The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1401: Oriental Fantasy (37)

'boom! ’

A bloodline force exploded on Gu Zheng's body. The pill in this middle domain was really powerful. With just one pill, Gu Zheng's realm broke through to the seventh stage of Wu Wang, not just the seventh stage. , The endless blood power is still going on, Gu Zheng felt that when he walked to the bridge head that appeared in his line of sight, his realm might have already broken through the eighth level or even more!

   Gu Zheng smiled, he smiled proudly.

   He is fortunate that he has such a great mother.

   Pi ​​Rouniang, who was standing in front of the mirror image wall, was crying, because she had already recognized where the pill Gu Zheng had taken out, and what kind of pill it was.

   "Woo woo, really my son, and my old purse that I eliminated, yeah, there is still a full pill in that bottle?"

   "Probably because I was too hungry at the time. I was so hungry that I lost my eyes. There was still a bottle in the bottle and I didn't even see it."

   "That's okay, the **** are just as bad as jelly beans, even if I found them, they wouldn't be of much use."

   "It's good to keep it for my children, it's good, this is the most suitable for the boys to eat!"

   Of course, it also depends on what kind of bastard, if the second magical power is activated, then it is the effect of a jelly bean.

   This kind of blood-qi pill is only useful for children like Gu Zheng.

   Sometimes the gap between beautiful imagination and truth is so huge.

   But this beautiful misunderstanding really benefited Gu Zheng.

Because of constant training, upgrading, and constant fighting against the two vigorous energies in the body, the speed of Gu Zheng and Ye Liangchen finally slowed down, which made the second echelon on the Qinglong Binghan Bridge that supported each other. The members of the latecomers caught up.

At this time, the Prince Long, holding the fire lion in a bad state, walked swaying, and when they saw that Gu Zheng, who was once too strong, was staggering like them, they showed mockery. Smile.

   "Hahaha, cough cough cough cough cough, isn't it awesome? Don't you let us catch up?"

   "No, it's not quite right!!!"

  Because of the highest realm, Prince Long didn't actually take much effort to walk, so he noticed the strangeness of Gu Zheng at a glance.

   "They are upgrading! They have broken through again!"

When the sound of    fell, Gu Zheng, who was still seven or eight steps away from the Binghan Bridge, broke through to the eighth stage of King Wu at that moment.

   This kind of speed is equivalent to three months or even three years of penance in Outland. On this bridge, it only takes seven or eight steps to do it.

Could it be that? ?

Looking at the vigorous vitality of the two people in front, Prince Long put the fire lion on the ground in one fell swoop, and after fumbling, he stuffed the blood-filling medicine that the family had prepared for him in the storage bag. In the mouth.

I see! !

   In the next second, Prince Long suddenly realized.

   But the joy on his face only lasted for a moment, and the next quarter of an hour turned into hideous anger.

   "How could this be? Why can Gu Zheng? Why!!!"

   "Fire Lion, eat!!! Eat!!! Give me a run, let me go!!!"

   After roaring, the dragon prince unexpectedly filled the bright red pill in his hand into the mouth of the fire lion uncharacteristically, and went crazy to let the fire lion try his idea.

  'S obedience to the Dragon Prince, made the fire lion obey the Dragon Prince's request without even thinking about it.

   And things are so dramatic. The Qi and Blood Pill, which obviously didn't react on Long Prince's body, was refining with the full strength of the fire lion, but it was a breakthrough in his realm.

This fire lion, who already had the third-order realm of King Wu, walked out seven or eight steps away in one go, basically the same position as Ye Liangchen, and at this time, he went here and improved by two. This realm broke through to the level of Wu Wang's fifth rank in one fell swoop.

  Hi's fire lion turned his head and laughed at Prince Long, "Prince, it really works!!"

   When he turned his head, he saw the dragon prince with a green face and a distorted face.

   "Prince, you..."

   "Ahhhhh!! Why am I having no effect? ​​No effect!!"

   He didn't believe that it was the result that Long Prince took a big stride and surpassed all the people on the bridge. When he rushed to the front and turned back, his expression was already slightly hideous.

   "There is no effect, why is it just me?!"

   The onlookers who saw Zhongyu shook their heads again and again, feeling sorry for the child whose mentality had collapsed.

   The realm above the martial prince is already slow to improve. The reason why this child can't feel the improvement of the realm must be because the power of his awakened bloodline has not reached the standard of the bloodline of a divine beast.

   should be the next level of blood that has not been upgraded.

   Why does this bridge become a bridge of trials? In addition to the function of helping foreign geniuses to quickly increase their levels, they can also purify the blood concentration of those lower levels.

  If the Dragon Prince could calm down, not pay attention to superficial phenomena, and pursue the improvement of realm excessively, he would find that his blood was undergoing fundamental changes in the process of walking.

   The more serious he runs and the more careful he walks, the more obvious the bloodline changes on his body.

   But now, he has taken so many steps in a big stride, only a few steps away from the end of the bridge, alas...

