The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 249: TV station in the marathon

As young as a grandfather and aunt over 70 years old, as small as a child who has just started elementary school.

But more are the backbone forces like Gu Zheng, who come from various departments of the capital city, civil affairs, environmental sanitation, management, and fire protection.

Many related enterprises, institutions and individuals were also invited to participate in this competition.

Although everyone is the same as Gu Zheng and belongs to the group that drove the ducks to the shelves, they couldn't hold back the huge momentum of this event, and these departments that were quite related in the past are unwilling to fall into their own prestige in front of related units. .

In this way, each system has its own assembly point, and the buses that provide rest and service for all units form a long queue.

In addition, uniform clothing is one of the highlights. Each unit also spends a lot of effort in making sportswear.

Take Gu Zheng's urban management system as an example. What he now gets from the chubby and smiling team leader is a very urban management characteristic...mouse gray, short-sleeved sportswear.

Adi's logo was printed on it, so Gu Zheng who put on it was very suspicious of its authenticity.

However, he couldn't help thinking about this chaotic situation.

Because he found that in the urban management system, the contestants sent from various districts are strong, sturdy young guys.

And their leader is still a person with great ideas and goals.

His goal this time was not to complete the race without success, but to achieve a good result in this competition.

In order to complete the first collective organizational task assigned to him under the leadership.

As Gu Zheng, he was speechless, but the buddies who were sent to Dinglei by the various districts around him were very serious.

They are all Qing Yishui characters with well-developed limbs and simple minds. Under the flicker of this chubby smiling tiger, he rolled his arms and sleeves to start a preparatory exercise.

Looking at that posture, it is intended to obtain a top spot among these thousands of people.

Gu Zheng, who was with these people who had lowered IQ, moved aside subconsciously, and the fat smiling tiger at this time had already pointed his finger at the college buses that had just arrived on the scene.

"Comrades, look! These are your biggest opponents in this competition, contestants from major universities."

"Completely equipped, safe, and moderately routed competitions like this, major universities, especially sports colleges, are more willing to participate."

"Not only can students increase their experience in the competition, but if they are lucky, they can also win a valuable bonus for their students."

"Of course, don't lie, everyone, the strongest opponent is the provincial level athlete."

"We still have a chance to compete with him in the first half of the journey."

"Your mission is also very clear. Try to stay longer in the first team of the marathon."

"When the interview video van of the TV station passes by, we must maintain a good moral outlook."

"Keep a smiling face in front of the camera, and have a positive and courageous attitude."

"When appropriate, I allow you to shout slogans. For example, in the management of the city, everyone has the responsibility to rely on everyone or something, you are free to play!"

It turns out that this is the ultimate goal of the smiling tiger.

He finally led the team once, how could he show his face in front of reporters sent by Beijing TV Station and even CCVV5.

Otherwise, this majestic sportswear, which is very similar to urban management clothing, would not be done for nothing?

Knowing the purpose of the team leader, Gu Zheng was finally relieved. Fortunately, there is no personal grievances and hatreds here. He only needs to lead the number plate and mix in it, right?

After Gu Zheng hung the 01588 number plate on him, he felt that he was thinking too much.

Their originally neatly arranged team was immediately submerged in the tide-like flow of people when they entered the starting point.

There is no way to tell who is who.

The citizens around with small fans, eating pancakes and drinking soy milk, seem to be here at this time not waiting for the starting gun to sound, but as comfortable as visiting the vegetable market in the early morning.

In such a big environment, who can control which system character you are?

Unless you are doing something big in the middle, you can only be submerged by a wave of citizens.

Gu Zheng, who had finally settled down, waited for the starting gun to sound when the sun rose. He stood still, waiting very quietly for the rows of people in front of him to start one by one.

When he really ran out, the first phalanx that set off first had already run out for a full three minutes.

The white pigeons that were found to enhance the effect were flying in the sky, and the balloons in front of the starting platform, waiting for all the citizens to leave, were also released into the sky.

