The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1399: Oriental Fantasy (35)

As a result, certain empires with a little less mindfulness, after all the people were gathered, disappeared on this invisible bridge, only Gu Zheng and Ye Liangchen who were suspicious. , Squatting together on the bridge head, don't know what they are muttering.

Sima Zhaohe, who saw them as displeased, squinted his eyes, and no one noticed. The girl who could only cry and yell at her feet suddenly got a short thorn in her hand.

It's just that she hasn't done anything for this stabbing. She always felt that in a relatively quiet environment, her actions would not have any effect.

She and Gu Zheng have basically the same cognition, and this road will not always be calm, and that time is the best time for her to take action.

Thinking of this, Sima Zhaohe once again retreated into the crowd. As the only woman among the twenty people, she naturally had the privilege of standing in the middle position.

In this short period of time, the intrigue and struggle for power among the small teams have all ended.

Not surprisingly, the Long Prince elected became the captain of this team, and Gu Zheng and Ye Liangchen naturally became the two scattered people who were excluded.

When they stepped on the bridge, no one even greeted the two men, as if they could not see the existence of the two men, it was actually a straight step ahead.


Ye Liangchen frowned and just wanted to protest, but Gu Zheng grabbed him and waved his hand gently.

"That's good, I always feel that this bridge, if you want to pass it smoothly, is not dependent on the number of people."

After speaking, Gu Zheng tentatively stepped his feet up, and when he felt the coldness emanating from the bridge, he knew that his guess was correct.

Because the second step he took is different from the first step.

When this second step entered, the chill passing through the sole of the shoe became deeper.

It's just that this level can be tolerated for Gu Zheng, and he can feel the abnormalities he believes that the previous companions who have traveled for more than ten meters are also aware of it.

"Ah!! It's cold!"

A young man with a relatively weak realm walked out for such a long time, and he threw a plop and knelt on the bridge. When he later realized that he looked at his legs, he realized the hidden deep cold. Before he even noticed it, it paralyzed the nerves of his legs and feet, allowing him to move forward without feeling.

However, due to the rapid freezing sensation brought by the extreme cold to the body, the muscles of his lower limbs completely lost their kinetic energy, unable to be dominated by his still active brain. All of a sudden, the upper body was still young without notice. The man fell to the ground.

When the people next to him heard his exclamation and opened the young man's trousers to check it out, ‘swipe and pull’... it turned out to be a calf covered with snow-white frost.

"How could this happen? We haven't felt such a cold outbreak before?"

"Could it be that you stepped on what mechanism? No, no, it's impossible, you didn't walk in the front, you obviously followed me?"

The person who talked with him and asked about the situation was a companion from the same country, and the young man who was confused by such questions could only shook his head blankly.

"That does not work!"

The people around first took a few breaths of air-conditioning, and then rushed to give the young man an idea.

"If your leg doesn't thaw quickly, I'm afraid it will be necrotic in a while, and it will eventually be amputated!"

The Dragon Prince was still somewhat calm, he waved to the fire lion on the side, and motioned to the other party to quickly melt the frost for this temporary companion with the firepower of the family's flame lion.

Who would have thought that this fire lion just got ready to go, this young man, who was unable to move forward because his legs were frozen, screamed even more sternly: "My ass! My clam!"

Because now he was squatting on the ground and raising his legs to be cured, but with this moment of effort, the muscle that was sitting next to the bridge... was also strongly frozen.

"What's going on? I'm standing in the same position as you. I never reacted like this before?"

The companion next to him was very puzzled, and his eyes were also a little dazed about the unknown.

"that is because……"

An abrupt answer rang from behind the chaotic crowd. Gu Zheng, who stroked a hand on this cyan bridge, smiled calmly at everyone looking back: "That's because of his bloodline power. The weakest, the realm of the bloodline warrior is the lowest among people of the same age."

"No matter from which way, he can't resist the coldness of this bridge, and this cyan bridge is the first challenge that the twenty of us face on the passage of the great wasteland."

"As the saying goes, only true geniuses can be accepted by Zhongyu. If they are overpowered, only death can put them in peace."

"The current situation is that he exits the bridge and waits back. There is still a way to survive. If he continues to walk, even if it is only one step, he will quickly die on the spot."

"Don't believe me, look at each of you, do you feel the temperature of the cold into the bone marrow? If you walk one meter forward, does this feeling increase by one point?"

"I suggest you all lift up your pants to see if you have the ability to cross this bridge, don't waste your young life in vain, just for a bridge that cannot be passed."

After that, Gu Zheng no longer looked at the ugliness of these people. He carried his hands on his back and surpassed the group of uncertain young people, and continued to walk forward very easily.

And his little friend Ye Liangchen, this low-level Qian Chuan, didn't even have any reluctance. Instead, he ran two steps quickly and followed Gu Zheng closely.


