The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

: One thousand four hundred twenty seven

   "No, no, no, the emperor..."

   "No, Huanger, your brother..."

After the people on the ground and the chair understood what Gu Zheng had said, when they were horrified and self-identified before they could say it, Gu Zheng hesitated...but he flicked his sleeves. This close mother and son made a mistake and walked towards the gate of Shou'an Palace in big strides.

  , while walking, also conveyed the will to shock the queen mother and make Xiaoyao Wang desperate.

   "Come here, with the help of the first assistant king as the chief envoy, and Liu Guo, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, as the deputy envoy, drafting my will... the content... as follows."

"From now on, the title of Prince Xiaoyao is abolished, he is reduced to the first rank, and he is renamed Xiaoyao to Ping. The power of the two guards in the garrison camp in the outskirts of Beijing under his jurisdiction shall be recovered, and his relatives shall be removed. There are five thousand soldiers."

   "The rest, after all, are my brothers, the size of the fief will not change for the time being."

   "After all, if my good brother faints and does not want to repent, I am afraid there is no good punishment, and he will not feel the pain."

   "Your Majesty!!!"

After Gu Zheng finished this string very numbly, the Empress Zheng sitting in the seat screamed and rushed towards Situ Jingming. When she was about to grab Gu Zheng’s arm, she was caught The loyal Father An...perfectly stopped him on the spot.

This woman with an unbelievable face widened her eyes and looked at her extremely strange but terrifying son. She was surprised by Gu Zheng's extremely oppressive eyes... Even hysterical words that wanted to scold unfilial piety... all choked in his throat.

   The empress dowager Zheng's confidence is based on the fact that Situ Jingming is a good-faced emperor who pays attention to public opinion.

According to the Queen Mother Zheng’s understanding of her own son, it was an extremely insecure, slightly sensitive and extremely arrogant, but he did not fit the position and could only use the courtier’s restraint and her queen love as an excuse to escape her weakness... The emperor of the mean.

   But now, in the eyes of the Queen Mother Zheng who knows how to judge the situation better than anyone else in the harem, her son turned out to be a completely different person.

   In his eyes, there is no struggle, no hesitation, no disbelief and sway after making a decision.

   All he has is self-confidence, determination, and cold-blooded ruthlessness.

too frightening.

   Such a Situ Jingming, such an emperor, is really terrifying.

Under such gaze, there was a voice in the empress dowager's heart screaming in shock: No more plea awful.

   Out of the acumen of political struggle, the Queen Mother Zheng shut up at this time.

   After she and Gu Zheng silently looked at each other for a long time, tears filled her eyes, and in the next second she cried out.

   "Your Majesty, the queen just wants to declare a doctor to the viewing platform, my son, after all, he is still your brother."

"I think at the beginning, your father's favorite concubine Pan Taigui poisoned our mother and son. She was still naughty when she was young. She climbed onto your royal table and accidentally ate the dragon's whiskers you used. Then she escaped for you. Robbery."

   "At that time, Situ Jingtai vomited so badly that he almost lost his life."

"woo woo woo woo……"

   "Your poor your poor brother?"

   "Hehe." Gu Zheng suddenly smiled when he heard it, like a spring breeze in March, blowing away the green willows, which is really warm and pleasant.

He returned to the Queen Mother Zheng in a particularly gentle and beautiful voice with just the right amount of worry and worry: "Yes, the queen mother, I still remember, I still have to deal with the affairs of the court. When I go out, I will Let Mr. An go and bring in the imperial physician of the Taiyuan Hospital who is best at trauma and traumatic injuries to treat my good brother."

   "You can rest assured, empress, I have a sense of measure and will never hurt the vitality of the emperor's brother."

"As for me, the two kicks that were just now directed at the feet under his leg bones, and they won’t affect the emperor’s brother’s reproduction of offspring. These two kicks can make him stop a bit, because this time is too special. According to his IQ, it is safer for me to stay at home honestly."

