The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 286: Task is about to be completed

"Master, I don't want to wait until all the rooms in the temple are cleaned up, fill up the collection of Buddhist scriptures in your meditation room, and after everything has been cleaned up, I will send someone to give a message to my brother."

"Take you back to the mountain, so that you can return to the temple in a down-to-earth manner and enjoy the Buddha's meditation comfortably."

"Disciple, don't you old people know my filial piety? I rushed over in such a hurry. The rice, noodles, grains and oils in my temple are all poor. Can you bear it?"

Hearing Gu Zheng's whispering dissuasion, the old host on the side stopped crying, but turned to Gu Zheng with the most serious expression in his life, and suddenly laughed kindly.

"I, the Supreme Elder, can only feel at home in Huangjue Temple."

"At my age, I only hope that the fallen leaves will return to their roots and pass away in this temple that grew up since childhood."

"I am the elder of Huangjue Temple, but I am always enshrined by a lay disciple. Others don't know, and they think that I don't want to see me as an old monk in Huangjue Temple."

"No matter how you live outside, I am willing to come back and eat chaffy vegetables with all the disciples."

"After all, it's only the body that is comfortable, but the heart is solid."

When the old monk said this, Gu Zheng stopped persuading him more. Instead, he no longer cared about Zhu Yuanzhang who was outside the main hall. Instead, he supported the old monk and walked directly to the backyard monastery.

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this and the group wanted to keep up, Shen Wansan, who was awake by Gu Zheng's chanting, looked at the group with very contemptuous eyes.

"You said that the host has said that you are going to the partial hall to wait for you, and you have to follow it."

"It seems that you and the host in this temple are also some friends. Didn't you see that the master and apprentice just met? You even went to the pole to destroy the atmosphere."

Don't mention the sour tone of speaking.

It's just because after the mountain opened, that one looked at the master of the Taoist monk, and it was not Shen Wansan who wanted to see him.

Such a privilege was actually given to a few silly buns from the north.

Just think about it.

Just as the great **** next to Zhu Yuanzhang was about to squeeze his throat and shout boldly, Zhu Chong'er, who had left with Gu Zheng just now, ran back again panting.

"The emperor, the second brother, the master master said, let us wait for him in the hall for a while, where the other juniors have already served tea, and the second brother is his own, so he won't be polite to you."

Hearing this, the inexplicable Zhu Yuanzhang was actually comfortable in his entire body. After being photographed countless times in the court, he actually found an indescribable sense of accomplishment in front of a vulgar and explosive merchant.

With the pride he didn't know, he took a deep look at Shen Wansan, who was full of envy and hatred, and waved his hand to everyone and said, "Let's go."

The horrified one led a large army and walked towards the side hall that he had cleaned countless times.

The futon was laid there for them, and the one who laid down the thick tea was a junior who had fought with them.

He seemed to be energetic and peaceful, but he couldn't tell that he was isolated from the world for many years.

And the other party seemed to have no intention to greet him, but after warming the tea soup, he withdrew from the hall.

After a short period of effort, the hall was quiet, and only Zhu Yuanzhang and his entourage were left.

It wasn't until this time that the four sons he brought out had their heads out of the protection of everyone, and looked at the surrounding environment with some curiosity.

And the Empress Ma on the side just wanted to ask her husband, who seems to be a few years younger than the emperor, is it the majestic big brother in his mouth?

But they didn't have time to do these things, and the back door of the Piandian was slowly pushed open.

Gu Zheng, who had settled down with the master, stepped into the hall with a rare smile.

Can you not laugh.

This hidden mission, which lasted more than ten years, was finally completed.

Gu Zheng, who had said that he had a quick fight, and went back to sleep after finishing this mission, now just wants to quickly finish this ghost mission.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng, who sat straight on the futon in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, picked up the teacup in his hand.

"Donor Zhu, I don't know what's the matter with today's visit?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised by Gu Zheng's single-handed approach. After a daze, he smiled: "Big brother doesn't seem to welcome me very much?"


This sound was like the most terrifying words in the world, so that the old and young men, wives and children around Zhu Yuanzhang were all terrified.

Big brother, do you know what this person sitting opposite does?

