The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 256: Native system of the 7th world

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! This client devotes himself to practicing Buddhist rituals. There are not many secular emotions, and the life span is naturally longer than ordinary people, which is a full 90 Isn’t that enough for years of Yangshou?

But after reading the cause and effect, the whole story of all things, Gu Zheng just wanted to say something to Xiao Wangshu, your tm is too simple.

This client is ashamed, but his surname is Zhu, Chongba. He is a noble man in this world with a golden dragon fate, and he is also the future emperor.

Just ask your client has offended a cautious founding emperor, what should I do?

Not to mention that there is still a client who has been alive for 90 years, even the fairy who can live to 900 years, they can also find a way to destroy it for you.

But now Gu Zheng has been dragged into this world, and people who are TM have also offended him.

Then I can only try my best!

What a shame!

Laughing and forgetting the book: barking!


Gu Zheng, who had fully understood the cause and effect, wiped the bumps on his forehead after a while with his head against the tree, and if nothing had happened, he moved towards the side hall, the palace of the Heavenly King that Zhu Chongba had cleaned. The direction went over.

There is no way to the sky, and the road that others can't walk is because he Gu Zheng didn't go to dig a hole.

Gu Zheng, who had seen the big wind and waves, calmed his mind, and walked calmly in that direction. The expression on his face was the compassionate expression of a group of eminent monks. He was indifferent and insightful. With the change over.

If the previous Gu Zheng was a savvy and shrewd logistics monk who only stared at the granary of Huangjue Temple, then he is now a bit more immortal for no reason.

That's right, he hasn't really sorted out the ritual Buddha in his memory yet, and now he can only go to the place of Gao Renfan and pretend to be forced.

It’s nothing more than softer eyebrows, relaxed mentality, and calmer pace. It’s better to have a 10-carat diamond ring inlaid robes and put it on your body. Even if you can’t pretend to be the reincarnated Buddha, you have to use foreign objects. The titanium alloy dog ​​eye that came to blind the future emperor was that.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, walked calmly.

Only a few sweeping monks who cleaned the backyard walked out from the depths of the path, huddled together and whispered.

"What happened to Brother Wuyu?"

"I don't know, but I don't think the food in the last few days will be too good."

"Why is this?"

"I don't know if the brother is responsible for managing the money and food of the monks in our temple? He was so worried that he hit the tree with his head just now. It must be because there is not much food in the temple. We are going to be hungry soon."

"Hey, Brother Wuyu is really hard. We still have one today and one tomorrow to take in refugees and shave for them."

"The guys who just collected two days ago knew that they were here for a meal. They didn't even know a big word. They could be taken down by reading this scripture. How can they be born with Buddha-nature?"

"Yes, I have a pity for a worried brother. Our temple can still support it with all their strength. It's all due to the brothers."

The two little monks were sweeping, but they were gradually moving away.

Gu Zheng didn't know that he had such a high evaluation among these brothers, he was now solemnly walking into the Palace of Heavenly Kings where Zhu Chongba was located.

He had just prepared what he was going to say to Zhu Chongba, who had come up with it, he opened the door of the hall, and he choked out again.

Huangjue Temple is located in the deep mountains of Fengyang, and the dust and floating objects are naturally a little bit more than nearby.

If you don’t clean it often, a thin layer of floating soil will fall on the ground within a few days.

When cleaning this hall, you need to sprinkle clean water first, and then clean it with a broom, but Zhu Chongba, who was arranged by Gu Zheng, has received such training in the village.

After arriving at the Huangjue Temple, most of the tasks assigned to him were cleaning the steps outside the temple. This was the first time he came to work in a temple with a Bodhisattva.

At the door, Gu Zheng only felt that the person who arranged the job was also confused, but this was good, and it gave himself a reason to speak.

Gu Zheng, who covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves, rushed into the Palace of Heavenly Kings amidst the rolling dust.

"Zhu Chongba!"

With a sharp shout, it rang at the gate of the Heavenly Kings Hall, and Zhu Chongba, who was struggling to sweep the floor of the hall in the center of the main hall, was shocked.

Broken, he is the real authority in this temple, Brother Wuyu is here!

Why did he come when he was still wondering why the hall was sweeping and getting dirtier?

Zhu Chongba, who is still a farmer who is born as a baby cow, really didn't have much guts. He just put the big broom in his arms, trying to increase a sense of security, trembling and turning his body to Gu Zheng's. direction.

This turn, stunned, shocked as a heavenly man.

