The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 226: Shaolin Monk Anger Hammer Pirate

Therefore, Gu Zheng was smiling at a position only a few nautical miles away from Mao Wenlong, watching Xiao Wangshu's analysis of the full power of the maritime overlord.

Thanks to the fact that he had personally slashed a pirate who had been marked by a sea overlord, otherwise, at such a long distance, Gu Zheng would not even be able to sense the existence of Young Master Mao.

But now it's fine, the female worm that can produce a steady stream of pirates has appeared here, so is he still far from the low-hanging feat?

Suddenly, his mood became quite good, Gu Zheng turned around and returned to his temporary station, waiting for tomorrow, to reap his own brilliance.


The next day, Wang Qianhu, who was somewhat drunk, stayed on the calm sea and yawned boredly. He really didn't have any hope for the route he was assigned again.

Here, it is very close to the blooming Jiangnan, and it is the place where the navy is focused on guarding. How can there be pirates who are not looking at them, who will come here to looting?

But he didn't know that there was another peculiar thing called the Overlord of the Sea in this world.

This courageous Young Master Mao unexpectedly let his most proud general of the Tokugawa family lead his most mysterious direct troops, secretly bypassing the patrol line of the Minzhe navy division, and drove to the edge of the coast, too. The most prosperous coastal area of ​​Zhejiang in the Daming Country.

He intends to do a big vote and grab a handful of the richest cities by the sea.

Only seeking speed, never greedy for too much, and only this time, can also lay a solid foundation for his future fleet preparation.

After all, if you want to buy ships that can dominate the entire world's waters, you need a lot of money as a reserve.

How to collect these money, he naturally hit the idea on the big name country.

Actually, if there were no Gu Zheng, this Young Master Mao's plan might really be realized.

It's a pity that on his current screen, the fleet of Wang Qianhu related to Gu Zheng is completely air-like and does not exist on his radar.

Therefore, when this comrade Mao waited on the secret base he opened up, a small island a certain distance from his foster father and the residence of the famous navy division, waiting for the good news for his men, the pirate ship he sent out, Without knowing anything, he started to move towards a town in a great country that hadn't received a single message, singing and dancing.

Those pirates who had successfully boarded the coastline and perfectly covered their returning ships in the darkness, they saw such a sight as soon as they landed ashore.

At night, there is no crescent moon, but by the flower boat on the advection river leading to the sea, it is illuminated like daylight.

The ethereal sound of silk and bamboo, accompanied by the gentle and charming singing of the singer from the south of the Yangtze River, made the guests on the side of the ship and the guests on the shore trying to pick a small boat to board the ship.

In the night, the gentle harbor sang, and the torch that suddenly appeared, awakened the dreamer.

I don't know that it was the woman's shrill scream that broke the harmonious atmosphere and made those people who were incompatible with the atmosphere appear in front of everyone.

These people have their feet, a scimitar on their waist, and a variety of hair buns on their heads. These people from the Kou country, who are like a big Afu, are now standing in the most prosperous town in this big country, really connected to the countryside. The rich landlords are not as good.

Those demented expressions, the unbelievably wide eyes after seeing the flower girl, and the moment when the oiran fainted weakly by the river bank, the floating tulle, the red skirt, and the slender waist made those who were already crossed. The legs of the Kou Guolang people who were standing on their legs spread even further.

However, they did not forget the mission of this voyage. After a brief absence, they knew that this moonless night was a time for them to vent their vents unscrupulously.

Then, louder screams yelled from their mouths, and the bandits wielding samurai swords, like wealthy wolves, rushed into this Jiangnan town on the coast.

Some old people who had experienced big storms shrewdly fled into the winding alleys, and finally sounded the big gong bell for the invasion of foreign enemies ahead of time.

And the county grandfather who belonged here finally knew that the foreign enemy had really come in.

Ruined! If these pirates are allowed to really break into the further Hangzhou city, then his head of the county magistrate may be separated.

However, seeing the seven or eight government servants who had gathered urgently next to him, as well as more than a dozen helpers who had come by forcefully, their own twins still trembled, and they barely maintained a state of not falling.

