"I know what you worry about, isn't it because you are far away?"

   "But you forgot what I did? Director of the Urban Management Bureau."

   "Why are the city roads congested? That's because there are many cars, people, and roadblocks."

   "Why am I being transferred? That is not for the welfare of the people in Daxing District? To improve the long-term congestion and the status quo of messiness?"

   "Since I am so new to me in leadership and organization, then I must make a contribution."

   "Look, the small sports car I bought for you at that time can also run, the environment is clean, you can still open the convertible."

   "In two months, the autumn will be refreshing. It is the best time for the capital city."

   "Daughter-in-law, you can dress beautifully. I am envied by all the women passing by!"

   As soon as Gu Zheng said, Leng Shuang sketched out a beautiful picture in his mind, and when I thought about it, it was quite emotional.

   So, she was not so resistant to the question of half an hour's drive.

   In addition, after Gu Zheng frowned on the sofa talking about the beautiful scenery there and the extremely handsome wind, Leng Shuang put the last point of reluctance behind him.

   "Then, let's do this, when will you take me over? I always have to move things over."

   But Gu Zheng was rare and generous. He searched through his wallet. After confirming the classification, he handed one of the international cards to Leng Shuang's hand.

   "Hey, where is it so troublesome, go make some new clothes."

   "Here is the down payment for the auction of two new works that I have learned a little over the past two days."

   "Not much, there are hundreds of thousands, you take it, even if you spend it!"

   These are all the women of the city management chief, how can they be short of money.

   It's really atmospheric!

   Now Leng Shuang has no temper anymore. She gave a thumbs up to Gu Zheng, not forgetting to cheer on the other side.

   "Director Gu, the happy life of Daxing people depends on you!"

   "Of course, please, please!"

   The rhetoric was spoken amidst laughter and curse.

   And this kind of forward-looking joke was really implemented in a week later.

   Since the work of Gu Zheng has been completed, the personnel of the General Administration have efficiently transferred this work to completion.

   Because Daxing District is really short of people, temporary workers can be recruited everywhere, but they are very different from serious formal workers.

   To put it bluntly, a formal urban management position is not something everyone can take.

   Gu Zheng and Fu Sheng, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, confirmed their official entry time, without any notice, and they appeared quietly at the door of the Daxing District Urban Management Sub-bureau.

   They thought they had done something very concealed, but they couldn't stand the old employees who live in Daxing District with their hands and eyes open.

   As early as after a large number of leaders retired, the news in the bureau was all sorts of confusing and confusing.

   I didn't think of sending Gu Zheng to the top, but he also had the idea of ​​moving up a few people from the grassroots level.

But as soon as the only remaining game released the news, the people underneath almost broke the blood. It was all sorts of tricks, and they couldn’t take care of any serious work. The Daxing sub-bureau, which is capable of fighting, gave a humiliated face.

   Seeing that I had retired within a few years, and the people above were still doing things for him, the old director couldn't sit still.

   The first time an honest person gets angry, the consequences are very serious.

   The people above are furious when they see such a loyal person, so let's help solve the problem quickly.

   So, Gu Zheng was ordered to take up the banner of the young and hardworking group in Daxing District when he was in danger.

   This is the best choice, but for those employees of the Bureau who have become **** eyes, Gu Zheng just grabbed their chance to get promoted, and is an unshakable enemy.

When receiving the exact news, a few people who were relatively familiar with the head of the General Administration planned to see what kind of Buddha came. If they can't resist the twos and threes, then don't blame the buddies for killing, no Give the above face up.

   So, it should have been a quiet morning, and the entire office area of ​​the Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau in Daxing District was already full of excitement and excitement.

   Those lazy people who usually don't have to get up in the sun to the ditch, they even tidy up, sitting on the stool that has just been wiped vigorously, looking forward to the gate.

   "Hey, I said, when will this person come here?

"If you can't keep it, you really want to be like this, you think, this is just a normal transfer report. If you come later, won't they be able to rush to dinner? We, this group of people, what should or shouldn't be seen Have you all gathered?"

   "At that time, there was no need to deal with today's organizational work, and we could let us bloodletting and entertaining guests."

   "The shelves of these two people are also put up, from now on we can only hold them!!"

   As soon as this person said that the few people who had already become mortal enemies, because they had a common enemy, they once again became angry with the same enemy.

   "Fuck! Damn, what they think is pretty? I heard they were transferred from the same game? Grandma!"

   "Let me tell you, I don't care what others think, and I, Nie Youzhi, can't get used to the problems of the two of them!"

   "The two of them really dared to come over at noon, so I dared to follow them to eat, but I'm stuck here, let the two pretenders pay for themselves!"

   "The approval letter above has come down, and the above has repeatedly emphasized the problems of eating and drinking with public funds and oppressing subordinates in disguised forms of soliciting bribes."

   "Let's grab this and don't let go, let me see who dares to commit crimes against the wind. Isn't it just being disgusting and reversing me?"

