The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1386: Oriental Fantasy (24)

"Sir, dare to ask this sheet music, can the students who we go to challenge can complete this piece of music without preparation?"

"If we can reach such a standard, but the so-called celebrity scholars who are invited on the high platform can't achieve it, then I can't think of that student, that group of people are all fame and shallow people. "

"Because they put all their time and thoughts on the reputation of business, and vaulted their big name among the people, so that the imperial ancestors and temples can only see famous people, not practical talents, then we dare Can those who have come to challenge and successfully pass the five hurdles inherit the reputation and status of this group of under-named people?"

"I want to let the royal families who won the Grand Competition in the five stages give an appropriate answer."

"After all, the road of literary and Taoism cannot tolerate fish-eyes and confuses, and it cannot tolerate excessive numbers!"

After finishing speaking, this bold student bowed deeply to the instructor of this level, and then straightened his waist to the imperial son of the five countries sitting on the high platform, the old scholar of the academy. , The famous and elegant celebrities of the mainland, and those who have achieved fame in the countries regarded as the hope of literary Taoism, saluted deeply.

I expressed my meaning and sincerely awaited answers from all quarters.

"Zhuzi! The thief is bold!"

"It's so provocative! Ritual and music is a trail. What I'm waiting for is the science of governing the country and the world. Why should Gu Zuoyan use a handy way to fight against each other?"

Just as the various forces on the stage bowed their heads and pondered by the students in the audience, the students from the five countries who had been invited for the past three years were excited and furious.

When they got up and stepped down from the more than forty people who were weak and weak, they had already eaten all the music scores just now, but Gu Zheng, who understood it, said a word for his own people.

"Wen Dao is more cruel than martial art!"

"What is the so-called veritable leader? That is the six arts of gentlemen, national economics, laws and regulations, miscellaneous travel notes, and even rumors, medical divination, and a truly knowledgeable person!"

"A person who only knows one article is just a bookworm. He only has a limited number of books to read through, and he only knows the main idea. It is the frog at the bottom of the well and the knowledge of the leopard."

"Students of this class can cope with exams, but can't cope with people's livelihood, and can cope with colleges, but can't cope with demons."

"In the minds of students, the leaders should climb to the top everywhere, all are fine, all know, broad-minded, and open to all rivers!"

"According to this standard, standing on a high platform at this time, I have been arguing with us students for this lopsided piece of music. The person who must be judged should not be the leader in my heart."

"The reason why you can speak fiercely, turning anger into anger, in the final analysis, is just a manifestation of your guilty conscience."

"Didn't the people on the stage say that there is no one in the world to learn diversely?"

"No, that's because you have never seen the vastness of the world, and you have never heard of the vastness of the world."

"And I Gu Zheng, today may be far from my ideal, but I am willing to challenge, to enrich, to search, to supplement myself, so that I can become the kind of true leader I hope, worthy of the name. Literary leader and work hard."

"So, even if I'm off stage and you are on stage, it's only temporary."

"There is no need for the future. After I pass the five levels, I will naturally stand on the stage, picking you down one by one, and finally standing on the top of all of you!"

"Student, Da Ganguo, Fufeng City, Gu's Gu Zheng! I now inform the audience that I have read through this score and can play a piece for everyone! No?"

This remark did not use any of Gu's stunts, but because of the reverberant environment that was specially selected for the convenience of performance, it spread out to Xu Yuan.

This double blessing can make the literary leaders of the five countries feel happy.

"Okay! This is the young talent, this is the heroic!"

"Wen Dao spirit, sharp and enterprising! No matter what, those who have this kind of insights should be called insights!"

"Don't worry, don't worry." An old man who likes ritual music the most with a smile on his face, fingers down, pointing to Gu Zheng who has started to clean his hands and burning incense and said: "Look, his posture is ready, let's listen first. How is his so-called hard-working music played?"

The people who were temporarily soothed nodded again and again, and everyone was calmed by the meditation that gradually ignited under the square, and they returned to their seats, waiting for Gu Zheng under the stage to dedicate this song to everyone.


A thick and deep melody flowed out of Gu Zheng's hands.

This is just a very ordinary guqin paid by the government, but because of the emotions of the player, the exquisite fingering, and the degree of restoration of the music and its completeness, it shows an unusually superb sound.

Not only did Mr. Quyue, who was in charge of the invigilator in the audience, surprised, it also made the masters who have a very high level of appreciation on the stage praised.

The students at this time have long forgotten the previous disputes, and use appreciation, envy, and surging mood to feel the exquisiteness of this music.


"The sound of the music is smooth, without the obscurity of the first player, and full of emotions, indicating that it only takes such a short time for him to understand the emotions the person who wrote the music wants to express."

"There is no hesitation between playing, which shows that this student has already broken through the beginner's realm of guqin playing, and has reached the realm of proficiency and complete mastery of Hunyuan."

