The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 265: 3 dozen Lee Sun Chang

Taking advantage of the work of this meeting, the middle-aged man who supported his son gave his hand to Gu Zheng, and apologized to Gu Zheng very sincerely: "It is really not for children to disturb the master temple."

"When we leave, we will leave sesame oil to collect donations to redeem my son's sin of disrespecting the Buddha."

Regardless of the small scale of this barren mountain and wild temple, but with such a high status as a monk in the Ohara dynasty, the middle-aged man in front of him really didn't dare to offend the monk in front of him.

After hearing this, Gu Zheng knew that he was being taken advantage of.

Looking at the dressing of a few people, their low-key luxury, and the meaning of the words, they must have just passed by.

So if I didn't kill him last time, I would simply be sorry for the opportunity the Buddha gave him.

Therefore, Gu Zheng secretly touched the ruler hidden in his sleeve, and sang it without hesitation: "Dare to ask the donor, Ling Lang was originally a sound-minded person?"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man who was questioned by Gu Zheng followed him and arched his hand.

"Did you get frightened or lost your mind because of an excessive stimulus from the outside world?"


"I see, there is nothing more mourning than death. Linglang must have been breaking the principle that he has upheld for a long time in his heart, and he couldn't stand it for a while, and blocked his heart, right?"

"This! Master! Wisdom! Eyes are like torches!" The middle-aged man was a little excited when he saw that the opposite Gu Zheng had all said that they were above the idea.

And behind them, holding their son in one hand while watching the woman here, he took a step forward regardless of his care, and actually curtseyed to Gu Zheng: "Master, you can know the cause of my child’s illness, it must be Know how to relieve my son's heart."

"We have consulted the Buddha in many places for this disease, and the doctors all said it was caused by stimulating the phlegm and obsessing the heart."

"And the most famous monk at Fahua Temple also said that my son is frustrated and needs to think about it."

"But these quack doctors and fake Buddhas have caused my son to eat all the bitter juice, and let us add the wealth of wealth, and I haven't seen half of the better for my suffering child."

"This time, we traveled all the way from Huajin to the south in order to find the iconography in Hui Province, and to find an expert who was introduced by others to resolve it for my son."

"Who knows, we are just buying some supplies on the road in this crossing market. The little servants didn't pay attention and made my son Lang run out by himself."

"When I ran into the temple where the master was, I also shocked the good men and women in this temple. It's really wrong for little women."

Looking at this pompous woman, there were tears in the corners of her eyes, and her face was full of heartache and sorrow for the mother.

The simple people in Fengyang County naturally couldn't bear to be too harsh.

Everyone waved their hands to comfort the woman in the center of the hall, saying in unison: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

After obtaining everyone's forgiveness, the woman turned to look at Gu Zheng, her eyes full of expectation.

"Master, I haven't finished speaking yet. My son can run here without any disaster, and it must be related to the Buddha in this temple."

"Just now I heard the master's words Zhuji, and I was even more convinced. Seeing the master's tolerance, there must be a way to help our husband and wife, and to save my hard-failed son!"

Can Gu Zheng say no at this time?

This is the fat fish that was originally intended to be caught!

At this time, the bait is biting, and it is necessary to hold it!

So he looked around lightly and wanted to put his ears on top of his head so that he could hear the gossip of the group of melon-eating villagers. The voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. The little monk is willing to try his best."

After saying a gentle return, he walked straight forward and sat down on the first futon where he would sit during morning class every day, and winked Zhu Yuanzhang after the lottery note.

This junior with seven faculties immediately placed a guest futon on the opposite side of Gu Zheng, which was only half a meter away. After running two steps, he helped the woman lift up her madness. Erlang.

"Female benefactor, please put Linglang in front of our seniors. Even seniors are fine. Anyway, you have tried hard."

"The Buddha is alive, and one day he will be grateful for your sincerity, and he will lower his blessing and heal your son."

Zhu Yuanzhang always has to say one more thing for his senior, if he can't be cured, there is still a way out.

However, Gu Zheng, who was sitting at the top, looked at the performance of this handsome, extremely Confucian-looking man, he was still very confident.

He didn’t dislike this person’s disheveled hair at all. Instead, after his parents placed him in a seated position and left for two steps, he used his somewhat lanky fingers to spread the loose strands of the other party’s hair and slow it down. Slowly not to the other party's hair, quite a bit of compassionate noble demeanor.