   Everyone lamented for Prince Long.

   Because this young man has completely lost the opportunity to change his blood.

   According to the news passed by the guide, this dragon prince is the in-line heir of the Azure Dragon Empire.

   The awakened person is the blood of the Jiaolong 90%.

   On this trial bridge, it is very likely that they will evolve into the bloodline of the nine dragons, such as Jai Xuan, Prison Niu, and Pu Lao.

   If it enters the Middle Territory Continent, it will naturally be taken in by the family of the Shenlong line.

   Instead of like now, the future is unknown.

   The madness of this dragon prince is too common for the people of Central Territory.

   Only for a moment, the attention of these people was attracted by a more wild character on another screen.

   That is the person from the future that Gu Zheng had seen in his dream.

   The man who made full use of the attributes of this bridge as soon as he stepped into the trial bridge, and began to upgrade wildly.

   At this time, the Heavenly Cool King is of the same level as Gu Zheng.

   After this man came into this world, he opened the path of frantically plundering opportunities.

   He relied on the relics many years later to develop secret archives, as well as some historical books about the middle and outer domains written in the textbook, and robbed countless opportunities.

   In a very short period of time, he robbed the body from a wasteful bloodline into a genius.

   It's just that the place he passed is like a locust crossing the border, where there is no grass.

  Because the future resources are too scarce, in order to grab a little bit of blood energy, those people will extract all the resources to the maximum, and even the remaining dregs will be turned into inanimate waste wood residues.

Therefore, the upgraded Tianliang King left steadily, but he gave Huo Huo the place where he had set foot. If there is an expert in resources and environmental protection to conduct soil and water tests where he has been in, he will A terrifying conclusion will be drawn.

   That part of the area, without 50 or even hundreds of years of pregnancy, can't restore vitality.

  The existence of the King of Heaven is comparable to a source of pollution with huge energy.

   said that Gu Zheng is of gluttonous blood, but he hasn't gotten a second start yet, so he eats slightly more.

   said that the **** family of Gu Zheng eats too much, but people just guard their own resources and eat poorly for their own family.

   In the final analysis, they are all eating their own food, and I haven't seen this Tianliang King... wherever I go, I'm bald all the way I go.

   is like now, the secret method of high-speed upgrade used by the Tianliang King on the trial bridge was created by extracting the original energy in the bridge body as the core.

   This upgrade of his is not using his own blood circulation.

   Instead, he was born for nothing, he pumped the pure energy that Hashi should be fighting against directly into his body, supplementing it and expanding it.

   With this, the Tianliang King became the fastest upgrade among this batch of trial geniuses.

   May also let the garrison who was in charge of controlling the five trial bridges discover the strangeness among them.

   "This is not right, how can the energy in the black basalt thick earth bridge consume so fast?"

   There is a cave built in the rock wall at the interface between the Middle Domain and the Great Wilderness.

   There is a cave in the cave, which is composed of a large hall and a number of small rooms in series.

   The hall is very empty, and only five five-color stone monuments are placed in the five directions in the south, east, north and west, which are like memorial platforms.

There are five blood stones inlaid on the stele, and different colors correspond to different steles. However, under the hall where the stele is deeply pierced, there is an invisible and intangible bridge pier and a test in the wild passage. The bridge of refining is connected piece by piece.

   played a role in providing these five bridges with five different energies, to test the blood of young people, and to help them upgrade better.

   As for the small rooms, some of them are used by maintenance personnel when they come to check and repair regularly, and the rest are used as warehouses for storing blood stones that keep these bridges running normally.

   But now, because of the opening of the passage, the small team who was sent to guard here has discovered the weirdness.

   Among the five bridges, only the energy in the **** stone on the black Xuanwu empire's stele was fading particularly fast.

The same is to release energy to help these foreign geniuses improve. There is even a young man in the realm of Wujun on the bridge of the Azure Dragon Empire, but only the energy consumption on the bridge of the Xuanwu Empire is particularly fast. .

   does not seem to be passively released, but rather strange as it is actively extracted by others.

Just as the guards of the Central Territory frowned and inspected the engraving mechanism on the stone tablet, clicked, one of the black blood stones was shattered into powder, and even the original shape could not be maintained, so it fell into this repair. Under the feet of people.

"How can this be?"

   Even if the energy in the blood stone is absorbed, its unique shell will only become bleak, and its aura is completely lost.

   If this kind of stone is buried in a blood-rich nourishing pool again, after thousands of years of cultivation, this once-used stone may once again become a blood-filled spirit stone.

   The shell of the spirit stone is so hard that even ordinary treasures are just as good as leaving some marks on it.

   How could it be like now, it was actually broken into powder.

   "Quickly, report to the Liu Er family, this is no longer a problem we can solve."

   The guardian was also unambiguous. After pressing down these words, he flew out of the hall, and flew straight to the direction of the mirror image wall of the middle domain.

   "Damn it!!"