Speaking of this, Gu Zheng, who had already stepped out of the door, turned his head and gave the Queen Mother Zheng a meaningful smile: "After all, special methods are used at special moments. If anyone has missed my important matter, let alone a brother. It's this heaven...huh."

   Gu Zheng never said the words behind, but the meaning of disrespect has been clearly expressed.

   I heard the Queen Mother Zheng's heart twitching, butt... she sat back on her seat again.

   At this time, she didn't even think about the maid waiting for the hospital's diagnosis while the waiter on the side assisted King Pingjun to the side. Queen Mother Zheng was full of thoughts about what happened in the court.

   Thinking of this, Empress Dowager Zheng beckoned behind her, and an old mother who had followed her for many years stood up at this time.

   "I heard that Zhaocai in Cuizhuju is a newcomer who has just been promoted today by His Majesty the Emperor. If you have time, go over and see if you are a useful person."


   After accepting the order of the queen mother, this serious old mother retired. Only the queen mother was left, thinking quietly beside the little son who was crying and howling.

   "Mother, queen, you want to call me the shots, you just let it go today? You keep on saying that you love me the most, but I found out, you are partial to the queen!"

   "Oh my god, I'm wronged to death."

   The Queen Mother Zheng, who was noisy by Situ Jingtai and couldn't calm down, completely ran away. She raised her voice and shouted, "Shut up! That's enough!!"

   "At the very least, your emperor brother said nothing wrong!! You have been crowned! At the age of sixteen, you are no longer a child!!!"

   "What can be done, what can't be done, don't you know it in your heart?"

   "When I was young, I grew up with Ai Jia, what kind of woman have you never seen?"

   "Today, you can confuse your mind for a business girl who has no identity background, and do treacherous things. Have all your vision and ability been eaten by dogs?!"

"Okay, if you don’t mention the Ae’s family, you have forgotten that when you come, send someone to this Bu’s family to pass on the Ae’s verbal instructions, reprimand the Bu’s family traditions, let them abide by the rules, remember the rules of women, and what is in the women’s commandments. Word."

   "The appearance of business women is the result of family education. The Aijia has no objection, but if you don't obey the woman's way, make three and four, and behave like an owl, then don't blame the Aijia for being rude!!!"

   "No! Empress, you can't humiliate her like this!! Erchen and her are true love!! Erchen is happy with her!!!"

   Hearing that the little son in front of him who was wrapped in cloth strips dared to yell at her rebelliously, Queen Mother Zheng's face almost crooked.

   She glared at this white-eyed wolf who was unkind for him, but she slapped her backhand.

'Snapped! ’

   With this palm, Situ Jingtai was stunned on the spot.

   "Mother Queen?"


   "You, you hit me?"

   Ever since I was young, Situ Jingtai has ever been touched by a finger.

   Today, after the mother met the emperor brother, how did all of this change so drastically?

   And the queen mother at this time, not only did not show any regrets about slapped him, but yelled at him viciously: "Situ Jingtai, good son of the Lamentation family!"

   "You would question the words of the queen who loves you most for a woman! Okay! Okay!!!"

   The angry Queen Mother looked at Situ Jingtai, who was unrepentant and resentful. It was a burst of luck.

   A burst of blood rushing upwards rolled the Queen Mother Zheng's eyes and fainted on the spot.

   The guards and maids in the Cian Palace rushed forward, crying for the imperial doctor, and helping the empress dowager. They completely forgot about the collapsed King Pingjun.

   At the same time that there was a commotion in the Ci'an Palace, the Long Nian on which Gu Zheng was riding had already reached the Hall of Supreme Harmony. After he retired, he should have passed directly by the side entrance of the inner study.

   After confirming in the sea of ​​divine knowledge that there are three hours in the countdown fashion, he safely opened the door of the inner study, and came to the dragon chair very neatly, and Shi Shiran sat down.