"This Gu family Gu Zheng is only fifteen years old, which shows his talent in music."

"A rare talent, no, a genius. If he specializes in tunes, uses the piano as his weapon to defend against the enemy, and persists, one day, he will become the master of the Qin Dao resounding throughout the mainland!!!"

This Aegean, thirsty and hungry tutor, was shaking his head to comment, but the clerk who was in charge of registering the student information stood behind him and reminded him in a low voice: "Sir, this Gu Jia Gu Zheng, has already It's the realm of King Wu, the Gu family of Fufeng City, the bloodline of Xiaotianhu, are taking a hard line!"

Damn it! Do you want to be so disappointed!

Being reminded like this, the master of music and music has the thoughts of wanting to beat people.

The world is unfair, the world is unfair, and the martial artist is in power, and it doesn't give the literati any way to survive.

With Gu Zheng's increasingly passionate and stern music, the instructor felt grief in his heart. He couldn't help but tears in his eyes. He actually hid his face and burst into tears.

"No! No, it's not right! This is the heartbeat of joy, there is spirit in the song!"

"This, this Gu Zheng!! The use of music has affected my mind. He must have rested for many years with sound waves, and he has a very unique insight!"

Behind him, the secretary of Besstong responded once again: "The most famous of the Gu's School of Literature is Xiaotian Yinbo Gong!"

"He has been practising with the big voice fifth master of the Gu family since he was a child, and it is said that the sound waves have expanded outward, and the throat bones are all over the place."

"'s no wonder!"

The teacher of the third level wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes, and held the heart that was a little lost because of the turmoil in his mind, and then went to see the handsome, handsome boy with his own charm in playing the piano. It was all kinds of complicated.

This feeling of love and hate was felt by this old man again.


A sigh fell with Gu Zheng's closing melody.

The comments of the clerk in charge of registration also received the final sum.

There is no need to look at the reactions of later generations. Gu Zheng's first place in this level is afraid that it is already safe and secure.

As a student who took the lead in playing, he was the most disadvantaged position.

Because he played a demonstrative role for all the students.

After listening to it several times, the person who played it well afterwards, as long as the person who understands the piece, can achieve the score of keeping the number of mistakes within ten times, and pass the level smoothly.

Therefore, the follow-up students, students who had some confidence in their piano fingering, stood in front of Gu Zheng after listening to this turbulent song, lowering their very arrogant heads for the first time.

"Thank Brother Gu for the master of the song!"

"Thank Brother Gu for teaching first!"

If you accept the kindness, you will admit it generously. There will be no mediocre and narrow-minded students who can stand here!

After everyone sat down, Gu Zheng became the only one standing in the court.

He kept staring at the position of the so-called juvenile celebrities who were not a few years older than him on the high platform.

The idea of ​​using the other way to return to the other body was formed in his mind, and the criteria for judgment cannot be distinguished.

Then he only needs to represent the challenger, come up with a song that no one has ever seen before, and play together under the same conditions. Isn't it clear which one is higher and lower?

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he quietly exited from one side, walked to the side of the invigilator, and asked in a low voice whether this method was feasible.

Hearing Gu Zheng's question, the first thing this tutor thought of was not the anger of the students on the stage, but what Gu Zheng had unique songs that no one had ever seen before.

As a master of music and music, he doesn't say that ten percent of the music that is circulated among human races in this animal blood world knows, but he has listened to the top ten and has personally studied it.

He didn't think a fifteen-year-old boy could come up with amazing repertoire, but he didn't know that Gu Zheng's soul actually came from a completely different but slightly similar world.

Therefore, there is no Guanglingsan, no mountains and flowing water, no Xiaoxiang water and clouds in this world, and it is even more impossible to have sunny and white snow.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who had a strong golden thigh in piano art, shamelessly took out the essence of his predecessors and pretended to be an ancient relic of the world.

And what he took out was among the top ten ancient guqin tunes.

This song has no more than ten people all over the country. In the introduction of Shang Keyu, Za Yi Liuzheng, the part that deliberately raised the technical requirements... It was not more than the repertoire that three people could play, enough for the stage. It's very embarrassing.

This is the purpose of Gu Zheng's song, and it is also his best weapon to fight back for this group of students from all over the world who are not easy.

When Gu Zheng used his memory to compose the tunes of Yangchun Baixue before the case, the invigilator on the side had already forgotten his current duties and was immersed in this rare piece of music.

"Wonderful! Really wonderful! Hard! How could it be so difficult!"

This instructor was so immersed in his heart that he had forgotten the occasion and location, and when he saw the wonderful place, he actually cheered loudly. This sound completely shocked those who watched on the stage. What did the five-country culture and Dao high-level people do.

"Wen Zifan, what are you calling from below?"

An old man who is not too young and who is not too young and who is not too young at first glance shouted at the maddened supervisory instructor.