The calmness of the two people made them have to believe, and some people opened their trousers and found that their skin had begun to emit whiteness, and it was not much better than the fallen companion just now.

"What should I do?"

For a while, people with this kind of appearance panicked.

They knew that the speculation that Gu Zheng just said was true.

"Prince Long, help!"

"Prince, what should we do?"

As everyone's captain, these people who had reacted looked towards their backbone one after another.

At this moment, they saw the deep and helpless smile on Prince Long's face.

"This, this is a test of the power of the bloodline, and also a test of the personal realm. This is a phenomenon that cannot be done by humans."

"If you don’t carry the worst brother up, let’s walk one meter forward and slowly test. If his feet are off the ground and don’t contaminate any part of the bridge, this won’t happen. Phenomenon?"

Hearing the method given by Prince Long, the group of people were excited as if they had grabbed the last straw.

"Yes, aren't you a friend of the severely wounded? You can try to walk forward with your back?"

The one who squatted on the bridge to observe the injured man subconsciously looked at his frozen companion.

Seeing the desire in the companion's eyes, he gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay!" Without hesitation, he pushed the opponent on his shoulder.


After only trying to take this step, the man behind him felt a breath of cold air spurting out from behind him.



A few panicked screams made him subconsciously turn his head and look back, and glanced at... but he saw that he was still a person on his back. His friend turned out to be a popsicle.

A second ago, the friend's legs were only frozen, but this step when he left the bridge deck covered the entire person with a thick layer of frost.

These ice and snow that came out of thin air dyed the opponent's eyebrows and hair into snow white. The skin that was originally a little bloody, now it turned into a zombie-like pale.

And these are not the most terrifying.

Seeing this situation, the friend who felt bad, tremblingly put his finger under the tip of his partner's nose, but after hanging in this position for a long time, he burst into tears. sound.

With just one step, his companion was silent again.

It was this stern cry that made the people on the bridge quiet down instantly.

The young man who took this step out of trust in the Dragon Prince because of luck, killed his companion personally, and also made those who had already had an adverse reaction retreat.

This is an extremely dangerous passage.

People who are not recognized, those who are not talented enough have to fill it with their lives.

However, these people are still thinking in their hearts, what if this bridge is short, what if their own blood just passed the moment of death?

For a while, they were all entangled in their self-confidence and lack of self-confidence, and everyone turned their attention to Prince Long.

It was at this moment that Prince Long, who was accustomed to wooing people to expand his power, knew what it was like to regret.

He even had doubts about his behavior.

Is it because Gu Zheng has any internal information about the way ahead that makes him so calm, and he doesn't care if there are too many people?

It's not like he is now.

The Long Prince who thought of this place took another deep breath, his tone was light and his attitude was calm, but he couldn't say much.

"This is a major matter of wealth and life, and I can't be the master for you."

Seeing that the dragon prince I admired the most was embarrassed by this kind of rubbish, the hot fire lion fruit was worthy of being the best follower, and he immediately blocked himself in front of everyone, and successfully attracted the firepower to himself. : "That is, I am responsible for my own life!"

"Don't be ashamed of the Azure Dragon Empire, if you are not sure, you still want to be strong, you deserve it!"

"Also, if you want to die, just die, don't hold back my dragon prince."

"Let's go, prince, we have been delayed for too long, you have to take care of the two of Gu Zheng, and they are all gone."

"I don't know if it's Zhongyu after crossing the bridge. If someone arrives first, will the Zhongyu people waiting there think that the first-comer has better qualifications and give more benefits?"

"So, Prince, don't delay because of others, let's go quickly!!"

As soon as the fire lion finished speaking, there was a commotion among the crowd.

Those who hadn't reacted yet couldn't save their face. When looking at each other, one of them took the lead in pulling out his leg.

It is Sima Showa.

The girl who had a clear bloodline and was more confident in herself, glanced at the person who had been frozen to death with extremely contempt, and would not chase her head in the direction of Gu Zheng's disappearance.

This was a good time. While everyone hadn't followed, she fell behind Gu Zheng, waiting for him to be overwhelmed by the freezing, and hacked to death the enemy with deep hatred.

"Da da da"

Sima Zhaohe ran very fast, leaving behind a bewildered crowd, and also gave a lot of talk to the people in the middle field who stood in front of the mirrored screen and watched.

"Oh, this year's Great Wilderness Passage is really extraordinary. How long has it been since then, how wise, lucky, decisive, and hypocritical?"

"I think that little girl is very good, decisive and ruthless!"

This person who showed obvious affection for Sima Showa was also a woman.

Standing next to her, a big man who saw the whole process held a different view: "You are afraid that you may have missed it. That little girl is rushing for revenge."