And such an action was also stunned by him to make a beautiful picture like a painting.

Let the surrounding villagers automatically silence their voices and quiet down.

It also made the woman cry in a low voice while covering her mouth in order not to make a whimper.

In this situation, it is natural that this person's disease cannot be cured, but it is forced to pretend to be enough.

When Gu Zheng was arranging the other's appearance, the man in front of him was actually very honest, letting Gu Zheng play around.

When Gu Zheng had done all this, his face suddenly changed, and his painting style was reversed.

He was a person who had entered the world with a benevolent purpose, and his whole body was full of warm breath. From the next moment, he became alienated and cold, as if he was aloof, and would not be associated with mortals here in the next second.

Just when everyone was shocked by this change, the monk who was about to go away sang a scripture that had never been heard among the monks of this dynasty.

Purity mantra.

Also known as Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes.

The most widespread spell sung in this modern society sounds so fresh and obsessed in the ears of people in this world.

"Ji Shou converted to Emperor Su Xi..."

It turned out to be pure Sanskrit with a magical power to attract people.

Those who heard Gu Zheng sing this verse, in the gentle tone, seemed to see the peach blossom field, the stream, and the quiet and far-reaching.

It really makes people feel the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind, to stop the evil.

Among them, the man sitting opposite Gu Zheng had the most obvious reaction, because in his sometimes sober and sometimes confused mind, there seemed to be a calm voice, saying to him: Please listen carefully to my inquiry.

After reading this short passage of scripture, Gu Zheng looked at the person on the opposite side and showed a bewildered dark color, and suddenly shouted: "Donor! It's time to wake up!"

"You abandon your old parents for your own demon, and you are in vain as the Son of Man, and you are not filial!"

The middle-aged couple in the first year:...

"You have been studying for many years, but you have doubts about your own knowledge, and you are unsure of your confidence. It is unrighteous to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors!"

The teacher from thousands of miles away sneezed:...

And along with these two sentences is Gu Zheng's final summary: "Stretch out your hand!"

The man on the opposite side seemed to be in the teacher's study room. He unconsciously spread the palm of his left hand because he didn't memorize the book to accept the punishment.


Gu Zheng resolutely drew out a ruler familiar to monks in the monastery, and drew it mercilessly into the man's hand.

"A beat of you, at this age, I don't want to set up a family and be filial to my parents. On the contrary, it is to break my parents' heart for their children!"


"Twice against you, full of economics and talents, not to mention feedback to the people, to save the people and the world, but it is self-doubt, and even madness."


"I hit you three times. I don't respect the Buddha. I have no intentions at any time. I have to take responsibility for what I say and do in my life."

"That's the end of the story, huh! Wake up quickly!"

This last cry, if there is something filthy and evil in this world, it can really be blown away by Gu Zheng, an eminent monk who has been blessed by the Buddha's light

But this hum, for ordinary people, is just so loud.

However, the success of the Lion Roar is mostly the effect of sneak attacks.

The man in front of Gu Zheng was thinking about the crime he had committed. The palm of his hand was still faintly aching. When he was so, grunting, the sputum that was stuck in his heart came back up his throat. .

Seeing this, the man who has already woken up wants to vomit out with this strength.

But who is sitting in front of him? Gu Zheng?

Looking at him from all directions, can he let that man do that?


Gu Zheng just glanced faintly, and then sent it lightly: "Dare to spray one and try?"

The opponent surrendered just under the cold eyes.

Gulu, he swallowed with tears.

Since then, Li Shanchang has left a lifelong psychological shadow.

But the middle-aged couples who saw their son come back sober, already weeping with joy and crying in their arms, don't care about these details at all.

Not to mention the three slaps that my son had just suffered, even a few more shots are needed.

However, Li Shanchang, who has truly experienced the power of these three strikers, doesn't think so.

He moved the futon under his buttocks back a few inches with a little fright and some suspicion, and began to think about how his brain became clearer and easier to use after being beaten?

Could it be that?

Thinking of Li Shanchang here, he took a closer look at Gu Zheng's appearance. This is actually an invisible expert?

This world is going to be chaotic.

A person with political ambitions like him must find all opportunities for himself and seek opportunities to climb up.

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