The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1360: New streets, new vendors

Everyone is sensible. Seeing the deputy director patrolling the captains in the area bordering Fuyi Street with eager little eyes, these people began to shrink their necks subconsciously, reducing their efforts... their sense of existence .

Director Fang felt anxious when he saw this reaction from the person under his hand.

You people! No one volunteered, did they?

Then he will...point your soldiers and point the old man, one, two, three, it's you.

Who did Chief Fang ordered?

It was on the head of Gu Zheng who stood furthest away from him after he entered the door.

No way, Gu Zheng's jurisdiction is right next to Fuyi Street, and his home is the closest household to that street. Who should he not appoint him?

Besides, Gu Zheng's application to join the party has been approved.

He has become an honorable party member.

As a comrade of the party, should you set an example, raise the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and not being tired, and rush to the front of ordinary colleagues to do more important and hard work!

Nothing wrong, so let's do it.

At this point, Gu Zheng was not hypocritical. He responded to Director Fang’s particularly brilliant smile, and said loudly: "Guaranteed to complete the task! Director!"

What I want is your words, this little comrade is still very good.

The promotion is a little bit faster, and the age is a little lighter, but people are really not afraid of things.

Director Fang, who had a better impression of Gu Zheng, left the field office happily.

Fu Sheng, who was sitting in his seat, gave Gu Zheng a hand: "You are stupid. I won't tell you if there is an extra road section, and I won't give you any money."

"Who are the people working on that road? Don't you know? It's not easy to deal with!"

Yes, compared with people who drive muck trucks and build building materials, the small merchants and hawkers who run away when they see the city management... are so cute.

But Gu Zheng has the confidence, he is not afraid!

Confident Gu Zheng took his team members and started walking towards the door of the office.

Just two steps out, he turned back again.

Smiling at the dazed Uncle Fu Sheng, he spread his palms out in front of the opponent: "Uncle, I heard that a new batch of pickup trucks have entered the bureau?"

"Send me a joke?"

This is the captain of the squad, and he dislikes the price drop of the van he originally drove.

But after hearing this, Fu Sheng stared at Gu Zheng with an indescribable expression, and only asked: "Are you sure?"

Do you need to be sure if you want a new car?

Although Gu Zheng felt strange, he nodded firmly.

Just kidding, his van whose door is about to fall can't be driven anymore, okay.

I heard that the bureau has arranged new cars in a unified manner, and the benefits that should be received are always essential.

With a dazed look, Gu Zheng also said to the team members next to him: "Uncle Fu Sheng is really weird...getting a car..."

As for the latter, Gu Zheng didn't say anything.

Because he was standing in the parking lot of the Fengtai sub-bureau where the defense force was doubled, he felt the efforts made by the bureau to save money.

The brand new car key in his hand corresponds to the pickup truck in parking lot No. 6.

If this new car is a pickup, it is better to say that it is a Pikachu.

The round nose, with curved glass, only the front of the two seats is shaped like this... it looks even more compact and cute.

If it was just that the front of the car had been reduced a little, Gu Zheng would have no objection, but the problem is that in order to match the design of the vehicle, the rear bucket, which is especially important for urban management, has become a bit more compact.

This small pickup, at a glance, was the size of an off-road vehicle.

The final length is the same as an extended version of a business car... it is exquisite and compact.

This is not domineering at all!

Since the job instructions to be able to do nothing and to smile at all times during the law enforcement process were issued, the prestige of the urban management has decreased a lot.

Now, with this kind of vehicle, are you planning to let the city administrators act as the mascot of the city?

The domineering Gu Zheng exhaled at once.

He could not linger to look at the van that would have a car accident at any time, and reluctantly inserted the pickup key in his hand into the keyhole, and opened the new car that still smelled of leather.

Don't tell me, this domestic patrol car is really good.

The price of bulk purchases in the bureau has also been given a considerable discount.

A small pickup truck costs 80,000 yuan in total.

Thinking about the amount of money, Gu Zheng was relieved.

Want to buy a sturdy card with this money?

Dream it.


Pikachu, printed with the city management logo, drove towards the intended destination, and behind the car were two ordinary Jinbei breads that were three times harder than it.

After the three vehicles arrived in the patrol area, they separated automatically, and took a van with more people to patrol the old streets, while Gu Zheng took his newly assigned assistant, who was just transferred to the current brigade. The deputy captain is going to take a look at Fuyi Street.