"This team of people can really be seen by several big ethnic groups. I think it is the most unique kid, oh and his follower who hugs his thighs. If nothing happens, these two boys are It will definitely be taken into the outer courtyard by the family."

"Don't believe me, see?"

Everyone looked at the mirror image marked with the cyan bridge by the big guy. At this time, all the mirror images were given to Gu Zheng.

Because this young man is not too old, he has walked over half of the bridge without difficulty.

But Ye Liangchen, who was following him, felt the pressure that this bridge brought to him at this time.

This comrade, who had already pulled out five fire rat skins and three big quilts from his storage bag, was spraying white air and shivering, as if he was about to freeze and fall to the ground in the next second.

"Big... big brother... help... help..."

Gu Zheng, who is walking in the front, do you think he feels better when he is calm and calm?

He's very hungry.

What is the so-called hunger and cold? What is the greater calorie consumption under severe cold conditions?

He is talking about his current situation.

During the testing process, the food that I ate before was consumed as early as when I walked on the bridge. Ye Liangchen asked him to save him?

Then who will save yourself!

Thus, in Ye Liangchen's broken thoughts, Gu Zheng broke out.

"Save you? All right! Can you bring food? Didn't you mean to provide me with food and drink for the rest of my life? Come on, support me to death?!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's sudden roar, Ye Liangchen's eyes widened: "Eat? You just need to eat? Brother, I have known that this day will happen. As the most successful businessman, why wouldn't he not collect information? ?"

"Isn't it just for food? Brother, you wait!!"

After speaking, the moving pile of quilts began to squirm, but for a moment, Ye Liangchen handed a small bag that looked like a sack to Gu Zheng, and very proudly urged Gu Zheng to: "Open it up and have a look, I am You gave it to your eldest brother, so you can't leave me alone!"

What? Really have food?

Gu Zheng grabbed it and pulled the mouth of the bag, and a burst of heat spewed out from it.

This sack grew in size instantly, and it was as big as the largest scavenger bag. The food in it was still surging out layer by layer, crackling and burying Gu Zheng's body halfway before it was able to stop.

"Eat, brother," Ye Liangchen was a little proud: "I'm full, so I can save me!"

Why are you polite at this time, can you eat hard?

Just as Gu Zheng immersed himself in eating and Ye Liangchen smirked and watched, a discordant person and a discordant voice came from the other end of the bridge.

"Gu Zheng, I will let you pay for it!"

Sima Zhaohe, a latecomer, took the small dagger that had been prepared a long time ago, and stabbed at Gu Zheng, who was unsuspectingly bowed his head and ate.



The Zhongyu people who watched the screen yelled very gossip.

Their faces are full of joking expressions.

"Go away! Don't disturb my meal!"

Without raising his head, Gu Zheng only felt that there was a fly in front of him. In order to protect his food, he unconsciously lifted it off!



A far-reaching and long scream occurred just after Gu Zheng finished this action.

"Brother, eldest brother..."

Ye Liangchen's voice trembled more severely.

Gu Zheng gnawed on the chicken legs and asked without raising his head: "What's wrong, you didn't move blindly, why did you shake more severely?"

"No, brother, you lifted Sima Showa to the bottom of the bridge..."


Then there was a dead silence. Whether it was the people on the bridge or the onlookers, everyone hung the same expression.

What happened?

What did they see? What will happen next?

Only Gu Zheng stared at the deep under the bridge that didn't know if it had a bottom, and showed a smile that made his spine chill.

"Oh, it turned out to be her, then I have nothing to feel guilty about."

"Most killers will kill them all the time, let alone the enemies who look at me everywhere?"

"This is a mistake to achieve my goal. I originally planned to go to Zhongyu and find a chance to kill her. After all, it is a troublesome thing to always be stared at by such a person. ?"

After speaking, Gu Zheng raised his eyebrows towards Ye Liangchen. He believed that from his own eyes, this man who was quite skilled in holding his legs should be of the same kind as him.

Sure When Ye Liangchen looked under the bridge again, he smiled: "It really is the eldest brother, and he thought of something with me."

If Gu Zheng didn't do it, Ye Liangchen would do it too.

It's better for the Sima family to die.

The two people ate and drank on the bridge just like the okay people, and the Zhongyu people who watched the whole process boiled over.

"Fuck, I like them. I want these two people from the Golden Crow family!"

"Yeah! You guys from a small family are embarrassed to speak, this kind of ruthless person should belong to my family of ferocious beasts!"

"Nonsense! Didn't you read the news from the Azure Dragon Empire? It was the blood of my three-legged golden toad that Ye Liangchen awakened, which should belong to the blood of the orc of my cheating tortoise and frog!"

"I said you guys don't fight anymore. When they pass the bridge, isn't there a cave of ten thousand beasts and a cave of thousand demon?"

"At that time, let's see which hole they come out from. Don't you all know it well?"

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