The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 216: A small painting book of the Ming Dynasty

But with Gu Zheng, no matter how single he is for 21 years, the hand speed of the unicorn arm he has trained is still faster than the veteran who is always scouting on the vast sea.

Zheng Ergou, who was standing behind Gu Zheng, didn't wait for him to close the book, but he saw the ‘wonderful’ page in the book at a glance.

"Wait, wait, come and see everyone!" With his voice, he recruited back the comrades who were ready to get up and leave.

"Guy boy, don't rush to close it. I saw it just now, so I can take a look at it. Let me tell you that Gu boy's book is a rare object."

The companions who were summoned on the side were quite puzzled. One person tried to hide, and the other one was about to grab it. They didn't understand the book, so what could make them wonder?

But what Zheng Ergou said next made everyone in the room go crazy.

"I'm telling you that the book this kid took has words on the cover, and there is a collection of paintings there."

"What collection?"

"Hey! Hey! It's the guidebook that Sister-in-law Mizune brought from her natal family before her marriage, under the bottom of the box, for men and women on the wedding night."


Upon hearing this, all the veterans who had already ridden the meat put on a somewhat wretched smile, and when they looked at the booklet in Gu Zheng's hand, they had already started to lose their eyes.

Regardless of whether they were familiar or not, they went directly to the two people, one of them stood on Gu Zheng's side, and they all helped Gu Zheng to open the pages that there was nowhere to hide.

Unfolding the book, what catches the eye is a back view of a beautiful woman lying in the rose bushes with round shoulders, tulle lightly attached.

The brushwork in this painting does not resemble the painting style of the slender Daming country, but more like the painting style of the Shengtang country that has been perished for many years.

The woman in the page is charming and fair, and the rose flower lying in it is blooming little by little, and it is embellished with a very rare crimson color nowadays.

Gu Zheng, who knew how to paint, couldn't help but indulge in this kind of artistic conception.

It's like, this is obviously a small yellow essay, but because the author's writing is too beautiful and freehand, it makes readers forget about it, and instead indulge in the beauty of women.

This is already the highest representative of art higher than **.

At this time, Gu Zheng was no longer surprised by the two unbelievable books given to him by the official Xu. When he planned to carefully study the unique brush strokes in this painting, the next to him Those veterans can't wait.


The second page was opened.

A picture of a beauty coming out of the bath, still from behind.


On the third page, there is finally a man.

A woman with perfect proportions, half-open robes, dressed like a scholar, in the quiet of the garden, supporting the depths of the jungle with only slender feet sitting on a swing, because of the light skirt that swings, and the whole body is covered by a woman .

Only the emerald green silk, like weak and helpless water, scattered on the same emerald green grass.

‘Swipe, Swipe’

The short dozen pages of books were quickly turned over by these soldiers, and they turned to the end with a short amount of effort.

As the last page was turned over, the soldiers headed by Zheng Ergou sighed together.

After that, he was quite dissatisfied and threw the book like trash, threw it into Gu Zheng's arms, and said a comment that made Gu Zheng stunned.

"What the hell, none of them showed all of them. Finally, there was a little lady who showed her face, but her body was completely covered by the quilt."

"It's not transparent at all, straightforward, I haven't even seen a woman's big breasts. It's still called a spring work picture, it's concealed, and it doesn't taste enough."

"This group of sour Confucian scholars, the whole painting of yellow pictures is still so boring."

"This is worse than Shuigen's daughter-in-law's thirty-six style for beginners."

"Yes, let me tell you that if you want to talk about the real style, you have to go to the half-closed building of the Zhai Zhai to see it."

"Mother Feng there has a set of superb picture albums in her hands. It is said that the three daughters she brought with her were all learned from above."

"I also divided the upper, middle and lower, and taught them to practice a set of services. If you want to taste the taste, I have calculated it. We can throw in our one-year payment!"

"But it's worth it. We will have a holiday in a few days, how about? Let's go out together?"

The veterans who had already lost interest in this topic naturally came to the half-door kiln, but Gu Zheng, who finally got his hands, started to look carefully at the first page with the intention of admiring the paintings. Observe carefully.

When he concentrated on seeing the last page, he unexpectedly found a line of text written in tiny lower letters on the very side of the picture of ‘A Journey to the Jungle’s Quiet Songs’.

The book above: Gu Xiaozi, this is a reward for your success in hiding and deceiving me, Xu Wei.

As if thinking of something, Gu Zheng quickly opened the second album.

It is still a book with yellow letters, but UU reading is much more esoteric than the one just now.

This turned out to be the most popular Xiaohuangwen storybook in big names nowadays.

Gu Zheng, who had no time to read carefully, turned the book to the end again. This time after the book, he used a brush to scrutinize two strokes, forming a simple strokes of a wonderful life.

There was no narration, but Gu Zheng guessed the meaning at a glance.

A boy above, holding the three-character scripture in his hand, gave an introduction ceremony to a long-bearded scholar, and behind him was the dire battlefield of the barracks, seeming to seek refuge from the scholar.

This means that you kid hurry up and join me, holding the Three-character Scripture as a famous post to introduce yourself. As for Xu Wei, I am kind to take you in. You don’t have to suffer from cold training at a young age. Mixed with a group of warriors who are not promising.

Whoops, have you been taken seriously?

However, this mysterious Mr. Xu, who is optimistic about him, has left quite interesting famous posts like an expert, but your old man's Taoism also writes out the way to find you.

This huge Weihaiwei, where do I go to find a Mr. Xu who doesn't even know what position it is.

Could it be said that this is also a part of testing him?

Let's pull it down, don't bother with it. Early tomorrow morning, he will follow his flag and some veterans around here to patrol the boat.

Where can you spare time to play a guessing game of mutual temptation with you here?

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng smiled lightly, and threw these two books together with the furoshiki into the drawer beside the bed, turned around and went to unpack the big bag of supplies he had just taken.

ps: The author of "The Wilderness of the Mountain"; [A bowl of incense from the farmhouse]; This is a story of an invincible immortal hero. This author is an author with no ethics.

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