is not less destructive than the existence of zombies?

Thanks to this space, I am willing to give them a chance.

Some frustrated Green Turtle took the toe of his shoe and kicked a small stone stuck between the Zombie No. 2 box and the soil, and gruntly kicked the small stone under Gu Zheng's feet.


Gu Zheng, who hadn't missed a clue, bent down and twisted the stone. After Xiaowangshu scanned it, he discovered that there was a mystery in the stone.

Gu Zheng exerted force with his fingers, and among the crushed stones... a shiny ball appeared.


Seeing the Green Turtle, he yelled.

The plant of the hallucination system that doesn't know the true or false is fine. Now, the essence of this piece...has the degree of camouflage reached this point?

How can people find it!

Just when the Green Tortoise became a balloon turtle, Gu Zheng was listening carefully to the system's reminder.

‘Congratulations on finding the Essence of Race Planet (1/6), please keep up the efforts of players on earth...’

Well, not only has the number of essences needed has increased, the gates of the planet are also different.

It seems that they want to find more fragments, and they are afraid that they cannot do without the area where these boxes are located.

Regardless of how angrily the Green Turtle was, Gu Zheng lowered his head and touched his hand to the box marked with number 9.

No way, he just looked at it roughly on 1-8, and it turned out that there were all zombies inside.

Although no problems were found at the outer door, Gu Zheng stayed away from them out of caution.

"Click... Click..."

No. 9 is a unique box. It looks like a sea urchin, with thick spikes blocking anyone's approach.

Just when Gu Zheng walked around the box and felt that there was no way to go to the 10th, suddenly, a red light flickered from the pile of spikes, causing Gu Zheng who had already passed by. He came back again.

"Green Turtle...you carefully climb over and take a look, is that the essence?"

A box of this shape can only be accommodated by the Green Turtle, right?

The Green Turtle who opened the protective net was really unambiguous. Although he was a little clumsy and funny in this environment, he really didn't care about the sharp thorns around him.

The Green Turtle was just a few babbles of climbing, and he reached the position indicated by Gu Zheng, and very smoothly got the little red dot he had just discovered.

Sure enough, it was an essence, or the same kind of the essence they had just found.

‘Didi, found the essence of the race planet (2/6), please keep up the earth players...’

Hey, the Green Turtle, who heard the prompt, waved to Gu Zheng with some triumph, but in the next moment... he felt a huge force behind him...puff...push him. , Let the unprepared Green Turtle roll down like this.

If it weren't for the natural hard shell attribute of Green Turtle, if anyone were to be replaced, the only thing left would be to be pierced through by this pile of spikes~www.readwn.com~.

"Asshole! Someone is plotting against me!"

Responding to Green Turtle's complaint, Gu Zheng looked up and saw that in the center of the dark thorn, a long bright red tongue was protruding out.

At this time, one end of the tongue was shrinking back, and that position was where the Green Turtle found the essence.

What surprised Gu Zheng even more was that when the tongue was about to retract into the vent in the box, it seemed like the owner of the tongue deliberately did it. It actually rolled from the side of its tongue... A red pebble that looked exactly the same as before fell out.

Still falling in the same position, like a bait for hunting, waiting for others to come and explore.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng's face became more serious. He lowered his head to support the Green Turtle and asked in a low voice: "The blow you received just now, what if you were replaced by an ordinary person?"

The Green Turtle, who witnessed this situation, was stroking his hard tortoise shell, and returned with a lingering fear: "I'm afraid it will end up badly."

After speaking, the Green Turtle turned his back to Gu Zheng and let him take a look at the tortoise shell that had been attacked just now.

How could this be gently pushed down by someone.

There was a particularly obvious white spot on the tortoise shell that couldn't be cut with a steel knife.

There were no cracks or cracks, but a layer of white powder fell from the top, which shows how hard the blow was.

This tongue punched out a layer of Chinese medicine on the surface of the Green Turtle's shell, and it was the most delicate quality. With this attack intensity, if an ordinary superman hits it, it is really hard to say.

This should be the hunting ground for the creatures in Box 9.

Is it also the last struggle of a creature who is unwilling to die like this?

:. :

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