The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 260: The bold Zhu Chong 8 (one thousand three hundred each)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Among them, the most informed and well-informed Xiao Wangshu answered his question: "I will correct it first. This species is called potatoes. It’s not called bean soil, it’s the most common high-yield crop in our world. Just now Gu Zheng took those two big potatoes and they added up to at least a catty."

"Cut into seed pieces, a potato can produce seven or eight buds, and when planted, there will be 15 or 6 lumps of mature potatoes."

"There is no need to clean up in such a dry land. The yield of a thousand catties per mu is definitely guaranteed. Two to three thousand in modern times? It is also possible."


Upon hearing this, the client's ball was a heartache convulsion: "Then these two potatoes, can you harvest?"

"There is always a few hundred catties."

After hearing the answer that scared the client the most, the little white soul ball finally fainted.

But what Xiaowangshu said next made him awake in an instant.

"What you have to pray now is that Gu Zheng should not roast all the potatoes before they are buried in the ground."

"At that time, you won't have time to faint."

Don't tell me, there is a system for what kind of host there is.

Xiao Wangshu really guessed Gu Zheng's mind.

But it also underestimated Gu Zheng's endurance. After eating two potatoes, he said regretfully: "Forgot to sprinkle the salt!" He carried the remaining seeds into his room.

He can still distinguish the value of a potato from countless potatoes.

Now that he even has food reserves, Gu Zheng will make a good plan for this temple.

As for now, Gu Zheng, who is not sleepy, intends to complete the daily tasks issued by the abbot system in his body.

Isn’t that more than 80% of the familiar scriptures?

A trivial matter, it's not a thorough understanding and an understanding of ideas.

Gu Zheng, who wandered back to the room, found the lamp in front of the bed that hadn't been extinguished for the whole night.

When the monk of Si Chen, who was the first to get up in the temple, went to the well to fetch water to wash his face and clean the temple, Gu Zheng was sitting in the hall of the morning class vigorously, waiting for the arrival of the master.

That's right, he only read one sutra last night and fell asleep. The hypnotic effect of the sutras on him is comparable to the most effective sleeping pills.

As for the daily tasks, let's talk about it.

Today's daily life is still the same as before, eating, sleeping, and playing good luck.

After the tasks in the hall were finished, Zhu Yuanzhang discovered that he had been left alone again.

The master sitting at the top, after taking over Gu Zheng and handing it to him with a smile that he had never seen before, he hurriedly rushed towards his scripture hall, even saying something. It was not left to the other disciples and grandchildren in this temple.

At this time, everyone knew that the master was going to retreat again.

Had it not been for the elder brothers who respected the old and loved the young for so many years, the actual presiding position in this temple would have been handed over to him in a justified manner.

As far as Master’s temperament is devoted to Buddhism, I can’t wait for the eating and drinking of Lazards in this world to have nothing to do with me, and I can’t wait to hold the vast sea of ​​Buddhist scriptures for a long time and serve him by the real Buddha.

Therefore, everyone did not resist the high-pressure policy of the big brother, but left the poorest little acolyte alone to bear the ravages of the big abnormality.

"Junior Brother Yuanzhang, your task today is"

"Junior Brother Yuanzhang, your task today is"

Zhu Yuanzhang endured physical ravages and mental torture in this way. He gritted his teeth for a month, and finally reached the critical point he couldn't bear.

'Snapped! ’

The huge broomstick was thrown on the ground by Zhu Yuanzhang, because Gu Zheng’s ruler full of buddhism and spirituality would fall on him from time to time. This also made Zhu Yuanzhang's mind more and more clearer and clearer when he was studying. Is getting stronger and stronger.

Let the second brother who has been eating and sleeping with him all the time, marveling at his current changes.

This originally skinny boy who was like bean sprouts finally started to grow up, but Gu Zheng didn't know until now that his ten-year-old image was completely hungry.

He was actually a fifteen-year-old young man who was ordered by the emperor in the future.

The thoughts that have been formed have also allowed this precocious child to learn to think.

What really troubled Zhu Yuanzhang these days was not more work and school assignments than usual, but that he seemed to be addicted to being beaten.

Every time the ruler was drawn in his palm and his back, his mind seemed to move up to three points flexibly. Every time he encountered obstacles in the process of studying the scriptures and learning scriptures, as long as he was taken such a meal by the master, he would Able to realize immediately.

Nowadays, even Zhu Yuanzhang himself doubts whether he is a cheap leather.

The big brother has already seen his essence clearly, and he has been educated on violent aesthetics early Otherwise, in just one month, he has actually learned more than two thousand new words. I have memorized two basic Buddhist scriptures.

This is not at all the learning speed of a farm child who has just enlightened.

If this is placed outside, it can be called a prodigy.

The more irritable Zhu Yuanzhang thought, he picked up the broom he was cleaning the side hall and put it aside, staring angrily at the clay statue in front of him.

"You clay sculptures, can really bless the safety of our people?"

"Where was your compassionate Buddha when you were thousands of miles away? The first-class people of the Ohara dynasty are yours. Are we fourth-class southerners like us, aren't they humans?"

"You need to know that those primitive people are barbarians on the grassland. They weren't orthodox bodhisattvas like you originally. You snobbish things, if they really are powerful and powerful, go to cling to them."

"I'm afraid that the incense in front of your temple will not be full, and you will not be able to provide for your enjoyment in the heaven of bliss, right?"

"But what about now? The pilgrims who truly believe in you are almost dead, that is, I am sick and sick, and I have to clean the body of the Buddha for you."

"Why! You stuff like this can be so carefree? Go to the north to find your grandfather!"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who became more and more angry, looked around boldly and found that there was no one in the side hall. From the small bag with the four treasures of the study placed in the corner, he drew a brush and filled it with the ink he had freshly polished. After that, just behind the Buddha statue, I wrote some angry words about myself.

‘The Buddha’s temple is too small to accommodate, and seeks a path thousands of miles away. Get out! ’For mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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