The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 272: The original army is here!

Hearing these words, Zhu Yuanzhang already had tears in his eyes. He didn't say much, but took the yellow amulet and put it in a small cloth pouch worn next to his neck.

What is left is his departure again, and a new journey without knowing the future.

When Zhu Yuanzhang and the group of four people behind him went down the mountain again, it was a light rainy weather.

They turned their heads one step at a time, looking at the only figure of Huang Cancan standing in front of the gate that was about to be officially closed.

You don't need to look closely to know that it is the new host of this temple, their big brother.

And as they walked down the mountain step by step in tears, they didn't see their big brother. With a relaxed posture like never before, he stretched his waist fiercely and moved towards the two sides. The brothers behind the big stone instructed: "Alright, Fengshanmen."

But the smallest whistle was heard by no one.

"These troubles are finally gone, how does it feel like a combination of four masters and apprentices?"

"Huh? They are five people, oh, and white dragon horses, nothing wrong."

It's the words that people don't understand nowadays, and they have become a farewell language in the true sense, and they have gone for more than three years in a flash.

The few people who went down the mountain discovered that the parting gift package that Gu Zheng took back, when they left, and when they returned, became more swollen than last time.


Such a gift of separation, the gift of the big brother is so precious.

When they opened it for the first time when they started to travel, the dazzling real swords and guns, as well as the bright silver armor, appeared in front of the dumbfounded people.

Not to mention that in countless crises, the amulet that Zhu Yuanzhang wore as a chest turned out to be turned into a disaster.

When they were too hungry and picked edible wild fruits in the wilderness, they only had a deep admiration for the big brothers in the small temples thousands of miles away.

In the past three years, they have endured countless sufferings, seen countless hells on earth, and struggled painfully.

And it was the past three years that allowed them to see the rebellious forces on this land and the lives of ordinary people under these big and small forces.

After walking through these places with his own feet and seeing with his eyes, Zhu Yuanzhang took with him a lot of followers who had obviously grown up, and once again set foot on the land belonging to his hometown.

There is a mountain there, and there is a temple on the mountain.

There is a handsome man in the temple who is better than a monk, who likes to give reason to others the most.

The monk clothes on these people are missing, and their clothes have long been changed into short dresses of upper and lower styles.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was walking in the forefront, used a cloth strip to turn the short hair that grew out of the hair into a bun because he had not shaved his hair in the past three years.

Behind them were the brothers who were united on the road because of the same belief, and after reaching the boundary of Hui Province, the rebellious army expanded.

Looking at the dense winding of this small road, at first glance, there are also thousands of people following.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was no longer the ignorant little beggar, but an excellent leader with a swift and decisive killer.

He narrowed his long and narrow Danfeng eyes and saw that he was about to arrive, and he was able to see Fengyang Mountain at the top of the mountain. Suddenly he felt a sense of closeness to hometown.

He turned his head slightly to the rear, looking at the hundreds of horses and chariots behind him, and the more infantry who were slowly following him, he finally turned his head somewhat emboldened.

Big brother, one for three years, are you satisfied with me like this?

And behind him, Li Shanchang, who is best at observing words, drove his horse forward two steps, and stopped half a horse's body later in Zhu Yuanzhang, leaning toward his lord with some excitement.

"Master, Huangjue Temple is coming soon, do you need to let the brothers take a break, maintain the best appearance, and meet the big brother in the mountain?"

"No!" The rein under Zhu Yuanzhang's hand did not stop, just twitching the corner of his mouth: "Do you think that with the experience of the big brother, we will not be able to see our cheating?"

"Big brother once said that the real is the best. The real is also the fake. The best is the one that is invisible."

"If we rest the team neatly, it will show our guilty conscience and unconfidence."

"Just go up like this, it's nothing to be small for a while, the most terrifying thing is that it's so small for a lifetime."


Li Shan made a convincing consolation, and led the horse back to the team.

Who would have thought, such a journey that was about to arrive at the destination, but there was an unexpected situation on the last part of the road.

The squad who was in charge of detecting the surroundings in front of the team rushed forward first, and then told their team, which was considered a rebel force, a very bad news.

