The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 213: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

However, the place Gu Zheng was looking for was not the living area, but the location of Wang Baihu's office not far from here.

There is an office area with everything from the highest-level command and general meeting hall to the lowest-level small flag office.

If you have to say what that huge office area looks like, it is a bit like a flat pyramid, advancing layer by layer, until it reaches the position of the top general of the famous country Weihaiwei.

Although the name of the military attache is not worth money in this world today.

But when I thought that Weihaiwei's highest officer was also a third-rank official title, for Gu Zheng, who had only seen the village committee director in the real world, he was in awe just thinking about it.

With a little nervous Gu Zheng, he cautiously moved to the door of the Baihusho where Wang Baihu had instructed him, and handed the name post that he took out for the second time to the unified responsibility in the Baihu District. After the soldiers on patrol, he quietly waited outside this bluestone, which looked like an ordinary house.

However, after a short time, the soldier in charge of the compatriot walked out, and followed him out, as well as the personal guard who had been standing behind Wang Baihu who was very good at taking care of others on the deck last time.

After the two people whispered at the door for a few times, the guard waved to Gu Zheng, pointed directly to the Baihuo, and said, "You come in!"

He motioned to Gu Zheng to follow him and go in together.

Gu Zheng, who didn't dare to look around, moved forward two steps with his head down, only to find that this office was not as big as the small courtyard where he lived, and he could get in without two steps. A hall where only two rows of chairs can be placed upright.

There is a huge table in the center, a clean wooden board hung behind the backboard, and a few long stools lined up in the empty field in front of the table. It looks like a small meeting has just ended.

This is a one-hundred-household office where the office and meeting rooms are all placed together.

Although it is a bit narrow, for a small officer who can't be smaller, this condition can only be enjoyed by navy officers and soldiers.

The one behind the table was naturally Wang Baihu. He was frowning and wondering how to write this list of merits for the officers and soldiers under his hand. Gu Zheng and his guards arrived at the front and back.

Hearing the noise, Wang Yingqiang didn't bother to bother about it. He threw the brush that made the gun or the stick on the table and laughed twice at Gu Zheng. Final Dharma Cultivation Civilization

"Boy, you are here anyway. Well, we Weihaiwei are in good conditions."

"Follow me, Wang Ying, and you will be my direct line in the future. In less than five years, no, less than... In less than three years, I will let you live a prestigious addiction."

"But I said, why did you come here at this time, why did you find it yourself? After the registration is completed, there will be soldiers who will guide you to take the place to you?"

"Fortunately, your kid is so good. You still remember the place I told you. Your sense of direction is really good. You can still find where I am in this densely packed guard post."

"Otherwise, as long as this is a recruit, no one will lead the way and it will take a long time!"

When asked by Wang Baihu, Gu Zheng was stunned: "After I have registered, no one will show me the way. The clerk just asked me to collect the supplies, and nothing else was arranged."

Upon hearing Gu Zheng's answer, Wang Baihu couldn't bear this violent temper. He didn't know who he was scolding for, so he fired at all the civilian officials in the guard.

"These literati who have no power to bind chickens, obviously relying on the shelter of the guards, but also have all the eyes above the top. Now they don't even do basic things."

"You wait, always find him to get a theory when you have a chance!"

Just as Gu Zheng nodded and listened to the scolding of this very vulgar but caring Wang Baihu, at the place where Weihaiwei's supplies were placed, Xu Wei was waiting behind the staff who handed out the supplies, waiting for him to be caught by him. The kid who came here has appeared.

What Gu Zheng said to him just now was just a few words with a few big words, and he didn't believe a word.

Not long after Gu Zheng left, Xu Wei looked at the sign he personally wrote, and he made a deliberate change on the salary column.

The salary here is the price of one week, but Gu Zheng only glanced at his eyes to know the salary for the entire month, and he said it in the chat.

Xu Wei, who had reacted to the taste, knew that he was deceived by Gu Zheng's rather honest and honest words. Fox song

The more this happened, the more he became interested in the big boy, and he simply used a strategy to trick the boy into the post-camp material spot alone, and then explore his fiction.

This is also the reason why Gu Zheng alone did not lead the army soldiers to follow But whoever imagined, bypassing the recruitment point is the material office, Xu Wei was there for more than half an hour, but this boy looked like It has disappeared and will never show up again.

Thinking of this, Xu Wei sighed annoyed.

And the small official next to him actually brought a little flattering and awe-inspiring approach, and almost wrapped his mouth: "Master Xu, why did you come to such a simple and simple place yourself today?"

"Could it be that Shangguan still has nothing to ask for?"

"No, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't be sincere." Xu Wei waved his hand, but his eyes never left the window of receiving supplies.

"I'm free today. It's okay to see the sun on the playground, and the small staff at the conscription point happened to be commanded to make the warehouse drop over and store the weapons just sent by the court."

"As soon as I saw that the place was good, I wanted to take a nap next to it. Who thought I would meet a very cunning kid."

"I just used words to condemn him. Whoever thinks that this kid is not fooled at all. Forget it, I won't wait anymore, I guess 80% of them met his recommender, Wang Bole."

"I'm leaving now. After that Gu Zheng's kid has received the supplies, you can let me know if you are free, whether he will come here after he has officially enlisted in the army."

"This monkey spirit!"

Xu Weiyi flicked the sleeve of his arm and planned to go out.

And the little official behind him did not forget to follow the other party's words when Master Xu left, and said a few words: "Who is Wang Bole you are talking about?"

"Who else can there be, in the entire Weihaiweili, although it is an official position of a hundred households, but it is more influential than the thousand households, besides that Wang Yingqiang, can anyone else?"

As soon as the staff of the material office heard that it was the name, he immediately closed his mouth tightly and stopped saying a word.

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