There is only Gu Zheng alone, running silently amidst the hustle and bustle of people around him. He intends to use his last memories today to cherish the memory of his life without regrets.

Then in the corner of the heart, open up a small space and seal it up.

Perhaps when he was sluggish and old, sitting on a rattan rocking chair and flipping through old photos that belonged to his life track, he would carefully recall what he had experienced at that time. Be sweet.

Gu Zheng, who was trapped in his thoughts, kept the pace under his feet at the same frequency as when he was a rickshaw driver, and moved forward at a constant speed.

The marathon runners at the beginning were suffocated in their hearts, and the flow of people from the large troop also gave them an atmosphere of cheering each other up.

But Gu Zheng is the only one who does not slow down because of the fatigue around him, nor does he change his frequency because of the bumps and sprints of the people around him.

He ran silently like this, but inadvertently, he surpassed the second phalanx he was originally in, and gradually moved towards leading the speed and making achievements. The end of the array moved closer.

At this time, Gu Zheng did not attract too many people's attention. He was originally a young and strong contestant. It is not surprising that he can keep up with the professional players in a short period of time.

But after more than twenty minutes of the race schedule, the reporter car of the 6 TV stations in Beijing that followed the first phalanx and broadcasted the marathon live on the scene. They responded to this young man who suddenly appeared at the rear of the team. , Aroused interest.

The reporter in charge of the live broadcast sitting on the mobile reporter station is a new interviewer of the sports channel that has just turned into a regular TV station.

After observing the real-time camera of the cameraman in the reporter's car, he suddenly said: "Oh, photographer Gao, can you see when this person in the camera started following our team?"

As reminded by reporter Xiao Cong, the photographer who was still changing the lens and taking the big scene quickly zoomed out and focused on the middle of the first and second phalanx, but had not caught up. Yes, a lonely figure running.

"Oh? When did such a person run out? Let me see."

Photographers also find it very interesting. Generally, the first team players can tell at a glance what they are doing.

The dark and strong muscles, the full set of professional running equipment armed to the teeth, plus the names of the schools and teams they represent.

Some of them are a little bit famous, with some sponsorship advertisements pasted on their sports vests.

These people seem to be engaged in sports.

The people in the second team have been thrown far away by the people in front. Of course, there are also a few capable people among the citizens who run long distances every day, but their speed is chasing people who are far away. There is a big gap.

According to the current trend, as the time of the marathon is extended, the distance and results of the two teams will also increase.

But this person running in the middle of the two teams is not the case.

He behaved too strangely.

When the photographer pushed the lens to a panoramic lens with only him alone, these reporters who were often engaged in sports shooting discovered that Gu Zheng was special.

At this time, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, only a thin layer of sweat appeared on his head, and there was no fatigue at all.

The most frightening thing is that this person can tell from the accidental shots that appeared in the replay they just called out. From the beginning, he was moving forward at the same speed, and there was nothing at all. Signs of slowing down.

This is why he can stand out from the second team and gradually narrow the gap with the first team. Now, he is about to enter the small tail of the first team.

"This is amazing! This competitive state can only be achieved by professional athletes."

"Lao Gao, you are so knowledgeable, did you recognize who this might be playing with us deliberately?"

The photographer who was questioned was also very depressed: "I don't know, I'll get closer, let's look at the details."

"Hey, the clothes he wears are shown, why do I look so familiar? Hey! There are words on it, so it's easy, let me take a look."

"Capital Urban Management Joint Participating Team..."

"I'm going! It's a participant from the relevant community unit invited by this marathon! I said that the color and style of the sportswear are so familiar."

"Isn't this the gray and blue mouse skin uniform after the revision!"

'Bang Dang'

The van bumped when it passed a manhole cover, but the people in the car didn't notice it at all.

Because they have been deeply shocked by the person's true identity.

"Hahaha, there is nothing to be surprised, after all, the work of urban management comrades is also closely related to running."