   "Then also see if the two of them have this ability!!"

After speaking, Nie Youzhi threw his hat on the table, and didn't even bother to watch the excitement. He leaned back on the chair and said to the team members behind him: "Call me when someone arrives! Let's not do any work today! Just wait for the two to be serious!"

   "Why are we going on the pole? The new leader didn't arrange work. It's not bad for us brothers if something goes wrong? Are you right?"

   After saying this, Nie Youzhi didn't wait for the people behind him to respond. He tilted his head and closed his eyes on the chair to get refreshed.

   He woke up so early in the morning, isn't this a crime? Idle.

   These words uttered the heart of most of the people in the bureau. They were the group of people who opened the window and pulled the door, and they were really heard by the people coming in from outside.

   The courtyard of the Daxing Sub-bureau is not large, with only three cars in the parking lot. In a small courtyard, it's all my own bad words. This feeling is really novel.

   As soon as Gu Zheng raised his eyebrows, he couldn't help but pull his legs to the first floor to take a look.

Who would have thought, his feet were still right, so he was grabbed from behind by Uncle Fu Sheng. The veteran Fu Sheng shook his head, preventing Gu Zheng from making the next move, and pointed towards the second floor. Means: "Go up first, let me know. Radical has the advantages of radical, and there is reason for gentleness as well."

   "After all, it is your uncle Fu Sheng's responsibility to dispatch people in the future. You should find something for me to do as soon as you come, or don't."

   Well, in the face of Uncle Fu Sheng, today you have escaped!

   Gu Zheng, who finally got along, pulled his feet and walked to the second floor. The second office next to the corridor was the office they should go to.

  Because of the early anger with the old director of the bureau, the director of the bureau office was waiting for them in Gu Zheng's office.

   In addition to arranging follow-up assistants for them to explain in detail the basic tasks in the bureau, it is necessary to talk to the two deputy directors in charge of internal and external affairs in the bureau to give an overview of the personnel structure in the bureau.

   The old director's surname is Zhuo, and he is a kind old man.

   When Gu Zheng followed Director Li to attend the award meeting and certain meetings of the General Administration, he had met the old Director several times.

   He is a good-tempered person who has nothing to do with nothing, and does not fight or grab, but he should also have the love and support for young people.

   Just like now, the basic information of the captains of the five subordinate teams is placed on Fu Sheng's desk. For him in charge of this area, it is already very good support and arrangement.

   "So now, what should we do?"

  According to past practice, today is just reporting and familiarizing with the working environment.

   But how could Gu Zheng let go of a blatant opportunity to let go of Mawei?

He took the map of Daxing Street's key management and rectification of the city management and shook it twice, and smiled with an unkind expression: "Of course I have to get acquainted with the work in the bureau as soon as possible. Uncle Fu, you are like this. Leave a chat with the person in charge of the archives, look through all their administrative files, and then learn about each individual's personality and family background from the side. This will play an extremely important role in our future work."

   "As for me, since I am mainly engaged in field work, I must personally understand the overall urban management plan of Daxing District."

   "This is the stubborn and difficult corner of Daxing District left by the previous deputy director."

   "I'll start from here, pull them out for a stroll, and survive one trip. Whatever the situation is, we can both count them."

   This method is very conventional, there is no danger of disability, Fu Sheng nodded and agreed to Gu Zheng's suggestion.

And when the people below stared at the gate of the game, no one was waiting on the left, and no one was seen on the right. When they were already very anxious, suddenly the little assistant on the second floor forced the same thing to run down. Pointing to the new director's office above, he said to the big guy: "Why are you staying here one by one? The newly transferred director is up there!"

   "Quick! Is Nie Zhiyuan here? The deputy bureau in charge of the field service is your immediate boss. Director Gu called you!"

   Nie Zhiyuan, who was lying crooked on the chair and closed his eyes and dozed, just because of such a roar, he fell off the chair.

The uniform was dirty, the face was gray, and the saliva that was originally in his mouth was also flowing out. The image was simply indescribable. The few people who had the best relationship with him in the ordinary day couldn't bear to look directly at them. The disgusted one turned his face to the other side.

   "Mother, what do you look at, Xiao Wang, hand me the towel you have!"

   Nie Zhiyuan, who consciously looks like hot eyes, took the towel handed by his colleague and wiped it all over his face.

   wiping and complaining: "Come on when you come, what are you doing so surprised!"

   "Besides, you have been staring at this gate, right? This person has gone up and you don't know anything. How is this person staring at?"

   "No wonder none of the small vendors in Daxing District are afraid! Bad luck!"


Nie Zhiyuan, who cleaned the dirt on his face, threw the used towels back on the shelf, picked up the hat on the desk, took a bite on his head, and walked out of the office of the field brigade. He turned his head and urged: "I said Xiao Lou, keep up! Didn't you say that you want to see me? I happened to go to see you first and take a look at everyone. What kind of beauty are the new directors!"