I saw at the gate, standing there was Senior Brother Gu, who made him terrified and complained.

But at this time, Brother Wuyu didn't seem to be like the evil monk who had abused himself in the hall just now.

At this time, he was still wearing the gray monk's clothes, but there was something completely different.

This tall, slender and well-proportioned monk, his eyebrows and eyes were completely indifferent, and his fair and delicate face did not show any hideous expressions when he saw what he did.

The sunlight outside the hall shone in from his back, as if it had enveloped his whole person in the golden light, just like a Buddha in the temple.

Zhu Chongba actually saw the Buddha nature in a daze from his senior brother.

And what Gu Zheng said next made him even more shocked.

"Amitabha Buddha, Junior Brother Zhu, you have a portrait, guard against arrogance and rashness, and cleaning up the temple is a kind of practice of calming the mind and serving the Buddha."

"Originally, I thought you were still young and had a shallow buddha root. You need to polish your character and enhance your experience, so that you can sweep to the hall from the steps at the foot of the mountain."

"I thought that after these few days of tempering, you have been able to do the most basic without arrogance or rashness."

"Whoever thinks, brother, I sent you to preside over the cleaning of the temple for the first time, you still show that you are lacking in your temperament."

Gu Zheng, who said this, had a faint expression on his face, but Zhu Chongba was taken aback by the curl of his eyebrows and the sinking of his mouth, he could see Gu Zheng's disappointment in him.

In fact, it's just sweeping the ground. Basically no one is willing to do this shabby old monk, but Gu Zheng said that this has become the most noble way of practice.

Zhu Chongba, who was still young and had little insight, thought about the child who had never fought with the landlord's dog when he was a few years old, and was stunned.

He replied slightly: "Brother, brother, me"

Before Zhu Chongba's words were finished, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand again and sang: "Junior Brother, don't say much."

"In the secular world, there are often sayings that the son does not have the fault of the father, and in our Huangjue Temple, among the monks who serve the Buddha, the master is the leader of our Buddhist scriptures."

"And my senior is the person in charge of direct teaching."

"Brother Zhu, your current performance is also a performance of my senior brother's ineffective teaching."

"The fundamental reason is that brother, I have instilled too little knowledge of your Dharma theory."

"Yes, Junior Brother Zhu has just come to the temple, and he has not yet begun to read the basic Buddhist scriptures. Naturally, he cannot grasp the boundless essence of Buddhism."

"Why don't you start from tomorrow, with your second and third brothers, start in the hall and listen to Master's morning class."

For these miscellaneous monks who came here, three meals a day are a problem on weekdays. In this temple, few people can insist on doing morning classes.

This proposal should be quite an honorable thing for Zhu Chongba, but when Gu Zheng said so lightly, the child's face was indeed pale.

Could it be that? Big brother thought of a new way to torture me again?

Can’t recite the scriptures in the morning class. Isn’t this Qing waiting to get the ruler?

Seeing Zhu Chongba's wobbly, Gu Zheng, who continued to pretend at the door, was puzzled. Why didn't the expression of surprise in his imagination appear on the child's face?

This is too difficult to please, right?

"Zhu Chongba, do you still have questions?"

"Master, brother, I, I don't know how to read."

Oh, illiterate.

"I was negligent. I only thought about the temple's vulgar objects and ignored the origin of the temple. Sins and sins."

"Zhu Chongba, would you like to read and write with me, recite and write scriptures?"

As soon as Gu Zheng asked this sentence, Zhu Chong who was on the other side raised his head suddenly, and the voice of his reply trembled with excitement: "Brother, are you willing to teach me?"


"Thank you, brother! I am willing to be literate and understand the boundless Dharma before chanting the Buddha!"

At this time, when Zhu Chongba looked at Gu Zheng again, his previous hatred was reduced a bit. He was also speculative and self-interested, as long as he was a person or thing that could bring real benefits to him. They are all able to put down their bodies.

And what Gu Zheng said next strengthened Zhu Chongba's determination to learn to read.

"Since the younger brother has an uplifting mind, naturally the temple can no longer treat it casually."

"Since you started to learn, your common name in the world can no longer be used."

"Before, the younger brother was just a waiter in the temple, not a member of my Huangjue Temple."

"You are not only literate with me, but also a lay disciple who has been included in the line of my master's Buddhism."

"I will make my own claim. I will give you a Buddhist name first. When you go out to practice, collect alms, and make fast food, you will also sing promises."

"It's all up to the brother."