  Originally, the ministers who were a little impatient because of the emperor's lateness waited for the discussion, but when they saw the person who was supposed to be seated in that seat, they stopped talking.

From the faces of these courtiers, it is not difficult for Gu Zheng to see the unexplainable meaning in their subconscious. How many of them are sincerely worried about the emperor’s gentleness, and how many are gratifying with contempt. , This will take time to test, and it will take Gu Zheng to be able to penetrate through the confrontation.

   But Gu Zheng knows that today's conversation between monarchs and ministers is the key to a complete reversal of strengths and weaknesses.

   From now on, taking this as a starting point will allow the entire Great Wei State to embark on a path of becoming stronger and stronger.

   In the past, the monarch of Wei, who could only be done well, and even if it was not well guarded, would collapse the worldview, he would gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

   From now on, the Great Wei Kingdom will have a glory that can be sung for a long time.

   Gu Zheng, who was sitting in his seat, looked at the group of officials who had turned back in front of him lightly, showing a smile that only the old foxes could understand.

   "Because the Queen Mother has something urgent to call, I have to turn to Ci'an Palace first. After all, family affairs and national affairs, my affairs are irrelevant."

   "Speaking of which, I am also very ashamed. They are all my incompetent younger brothers. For the sake of a citizen's daughter, they are going to be disturbed to the Queen Mother."

   "It's also about the guard duty. The safety of my palace forbidden, even though I am my dearest brother, I can't tolerate it."

   "Oh, after all, it hasn't affected the war on the front line. Don't hold on to the fault of King Pingjun."

   "I have already punished him severely, Master Shoufu, the verbal message that I sent someone to convey just now?"

   Wang Shoufu, who was asked about it, understood in seconds, he immediately leaned over and responded: "The old minister has been handed over to the Hanlin Academy for drafting and can be issued today."

   and Gu Zheng nodded in satisfaction: "Very good, then let's discuss topics related to Xiyue Country."

"An Zhong, take the map of Wei Yuancheng, and submit the secret report on the deployment of the border defenses in West Xinjiang every ten days before March, as well as the regular censorship documents of the prefect of Wei Yuancheng, people's livelihood, taxation, border trade, etc. Bring them all up."


After Gu Zheng's voice fell, he took the teacup on the side especially in his spare time. When he took the first sip of tea, it was difficult for the very capable father An to copy the important documents from Gu Zheng's inner study. The documents that had been prepared a long time ago were carried out one by one by the little servants.

   Your Majesty is really a clever calculation. While handling the case of the Xiyue country mission last night, he did not forget to order him to find these documents early when he went back to the sleeping girl.

   is to wait for this moment, to take a good look at these old guys who rely on old sellers and bosses who like to point fingers.

  President An raised his head triumphantly, so that he was not too tall... to be able to show his face in the accumulated documents that were half a person tall.

   Seeing that the information is in place, Gu Zheng did not delay. He pointed to the military deployment plan that had been spread out and hung by the servants behind his back, and opened his palm.

   An Gong Gong hurriedly turned around from the pose, and handed the long-handled antler-wrapped beef tendon whip used by the emperor to Gu Zheng's hand.

'Snapped! ’

   This horse whip, which was used as a pointer, was suddenly pointed to a point on the military deployment map.

   General Weiyuan, who had the best eyesight among the ministers and the highest force value, followed and found that the point pressed by the emperor was exactly the military fortress cast by the garrison outside the city in Longfu Town outside the city by Wei Yuan.

   There are 3,000 troops stationed here, mixed with cavalry and infantry, and they fight in coordination.

   There are tens of thousands of military households and thousands of family members who have reclaimed thousands of acres of farmland.

   is a military center.

'Snapped! ’

'Snapped! ’

Next, facing the courtier and back to the map, Gu Zheng quickly clicked on two other different points at the speed of thunder, and these two points formed horns with Longwei Town. The other two important towns of similar size and basically the same garrison.

