A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Unfortunately, the thunderstorm that hasn't stopped is not enough. The closest organism to Gu Zheng is close to a distance of one meter.

The tentacles on its body have hooked toward the front, like misty tentacles...pointing straight to Gu Zheng's eyebrows.

My life is over.

Thunder can't do it, now the only trick is to risk the third golden finger on the upper body!

At this moment, Gu Zheng made a decisive decision and yelled at Xiao Wangshu: "Trash go!"

"The upper body of the Ghostbusters system!"

Never mind why Gu Zheng chose such a system.

It was probably because Gu Zheng discovered that the pile of gold fingers he collected, whether it was a small system, basically had more physical attacks.

For this kind of illusory thing, he still intends to draw on the power of his ancestors.

As for the **** in his mouth that needs to get out?

Still need to talk?

Just occupying the pit without shit, fighting can only hide from the corner of the laughing book.

At this time Xiao Wangshu once again became a small golden ball, crying, floating on top of Gu Zheng's head.

It was like a guardian elf walking around Gu Zheng.

Only Gu Zheng and the small ball of the original host's soul who hid in his divine consciousness knew what Liao Wangshu was doing now.

It's crying.

"Why did I become a waste? I was wronged... I killed the donkey."

But Gu Zheng couldn't listen to this kind of magical sound anymore. As soon as Liao Wangshu left, the silver Ghostbusters system was already on Gu Zheng's body.

"Let me see... don't worry..."

This system is indeed a weapon for catching ghosts.

From the simple opening of the sky, to the most arrogant way of controlling ghosts, from the ordinary Qingxin Talisman to the domineering Taishang Laojun Ling, that is everything.

But the premise is... it needs to be upgraded.

For a system that has never been used, there are only three things it can do now.

Learn to be familiar with Taoist scriptures, simple ghost hunting techniques and the making of elementary talisman seals.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng received the newbie gift pack for this system, a basic mahogany sword (upgradeable), a gossip mirror (upgradeable), a seven-star rope (upgradeable), and a Taoist robe (upgradeable) .

Yes, four of the top ten ghost catching props in ancient China were given.

Let's make it, using our previous experience of messing with the madness, let's try it by drawing a gourd.

Therefore, Gu Zheng did not hesitate to draw the peach wood sword into his right hand, and then drew it in his arms in a fake manner, and then took the gossip mirror toward the group of creatures who were about to kill like this...



This time, the body of the creature that had been photographed by the mirror actually had smoke that was even bigger after being struck by thunder.

There is a door!

Although I didn't understand why the thunder and lightning restraining evil didn't work, but Gu Zheng's life was finally saved.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he took advantage of the victory, grabbed the peach wood sword in his hand, and poke the smoking creature on the body...


After being stabbed by a peach wood sword, this fierce and incompetent creature burst open on the spot, divided into traces of gray matter, and dissipated particularly happily in the densely populated space of thunderclouds.

This time, the gray mist that had lost its combat effectiveness was really dead and turned into ashes.

Because in Gu Zheng's body, the three systems in the living space opened up by Xiao Wangshu...they sounded together.

"Successfully kill a murderer, gain 200 experience points, and successfully raise the character level to level 9."

"Successfully kill a murderer, get 500 merit points, leapfrog to complete the task, and upgrade the Thunder King to level 3."

"Successfully kill a murderous ghost, complete the task by leapfrogging, and gain 500 points of Celestial Master experience. Congratulations to the host for upgrading to a fifth-level little Taoist boy."

"Comprehension, Heart-Clearing Curse, Qi Calming Curse, Elementary Exorcism Curse, Elementary Qi Watching...to get a new prop, Copper Coin Sword."

Yes, the experience value is quite high.

Gu Zheng opened his eyes and saw that there were as many as seven or eight fierce ghosts roaring in the second-level thundernet, a very strange smile appeared on his face.

"Hahaha! Experience points! I'm here! Hahaha!"

A guy who was holding his head and squirming just now is now backlashing uncharacteristically. This makes one have to wonder if this kid is crazy, right?

In fact, what Gu Zheng didn't want, was that the upper body of the three systems together was too reluctant for his current level 9 body.

All that was left for him was only five minutes.

After these five minutes, he will not only lose the abilities of at least two systems at the same time, but he may not even be able to use the strength of an ordinary person.

If Gu Zheng didn't hurry up, he was afraid that he would be killed together with the Green Turtle.

As a result, the other super people hiding in the dark corners who gathered here because of the sound of the fight were horrified to discover... this seemingly low-level super man suddenly became stronger.

Although the sword in his hand was made of wood, he used it to feel like a magic weapon.

A few people seemed to see a little red light from the point of the sword in dazzling eyes.

With Gu Zheng's fear of death, the red light became more and more prosperous.

‘Puff! ’

Another gray creature fell down.

This time, it was not enough to upgrade the first two systems, but the level of Xiaodaotong was increased by two levels.

