The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 240: Please live my life for me

When the maid was anxiously planning to walk in front of Uncle Gu to stop the shameless maid from continuing to be a demon, she heard a stranger conversation between them.

"Is it you? Lin Shuixiu?"

"Is it you? Brother Gu Zheng?"

Ha ha ha ha...

"Aren't you going to be a big soldier in the navy? How could you appear in Wang Zongbing's backyard?"

"Aren't you also going to be an embroiderer at the official's house? How could you show up in my future wife's house?"

"You are Miss Wang's future husband-in-law?"

"How fresh, isn't it that I can have other wild men?"

These two people were like a cascade of guns, and no one else asked and answered them.

In the end, Lin Shuixiu, who got the definite answer, could no longer stand the double blow of her body and her sex. After a puff, she sat directly on the ground in the garden.

At this moment, she still had a few dead leaves stuck in her head, and her skirt was a little messy, but her face, which had been specially applied with Fendai, was completely blank.

She could no longer see that Gu Zheng only explained a few words with the leading maid after answering her words, and then continued to follow the other side to leave, leaving only herself alone in the garden.

Now Lin Shuixiu's mind is all put on, the uncle of this family is above the high-ranking official of the newly appointed fifth-grade commander of the thousand households.

How can this be?

The boy who once dragged a slug behind her and handed her a bunch of little yellow flowers that grew out of the village.

The young man who was so satisfied when he fished in the dark for her and saw her smile on him.

The young man who had been lying at the gate of her house on the eve of her first trip to sea, asked her nervously whether she would like to marry him when she grew up.

Now he has become the fifth rank officer of the Daming Navy.

The joy and gain of these successes, and the subsequent wealth and status have nothing to do with Lin Shuixiu.

She is just one of the most ordinary embroidered maids in a woman's family he wants to marry.

And the last big red rose pouch she had just completed a few days ago, which also means that he and the lady of this family are near happy events.

None of this has anything to do with Lin Shuixiu.

Lin Shuixiu, who never likes to look back, was the first time on this garden path with dead leaves flying around. She recalled what she hadn't remember well, Gu Zheng and her past.

It turned out that everything was foreshadowed. Thinking about it, from the moment Gu Zheng changed, every word he said was given to him and her again and again.

However, it was just the future that she had planned, and there was no place for her brother Gu.

So she ignored and discarded the biggest piece of jewelry that she had encountered in her life.

Lin Shuixiu, a little lost, got up from the ground blankly, patted the dust on her skirt, as if thinking of something, and mustered up the courage, and walked towards the house where she lived without looking back. After a short while, the back garden where a farce was originally staged became quiet.

After being completely quiet for a long time, two figures of Xixi Suosuo came out from behind the huge rockery in the deepest part of the garden.

"Little Tweet, you go and help me find out which room the girl was in? Tell my mother that such a big-hearted girl is not available to our Wang family."

Xiao Cui, who got the order, just twitched the corner of her mouth disdainfully. As a package, she told Lin Shuixiu's origins: "Miss, don't have to be so troublesome. I'll just talk to the internal officials."

"This Lin family's embroiderer is one of the few unique embroiderers hired by his wife from outside in order to rush to make your wedding gown."

"The delicate work in our mansion will not be put into the hands of these living deeds. They mostly do the work of rewarding people for their pockets."

"The dismissal fee for the last few ounces will be passed away."

Until this time, Wang Yingli's face finally showed a little smile.

Had Xiao Cui stopped behind the rockery just now, she would have gone up and painted the face of the shameless little hoof a soy sauce shop color.

Fortunately, her future husband-in-law didn't have any touches about this, but rather relieved that the maid fell to the ground.

The person she met this time was indeed a good one.

I don't know if her unreliable brother Gu will secretly meet her again this time?

On the way back, Wang Yingli was still holding her face to cheer, and Xiao Cui, who went to the housekeeper's treasure, hurried back.

In her hand there is also a small scroll delivered by Gu Zheng's personal waiter, and asked her lady to meet alone in the silent rock garden to relieve the suffering of lovesickness.

Then Wang Yingli in the small note was shy, but the smile at the corner of her mouth couldn't hide her happiness.