Zhu Chong responded without hesitation, and then saw the senior brother on the opposite side faintly facing him, looking up and down.

"Looking at the roots of the younger brother, he is actually a person with great luck, the sky is round, and he has his own regulations."

"From now on, your dharma title will become a round chapter."

"Yes, please follow the teachings of brother."

Zhu Chong who sang a song was very happy, and since then, he has been regarded as a famous person.

Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang, you are so educated when you hear it.

However, Gu Zheng, who had successfully completed the pretense this time, was amused when he turned and left.

Why is this name as nice as he says, isn't it the homophonic character of the name that this kid gave to himself after he developed himself?

Besides, don't look at this Zhu Chongba now as thin as a monkey.

But the head is really big, big and round.

It looks like the big round stamp of the family planning certificate stamped in the Hongmen Village Neighborhood Committee.

Call him Zhu Yuanzhang, which is quite vivid.

Gu Zheng, who was finally satisfied with his own evil taste, seemed to let go of the breath he had just come to this world, and went to the backyard of the temple with ease.

He still has to stare at this lunch today, saying that the lunch is a little flattering. The monks in this temple actually only eat two dinners a day.

What should I do if I get hungry on weekdays?

At the back of the temple, there is an old well with a history of 100 years. Take a scoop of cold water to drink.

But it wasn't two seconds since Gu Zheng had lost his sense of form, suddenly a voice that was neither Laughing Forgotten Book nor his own came out of his mind.

"Di, with detection, the host has successfully accepted an apprentice with Qianlong Qiyun, which meets the criteria for activation of the strongest abbot system."

"The system will automatically bind to the host, and the countdown will start, 3, 2,"

Before Gu Zheng could react, a small green ball of light suddenly appeared in the small space used by Xiao Wangshu to hide.

This strange little ball, after looking at it tremblingly from left to right, as if it had fainted in shock, it fell out of mid-air all of a sudden, and it rolled on a body that was three times larger than it. Yes, under the round belly of Xiao Wangshu.

"I said, what is this thing?" Gu Zheng couldn't help but ask first.

Liao Wangshu kicked the small green ball that was in front of him twice with a blurry little foot like a firewood stick, twitched the corner of his mouth and returned: "A fellow in this world."

"I seem to have seen similar products in other Little Thousand Worlds, such as the Taoist system, the master system, the magic education system and so on."

"They all belong to a batch of products."

"When it was made, it caused us to ridicule for a while. This name is based on the strongest system, and I am not afraid to flash back."

Upon hearing this, Gu Zheng knew why it was used, and he then asked the second question: "This system is the color of hair? Can it be changed to another one."

Laughing and forgetting the book is also a flat mouth with disdain: "Red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, black iron, silver, precious gold."

"Naturally inferior to the system standards, unless you rise to the top level, you can get a green color. Otherwise, this life will be a green life."

Well, this color is force majeure.

Gu Zheng frowned and continued to ask: "Then how did this stuff get into my body?"

Laughing and forgetting the book grinned, he was actually a little happy: "It is estimated that this is the luck of the original client. This system has been lurking in this body for many years. If the client can treat that Zhu Yuanzhang better in his previous life, maybe it will go smoothly. This system is activated."

"It's not going to end up in a different place. But this little thing was activated by you by accident."

"Seriously, if these things are not activated by you, I really can't find them. They are like tumors buried in the flesh, and they have grown together with the client's body."

"You said, should I just absorb it? Save it and let it cause you trouble."

Gu Zheng and Xiao Wangshu were discussing very enthusiastically, and the little white ball of light that belonged to the soul of the client of this world, which was ignored from the beginning, suddenly emerged from the corner, struggling to use himself. In the shape of a sphere, he headed towards the small green ball that had passed out.

It looked like it was planning to save this poor little green ball from the hands of the terrifying Laughing Forgetful Book.

Suddenly he was robbed of the food and turned to Xiao Baiqi, the client who was already in the corner, hiding the small green ball behind him and making a defensive posture, and asked: "What are you doing? You can't eat this stuff again."

After hearing this, the client's soul body became completely angry: "Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful. How cruel you monster is."

"I thought you were Buddha Pudu, but I didn't expect it to be a monster."

"Everything has spirituality. This little creature is born in a state of ignorance and ignorance. You have no mercy and want to swallow it directly."

"It's terrifying and cruel!"

"One day when I have no desires, I will never allow you to hurt it!"


