The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 211: Client, I made the decision for you

This made Lin Shuixiu, who had become accustomed to her, who could only surround herself with her, suddenly became uncomfortable.

With a bit of temptation and a heart wing that she hadn't noticed, she spoke again: "Brother Gu, did you listen carefully to what I said just now? Do you have any other plans?"

At this time, Gu Zheng, who had already stuffed the whole egg into his mouth, felt a little choked, but smiled at Lin Shuixiu, pointed out the door, and said with a sly voice: "I will soon be given the egg by you. I'm choking, why would you pour me some warm water? I'll share it with you after I drink?"

Lin Shuixiu, who was stunned at the scene for a short time, hadn't reacted to Gu Zheng's words, but was dazzled by the other's smile.

Unexpectedly, this Gu Zheng laughed so beautifully, but why didn't he notice it before?

Lin Shuixiu hasn't noticed a lot.

She didn't know that she had opened the door of the thatched hut because of Gu Zheng's words, and was about to go home to have a cup of tea for her brother Gu.

It was only when she had walked into the courtyard of her own home that she reflected. She gave her head a little annoyed, and then turned and stomped, only to find that Gu Zheng had closed the door!

This is the first time that Lin Shuixiu has grown to the age of twelve. It is the first time that a boy in the village dared to treat her like this. At this time, she felt like a fire was burning in her chest. It was so hot that it could not be extinguished.

Shame, anger, and a little bit of disappointment that did not come up on her own, filled the heart of this girl who could marry in two years, but reason prevented her from venting regardless, but made her stomped again. He rushed back to his house without looking back.

Because of Lin Shuixiu's face, she finally missed the last time Gu Zheng had a heart-to-heart talk with her in this village.

If this girl really brought Gu Zheng a glass of water and waited quietly for Gu Zheng's answer to her, she would know that the neighbor’s bamboo horse who grew up with her was happy for her smile. The boy who is sad for her tears, he will soon make preparations and plans to marry her.

It's a pity that Lin Shuixiu, who is too self-centered, can't pass the hurdle in her heart called "holding the shelf", and she has missed the most important choice in her life.

Ever since Gu Zheng saw Lin Shuixiu in the crack of the door and rushed into the door of her house without looking back, he had completely put down the woman on behalf of the client. Sentenced to lifelong loneliness by love

Don't talk to the Lord and have to act according to the client's wishes. If the client's brain is kicked by a donkey, it is an IQ who is not online, should he let Gu Zheng also follow him?

What's the point of finding him? If you have this ability, you are kicking on your lap.

Who would have thought that the client’s current reaction was really guessed by Gu Zheng, this two-hearted soul body, silly and happy spinning in circles in the play space of Laughing Forgetful Book: Sister Xiu'er gave me an egg ...Hehehe.

Laughing and forgetting the book on the side had already begun to wipe his cold sweat, and he figured out what Gu Zheng was thinking. He glanced sympathetically at the plot that was about to deviate from the track, and the client who was like a fool in love, and thought about it. But for a moment, he continued to pretend to be dead.

At this time, I reminded which side is not thankful, Gu Zheng now you are the leader, your boss!

Gu Zheng, who had already made a decision for everyone, was already full of food and drink. Shi Shiran headed towards the center of the village. Whenever there are major issues to discuss, the villagers will gather in this empty field and walk over. .

Gu Zheng, who thought he was getting up early, waited for the square to find that most of the villagers were already sitting here. There would have been lively greetings at conventions like this, but today he didn't hear a word.

Everyone seemed to have lost their interest in small talk, and quietly waited for the attendees to arrive. The old village chief began to host the party for everyone.

As the sun gradually rises, the empty space is filled with people after all. Except for the family members of the three dead families in it, there is no woman in sight during the party.

In these major meetings, women usually do not let them appear.


Superstition is also a kind of contempt for one's own gender.

Seeing that everyone was coming together, the village chief cleared his throat first, and briefly discussed the number of seagoing boat captures and the issue of distribution.

This is an old rule in the village for many years, so naturally everyone has no objections.

Only Wu Dahai’s boat was left by the old village chief until the end. What he said was not the harvest of this boat, but the three family members who died and worked hard were called up. Leng girl's school grass prince

"Today is a day of sorrow for our village, Wenya Zi's family, Zhao Dazhuang's family, and the three people from Liu Shu's family. They will never be able to go to sea with us anymore."

"They were killed by the barbaric water thief! This is the loss of the entire village, and it is also the sorrow that these three families cannot bear."

"But things have happened. As the living, we have to look forward. We must find ways to think of more ways for these three families. What do they need? In the days to come, we will have more blind dates in the same village. Helping is still the old rule, but every family who goes back to the sea, no matter how many, is divided into 50% of the income of the whole ship! Doesn't everyone have any opinions about this?"

"No!" What everyone answered was neat and tidy.

"That's good, the remaining five achievements will be assigned to Wu Dahai. Oh, and I have reported the cause of death of these three to the court. The fishermen who died of banditry can appropriately reduce taxes and corvee. When the time comes, the heads of your families will come to me to get the voucher."

"If there is nothing wrong, everyone just leave."

The distribution meeting that was once my favorite is now like a scourge, and it disappeared in an instant, leaving only a few women still crying in the venue, and Gu Zheng who wanted to say something to the village chief.

After everyone in the square dispersed, they suddenly went back and returned to the two of them, Wu Dahai and Fu Dabiao on the same boat as Gu Zheng.

They walked straight to the village chief who was in charge of contacting the marine cargo merchants, and directly expressed their intentions: "The village chief, this time my marine cargo income is not needed. Let's share it with the three families."

It seemed that the old village chief who knew the two of them just nodded and supported each other. The three pitiful families who had gone away gradually pointed to the past: "The money for a while is not a big deal. Just help out."

"Yeah!" The two men who left with the same calm face did not forget to pat him on the shoulder when they passed by Gu Zheng's side: "Come to Uncle's house when you have time, so don't deal with it by yourself in the future. Don’t dislike it, just go to your uncle’s house for dinner."

"Having me a bite of food will definitely not make you hungry."

What this boy gave was hope for the whole boat to live. Don't just eat a meal. It should be just as a son to support him to grow up.

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