The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 269: Take a stroll in the courtyard to solve the crisis (1,500 jun)

"I am serving in front of the master and his elders, discussing the closure of the temple."

"Got it! You guys stand up first, and don't let the refugees break through our temple gates, otherwise everyone will starve to death in this catastrophe after playing together!"

After finishing talking, he ran towards the apse without looking back. At this time, when the senior brother and the master were in Zen, the two of them couldn't move, and they had to stay together for an hour.

But when Zhu Yuanzhang ran to the apse, he found that his senior brother had already heard his yelling. At the same time, the panicked master was settled, and he waited for his appearance at the gate of the hall.

"I was forced back by refugees?"

"came back."

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang who was stunned by his thoughts, Gu Zheng then asked, "How many refugees go up the mountain?"

"One or two hundred people."

"Could there be strong men in it?"

"No, most of them are villagers who drag their families around."

"But in a panic and helpless, who came to seek protection?"

"Yes, but our temple."

"You don't have to worry about it. After you leave here, you are not in the temple."

"If you look at the situation a little bit more, you can do bigger things."

"What's more, this temple can accommodate you, the master of the world, one or two hundred ordinary people, how difficult is it for this kind of temple?"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was inexplicably ashamed by Gu Zheng's composure, has learned the skill of not showing his emotions and anger from this day on.

And now he just wanted to figure out what his big brother should do in such a crisis situation.

But in just a few seconds, he knew he was worrying just now.

Because his elder brother didn’t want to hide, he led the remaining monks to the entrance of Huangjue Temple, like a pilgrim, waiting quietly for these ragged refugees from the surrounding area. arrival.

This situation, on the contrary, caused those victims who had already done a good job of attacking the temple and fighting for their own vitality, all stunned on the empty field of the mountain road that was only ten steps away from the gate of Huangjue Temple.

No one dared to take the first step, and no one dared to speak up.

They are just a little in awe, and even a little regretful that they came here like this, and they are in such a stalemate.

Gu Zheng, who is really carrying a few monks behind him, has a strong aura. He is only wearing a bright yellow monk robe at this time. He is still holding the Bodhi child for a moment, full of compassion and compassion on his face. .

But his surroundings are inexplicably enveloped in the indifferent aura of life and death that no one can get close to.

Suddenly, such a quiet confrontation was broken in an instant.

Because a mountain breeze blew, it actually formed a whirl around Gu Zheng. Those air currents seemed to favor him especially, but they passed by him and blew his monk's clothes, which turned out to be half untouched.

The more so, the more fearful ordinary people.

What's more, under the influence of Gu Zheng's opening of the mountain gate for so many months, the people around here naturally understood the efficaciousness of Huangjue Temple.

And the monks here are a bit more capable than the small temple next to it.

To put it hard, if it weren't for being forced to live, they would not be willing to move in the direction of this temple.

What's more, most of the people who can appear here are people who are convinced of Huangjue Temple.

They just want to come here and ask, do they still have anything under such a catastrophe?

Therefore, when he heard the compassionate enquiry of the undesirable master who took a step forward, the young and old believers were sobbing in tears.

"The poor monk is aware of the chaos at the foot of the mountain, and set a date for the closure of the mountain three days ago."

"We are waiting in front of this temple for believers who are destined to our temple to bring in the mountains, seal the mountains and lock the roads, and tide over the difficulties together."

"I don't know if you donors, do you still have the strength to follow the poor monks into the monastery and seal the mountains together?"


"Thank you Master for being compassionate!"

In the fleeing phalanx of more than 100 people, all of them were sobbing, and many strong men who came with old mothers and young children thought that they would have to fight a fierce battle with the monks here.

Although they don't want to attack the Huangjue Temple, which is worshipped by the elderly in the family, but in the face of personal survival, they can only let everyone live first.

As for the future, it's a big deal to put some incense on these people who died unjustly to redeem their compelling sins.

It is precisely because of the troubled times and the unpredictability of the people's hearts that Gu Zheng had foreseen the introduction of the first group of people and then sealed the door.

Because these first batch of refugees will become the most natural guard and barrier for Huangjue Temple in this troubled time.

In order for them to survive, after seeing the stock of the warehouse, they themselves would help the people in the temple and resist the subsequent endless army of disaster victims.

In the event of a mob attack, there is also sufficient self-protection ability.