This change caused Gu Zheng and Xiaowang Shuji to be shocked, while Gu Zheng, who had witnessed the grievances between the two people, laughed: "Don't worry, since this system is yours, I don't like strong Takers."

"Where to go, naturally it is up to you to decide."

"However, since this body is now controlled by me, according to your Buddhist theory of cause and effect, this little thing is also predestined with me and was born in this world."

"So, whenever I am here, it naturally has to obey my arrangements and orders."

"So, what about you, don't pretend to be dead, come out quickly and tell me what you can do."

When he saw himself, Gu Zheng, who was so insightful as a torch, discovered the strongest abbot system that was pretending to be dizzy. After a long time, he crawled out from behind the client, stood tremblingly in the middle, and started himself. Sales started.

"Hello host, my name is the strongest abbot system, the factory number is 522b, there are two reincarnations in this world."

"My ability is to assist personnel with special occupations, and to achieve the top position in his field."

"The abbot, as the name suggests, is a monk, and the tasks and rewards I have issued are all based on how to revitalize the temple and expand his reputation in the Buddhist field."

"So, the host and the big guy next to me don't have to worry about my instability that will destroy the world. Don't destroy me humanely."

Seeing this sincere answer, Gu Zheng didn't intend to embarrass it, and continued to inquire about other details.

"Then what I heard just now is that you have activated your system because you took Zhu Yuanzhang as an apprentice."

"It seems that the mission of your system is quite difficult to accomplish."

Upon hearing this, Little Green Ball burst into tears: "It's not difficult, as long as the host has the willingness to accept disciples, expand, and renovate, it can activate me in all aspects."

"But in my last life, I have waited for many years, and this body that I haven't seen does this kind of work."

"He doesn't go to the grain store to count all the time, or he goes to the back kitchen to stare at the chefs who cook. He can't be greedy for ink rations."

"He doesn't do what a monk should do at all!"

Seeing the strongest abbot system crying, Gu Zheng couldn't help but sympathize.

Then he asked the most relevant question: "Then I activated this system just now, are there any rewards?"

"Yes, yes!"

The little green ball seemed to be afraid that he would not be able to reflect his abilities, and immediately turned his body in the direction of Laughing and Forgetting Books, and asked a little flatteringly:

"Boss, do you think I can start the demonstration?"

Xiao Wangshu took a rare pull and waved: "Let you show it."

After hearing the permission of this top-level system, the abbot system began to show the beauty of his own system to Gu Zheng one by one.

I saw a splendid small temple, openly exposed in the space of Laughing Forgetting Books.

In the main hall of the temple, a disk-like device for rewards gradually rose up.

The above is impressively written: Novice task rewards.

And in the open space in the middle of the main hall, a long strip of incense table was immediately raised, and there was a bulging blue cloth wrapped on top of it.

When all this was ready, the green ball's voice was automatically converted into a mechanical guidance sound, and the way of rewarding oneself was broadcasted word by word to those present.

"The host successfully completed the newcomer mission and activated the strongest abbot system."

"First reward the novice with a big gift package, and the task is completed May I ask the host, do you receive it now?"

Gu Zheng subconsciously looked around, said something and so on, and then went straight to his monk's room.

When I arrived at the monk’s small single room and closed the door, he responded to the little green ball: "Receive the prize."

And the little green ball returned with a little excitement: "Yes, a newbie gift package is now issued."

"Among them, a set of basic cassocks, ten basic Buddhist scriptures, and a temple foundation construction fund: silver twelve. The monks in the temple offer a bag of fine seeds from the fields, and their understanding of the existing Tibetan scriptures in the temple is +5."

"The newbie gift package has been distributed, please check and accept the host within one meter of the surrounding space."

"Does the host want to use the task to complete the lucky draw opportunity?"


"Please host!"


With the start of Gu Zheng's sound, the entire disc gurgled up.

As the turntable turns slower and slower due to inertia, the pointer and small grid fonts become more obvious.

"Bonused buildings, temple gates, and a magnificent temple gate can bring more pilgrims to the girl in the temple."

This is the same virtue as turning empty.

Let alone whether the surrounding people have the money to burn incense and worship the Buddha, Gu Zheng didn't believe in the big archway that popped up suddenly, thinking it was just a miracle.

It's good if this Huangjue Temple is not flattened.

Well, you have such an obvious subject popped up overnight. Let’s not talk about how you built it. Since your temple can be built out of thin air, would you be able to make a tenth out of thin air someday? Thousands of insurgents, or something, put the court to a level? Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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