A genius remembers the address of this station in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Those are the people who have not yet run out of the station, they are only a few meters away from the marking line on the periphery of the station, standing within that range... …The super-powerful man who is still struggling to run...like being squeezed by an invisible force on the ground.

But the ability of this group of people is not enough to contend with this kind of power.

The people on the periphery of the area looked at a normal person in front of him... without warning, they were crushed into a flat piece of meat that couldn't be seen.

The bones were shattered into powder, the flesh and blood stuck to the surface with only a shallow layer of skin, the skin was intact, but it became a large sheet, all the fillings belonging to the inside were pressed out by this high pressure, but no body fluids occurred. The phenomenon of splashing, but along with the strong pressure, spreads on the ground, without any disgusting water splashing up.

Everyone seemed to have witnessed the whole process of ironing bean worm.

Several super people with not very strong psychological endurance showed unbearable expressions.

"What's going on?" The Green Turtle muttered to himself: "Could it be that this is the consequence of staying in the station after the statute of limitations?"

Thinking of the Green Turtle here, he grabbed Gu Zheng's arm and he couldn't express his gratitude: "Thank you, Gu Zheng, thank you! You saved my life!"

If he knew that the consequence of not leaving was this way of death, Green Turtle felt that he would never be a hero in the first place...let Gu Zheng leave him alone.

This method of death is too tragic, but no matter how inhumane it looks, none of the surrounding people dare to go back and save others.

Because even the powerful Saint Seiya couldn't guarantee that if they stretched one arm over, they would be able to resist being crushed into meatloaf.

Just when everyone was sighing, Gu Zheng, who opened the three-dimensional map, gradually changed his face.

Because the red color in the map, which is equivalent to the warning information, was actually rippling under his feet.

"No! Come with me!"

Gu Zheng Gu didn't say much, pulling the Green Turtle and rushing out of the relatively densely crowded area, and quickly ran toward the front.

"What's wrong? Gu Zheng?"

At this time, the Green Turtle was a little confused.

Gu Zheng, who didn't dare to pause at his feet, just yelled: "We are standing in a new area! The danger is under your feet!"

After Gu Zheng's reminder, Green Turtle looked down and his face changed color in an instant.

Because the new area they set foot in was actually made of sandy soil... bedding with jagged bones.

At the very edge of the station, perhaps because of the high pressure, the bones were crushed into powder, so that the unsuspecting person would still use ordinary white sandstone to pave the road.

But with Gu Zheng's pulling and officially entering this area, the Green Turtle saw the true face of this road.

The bones of different sizes and different positions are intertwined, supporting the land in this area.

Just looking at it like this, a chill spread from the soles of the feet to the top of the head.

And Gu Zheng also said that if you want to step on his footsteps, you can't make any mistakes. The Green Turtle knows that there is still an unknown danger under the road to the bones.


This wave after wave of things, the increasingly tragic unknown, made everyone's heart heavy.

This kind of thing may be just a troublesome challenge for someone who is strong enough to guard against the sky.

But for the middle-to-lower level of super-powered people like Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle, it is a great pressure.

When the two people ran out for nearly a hundred meters in silence, and the white bone area was still in the middle of nowhere, Gu Zheng felt that it was necessary to tell his companions some good news.

For the two of them now, the best news is the essence of the planet.

"Say good news?"

"Thanks to the **** of chicken feet, we found 36 planet essences in the station area."

"If the time can be longer, it will be better for the two of us to have more choices."

Having said this, Gu Zheng found a huge bone as a foothold, climbed two or three times to the smooth convex part of the bone, and pulled the Green Turtle up by the way.

"Look, it's all here. Of these 36 essence fragments, 20 belong to that chaotic planet, but I found the essence of 6 mechanical planets, so we have one more choice in the door."

"As for the rest..."

Gu Zheng, who said here, paused for a while, then sighed and talked about his earlier guess to Green Turtle, because the ten essences he is holding now are exactly what he guessed. It is a large number of planet fragments.

Essence of Chaos Planet (10/3000)

There are nearly 8,000 fragments of the two planets combined, which also means that only the two doors need to be opened to transport most of the people in this space.

As for the remaining bits and pieces, and whether there are any quotas?

Gu Zheng felt that after this period of wear and tear, when the door was officially opened, there were only a few thousand numbers left.

This speculation made the Green Turtle both worried and excited.

But the essence of these dozens of pieces in the hands of the two of them is their current confidence.

As for the worry, it was just a superman who had the same experience as them.

As people on earth who have the same disease, they are obliged to remind them.

As for the people in the different world who didn't know where the thousands came from?

Who cares about their life and death?

When the Green Turtle said his thoughts, Gu Zheng also agreed.

The two people discussed it to the end, and the result turned out to be very consistent, that is, someone from the Eastern Sect Alliance must be found to take the lead in this matter.