What's more, the two huge stones at the door that seal the gate still need the reasonable push and pull of everyone to achieve the effect of a strict blockade.

Just relying on Gu Zheng's brothers in the temple is far from enough.

The refugees who didn't know Gu Zheng's inner thoughts were just let by Gu Zheng into the temple, and after entering here, everyone discovered that the high monks here really planned to take them in sincerely.

In the back mountain of the temple, there is a large open space that was cut down a long time ago, and the wood in the surrounding mountains has also been neatly stacked.

Those who drag the family with their mouths can put the luggage they brought out in the backyard. After drinking the thick porridge distributed by people in the temple, which can hold chopsticks, the pillars of each household , You can discuss the matter of building a wooden house by yourself.

This small temple is really small, and the only room in it that can accommodate people, even if the monks squeeze in, they can only be divided into four single rooms.

In the days before they had built the house in these few days, they could only squeeze with the Bodhisattvas in the main hall.

And these people are most unwilling to let the Bodhisattvas who pray on weekdays see how embarrassed they are now.

They are very cooperative and let their eldest son or grandfather, listen to the master's arrangements to work, and settle down early, and also do their meager efforts to rescue their monks and the Buddhas who protect them in Fengyang County.

What's more, the people here did not dislike them from the beginning, and gave them such a good ration, and they were treated equally regardless of the old or the weak.

It really made these most simple villagers feel the incomparable warmth.

It's a bit strange that the rules laid down by the undesirable master who is the deepest Taoist practitioner in this temple.

Since the porridge was finished, it was divided into two halls for men and women.

All the people who came to the temple were allocated a small grain of oil beans, and they lined up one by one to bathe and change clothes in a large bath tub separated by drapes.

New clothes that need to be changed and washed must be checked by a waiter surnamed Zhu. After confirming that there are no fleas, they can be taken in to wash.

As for the old clothes they change, they need to be thrown into the big wooden barrels in the backyard. After each household comes out, they must wash them carefully.

It's so clean, in fact, many people still quite like it.

Especially for women, they haven't even rubbed their bodies for a long time for the convenience of fleeing.

And these refugees who are asking for life in all directions are the only ones who have chosen Huangjue Temple the luckiest.

Because they had only traveled dozens of miles and turned a few hills, they could find this, it seemed, it would be a very peaceful sanctuary.

Therefore, in order to prevent such a good life from slipping away from their fingertips, in order to be the first to return to their hometown after the disaster.

Without Gu Zheng killing chickens and monkeys, everyone was quietly observing the rules set by the temple for them.

The main hall is so busy but in order. Even the masters who are hiding in the meditation house in the backyard are no longer worried. They walked out and began to sing about peace for those old people who could not help much at home. Condensed scriptures.

And Zhu Yuanzhang, who was planning to leave, also unwrapped the package at this time, and took the initiative to participate in the work of the to make him happy that the second brother who was heartbroken because he planned to leave stand up.

"Chongba, are you planning to leave? That's right. Look at these refugees. It's unwise to go down the mountain now!"

"Stay in this temple, let's say nothing else, the big brother will not let us starve to death."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked helplessly at his second brother who had no ambitions, and did not stop the basic living supplies distributed to the refugees under his hand.

"I have made up my mind to go out. This time I will return to help the senior brother to deal with the initial affairs. When these people are settled, I will leave."

"As for you, brother, just follow the big brother, I don't ask you to go out with me, but don't run into danger. You take good care of yourself, which is the greatest support for me."

Because in this world, you are my only living relatives.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade the younger brother who had an idea in his heart, Zhu Chonger was disappointed to leave after all.

And when night was about to fall, the main hall of Huangjue Temple, where everyone's cleaning work was finally completed, was bustling with people.

Everyone who was temporarily separated put on clean clothes. Even the refugees who had not been replaced temporarily received the Baijiayi handed over by Gu Zheng.

This is the cloth and cloth strips that he has prepared in advance, and the cloth and cloth strips that have been enshrined in the temple over the years, and the monk robe-style miscellaneous clothes have been rushed out.

Now, it really comes in handy.

And when everyone met again in the hall under the warm candlelight like the sun, the panic, panic, and embarrassment they had just arrived here were all calmed down by the slight warmth.

What's more, with the smell of rice, these people know that this is actually a credit porridge for two meals a day.

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