   Standing on the Xuanwu Bridge, Tianliang King, who was clearly able to take the last step, opened his eyes a little annoyed.

   The black air radiating from his head returned to his body just a moment ago.

   His success fell short, the energy of this bridge was not enough to allow him to break through to the realm of Wujun.

  His original idea was still too beautiful. After all, there were very few people who could break through the realm of Martial King in their era, and his concept of Martial King breakthrough only existed in the books.

   It turned out that the energy required by this Wujun is so huge.

   Then he should wait until Zhongyu, then take a look at it slowly.

Thinking of the Heavenly Cool King here, he stepped over this dark bridge in one step. After he took this step, all the geniuses on the black bridges behind him, the pressure on them was abrupt. clear.

   The strong black earth that once flooded this bridge suddenly disappeared.

   The thick earth energy that was supposed to burst these people was also withdrawn from their bodies in an instant.

Some relatively frail young people who only walked out a few steps away and even planned to die on this bridge were crying with joy at this time. They cried and laughed, but they kept their feet underfoot. Ran towards the other end of the bridge that symbolized customs clearance.

   "This! What is this?"

  The people in Zhongyu standing in front of the mirror image were stunned!

"In the end what happened?"

   "How is this possible? How can those idiots run so easily?"

   Just as these people were talking about it, the guardian of the hall also arrived in front of the Liu-er clan chief, and reflected what had happened on the Xuanwu Bridge.

   "It turned out to be like this, you follow me."

   This incident is unprecedented. With his six-ear family alone, he can't bear such a responsibility.

   He must respond to this incident to the crawling and amphibians represented by the Xuanwu clan.

  Because of the Outland genius who passed on this bridge, 80% of the blood is related to the Xuanwu clan.

   If it is for this reason that the people who come in are not good or bad, and arouse the anger of the big man, it will be more than worthwhile.

   Hearing the report from the Liu Er clan, an old man with a tortoise shell on his back and a white beard and eyebrows smiled happily.

   "Little monkey, what are you worried about? Even if there is an accident on that bridge, isn't there still a cave of ten thousand beasts?"

   "Don't worry, people who shouldn't be here will eventually be abandoned by the Ten Thousand Beast Caverns. We just need to wait here quietly."

  Since you don’t care about vested interests, then we don’t worry anymore.

   The six ears that closed their mouths returned to the crowd once again. At this time, the people who could cross the bridge on the remaining four bridges also came to this end of the bridge like the King of Heaven.

   As for those who are not able to cross the bridge, there is no need to go.

Because as the Xuanwu Bridge got out of control, the remaining four bridges split apart from the middle. The bridge body slowly shrank towards the two sections of the bridge, and a strong bridge body disappeared into the void. middle.

   The results of those who have never crossed the bridge are unknown to Gu Zheng. They just watched the people coming down from the other bridges very vigilantly, and they had no choice but to reunite with these strangers.

   They entered the Great Wilderness Passage from one place. They thought that everyone had started to walk their own way, and everyone who wanted to be in the middle section came together again.

   Different from Gu Zheng's tragic situation where only four people passed smoothly on this bridge, as many as twelve people passed on the Xuanwu Bridge.

   This makes the power ratio between the teams a little bit biased. Those under the bridge, like Gu Zheng and others, who have only a few people left, unconsciously put together a bunch of them.

   There was a single team on the Xuanwu Bridge, and the fifteen people on the remaining four bridges were a single team.

   At first glance, it is obvious that the people of the Four Bridges are stronger. After all, those who can cross the bridge with their own true ability are second to none.

   But if you study it carefully, you will find that this temporary combination is full of various drawbacks.

   It's like the two teams of them heard the sound and turned their heads and looked behind them in two completely different reactions, and you could see the problem.

   "Boom Rumble"

   Behind this platform hanging in the void on the Void Road, there was a majestic mountain range with no end in sight.

   And above this mountain there are no flowers, no trees, no streams, no animals.

  On this mountain, there are only endless caves, connected one by one, one by one next to each other.

   are densely packed with different shapes.

   And at the entrances of these caves, there is a mimicry totem of a strange animal painted with simple lines but full of spirituality.

Gu Zheng tried to touch the bright red totem on the door of a small cave closest to him, only to find this little rabbit-like pattern, as if he was afraid of him, when his finger was about to touch it, unexpectedly The stab shrank to the other side of the cave, hiding in a small stone pit, shivering.

   "Hey, interesting."

   Just as Gu Zheng was about to study more deeply, a slightly numb voice with no emotion echoed in the mountain.

   "Ten Thousand Beast Cave, as the name suggests, a cave where all beasts multiply, look for the original cave of Reliance, etc., and enter from it."

   "Those who pass the test will shed their vulgarity and finally enter the Central Region."

   "The loser...dead..."

   "I will wait for ten breaths for you to consider. After ten breaths, the entrance to the cave of Ten Thousand Beasts will be completely closed."



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