Let’s talk about the streets of the capital. After the morning and evening peaks, they are still clean and tidy. There is nothing to complain about.

But as soon as Gu Zheng turned to the right from the main road, he thought he had hallucinations.

A point to the south of this Fuyi Street is the Caoqiao of the South Third Ring Road, and a point to the north is a small alley leading to Youanmen Hospital, and you are outside Xiejie.

There are two roads, one big and one small, one in front and one in the back, regardless of the difference in scale, but they are finally clean and tidy.

Take a look at this Fuyi Street, which is open to the outside world.

It was a brand new road with sand and garbage all over the floor, it was like a desolate and run-down ghost town trail.

On the side of the milky white fence newly installed on the street, a dense weed grows.

Dog tails, bisons, and dandelions are squeezed out from the gaps in these fences, hanging in the bicycle lane, blooming with the greenery of summer.

One or two gray mice ran by occasionally, followed by a cat or dog, which was dirty, and was definitely the product of abandonment in the city.

Just this street?

It's the Fuyi Street between the Second and Third Ring Roads, adjacent to the West Rail Camp Wanda, which is the only way to catch up with the newly opened mansion?

Are you kidding me?

This kind of street doesn't even appear in the small cities of the fourth tier.

While driving while patrolling the surrounding Gu Zheng, his brows became more frowning. It is no wonder that when Director Fang came to the office, everyone was huddled together.

Dare to love him, who has recently asked for leave, doesn't know the doorway inside.

But what can we do now?

Everything was done by him, so he could only bite the bullet and do it.

Gu Zheng, who had accepted his fate, felt that the environment here still needs to be gradually improved.

As a city manager, what he wants to do is to drive away the scattered vendors on this street.

Probably this group of people did not receive a definite letter, and they suddenly opened the street today, and they were embarrassed by themselves.

When Gu Zheng drove the urban management truck to the spontaneous flea market, they wanted to run, but it was too late.

Besides, can they not know what they sell themselves?

Isn’t it just the gain that is not worth the loss if you are caught fined for this kind of thing?

Therefore, when Gu Zheng slowed down and got out of the window, he stuck his head out and shouted, "Hey!..."

Behind: Stop, I haven't finished talking about the prohibition of stalls here... These sturdy-faced second-hand owners just ran into their vans and moved their vehicles with lightning. , Without looking back, drilled into the alley inside the Xitieying.

Gu Zheng, whose face was sprayed with exhaust gas, was stunned on the spot, staring at the sheets and old clothes on the floor.

This unscientific!

How about your courage not to lose the guy who eats?

What about your spirit of protecting your personal property even if you are killed?

Why... just ran away like this?

What about the good fighting spirit?

This, what to do with the goods in this place!

Gu Zheng's dumbfoundedness was really good.

The scraps of money that the migrant workers who went to work in twos and threes had originally taken out were put back into their pockets.

Not only that, but a few daring ones also looked at each other. After confirming the signals in each other's eyes, it was like a hungry tiger rushing towards the more expensive second-hand goods.

Don't underestimate the behavioral patterns of these temporary intentions. Their purposeful approach allows them to complete the following tasks in a very short period of time.

The first step is to accurately find the location of the second-hand luggage sales booth, and securely grab the most expensive luggage pocket, but it must be the largest.

In the second step, carrying such a large and capable bag, rushed to the vendor where he needed to purchase the most, and started to draw whatever he didn't care about.

In the third step, after more than half of the pockets in their hands were filled, this group of workers, who were not really greedy, began to rush in the direction of retreat.

In the last step, during the retreat, every stall along the way will have a glance.

If he met the right one, he would bend down and pick up one or two pieces, and squeeze them into the luggage that still had more power.

When they finished all of this and dispersed, Gu Zheng, whose eyes were as wide as a bell, turned off and got out of the car just now, with his arms deep inside making a stop.

All that was left for the captain was the mess all over the floor and the little whirlwind that didn't slip away.

For the first time, Gu Zheng understood what the great power of the people is.

And this kind of second-hand goods floating between stolen goods and confiscated materials also made Gu Zheng too lazy to chase after the group of construction workers who were not easy.

Now that the guilty vendor ran away, so did the worker brothers who bought it.

Then, all that is left for Gu Zheng is cleaning.