When the sun was on the branch, and the dusk was half dark, the two unmarried couples who were thinking about each other escaped their eyes and met triumphantly in the corner of this garden.

One tall and mighty, one slender and slender, the end is a match.

Both of these people are open-minded people. When they first met, they were even more cautious. They didn't speak, but they communicated with each other with scorching eyes.

Gu Zheng: How are you doing these days?

Wang Yingli: I'm fine, but you are the one who lived hard or not?

Before you came, I went down twice. Suddenly, a figure jumped out from the rockery directly above their heads. The sharp blade in the hand reflected the cold light under the last rays of sunlight. , Rushed towards Wang Yingli's face.

"Why are you doing this to me!"


Gu Zheng, whose body reacted faster than words, rushed to the front of his beloved girl with a single stride. His tall back just happened to be able to withstand the sharp blade that pierced his fiancée.

And Wang Yingli, who was opposite, did not sit and wait to die, she touched her waist subconsciously.

It's broken, come to meet the lover, in order to leave a good impression on the other party, she turned out to be the most popular dress for ladies in the Ming Dynasty, and where did she get the scabbard.

Anxious Wang Yingli could only watch, the tall young man who made her feel at ease, wrapped her shoulders around her and held her in her arms vigorously, while the sharp blade was inserted without any barriers. To his back.

The man on the opposite side snorted, as if he was afraid that the assassin behind him would continue to hurt the woman in front of him. Before he fell, he just pointed at his waist.

I saw it there, don't look at a small knife that was carefully crafted for women, with exquisite pearls on the handle.

But now Wang Yingli can't even bother to appreciate such a beautiful waist knife. She supported Gu Zheng, who was about to fall, with one hand, and ‘Dang Cang’ with the other hand, drew the blade from his waist.

Then without hesitation, he headed towards the shadow behind Gu Zheng.



With a scream, I remembered the black shadow who had been stunned since he inserted the sharp blade into Gu Zheng's back, and suddenly released his hands holding the murder weapon.

At this time, Gu Zheng and Wang Yingli, who were about to faint, realized that it was not the imaginary assassin who attacked them, but the voice of a woman.

When the shadow of the shadow took a step backwards and fully revealed from the wide back of Gu Zheng, Wang Yingli and Gu Zheng, who turned their heads hard, discovered that this was an acquaintance they all knew, and that Gu Zheng grew up with a childhood sweetheart. Lin Shuixiu.

This shocking situation caused the three people to be weirdly silent. It was not until Gu Zheng who could not hold it fainted, that the weird status quo was broken.

"Gu Zheng, how are you? Your name is Lin Shuixiu! If Gu Zheng can't wake up, I want your family to bury him."

"Don't think I didn't check your coming and going. Just when you were performing poorly in the back garden, I had already found out what kind of stuff you were."

"Hey! What's the difference from the liar who sells his body to bury his father on the street? Gu Zheng wants to take care of you like that at the beginning!"

After hearing Wang Yingli's accusations, Lin Shuixiu's somewhat blank eyes finally became clear, and she slowly turned her head in the direction of Miss Wang: "Do you know all this?"

"Naturally!" Wang Yingli replied with a clear conscience: "I thought when you walked out of the same fishing village as Gu Zheng's brother, I specifically asked."

"I thought you were his folks, so I left you behind."

"Unexpectedly, I saw a big show today. Yu Gong, I am your employer, and your coveting my husband-in-law is disloyal to your employer."

"Yu Si, Gu Zheng is your neighbor from the same town. He has protected you and helped you many times, but you have used a sharp knife to face each other, which is unrighteous."

"Where can a woman like you come from such a sense of righteousness and revenge?"

"You don't need to explain too much. I also understand why you are hiding here today with all your energy."

"Isn't it because I gave you an order to dismiss you from the palace, so that you can't get close to the water tower and talk to your brother Gu about your grievances?"

"Want to take revenge? Are you coming at me? I didn't expect that even the Gu brother, who you wanted to pick up again, would endure it!"

"How can you be so shameless as a human being! When things have reached this point, don't have any bitter drama with me. No matter what Gu Zheng's situation is, you just wait for the government to come."