"Report! General Zhu, at the foot of Fengyang Mountain where Huangjue Temple is located in front, there is a brigade of troops stationed in the original court."

"The team in the lead can't see their faces because they are too far away, but they can be sure of the direction they are going. They went straight to the Huangjue Temple on the mountain."

"General, the destination of our trip is also this Huangjue Temple. Do you want to stop first to avoid its edge temporarily?"

"No need!" Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand to stop the subordinate's continued words, and gave an order to hide his trail and move forward.

"We not only have to pass this time, but also have to find out the other side's situation."

"If the opportunity is right, let these people be buried at the foot of Fengyang Mountain, so as to create a legend that belongs to me, Zhu Yuanzhang."

Since I am the destined master of the world, how come his hometown and temple are not accompanied by a vigorous victory?

And his thoughts are only known by the few people who have followed him from Huangjue Temple for many years.

Li Shanchang doesn't matter, he even agrees a little bit, but Xu Da and the others can't sit still.

If there is no accident, their family members should have been properly taken care of in Huangjue Temple these years.

And if you fight in this place, the sword has no eyes, and if you accidentally hurt someone in your family, what should you do?

Zhu Yuanzhang, who had quietly approached the foot of the mountain, seemed to know what these people thought. He pointed to a large rock in the grass and said, "Naturally, I won't let the people on the mountain get into danger."

"Let our large forces, according to the usual drills, automatically form four detachments and hide them in the mountains, forests and plains."

"Facing a crowd of hundreds of people, make a rough encirclement."

"The five of us who are familiar with this Fengyang Mountain quietly started from this path that was opened up since I was a child, and turned over the cliffs of the back mountain. Let's take a condescending look at the specific conditions in the temple."

"When the time comes, we will launch a signal, act according to the situation, meet inside and outside, rescue the blind date in one fell swoop, and also be a savior to the elder brother who is quick to come."

What should I do if I am excited just thinking about it.

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang finished the arrangement, a few of them had already turned off their horses, and they had actually equipped them with the weapons that Gu Zheng had originally presented to them.

Over the years, these weapons and shields made of fine iron have saved the lives of several of them countless times.

Whenever he couldn't beat the opponent, he could use the advantage of the weapon abruptly to squirm around.

For the rest of his life time and time again, he escaped by the knife.

If there were no major things, these five talents would not dress so neatly.

When the five of them were ready, there was a sound of a fine string from the thorny forest leading to the back mountain, accompanied by the forbearing hum of something stabbed by a few people, if you didn’t listen carefully, It's hard to see that someone touched it from behind.

Although some of them encountered a little trouble in the process of marching, the speed of turning over the mountain was not slow. When they turned over from the top of the back mountain, they sneaked up to the back of a residential area of ​​a certain size. When the hillside used to wash for, they clearly saw what was happening in Huangjue Temple.

The troops of the original army brigade had to wait on the mountain road because the temple was built on the mountain.

But the big stone used to seal the mountain at the entrance of the temple was moved to both sides of the mountain road by them.

The inside of the temple, which originally had no temple gate, was completely exposed in front of these soldiers.

In the residential area of ​​Houshan, the female relatives and children of various households may have been notified in advance. They were all gathered in the last two houses in Houshan, and the doors of the houses were tightly closed. Strictly staying behind closed doors.

At this time, in the backyard, it was a team of all the young and strong men living in the temple.

They stared at each other, holding all kinds of wooden weapons, and confronted the uninvited guests in an unpleasant atmosphere.

"What do you want to do? We neither violate the law or discipline, nor are we rebellious mobs outside."

"We are just the villagers attached to Huangjue Temple. Don't you, the nobles of the Great Yuan Dynasty, really treat us as human beings?"

"Do you still think that with you people, we can be captured without any loss?"

"I warn you, if we don't resist, it doesn't mean that we are not bloody!"

"You should leave here quickly, otherwise we will die together, and no one can think of getting this cheap."

And unlike these villagers whose atmosphere is terribly tense, there is no panic-stricken native under the oppression of dozens of villagers on the opposite side.

In their squad of less than ten people, there were actually two people who stood faintly in the lead, a man and a woman.

They were all blue-black robes, half-wrapped armor, and some of them exquisitely made people unable to see their identity.

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