Because for the Western heroes, who are not satisfied with anyone, have grudges and grudges, and are comparable to the scheming of the old ladies in the harem, the unity of the Orientals is obviously better.

When the two were analyzing who to look for, a faint voice sounded behind them: "Just find me, I'll help you contact the big troops in the east!"

Gu Zheng was so scared that he slid out and almost slipped off the big bone stick.

If it wasn't for the Green Turtle on the side to grab his clothes quickly and quickly, he would be the first hero who surrendered to the dangerous pit.


After the angry Gu Zheng climbed onto the bones, he yelled at the position behind him, and even put a thunder in his hand.


Xiao Lei Hua'er exploded in mid-air, and outlined a hidden and perfect figure!

When did I even follow someone behind me!

Surprised, Gu Zheng subconsciously recalled the three-dimensional map of Xiao Wangshu.

No! Nothing at all!

The thunder-light figure that appeared to his naked eyes as a result of the attack was empty on the map with nothing!

After the horror, Gu Zheng held up his hand and planned to place another lightning bolt at that location, but the human substance jumped his feet and waved his hands to stop his next attack.

"Stop! You little boy, don't chop again!"

As the voice fell, this person also revealed his true face.

It turned out to be the same monk he encountered when dealing with evil spirits at first.

Because of their sensitivity to Gu Zheng’s ability, the two used a blinding method to keep following behind the Gu Zheng duo. Not only did they succeed in avoiding the cracks that had nowhere to hide, they also succeeded in rushing. Jue has followed all the way here.

Don't tell me, it's really nice to follow up.

While safe, you can also pick up leaks.

By carefully observing Gu Zheng's behavior pattern, the monk together came to an amazing conclusion.

This child should be the god-wife system who has inherited the most traditional Eastern cultivation system, who invites the gods to catch the ghosts.

And how can such talents be lost in the West?

So when Gu Zheng expressed his willingness to cooperate with Dongfang, the old Taoist priest behind him finally couldn't help but jump out.

Regarding the recruitment of the old Taoist priests, Gu Zheng was still surprised: "But how do you shield the senses of the two of us so that we can follow them silently?"

Gu Zheng still has lingering fears about the methods of Taoist priests and monks.

The old Taoist who was asked about coming here was quite proud.

He took out the talisman in his hand and dangled it twice in front of Gu Zheng, with the smell of a big bad wolf tempting Little Red Riding Hood, and slowly said: "This is the invisibility talisman of our Taoist school. Together with it, it conceals the consciousness of others. If it’s not for a power that is two levels higher than us, I’m afraid we’ll never be able to see where we are.”

"How is it? Little friend is interested in learning, I think you should have also learned the orthodox ghost hunting method, right?"

"He should be a child of my Taoism. If you know how to use the ghost catching talisman, you should be able to use this interest-trapping talisman. As the saying goes, if you practice, you will definitely get started quickly."

Gu Zheng could only respond with an awkward smile to the old Taoist's proposal.

His family knows his own affairs and how his ability to catch ghosts and use the seals came from, he knew in his heart.

As a Level 2 Taoist priest, Gu Zheng is very clear about his position.

He belongs to the bug with the plug-in installed, so he can only explore and upgrade himself, and through cultivation...probably it can only play a role in strengthening the body and increasing the lifespan.


Wait, increase life span.

Thinking of here, a small star appeared in Gu Zheng's eyes, and he handed over to the old Taoist priest: "This Taoist, as a descendant of Yan Huang, I have long admired the East for a long time."

"To tell you the truth, my teammate and I are all of Chinese descent, and there is absolutely no trace of Western blood."

"Our ancestors used three algebras, and they floated out of the cities in the southeast coast."

"This one, the hometown of Sichuan cuisine, which is in Sichuan."

"I want to cultivate immortality very honestly, should the Taoist accept us as disciples?"

Hearing that the old Taoist priest was exasperated, who would have thought that the great monk who claimed to be a shit-catching stick came out at this moment: "Donor, you have a destiny with me in Buddhism!"

"You are a man of great kindness, a man of heaven. I think you have lotus merits on your head and life in the underworld. You must be a good person of the ninth generation. No, maybe more generations."

"Like a person of great kindness like you, it's time to cultivate my Buddhism together."

The great monk's words of robbing people can be regarded as poking the lung tube of the old Taoist priest.

At this time, he didn’t care about any plastic flower-like monk-dao alliance, he jumped his feet and pointed at the other’s nose and cursed: "You bald donkey, I have tolerated you for a long time. According to the provisions of Article 1789 of the Eastern Alliance Law, we You can't fight trivial things on the earth."

"But where are you now? Out of space, right? Haha, bald donkey, there are no laws and regulations to protect you anymore, rob me 196 chances, 311 apprentice bald donkeys, look at the sword!!"