While Wang Yingli carefully inspected the wound on Gu Zheng's back, she fired at Lin Shuixiu, who was still unwilling.

However, in the next sentence of Gu Zheng, who woke up leisurely again, he became dumbfounded.

"Let her go, your future father-in-law has never asked you anything, just ask the lady to put the Lin family girl back this time."

"Why!" When Wang Yingli heard this, she was sad and angry, but she became even more reluctant.


This is not at all something that Gu Zheng, who is grieving with virtue, can do. What a smile to relieve his grudges, this is not at all in his Gu Zheng's life dictionary.

What's more, Gu Zheng has no feelings for Lin Shuixiu in this world.

But there are clients in Xiaowangshu Space.

It was after all that he had really liked girls in his previous life.

Even if you have seen the other's heart clearly in this life, you can also see your own heart clearly. In the client's heart, you can't just watch your beloved girl die for her own sake.

So after Gu Zheng suffered that moment, the client who knew what would happen jumped out and confronted Gu Zheng's thoughts in the space created by Liao Wangshu.

"I want to save Lin Shuixiu."

"Impossible, you should think of a way to save yourself. I said, with the current medical level, I don’t know where the hairpin got stuck. You dragged me into this space, so I couldn’t control my body. , And are you planning to exchange it back with me now and end the transaction between us?"

"No," the client's soul shook: "I just want to ask, can you spare Lin Shuixiu in this current situation."

"After all, Xiao Wangshu and I have signed a contract. When I have not married my beloved girl, I cannot exchange my soul with you."

"If I can, I don't think I will negotiate with you here."

It seems that this kid has watched Gu Zheng act for many years, and his character has become a lot more determined.

But Gu Zheng was surprised: "Since you can't do the Lord's things, and you deliberately pulled me in, what's the point?"

"Isn't this to discuss with you? Lin Shuixiu must have been my obsession in my last life, and it is also the main reason that drags you into this world."

"I can't watch her die because of emotion or reason. If it weren't for my intervention, she might still be weaving her dream of being a master, maybe she might have come across that can bring her a good life. The big brothers of the family."

"In the last world, although she was a person's outer room, it was a bit embarrassing, but at least her life was worry-free."

"I only lived to be eighteen in my previous life. After I started it again, I lived for so many more years, which is enough."

"At this time, I am willing to use the rest of my life to exchange her life without worries. Isn't that enough?"

"A powerful **** who can bring the soul of another world here, can't even such a small request be satisfied?"

Looking at the agitated little ball, Gu Zheng interrupted his next words in a timely manner: "But this way, you have sacrificed your remaining life to save Lin Shuixiu, what do you plan to do with your lover in this life?"

"On the day before the wedding, the husband-in-law who do you let Wang Yingli face her future life?"

"To say that you are a salted fish is really flattering you! When I suddenly found your muscles, it was a bit more hateful than a selfish person like Lin Shuixiu!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng also became excited, the client suddenly laughed deeply. With some relief, and with some relief, he said words that Gu Zheng could not continue.

"Then you are in this world, take care of Wang Yingli for the rest of my life."

"It must pass, you are me, and I am you. When we two saw Wang Yingli for the first time together, there were two beating hearts beating at the same time."

"I was in the small room where I was laughing and forgetting the book, watching you plan your tactics, watching you lash out at Fang Yao."

"While I tried to learn hard, I couldn't help but wonder, when you leave, can I be as good as you are?"

"When you leave, will I be at a loss again when facing the girl who is smiling?"

"When I return to this world, will I feel a little strange in my heart? More or less fear of the unknown?"

"I'm not sure of these, but when this incident happened today, I was only certain of one thing."

"That is I want to save this Lin Shuixiu who changed her track because of my unwillingness, my sister next door in the small fishing village."

"In exchange, I am willing to pay the rest of my life and exchange this last day in the world with you. It only takes a moment!"

After hearing these words, the opposite Gu Zheng was silent. After staring at this invisible soul ball for a long time, he slowly replied: "Okay!"

With a day's return, in exchange for a lifetime's stay, this business does not lose money.

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