If you expect these people to meet the pirates with extremely bad reviews, it will simply be the end of the opponent's head.

The grandfather of the county now screams at the sky and said: "I'm going to die!" Suddenly, a voice came from behind him: "Amitabha Buddha, my Buddha is merciful!"

Hearing this, the county grandfather who was in the team outside the yamen, hand in hand with the other yamen, turned their heads together, and what caught your eye was a group of bald heads shining brightly under the torch.

These monk's clothes were dressed in gray battered shorts. Except for the headed monk who was dressed in a red robed robes, the rest of the people were all artists holding a monk stick, scorching eyes, and standing upright in the county. The main entrance of the office.

Could this be said to be an envoy sent by the Western Paradise to receive him?

But sir, am I still alive?

The grandfather of the county who had finally recovered, but under the aura of the opposing eminent monk, he involuntarily returned a bow.

"I don't know where the monks are from, and what can you do?"

"Amitabha, this official benefactor is courteous. The little monk is a monk in the Arhat Hall of Shaolin Temple. His name is returned to the Yuan Dynasty. Behind him is a disciple of my Shaolin full-time generation. Come and help."

"I serve the Dharma with my own body, promote the power of the angry King Kong, relieve the pirates of the coastal believers, and promote the laws and regulations of the elimination of evil."

"Promote my great name and national prestige, shock my Buddha's majesty!"

it is good! Well said! Great monk, I don't care what you are doing, you just have to chase away these people, you are my yamen and I don't care about it!

The county grandfather is in a hurry to go to the doctor!

The master on the side sniffed his nose, and felt a trace of chill in this hot and scorching day.

Just when he wanted to persuade his immediate boss to think twice before acting, the great monk on the opposite side had already accepted the stubbornness again.

"So, this donor, where do we start to help?"

The county grandfather didn’t plan to be polite, and he pointed his finger at the dark sea area on the far east side: “I wonder if the monk can dare to go deep into the tiger’s den and stop the sea pirates who are constantly rushing for assistance?”

"If you can accomplish this great cause, the monks will have immense deeds and will save the people and the fire!"

After listening to the county grandfather's poisonous trick, it was not, it was a clever trick, and the master beside him took a breath, and stopped talking about the words that had originally discouraged him.

How shameless this is to allow such a group of monks with only 20 to 30 people to be sent to the coastline where the unknown situation is at least no less than a hundred people.

But for the safety of the people in the town, there really needs to be such a person to do this.

Even he felt that it was difficult for him to be a strong man, and the things that caused people to die were really shamelessly said by the county grandfather. No wonder people can be an official, and they can't compare themselves with this face.

When the master was sighing, the great monk on the opposite side sang, and said: "Yes!"

He actually agreed.

And this group of brave monks, who were not afraid of life and death, even after the leading monk had said that, they all put the monk sticks in their hands to the ground, a sharp turn, lined up in a neat formation, and ran quickly. He plunged his head into the invisible coastline.

Seeing this situation, the county grandfather sorted out the clothes that was a little crooked when he got up, and sighed: "Yes, righteous man! No matter what the situation is tomorrow morning, remember to send someone to investigate the condition of these monks."

"Live to see people, die to see corpses."

If the bodies of these people are sent to Shaolin Temple, where it is said that there are 800 disciples of Arhats, will they all kill them in a rage and act as free thugs in Min Town?

Thinking of this, the county grandfather holding the beard showed that insidious smile again, causing the master next to him to take two steps back, my mother, stay away!

Those monks are gone!

Is this actually the case?

Guiyuan brought the most elite troops in the Shaolin Temple here, but it was not here to die.

This seemingly naive monk was able to receive the mission of going out in a temple where talented people like Shaolin Temple were born, how could he be a pure and harmless person.

This simple appearance is nothing more than the appearance of a skin.

No, the monks who had just immersed in the darkness heard the order of their leader: "A group of three, forming a front, center and back club formation. If you defend against the enemy, you don't need to scrutinize the non-killing regulations."

"You must know the truth about removing small evils and doing great good."

