The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1413: Bloody Winter and Sycamore Branches and Leaves Rewards and More


   A woman looked at something wrong, and desperately screwed a handful of her doll's **** cock. The child really cooperated. After a scream, she started to cry.

   For a while, the children were crying and the adults were making trouble. The vendors who were forced to get off the bus all approached the mighty Gu Zheng and surrounded him, but they used a completely different method from when they treated Nie Zhiyuan.

  Because they were afraid of being beaten, they only dared to sell miserably. Their figure is called a low body, and their tone is called a kindness. The misunderstanding is still very clear.

   This made Gu Zheng, who shook his wrist, quickly entered the working state.

   "Is that right? When I ask you to stop, I will cooperate with our urban management."

   "We are not tigers, we don't eat people."

   "Furthermore, the urban management regulations are clearly written. Only when we resist law enforcement, we will take measures to seize finances."

   "You guys will pay the fine. If you have a mistake, we won't take away the tricycle and watermelon."

   The main thing is that there is no place.

   A person's illegal payment of dozens of dollars was fined compared to the entire property, and everyone knew how to choose.

   Of course, if the incompetent people want to fine them, they will not be taken advantage of.

   But who asked this person to collect the money to be Gu Zheng? People are grateful and feel that they have taken a huge advantage.

   Nie Zhiyuan and the members of his brigade, who had finally rushed over, watched the scene where everyone was paying for it as if they were watching a fantasy drama.

While collecting money, Gu Zheng did not forget to get closer to these people. He put his own perspective on the melon farmers and analyzed the current problems from their perspectives, and chatted with them somewhat puzzledly: "You said how hot it is now, the outdoor temperature in the capital city at noon is over 40 degrees, right."

   "The surface is vain, why are you still thinking about coming over to sell melons."

   "Also, you said you wholesalers, fruit brokers, why can't you go deep into the village and negotiate business well?"

   "With so many melon farmers, can't they send a representative to use the village as the organizational unit to negotiate with all the merchants in a unified way?"

   "In addition to avoiding the harm of random asking prices, it can also unify sales and avoid those merchants from maliciously lowering prices."

   Hearing Gu Zheng's kindly asked about their needs, these melon farmers are also very grateful.

   In recent years, there are not so many people making unreasonable disturbances, and there is no need for them to insist on the things that can be achieved with qi and money.

   So, one of them is slightly more prestigious, and the watermelon at home is also a middle-aged man who occupies the most land, so he stood up and gave answers for everyone.

"This leader?" The man hesitated when he said this. He looked at the flowers hanging on Gu Zheng's shoulders, and then at the stupid man behind him. After instinctively he was definitely an official. Continued to say: "What you said is easy, but there are too many things to do here."

"Leave aside, there are no fewer than five melon-producing villages in Daxing, and everyone’s villages are not so close together. If it’s for two or three months of the year to build a decent one. Let’s not talk about the cost of the market shed. Just where it is built, everyone will have to wrestle for a long time."

   "Well, these two, it’s not that I’m blowing it myself. At this time of the year, the foreign merchants are of this scale, and small talks really can’t meet their needs."

   "But you said that if we bite our teeth and build a big one, well, you have seen it too, where can we build it for us?"

   "In the end, it must be built in the village. The place is very far from the main road and the traffic is inconvenient. Let's leave it alone. If there is no clear road sign, it will not be found at all. This is serious."

   "Also, it's so cumbersome to go through this kind of procedure. Those people who are devoted to farming don't have enough time to serve the crops. Where can there be leisure time to do this, you say let the village take the lead in doing this?"

   "That's even more impossible. Where does the funding come from? Is it going to be collected from house to house? During the process of doing it out, who is the sponsor? Five villages are considered good if they don't fight."

   "This leader, there are all aspects involved here. You can't just slap your forehead and get an idea when you sit on it."

   This is quite true. It can be seen that this man is also a person who can do facts and think a lot.

   But Gu Zheng set this place as his first patrol site. Would he simply concede defeat and let this chaos continue?

   certainly not.

Gu Zheng first suppressed the self-defeating voices of everyone, and then pointed to the man and said his proposal: "Big brother, what is your last name? Last name Zhang, okay, Zhang brother, you are like this, take me to the village first. Let me see what a charter is."

