The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 234: I'm better than Qi's everywhere!

She seemed to have endured it until her only daughter was married. After the red wedding banquet was over, she used a pair of mandarin duck knives to cut off the wedding gown stored in her and his master bedroom when she was shyly married.

Since then, she rolled a parcel and returned to her natal family without turning her head back.

This dream is sometimes clear and sometimes unclear. Wang Yingli only knows that she occasionally wakes up crying in her sleep, but when she thinks about it again, she is indistinct.

But the look behind the screen today made her nervous. The little general her father looked forward to was overlapping the figure of the man in the dream to the middle-aged, dignified and prudent man.

This is Zhouzhuang's Dream Butterfly?

Or is it a warning from heaven?

Regardless of the type, Wang Yingli made up her mind and would never marry such a person.

Moreover, she obviously has a better choice, because when the person who reads her uttered his vows, she can feel that there is a sincere heart there.

After making up his mind, Wang Yingli leaned a little closer to her mother. Behind the screen, she said something dissatisfactory to her mother with the cautious thought that she could see at a glance.

"Mother, you see, although their family is a hereditary generals family, but they don't have any remaining wealth or help."

"The harder thing to do is to have a widowed mother."

"Mother, I didn't mean that I don't want to serve his mother, but you also know that widowed mothers and older sons have a preference for their mothers."

"It's okay if his mother is kind, but if it's harsh, there is no bump in the days, so who can this General Qi aim at?"

"Also, mother, it is inevitable that the generals will fight as soldiers. If I find someone who has nothing to do with me, I can also go with the army to a relatively close town and buy a new home there."

"It's also convenient for Xianggong to go home for reunion."

"But if there is an elderly person at home, I can't join the army, and I have to stay in the old house to serve my parents. This armyman would gather little and leave more, and can't return home for a year or a half to catch up with a major event."

"Then how can the relationship between these two people get better?"

Listening to the girl who is very carefree on weekdays, she said so much in one breath, and Wang Yingli's mother was stunned.

She hasn't started teaching her daughters about these ways of being a wife and daughter-in-law, but now she has been shamelessly told by the girl's family.

This, is this daughter fascinated by the kid from the Gu family?

It is also difficult for her to come up with so many unsatisfactory places.

The children are all debts, and the mother who was still a little shaken by Qi Guangji's excellence, who was proactively said by Wang Yingli's words, came to Gu Zheng's side.

Yes, only women understand women.

The girl of my own family is older, and she has learned to speak for her sweetheart in a roundabout way.

She is a real mother, so naturally she has to stand in line.

I don’t know if it’s because the husband and wife have been doing it for a long time. Wang Zongbing talked with Qi Guangji for a long time, and finally sent the person out of the palace like this. At the end, he didn’t mention that the girl was betrothed to the other party. possibility.

It was just that after Qi Guang left officially and disappeared, the general soldier Wang returned to the living room. He regretted thinking for a long time, and finally he sighed and moved towards the back of the screen that was a little away from the left and right behind him. Each clicked: "Don't hide it, come out!"

"What about you brat! Drag me out of your subordinate with the surname Gu. Don't be too much. The brat is talking about you, don't pretend to be stupid!"

These two groups of people thought that they were quite successful in hiding, and they didn't look at whether Wang Zhongliang was a fake.

If he could escape his eyes and ears in this way, he would have died from assassinations at this distance for a long time in this position.

After knowing that they had been discovered, Wang Yingqiang and Gu Zheng simply did not hide. When they walked out from behind the screen of the corridor, they happened to collide with another wave of people with the same purpose.

"Why are you here?" Wang Yingqiang's mother, Wang Feng, seemed very happy about Wang Yingqiang being able to squat here with his colleagues?

"Knowing that you are worried about your sister's marriage? As expected, he looks like a brother."

"Oh, this is the guy from the Gu family who has often heard Yingqiang mention in the past few days, right?"

"How can I neglect the guests who come to my home? Yingqiang quickly give up a seat."

Since Wang Feng came out with his daughter, he found that the atmosphere in the hall had instantly changed one direction, towards the girlish style of pink bubbles.

The enthusiasm of the eyebrows, coupled with the fanfare of the silly boy in her family, winked and winked, not to mention how enthusiastic.

This Wang family's mother instantly understood that this is the mother-in-law who looks at her son-in-law more and more likes it.

But at this hello, me, everyone’s good moment, there is one person who is not good at all.

After Wang Zongbing heard his wife's words, he waved his hand and pointed to the middle with an index finger: "That guy named Gu, don't sit down, go, stand there! Talk back in the middle!"

Then, without looking at the few eyes his daughter threw at him later, the old **** was present with an aura of the head of the family.

"You saw the little general of the Qi family just now, but you are telling me, what are you better than the other?"

Does my ability count as strong?

This kind of nasty joke is absolutely impossible to Seeing that the time to decide his fate had arrived, Gu Zheng quickly tidied up his clothes and stood in a straight military posture in the center of the hall. The extremely serious words came back: "Everywhere is strong."


Don't you want to face?

Wang Yingqiang gave a sincere and convincing thumb for this.

And Wang Zongbing was amused by Gu Zheng's shamelessness: "Okay, you give me one by one!"

I saw that Gu Zheng was not in a hurry, cleared his throat and spoke: "First of all, I am a few years younger than Qi, but now my job title is almost the same."

"So I am younger and more promising than him."

"Secondly, my feats are made by one's own ability. Not only that, but I'm also good at running, and I can earn a rich life for my family even if I don't hold a military position."

"Third, I have no father and no mother. Miss Wang's family married me, but I am like a half son of the Wang family. I can support each other with my brother Yingqiang, and can be the help of the Wang family's clan."

"The contacts and accumulations in the army that I have accumulated in the future will eventually be handed over to the sons who retain the blood of the Wang family, and there will never be the possibility of being out."

"Finally, and the most important point for a parent, Gu Zheng, I dare to say that there is only one woman in this life, Miss Wang's. If that kid with the surname surnamed me dared to swear a thunder strike in front of me, there is no need for Mr. Wang. Say, I will retreat when I know it's difficult, and I won't miss Wang's lady anymore!"

"No! You don't need to retire, it is the person who retires! He definitely can't do it!"

When she heard the last words of Gu Zheng, the impatient Wang Yingli took the words.

This was heard in the ears of the people in the hall of Wang Zongbing, and that meant that the girl hated to marry.

You are only 14 years old, and the Wang family has not abused you, so why are you so anxious to marry?

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