Look at the new captain. Gu Zheng hasn’t talked a few words yet. He who doesn’t know the number of the routes tentatively said to this comrade who is seven or eight years older than him: "Captain Liu, we two Shall we start counting the illegal materials?"

Who would have imagined that after seeing the goods, Deputy Captain Liu, who was still smiling in the car, took out a handkerchief from his pocket with disgust, covered his mouth and nose, and walked from next to the co-pilot’s seat. , Drew down a civilization stick he had brought with him, stirred up old goods on a fairly clean stall, and replied with disgust: "What do you take?"

"These things, I will let people from the Sanitation Department come over and clean them up!"

"Our place is not a garbage sorting station. If we accept everything, is it worthy of our identity?"

There is some truth to this, but inside this vendor, it is not just as simple as second-hand goods.

It's like a few big carts here, with feather dusters stuck in the handles, and all the pots and pans that can be handled twice.

This kind of things are not second-hand goods. Most of them are defective products from regular ceramic manufacturers. Because they are not good-looking, ordinary citizens will not buy them home and use them.

But these cups and chopsticks, even handmade insoles, coasters, etc., are real things.

If they were shoveled into the garbage truck together, wouldn't they all be wasted?

Therefore, Gu Zheng intends to save another one. He made another suggestion: "Then Captain Liu is a little bit tired. Let's distinguish the valuable from the worthless?"

This is the truth. Captain Liu should have no objections this time, right?

Who would have thought, this slightly hypocritical deputy captain looked at him with a look of whether you were stupid, and replied naturally: "We still need to do this thing? That group association What does the steward take the money for?"

"Let them do it!"

Come on!

After two or three sentences, I understood who this deputy captain Liu was.

It was the first time that Gu Zheng had contact with this Deputy Captain Liu, who had been transferred from Daxingping.

Logically speaking, the transfer from the outer suburban county area to the city center is a promotion, but Gu Zheng always felt that this person was driven away by the original branch bureau?

Just when he wanted to say to the other party: No need, when he saw the useful ones on his own and it ended soon after, Deputy Captain Liu over there had already taken a phone call and took pictures of the van that had gone to patrol elsewhere.

"Hey, who, Xiao Feng, Lao Li, you drove people over..."

"What's the matter? Receive the goods!"

By the time Gu Zheng wanted to stop it, it was too late.

The people over there thought that they were in serious trouble, and they had already hung up the phone, they were afraid they might rush over here.

Seeing the complacency of Captain Liu who had finished making the call, Gu Zheng felt that he didn't bother to talk nonsense with this kind of person.

Not all the way.

I'd better go to work first, and then think of a way to remove this kind of person from my team.

Gu Zheng, who didn't say much, started quickly. In the strange eyes of Captain Liu, he quickly scanned the remaining stalls in the street.

Just start with the most useful stalls.


One person pushed two big pallets horizontally.

Thanks to this road just opened, the direction to go is the new real estate and the new shopping mall.

Because there were alternative roads originally, drivers couldn't think of passing through here for a while.

So this road is still empty with few cars.

Otherwise, just these two pallets can block the entire lane.

When Gu Zheng layed out the large porcelain bowls on the first cart and placed them in the hard-to-break baskets, the van that was supposed to go to the south to patrol also rushed over in white smoke.

This is completely different from the imagination of the people in the car.

On the phone, their newly appointed deputy captain made the situation particularly confusing.

But when they got there, they realized that their Captain Gu had already settled the matter, and now it was a finishing touch.

Seeing this, the two little team members couldn't help but muttered in a low voice: "I knew it was the airborne man who committed hypocrisy again!"

"Have we suffered less?"

The two old players who were walking in the front turned their heads and glared at the two boys behind, and lowered their voices and said, "Let you do it, keep it quiet, don't let him hear it!"

So careful?

It's not because that Deputy Captain Liu doesn't look like a big-minded person.

A few people walked up to the captain and helped to get alive without saying a word.

For the hard work of the players, the captain Liu seemed very satisfied.

He glanced at the big sun above his head, covered the top of his head with his hand, bent over and returned to the co-pilot's seat.

Ha ha……

Gu Zheng, who saw this, glanced at each other with the team members, and started chatting while working.

Of course, the theme of gossip revolves around this uncle.

Pretend to be an uncle in front of Gu Ye, and let him know how to write the word father sooner or later.