Of course, there are more little road boys at level 7 than cows at level 5.

This made Gu Zheng even more relaxed when confronting the third murderer.

It's a pity that the level of his Taoist boy is still a bit inadequate.

Because in this system of the Ghostbusters, there are 20 levels.

Dao Tong can only become a real first-level Taoist priest after level 9, which is equivalent to upgrading from level 1 to level 2.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, due to lack of experience, after solving the three evil spirits, he has some spiritual power, dizzy eyes and trembling legs. If it weren’t for me to upgrade, remind him that he has reached level 10 as a novice villager. If he did, he was afraid that he would collapse physically and die from exhaustion before he was killed by a murderous ghost.

It's... a life-saving upgrade.

Accompanied by happiness, Gu Zheng found that...the level of the ghost catching celestial master was much harder to rise.

He killed a murderer, from level 0-5 at the beginning to level 5-7 later, when he reached the third one, he could only rise to one level.

After this forced him to take a breath, he ventured into the middle of the remaining small circle of five murderers.

There is no way, to go further is to live, and to take a step back is to die.

Just when Gu Zheng was bruised and bruised and surrounded by evil spirits, just when the Green Turtle was chased by a **** evil spirit and screamed, the experts in the ghost hunting world, the group of monsters in the East, came. .

I don't know what they think, but Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle are standing on the sidelines one by one and making comments.

"Oh, there are other creatures here." A Taoist wearing a golden silk robe rubbed his eyes without any image: "Ha, what did I see? Are there ghosts in outer space?"

"No, no, no, although it's only a low-level murderer, it looks like it's a bit more murderous than the one on earth."

"Have you noticed that this is not the kind of murderous ghost we caught, this kind of murderous ghost is physical, it is a creature that can be seen by everyone."

"Tsk tusk, itchy hands, I want to try my skills."

When the old Taoist said here, he really took out a talisman from his large sleeves, and was about to throw it on a fierce ghost in the field. A big bald head on the side prevented him from wanting to help. the behavior of.

"Don't do it first, brother Dao, haven't you noticed anything strange?"

"What's the matter? Bald...monk?"

The donkey didn't say it, the old way slanted his mouth and took a step in the opposite direction of the great monk beside him.

Since they are all separated from the earth, don't pretend to be a religious family.

His little Taoist temple is indisputable in the world. It was built on the top of a beautiful hill. Who would have imagined that a group of dead monks came and took up half of the hillside. Burning incense every day is the same as burning a mountain. The incense of the Taoist temple is almost robbed. .

My mother, the Taoism, who does what you want and rules by doing nothing, is the opponent of this group of monks.

but now?

Humph, I listen to you as a bald donkey based on your hair?

Seeing that this Taoist priest was still trying, the great monk could only point to Gu Zheng, who had been injured and killed the two vicious ghosts again, reminding this old Taoist to take a look.

"Look, you see, that is a superhero from the Western sect, but it uses my Eastern magic."

"So, we should figure it out carefully and fudge it... No, it's lobbying into my Eastern Fairy Alliance."

"He is destined to my Eastern sect."

After being said by the great monk, the old Taoist priest turned his gaze on the fierce ghost... to the weak aura and the little Taoist boy he had left on earth... Gu Zheng's body.

Looking at it this way, he really saw some clues.


"This kid is spiritual, he is actually the purest ghost hunting branch of the Heavenly Master sect."

"Not bad!"

Just when the old Taoist man twirled his beard and shook his head and was gratified for his Taoist successors, he brushed and hacked Gu Zheng's body after the two murderous ghosts, unexpectedly followed by an escalating light.

Xiao Dao Tong successfully upgraded to level 9, and the experience points that he was almost promoted to become the second-largest Taoist priest directly engulfed Gu Zheng's whole body with a faint light.

And this halo also successfully caused the old Taoist priest to pull off two of his three beards, and pointed at Gu Zheng with bright eyes and shouted: "Breakthrough during the battle!"

"Really! His aura level has broken through!!"

"Genius! This is a combat genius!"

Just after the old Taoist yelled, the great monk on the side put his hands together: "Amitabha, Daoist, I see that young people should have a destiny with my Buddha. When the battle is over, they should be absorbed into my east. Among sects."

"My Tenryu Temple was originally the Vajra Temple for demons and demons. It is especially suitable for the type of benefactor..."

The great monk hadn’t finished speaking yet, and the old Taoist priest didn’t care about yelling. He turned his head and took out a sword from his sleeve. Then he felt that everyone was still in the same group for the time being. Appropriately, after putting it back in again, it was replaced with a scripture.

The old Taoist priest didn't pay attention to what it was, and patted the forehead of the unsuspecting monk.

Just in time for that sentence, I will follow your forehead... it is a Tao Te Ching...

The big monk who hit... swallowed the rest of the words into his stomach.

Just when the spectators off the field fought for Gu Zheng, the protagonist of the event was unable to spare any effort to look around.