What's more, they are all angry at King Kong, which is the sharp blade of the Buddhists to eradicate ghosts.

Don't kill?

This life depends on what it is!

The monks who received the order still answered neatly in the dark: "Respect Master and Uncle Ling! Shaolin stick formation, knot!"

The monks who have already adapted to the darkness have taken the advantage of the warriors to the extreme, and can clearly see the outline of the enemy in the darkness.

"Follow me to fight and kill the enemy! Drive out the Tartars and raise the power of our country!"

Farewell to the robes to his waist and bid farewell to the eminent monk's return to the Yuan, like a tiger descending a mountain, the first soldiers rushed past.

In the darkness, there was an instant ‘Ah! Oh! vomit! ’’S screams.

Those pirates who claimed to be in this genre, that samurai family, under the real martial arts masters of the daimyo country, seemed to be weak and deceptive women and children, they were instantly beaten back to their prototypes.

But although these people are mobs, they can't hold back the crowds.

After a brief panic, they regained their basic IQ.

"Baga! Raise the torch, and don't even know the number of enemies? How can we kill the enemies with ease!"

"That's right! With so many of us, they are all piled up. The nearest navy and mansion soldiers will take a few hours to get here."

"With this effort, we have finished robbing them. We are afraid of these resistance elements? Are you small-stock pirates getting used to it? Hurry up and light a torch to let the people of the famous country see our strength!"

With the clamor of ghost crying wolf howling, the pirates on the coastline were no longer the captain lighted up the lights, but were lit by a torch, making the entire dark and deserted beach instantly light up.

Oops, it's so dazzling!

what is this?

Dozens of big bald heads shining!

And their weapons are nothing but bladeless clubs!

"Baga! How could we lose to such a combination, the front team! Give me a chance!"

The samurai of the Tokugawa clan, who was in charge of the formation, waved the saber in his hand and commanded it. The vanguard who received the order was really brave and waved the various weapons in his hand, and it looked very common towards the group. The monks rushed over.

Why are they all kinds?

Because in Kou Guo, not everyone uses knives, what hooks and chains, red tasseled guns, ball hammers, and arrows in the sleeves, there are so many tricks.

The reason is that what these people have learned is not the same as the martial arts of the daming country, it is passed down.

They have nothing to do with it, and they have finally created a genre. The most fundamental reason why this weapon is so strange and not up to grade is that it has no money.

The pots, pans and pans that the blacksmith used to fuse in such a fusion, the weapon can be built and used, and he does not care what shape you are.

So no one should stop playing that set of weapon worship stalks, which are weird in shape and do not have the same rules as the old lady's rolling pin.

Put the weapon aside in advance.

There are no fewer than forty people in this team, and only half of them are monks. Under such a huge impact, they are standing just under the action of the leader uncle, Made a circle around the formation.

After the formation was over, the group of monks rushed head-on and directly rushed into the team of more than forty people.

‘Swish swish’

These flexible monk sticks were moved by these savvy monks by force, which was like a hot wheel, impervious to the wind.

Those clanking weapons just collided with these clubs a few times, and then they dropped their hands under the heavy blow of the opponent.

The people behind the team saw this scene. Above that small circle, like fireworks, countless kinds of weapons bloomed, and then they clanged into a circle shape, scattered on the ground.

And after these weapons were knocked into the air, the clubs didn't stop smashing, but instead locked the target directly on the person's body.

These powerful sticks, when they hit the bandit, it is natural for the closest person to hear the sound of bone fracture in the human body.

'what! ! Ouch! ! ’

The screams came one after another.

Because of the short legs and short legs, a Kou countryman was hit by the opponent's tall club on the head, and he collapsed directly on the exotic beach with his head like a broken watermelon.

And the death of the companions seemed to hit the deepest fear in the hearts of these pirates of the Kou Kingdom, making the originally aggressive team instantly on the verge of collapse.

"It's terrible, I don't want to die yet! I just followed my uncle to grab a handful of fishermen!"

"Run away, help! Isn't the Buddha's great power to save sentient beings? How can these monks of famous countries be like this!"

Well, this is not your clever break, it is not a system at all.

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