   "After all, what are you doing now, it is also in the scope of my work, we can contact the relevant units of the urban infrastructure to find a way together."

   "This Daxing watermelon is a well-known specialty in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region."

   "is the characteristic economy in our region, and it plays a very important role in the promotion and promotion of specialty tourism in Daxing District."

   "Don't worry, as long as the troublesome thing is solved deliberately, you will definitely find the right way, how about it, if you are not busy, just be my guide."

   "Maybe, I will be resident in your field for some time now."

   Hearing Gu Zheng’s sincerity, the man with the surname Zhang was also very moved. He felt that the leader seemed to be a little younger, but he was definitely a good leader who was down-to-earth and running for the people.

Isn't    just to lead a way?

   Anyway, he can't do business anymore.

   Then lead the way.

   So the villagers who accepted it brought Gu Zheng and his party into the village.

Not only took Gu Zheng and his group to run through the five nearby villages involved, but also took Gu Zheng and his group to look at the scope of these melon fields and the few things they would choose when they set up their stalls on weekdays. The main road.

   Because of trust, he thoroughly pointed out to Gu Zheng where he had made a living during this period of time.

   And Gu Zheng is really not idle on this road in Shanghai.

  Because of the long-term influence of the map layout of Liao Wangshu, he now has a certain experience in map mapping.

   When they returned to the origin again, a simple melon farmers distribution map appeared in Gu Zheng's hands.

   The surrounding roads, the branches of the village, and where the vendors would enter the area were all marked by Gu Zheng.

   After most of the day he was busy surviving, Gu Zheng's first mission to enter the Daxing melon field was even completed.

   He first expressed his gratitude to Brother Zhang, and never gave a boastful promise, but when Gu Zheng left, the man who was left felt that the young leader could do this well.

  Because of being in the field, working hard for a few melon farmers, under the scorching sun and heat, and never shouting hard, no matter whether he succeeds in the end, he cannot deny that he is a serious and good leader.

   What's more, this leader has never used this as an excuse to eat the banquet that the village chief intended to entertain him, let alone take this opportunity to negotiate with the village committee for any benefits.

  He came just to do errands, and after finishing the errands, he left simply and neatly.

   This kind of spirit, this kind of behavior, is really admirable.

   In fact, for ordinary people, moving is so simple.

   Even if Gu Zheng and his party refused, when they drove back to the office in Daxing city, their little pickup was still stuffed with watermelon.

   This is a gift that belongs to different melon farmers. They looked at the hungry and thirsty urban management team members, and they couldn't bear it.

   secretly stuffed a few round and ripe watermelons on top of it, nicknamed it, invite a friend to eat.

   Gu Zheng did not stop, he seemed to turn a blind eye, greeted his brothers and drove away. The excited young urban management team members were still rare on the way back.

Isn't    rare?

   has always been people fleeing crying and shouting, they chase like a mouse, and in the end, even if the car is full, it is also a confiscated material.

   Which is like the present, a gift that people take the initiative to give.

  They, they have never enjoyed this kind of treatment!

   The guys who are about to arrive in the city decided that they would put the watermelon on their desk when they arrived in the so that everyone could see it and know how these watermelons came.

   can get a wave of envy, jealousy and hatred in the eyes, this feeling is really wonderful.

But what they didn't know was that when the eldest brother Zhang walked back home with one foot deep and one shallow foot, he took out the labor protection vest with at least seven or eight pockets on his body and flicked it out of his pocket close to his chest. Two hundred yuan bills were issued.

  Think about it again. After returning to his urban management vehicle, Gu Zheng deliberately turned around to catch the fire with himself. As a gesture of closeness, he patted his chest. What else does the elder brother don't understand in this chapter?

   Seeing these two pink tickets, his emotion and confidence are even more full.

   does not take advantage of the masses every stitch. This is easy to say, but it is too difficult to do.

   But this newly appointed Director Gu is willing to do this, regardless of whether he is a political show or a man of his own sake. As long as it is good for the people, it is welcome! !

   A melon farmer in a suburb has such a clear idea. As a Gu Zheng who doesn't know how high his IQ is, he can't think of a solution.

   It was unlucky when he returned to the office. He couldn't eat anymore in the cafeteria at noon. He could only order two dishes in the small restaurant outside the door, and dealt with eating in the office. ...


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