Because after he successfully solved the two, there were still three murderers left in the game.

These three indescribable substances finally seized the opportunity, and screamed... they pounced on Gu Zheng's body.

One grabbed Gu Zheng’s Tianling Gai, and two embraced Gu Zheng’s front and back waists, and the ‘baby babble’ pulled out a little bit of blood from Gu Zheng’s flesh and blood!

not good! Even if he solves one of them on the spot, the remaining two will be enough to catch him.

Gu Zheng decisively pointed his fingers upwards, and the small book jumped to his fingertips. The Thor system flew out of Gu Zheng’s body on the spot, and went straight into the system’s books. At the same time, another system ball that has been matched also rushed straight up from the inner core of the book, replacing the Thor system with a swish, and then submerged into Gu Zheng's shell.

‘The free shuttle system will take you to the three thousand worlds. ’

Very good, it really suits him now.

When Gu Zheng was in the system, he did not hesitate to activate the only elementary function that the system can use now, Tu Escape.

Thanks to Gu Zheng, a kid who likes to observe the surrounding environment. When he entered this biological prison, he deliberately stamped his feet on the ground, and then proceeded to the front after making sure that it was covered with soft soil. discovery.

Otherwise, it is really hard to say whether this basic free shuttle can be effective.

Because this system has only one initial skill, and that is the use of earth escape.

As for the function of breaking itself down into particles and integrating into any environment at the end, Gu Zheng was afraid he would not be able to enjoy it.

But it was such an elementary skill that successfully pulled him out of the Grim Reaper's hands.

After his skills were activated, he twisted his whole body... and instantly disappeared from the ground.

The three murderous ghosts who had lost their target first stood still for a while in the place where Gu Zheng had existed a second before, and then uttered fierce and angry screams.


There is still a trace of Gu Zheng's flesh and blood on their paws, but they have already lost their goal.

where? Where is it?

The food that reached the mouth just disappeared, making the murderers angry.

The murderous ghosts who don't have any autonomous thinking...in the next second they swayed this anger on the crowd watching the lively audience.

Since you dare to appear in front of us, let's take your life.

Under the influence of many onlookers outside the court, the murderous ghost who had originally held a group finally divided into three independent individuals, and rushed in different directions.

Gu Zheng's crisis was finally lifted.

So what kind of state is Gu Zheng now?

He curled up in an extremely uncomfortable posture at a depth of two meters under the ground, his face flushed and he was digging into the ground.

This cheating primary system, this cheating initial skill.

Not only is there a limit to the time of skill release, there is also a skill ceiling.

After the time is up for these two items, a certain amount of buffering is needed.

As for the state after the system skill loses its effect, Gu Zheng is now like this. If he buried himself, he could only save himself by digging a hole.

If he hadn't had a tenth-level strong physique and a large enough lung capacity, he would be suffocated to death in the ground.

It's no wonder that this system, which is very high-level, is the lowest-level gray system among the system levels.

Bah baah baah!

Gu Zheng was very disgusted by spitting out the mud and sand in his mouth, and he was happy when he raised his head in the big hole just dug into the ground.

The circle of people who watched the excitement around him was so lively that they jumped with them.

The people on the east side were pretty good. An old Taoist priest took a whisk with only two hairs left, and he wrapped the murderer under his hand, playing research tricks.

There is also a great monk beside him. At this time, he will also chase the Green Turtle. Dangdang... The murderous ghost who bit his shell is restrained in front of him, while chanting Buddhism. Expelling the spell while observing the reaction of the murderer.

Those fierce ghosts that made Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle a headache are like being isolated by the big monk in a small independent space~www.readwn.com~ hitting left and right and spinning in front of the big monk. Turning around like a fly in a glass cover.

As for the curse that the great monk chanted, it really had some effect. The superposition of sentences made the figure of the murderous ghost gradually thin and weak.

The mists of black and gray colors just ascended and dissipated, quite a bit of a feeling of demons and demons.

Corresponding to the ease of the East is the embarrassment of the West.

What gamma, turret, X-ray, it's all useless to evil spirits.

Several elements and entities attacked superheroes because they couldn't dodge, and they were ripped off by the murderer.

All of a sudden, a **** air swayed over there.

"Damn it! What a hell!"

"Friends of China! Help!"

A few smarter super people have already started to run towards where the people from the east are. Compared with face, life is more important.

Just as the Westerners were about to collapse, rumbling...a group of superheroes who were not in the normal category marched straight in from a distance.

It was a lustful skull riding a very windy motorcycle, swinging a whip in his hand, and waving towards what he thought was evil.

"Get rid of the evil spirits in the world, you are only worthy to wander between hell!"


After saying this, the **** knight's whip curled up a fierce ghost and issued a judgment from hell.

Following this move of the Hell Knight, the vampires, werewolves, bathing mud weirdos, and the exorcist squad behind him... they rushed in the direction of the other murderer.


ps: The book "Host's Brain Pain" is on the shelves, the poison is not dead!

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