   This courage is really the first person in the Daxing branch.

   Everyone looked at the lonely back, with admiration in their eyes.

   But no one looked at him. When Nie Zhiyuan had just walked up the corridor on the second floor, his body fine-tuned himself.

   Nie Zhiyuan's originally raised chin was somewhat high, and it was already compliantly set up. The chest that had been deliberately erected, at this time, also slightly buckled a little, showing a state of buckling.

   His dissatisfied expression disappeared completely, and instead he put on a serious, slightly nervous and dazed look.

  ‘Humhhhhhhhhhh! ’

   The gestures he tapped on the office of the deputy bureau were not serious or serious, slowly and impatience.

   is such a fox.

   It was this posture that made Gu Zheng and Fu Sheng surprised when he was let in after he had finished shouting the report.

   Doesn’t it mean that this is the oldest and most tempered captain in the overall situation?

   Had it not been for him to cause too much trouble, and if he had had several merits and demerits, it would be Nie Zhiyuan who should have been promoted to the position where Gu Zheng was.

   But the person standing in front of them is really different from the information they took over.

   Is this a tough guy who is slightly serious and doesn't know how to work?

   So, when the two impressions improved a little, the Secretary's tone became better when he spoke again.

   "You are the current person in charge of the two urban management teams in Daxing City, right?"

"Yes, I am!"

   "Well, give me a brief introduction to the previous work content and later work plan."

   The deputy director, who doesn’t talk privately or talks to his subordinates, is really not playing cards according to common sense, right?

Nie Zhiyuan, who was taken aback, looked at Gu Zheng’s so young face, and swallowed it back if he wanted to make complaints. Forget it, this is his immediate boss, and he is the kind of person who only does meritorious service and does not cause trouble. A figure of national treasure.

People are the top ten youths, he is the top ten scourges. People walking in the street, little girls, big wives, and old widows are all screaming idiots. He is walking on the street, and all he has given him is saliva and rubbish. There are also big eyes.

   What a handsome face, what a young age!

   I will bear it!

   So Nie Zhiyuan, who twitched the corner of his mouth, began to talk about the recent field mission in a straightforward manner.

   After he repeated it, Gu Zheng's words with Nie Zhiyuan and the follow-up mission in Daxing District he had just obtained were all marked on the map.

   Gu Zheng has divided several key areas.

   One is Huangcun Railway Station, which is the only station for trains from surrounding cities to Beijing South Railway Station and Beijing North Railway Station.

   Although this is only a small station at the county level, its importance and throughput are much more than those in ordinary cities.

  Especially the number of train rides and the number of passengers getting on and off the train during holidays and during the Spring Festival travel season, it can basically be equivalent to the level of a train station in an ordinary small town.

   Among such large-capacity stations, the exit of Huangcun Railway Station is also adjacent to the city subway, which leads directly to the urban area on Line 10, which is less than two hundred meters away.

  This has caused a large number of black cars, private cars and illegally operated motorcycles.

   During the daytime when there is a traffic co-management investigation, it can converge a bit, but if it waits until the evening, it will become a high-incidence area.

   The second key area is the Yizhuang Economic Development Zone, which is separately divided in Daxing District.

   The work of urban management in this area has even set up an independent brigade to do it.

   There are quite a few situations where the mountain is the king and is not managed by the Daxing Administration.

   It would be fine if the economic development zone is properly managed independently.

However, due to the vigorous promotion of high-tech industries on that side and the construction of a large number of residential real estate developed based on these relocated companies, there are various hidden dangers of safety management in that area no matter it is daytime or night. .

At least in the mature communities, the construction of bazaars is not dense enough, and the problem of random placement of small businesses and hawkers is serious~www.readwn.com~ and because the roads in Yizhuang have been built and completed, the roads are wide and sparsely populated. Because of the traffic, many groups who like racing drifting and underground drag racing, all regard Yizhuang as an excellent venue for competitions and fun.

   Therefore, this Yizhuang Economic Development Zone can be regarded as the second key target area.

   As for the third one, it is relatively much better. It costs a little manpower and requires tedious past inspections. That is the fruit and vegetable distribution center for the citizens of the capital, and the new birthplace of Daxing District.

   Fruits and vegetables and a small part of dried fruit products transported from all over the country are all wholesaled in Xinfadi, packaged, and transferred to various urban areas in the capital city.

  Because of the variety, the gathering of merchants, and the huge market, the area is large enough to occupy a subway station, but it is still crowded and chaotic during peak hours.

   Among them, although Xinfadi's market management personnel cooperated in management, when there was a major transportation accident, it was the comrades from the Urban Management Bureau who came to the scene to help.

   In addition, there is a flow of people every day, and the high mobility of people has also become a breeding ground for various crimes at the bottom.

   It's okay if there is no accident, it will be a major event in the collective action of the whole district.

   I have been arguing with the local film police for many years for this ruined place, and I have a headache when I think about it. ...


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