After the roar, the old Taoist priest kept his hands and drew out a shining seven-star sword... He chased the defenseless monk on his bones and killed Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle. I have forgotten.

Seeing this shameless farce, the naked Green Turtle pulled on Gu Zheng's cuff: "Gu Zheng, are we really going to go to such an unreliable person?"

Gu Zheng, who was covering his face, had no choice but to say that, yet the huge bone they were sitting under shook violently.

At this moment, the monk and the Taoist priests couldn't care about internal fighting, and several people looked serious and looked towards the bone road below.

The bones in the sky below have come back to life like a tide of bones at the abyss level.

What is the so-called bone tide?

Even in the abyss layer and even in the underworld in the east, there is a layer of bones that strayed into this place.

Every time the ghost gate opens, or when the underworld is surging, the bones of this layer will be affected.

The lost soul or the fleeing ghost, with the help of a bone frame to attack the weakest barrier layer of the underworld and reality at that time.

If they succeed, they can be resurrected in another way.

The essence attached to the bones swallows the souls of the living people to nourish their souls, strips off the flesh of the living people, and fills their own skeletons.

In the end, the more living people eat, the more popular they become.

It was actually able to achieve the ability to walk in the crowd during the day.

Become a big monster, but in the West is called a demon king.

Although the bone layer is the most difficult to practice, it is difficult to achieve one barrier impact once every 10,000 times.

But there is always hope, isn't it?

So time after time, year after year, back and forth, I always have to come here for a while. This well-informed monk has also had the honor to have seen it several times.

Because they are around the broken barrier, they are only responsible for repairing the seal and solving the missing fish. Have they ever seen such a horrible scene?

This is the first time they face the bone-to-shine wave in person.

But the old guy is still the old guy after all.

A monk who lived long enough, immediately reacted, and immediately converted into a combat mode.

Of course, the two people who had already put Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle under his own banner did not forget these two dazed little friends.

They didn't expect Gu Zheng and the two to be effective, they only hoped that they could keep up with them in the process of fighting and fleeing.

Because the coping style of bone tide has been popularized from the generations of their great ancestors and great ancestors.

That is to run as hard as you can, to the end of the bones, to be considered an escape.

Because unless the bone tide grinds all the bones under the feet into bone meal, even if it is broken bones, a trace of soul can assemble it into a complete skeleton.

No, under the thick pile of bones that can't be seen in the bottom, ‘clap’... Numerous bone claws popped up, squeezed and opened slowly, and the people were chilly and the hairs were standing upright.

"Two little friends! Keep up!"

The veteran Taoist was very powerful. He changed from the wretched appearance of chasing and killing the great monk just now, with a sense of immortality and unattainable aura that ordinary people did not have, and he took the lead to kill with the Seven-Star Sword.


The old Taoist who leaped down, waved it, and the densely packed white bone claws smashed into pieces.

"Hurry up!"

There is no need for the old Taoist priests, and those who don't even look at it will use a very fast speed... to kill forward.

But the great monk standing on the bones smiled slightly, pointed to the road that had been cleared by the old Dao, and said to Gu Zheng, "Hurry up."

"After the White Bone Road was cleared by the Eastern Daoist, although it will recover more slowly than the nearby places, it still needs to be restored to its original state."

"We don't want to lose the goodwill of the Taoist leader, it's better to keep up with it!"

After finishing talking about ~www.readwn.com~, he wrapped the robes, fluttered and jumped off the bones, waved towards the two of Gu Zheng, and walked along the road ahead.

"Yes, keep up!"

At this time, Gu Zheng looked at the dense red dots and lines on the three-dimensional map, and they were all intertwined to form the densest spider web. Looking at the only road with no red bones on it, what else does he have? understandable?

Only by following a monk can we live safely.

The two of them no longer hesitate, swish... They ran fast, but they followed the footsteps of the great monk after a while, but the road under their feet was cleaned up, these lonely ghosts who didn’t know where they came from were actually It makes people really uncomfortable.

Let the air in the tide of the bones be a bit colder than the place next to it.

Following the Taoist monk for less than ten meters, Gu Zheng and the Green Turtle shivered.

A layer of white frost quickly gathered on the hair and eyebrows of the two people.

If it weren't for the firepower of the two of them, and their physical abilities were different from ordinary people, they would have died in this gloomy environment now.

"It's so cold!"

The Green Turtle subconsciously emerged from his tortoise shell, allowing the cold to be isolated from his shell.

On the other hand, Gu Zheng used some fire-type systems and pretended to burn out a fire, but when he brought a small flame close to his palm to keep warm, he found that the flame was actually covered by the surrounding shadows. The cold air was frozen into a small blue ice sculpture.

"I go!"

This is too scary.

Hearing the exclamation behind him, the great monk who turned his head understood what was going on.

He didn't explain much, but twisted the Buddha beads hanging on his wrist between his fingers, and while gently turning it, he recites the curse.

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