   Outside Wei Yuan, the strongest barrier in the border, it formed the first line of defense for Xiyue State when it marched.

   For a general based on the border of Xiyue, Gu Zheng's trick is not difficult to achieve.

   But for the emperor who has everything in the world, and there has been no war in Xiyue country for a long time, how did he do it?

   Could it be said that the emperor who held a conservative attitude when talking about the use of troops in wars, and who had many doubts about the use of troops on the border, actually pretended to behave in the past?

   In fact, he is hiding his powers, paralyzing the enemy, and then accumulating the most powerful force, cooperating with the power of thunder to strike out, knocking the enemy off guard, and giving the most severe blow?

Yes, it must be like this. This is the emperor of the Great Wei Kingdom. This is the tradition of the Situ family for several generations of martial arts. This is the blood of the Situ family who started with military exploits in the troubled times. .

   Thinking of this, all the generals present stood up at this moment, and their eyes glowed with the scorching light of hero worship.

   They looked up at the emperor on the seat, and their admiration rushed straight into the sky, making people want to be in front of the battlefield now. They must drink three cups of the iron and wiseness of this emperor.


  The happy military commanders were convinced, and the sense of joy exuding around them also affected the civil servants aside.

Although they don’t know anything about marching formations, through the analysis of the behavior of the group of big bosses around them who don’t know how to conceal their emotions, it can be concluded that the emperor sitting at the head, what he said just now, those few The point is completely right.

   Thinking of the few civil servants here who would play a key role in the event of a war... he couldn't help taking a breath.

   How many years has this young monarch endured for this war or for this opportunity?

   Regardless of the ultimate purpose, they knew that this battle between the Great Wei Kingdom and the Xiyue Kingdom was going to be necessary.

   But before that, they still need to struggle a bit.

   Out of their understanding of the emperor in front of them, they felt that their struggle might gain more benefits for the interests of the civil official group.

   In the game between monarchs and ministers, it is bound to be able to draw a suitable angle for their own interests.

   So the confident civil servants listened quietly to the unhurried explanation of the emperor on the throne.

   But after listening, it feels a bit wrong.

   "My marching policy is like this."

   "Among these three major garrison towns, we will each dispatch 2,000 elite cavalry here."

   "The process and distance of this march must be fast and concealed. Before the envoys of Xiyue Kingdom passed back the news that we and our skin had been torn apart, we must complete the mobilization of this secret army."

   "Secondly, the main force of Wei Yuancheng moved towards the only hidden area behind the shallow plain behind the triangular fortress, and after keeping the town's supply line smooth, temporarily settled down."

   "However, the official road on the northeast edge of the border with Wei Fengcheng will be blocked by the garrison, but the hidden roads should be smooth."

   "There will be a secret deployment of 30,000 Wei Fengcheng and Feng Chenzhang, the most elite patrolling governor of Wu Dawei."

   "They will borrow their way from here and detour to Morhan City, the pivotal city of Xiyue State Middle Road, where they will cut off the supply line of the Xiyue State Army that is advancing towards the Great Wei State."

   "And there is another place on the northwestern edge that has been drawn from the garrison of the Pioneer Battalion outside Beijing since yesterday that the Flame Army went straight to Huanglong."

   "They will pass through the Gobi grassland where the enemy has never levied a dike, and they will directly approach the royal capital of Xiyue Kingdom, Kanersa, with the rapid pace of war and support."

   "At that time, the passive defense of the Great Wei State's marching strategy will be virtual, and the two lines of troops that actively attack on the main road and the empty rear defense will be true."

   "In one fell swoop...will have been crawling in the northwest of the Great Wei Kingdom, and the Xiyue Kingdom, which has frequently provoked our country, will win!"

   "What I want is not the surrender of the Xiyue Kingdom. What I want is the head of the Xiyue Kingdom's emperor, as well as all his subjects and lands."

   "After this battle, there is no more Xiyue on my map, and there is no more Xiyue country on the Tianyao continent!"...


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