His players are worthy of being the subordinates of the elite captain, and a couple of sentences will clarify the origin of the captain Liu.

As expected by Gu Zheng, it was really run out.

If it's not for a small relationship at home, I'm afraid it is not so simple to answer.

I don't know how this person is thinking about it. Maybe he really thinks he is a talent before he is transferred to work in the city?

In short, after this guy came to the new branch, he didn't see a low-key, on the contrary, he still kept his heart, and ran farther and farther on the road of hypocrisy.

If this Deputy Captain Liu is an office worker, his problem is really not a problem, but the problem is that he is in a field job position, which is simply a deduction of points.

Gu Zheng, who shook his head, turned his head and walked towards a place in the booth that looked pretty clean.

When he pulled twice with a tree branch, which looked like 80% of the new clothes and pants, he felt something was wrong.

Although here are all the camouflage clothing, labor insurance money, and clothing that the peasant brothers like to buy the most.

But both in terms of texture and color, they are much better than ordinary old clothes.

After Gu Zheng removed the position of the neckline trademark, it was discovered that these were all products with the signs cut.

Those camouflage-like clothes floated on the top of the clothes pile, and there were only a few pieces.

Underneath... is actually the assault clothes hanging in the shopping mall that have to be priced at several hundred.

Gu Zheng frowned and didn't dare to take it directly. Instead, he took the stick and pulled it to the sides. After the cloth was stretched, it still had a bit of tenacity and was very strong.

This is not like the kind of goods that can appear on the flea market.

As for the price of these clothes.

Gu Zheng pulled a pile of waste cardboard underneath a pile of clothes.

The two numbers written in the rough with a pen above, 9, 19, are not the price at which a piece of old clothes of this grade can be sold.

There was a problem with these clothes. Gu Zheng's first reaction was that he was afraid that he might have encountered poisonous garbage.

After he reacted, he stopped the people around him from grabbing the clothes with his hands.

Ask everyone to gather next to the car, call the Sanitation Department and inform the police station here at Xitieying.

As for those migrant workers who fled, they must be found immediately now.

Find a professional person to seal it up and send it to the relevant department for testing. These things are not what they should be responsible for in urban management.

However, it is their duty to follow the source to find the poisonous clothes that were taken away under their noses and follow the vines to find the source of the trafficking.

Gu Zheng had a very clear task arrangement. After two or three phone calls, he arranged the matter.

As for the location of the construction workers, it is quite simple to find.

Due to work needs, Gu Zheng, the outfield person in charge of several construction units nearby, has all the telephone numbers.

To make the matter more serious, say that the old clothes carry cholera, plague, or even HIV, so I am not afraid that the workers will not take the initiative to return the clothes.

Gu Zheng was right.

The surrounding units move faster.

They just sealed these stalls with simple blocking lines, and the sanitation, sanitation, and police units over there rushed over.

Several people in white coats sealed Gu Zhengxian's booth with special bags. After confirming that there were no similar items in the remaining booths, they classified the unusable goods to the Environmental Sanitation Bureau. Sweep away and then contact the police department. The whole incident is clearly explained, and the other party will follow this clue for follow-up investigations.

The veteran police in the police station is responsible for this.

He can probably also detect that this is a line, and it may be handed over to a higher-level department in the end, but the credit is always due to him, so this old policeman is quite attentive.

When I asked, I was a little careful.

"Captain Gu, you said where did the migrant workers go? There are so many workers in this area, and the situation on the construction site is also complicated. It is very difficult to find all the craftsmen!"

Just when the old police lamented that the workload was too great, it was simply not something that a policeman in his police station could do. The work of their police comrades was really too hard. Several construction sites that had contact with Gu Zheng During the on-site dispatch, he rushed over here with a yellow helmet.

Several construction workers followed behind them.

Both look somewhat impressed.

Just the few who bought second-hand goods as skillfully as raking the goods just now.

Looking at the number of people, there are six people, no one is missing.

Thanks to the high penetration rate of today's mobile phones, and also the simplicity and cheapness of domestically-made machines and copycat machines.

The workers working on the construction site are not too old. They can still do it with a mobile phone, reading news, watching movies and so on.

Naturally, when the dispatcher contacted the foremen at the various construction sites, they would tell them about the virus-carrying clothes where they were selling second-hand goods.

Those people didn't care about taking advantage of things, so they took the initiative to hand over the clothes they got.

Of course, there are only clothes.

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