Roared by such a sentence, the supervision of the third level also turned from the surprise of the score, and looked up at the majestic old man with a slight tremor.

"Sir, I, I'm watching a song sent by Gu Zheng students judging the talents of the five nations!"

I heard the Five Nations Wen Dao genius here:? ? ?

Why don't we know that we still need an exam?

"Oh? Can you react like this? And show me the score?"

"Yes!" Hearing the call of the old man, this teacher still had the previous literary atmosphere. Holding the big robe, he walked up the stairs on one side of the platform, and then climbed up the high platform with a swish, before the ink was dried. The score was handed over to my husband.


But as soon as he glanced over, the old man was actually holding the paddle that he was going to use to beat his instructor, and looked at his case table. The ‘dangdang’ he overturned the fruit plate in front of him to the ground.

"I said, Old Head Li, what are you going crazy?"

The old man, who was held on top of his head by a plate of grapes in the back, turned his head angrily. When he was about to return a bowl of apples to the other party, he saw the music score held by the old man.

"Gosh! Wonderful!!"

The old man didn't care about the grapes hanging on the branches, so he leaned over his head, shaking his head, his fingers trembling slightly on the side of his thigh, and he wanted to have a piano and let him stroke a song immediately.

"It's so good? Then hang up and enjoy it together?"

With such a big noise, if you still don't know what happened, then the top talents of these five countries will be nothing.

A member of the royal family spoke, and everyone agreed. The old man surnamed Li naturally hung the Yangchun Baixue contributed by Gu Zheng in the middle of the backboard on the stage.



But as soon as it hung up, there were bursts of gasping sounds.

It's hard, it's too hard.

Could it be that the little guy underneath has already completed this level of music performance?

How can it be?

If you really have such an ability, how could it be possible to have been unknown for many years?

When the waiter on the side Gu Zheng's experience came to the side, everyone suddenly realized.

I'm fifteen years old, and I have never stepped out of the house. Today's trip to Wentian City is the first time this kid has appeared.

This is a model that has become a blockbuster if it is not Mingming. The Gu family of Fufeng City is really a master who knows how to become famous!

As the senior leaders nodded their heads, the eyes of the distinguished students at the same stage became wider and wider.

Some of them who are not good at playing piano can't even read Yangchun Baixue's music.

A student who thought he was good at piano, found that according to his own technique, if it were not for a lot of training and years of practice, he could not complete this difficult piece of music.

This is simply terrible!

Can this piece really be played, and it can be heard by everyone?

Just when they were puzzled and scratched in their hearts, sitting among the five nations, the ancient essays of Sima, who were both the top scholar in the literary examination of the great country and the royal clan, suddenly opened their mouths.

"Since that young talent contributed to test everyone's songs, he must have been able to play easily, right?"

"Why don't we ask him for a trick and let him play for everyone?"

"If the little brother can play this music smoothly and tactfully, I don't need to waste time here anymore. Everyone is willing to admit that in the six arts of gentlemen, helping the wind and Gu Zheng is a joy, among the five nations. The first person."

"I don't know if you agree with this suggestion? If you agree, please ask the student to come up and play a piece in front of you?"

This proposal is not bad, it has fully alleviated the embarrassing situation of everyone on the high platform at this time.

Because everyone present knows that in such a short period of time, let alone playing Yangchun Baixue, they just know the song alone, and they can't understand what kind of emotion they want to express in this piece of music.

This Sima old essay is trying to find a step for everyone indirectly.

Knowing the good intentions among the students, these hearts are more than Bibi Gan, and the scholars who are clever and smarter than the monkeys have responded one after another.

"Okay, just do it. If this Gu family's little brother can really play smoothly, I won't be the one who can't afford to lose."

"The first person in this joy is none other than him!"

Well, shameless enough.


However, the senior officials of the five countries on the stage mostly smile. The intrigue of the juniors is inconvenient for them to participate, but they are willing to listen to an elegant ancient song.

As a result, the invigilating teacher once again ran off the stage, and while performing his duties, he also called Gu Zheng to the stage by the way.

This made Ye Liangchen, who had just passed the music examination and took second place with a slight advantage of two mistakes, too late to This kid who is more dazzling than him and made him admire has been magnanimous. Standing in front of the big five nations.

Gu Zheng wore the simplest blue student uniform, which was not half shabby.

Now he is full of poems and books.

A guqin, which is better than the audience, is placed on a silver wire mahogany table, and each string reflects a soft and elegant yellow light.

"This is a special queming piano for the royal family. Maybe you use this piano to play?"

Gu Zheng, who was treated seriously, never showed any timidity when he saw such a rare treasure. He saluteed in an orderly manner and responded calmly: "Yes!"

The rest is absolutely nonsense, clean hands, burn incense, and start tuning.

"Choke choke" twice, that's the pitch.

An airy, complex yet elegant tone flowed from Gu Zheng's hands.

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