"Look at the end of the first team, do you follow the two city management comrades from the beginning?"

"They ran together with a small team of armed police officers and soldiers, and it was very harmonious."

It's a pity that the reason that reporter Xiao Cong looked for didn't hold up in an instant, because at this time, when the race was approaching for half an hour, the front runner began to accelerate gradually.

In the marathon, the middle half of the schedule is the most difficult period. The gradual hot air, the hunger and thirst of water shortage, and the limit of physical strength are coming, making it difficult for some athletes with poor competitive conditions to survive.

But this is also the best time to widen the distance between yourself and other competitors.

Having such an opportunity to reduce the competitors around to a minimum is a job that these professional athletes will definitely do.

As soon as Xiao Cong’s voice fell, the uniform acceleration effect of the first phalanx was manifested. The amateur players who struggled to follow the end of the team began to be separated from each other in an instant. What is waiting for these people on the orders is that they will no longer have a chance with the personnel of the first phalanx.

At this time, the two young and middle-aged urban management men who had been the only ones who had made great achievements in the reporter's mouth were thrown hundreds of meters away in an instant after all, and there was a tendency to stretch farther and farther.

"Hey, it's an amateur contestant, it's not enough just because of good physical strength."

While Xiao Cong was feeling emotional, the photographer on the side prodded him with his finger: "Hey! Look at the camera!"

Then Comrade Xiao Cong discovered that there was still that very special urban management officer in the camera, and he even took a stride to follow up when the first team was accelerating.

I saw Gu Zheng at this moment, striding fast, as if he was flying.

Although his legs are running and his arms are swinging regularly, the expression on his face seems to have not been put on this game at all.

Because his face was confused for a while, dazed for a while, puzzled, and laughed very foolishly again.

Such complicated emotions are very incomprehensible, but it can make people who pay attention to him understand that this comrade's mind is completely not placed on this game.

His body is just following the frequency of the person in front, automatically adjusting.

And then Gu Zheng’s behavior further proved the speculation of the reporter in the car. He actually surpassed the city management team members, the armed police members who were pulled down, and several professional athletes who were not in good shape. Into the very center of the first team.

Looking at this trend, people have adapted quite well in it. As fast as others run, they will run as fast as they can, without even stumbling.

Oops, this is interesting.

Thinking of this, the reporter turned on the interview microphone on his chest, and after a few simple auditions, he started his temporary broadcast.

“Dear viewers, it’s the Spring Community Marathon that is broadcast live for you on Channel 6 of Beijing TV As you can see in the camera, this time the schedule is centered around the citizens of Kyoto. Along the bank of the familiar moat."

"Now that we have reached the halfway point of the event, we can see that the players in the first phalanx have been far ahead of the second phalanx formed by our ordinary citizens and have reached the first turning point on the river bank."

"As an accompanying reporter, I discovered an interesting phenomenon. I believe that the audience in front of the TV must be as interested as I am."

With the fall of Xiao Cong's words, the photographer directly pushed the lens to Gu Zheng's direction.

"As you can see, is there a familiar figure in the middle of the first phalanx?"

"Yes, this is the city manager who makes us Kyoto citizens love and hate."

"He is now closely following a group of professional athletes, maintaining a reasonable speed, and going hand in hand with the rest of the first team."

"Seeing how many people here are generally gratified for everyone and me? This shows that the relevant departments of our city, when serving the citizens, are not simply perfunctory."

"They really put the first needs of the citizens in place."

"A most ordinary urban administrator has such a good professional quality, so why worry about our imperfect urban construction, and why are we afraid that our citizens' rights will not be protected?"

"Please applaud the unknown urban management personnel in the camera, and cheer for the spirit of the athletes he showed."

"Come on! Young people from the urban management team!"

When Xiao Cong finished the live broadcast with a bit of excitement, Lao Gao, who was in charge of the photography opposite, gave him a thumbs up.

I'll go, if you don't go to the social channel, or the life channel, you will be the only one wronged.

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