But before they were terrified, Gu Zheng's mouth was like a poisoned mouth, and he uttered even more astonishing words.

"Not only I do not welcome you, but Huangjue Temple also does not welcome you anymore."

"At this time, if I were still in the past, I will definitely give you a ruler or two to make you sober."

"Unfortunately, you have left the temple and merged into the world. I can't beat you now. But you can still be said to."

"Zhu Yuanzhang, do you know that you are wrong?"

"I'm not convinced, what's wrong with my tm?"

After Zhu Yuanzhang scolded like this, Zhu Bian and Zhu Di's sons of Zhu Yuanzhang all had the same faces, and a group of them had their jaws dropped.

But only Gu Zheng was calm and composed, as if he hadn't heard Zhu Yuanzhang's cursing and continued: "You are now the prince of a country, and you are an example for the people of the world."

"As it was initially decided today, the northern plains are eager to watch in the north, and the unconvinced in the south."

"The people's livelihood, initial resettlement, official dispatch, imperial examination candidates. Everything is in a state of being abandoned."

"Junior Brother Zhu still has such a leisurely elegance. He went to a useless little temple in the wilderness and went to visit the mountains and rivers on the grounds of looking for his deceased."

"It's such a big Yaxing, but I don't know where you put the tens of thousands of people in this world who are hoping to be led by the master!"

Speaking of this, Gu Zheng actually pulled out the shiny ruler from his sleeve that had been groped by his hand, as if it were shocking, and placed it in front of everyone.

Seeing this, the few people with lingering fears, Gu Shi took a step back, even Zhu Yuanzhang reflexively raised his ass.

"It is unwise for you not to listen to dissuasion and make the wrong decision arbitrarily!"

"But you are already an emperor. If you don't sit in a dangerous hall, you can't easily hurt your clothes. And now your identity can't be punished casually."

"So, after making a big mistake, is there anyone around you who was ordained for the emperor?"

This sentence was so majestic that the great **** beside Zhu Yuanzhang hesitated.

Most of the people who have been on behalf of others are the emperor's attendants, but the peasant uprising like Zhu Yuanzhang successfully rebelled against the emperor, where did such a gold and precious thing come from.

When Zhu Yuanzhang subconsciously turned his head to the brothers behind him, he found that the four people headed by Li Shanchang, who had always taken his affairs as their own responsibility, were facing up to the sky and pretending to look at the ceiling.

And when he replied that he had no choice but to lose face, suddenly the youngest son he brought over this time trembled and handed his palm in the direction of Gu Zheng.

Not only did he pass it, he also spoke.

"The son does not teach the father's fault. For the same reason, the father's punishment can also be borne by the son. I am the fourth son of the father, my name is Ju Di, and the master can punish me."


Gu Zheng lowered his eyelids and looked at the soft hair that appeared in front of him and the three small swans behind him. He didn't even care about the old and the young, and he actually held the ruler.

"Extend your hand that you don't usually use, palm up."

And after that little soft fur did so obediently, Gu Zheng actually pulled the ruler into the palm of the opponent's little flesh with a ‘pop’ when everyone didn’t react.

Then, after seeing the other party not crying or making trouble, but holding on with a bit of shaking, gritted his teeth, he couldn't help but nodded in his and commanded to the younger brother who had been behind him who was in charge of holding the staff. .

"This son is quite filial, with a tough heart, and a courageous character. He deserves to be given a separate seat. Go and fetch the futon I usually use and sit down with him."


And with the fall of this yes, this was actually the first time that Gu Zheng admitted that one of the people Zhu Yuanzhang had brought could be on an equal footing with him.

Although the other party is just a seven or eight-year-old doll.

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Di ignorantly sitting on the blue-yellow futon in a rather complicated mood, the opposite Gu Zheng spoke again.

"The first thing is that you have already been borne by someone, and I will stop here. But this time, Donor Zhu, you are indeed persistent."

"You and I have only three years of fate, and when your Qianlong takes off, my Huangjue Temple's mission will be completed."

"Huangjue Temple, Huangjue Temple, when the emperor awakens, once he rises, there will be nothing like our people in this temple."

"When you come this time, I only treat you as a memory of the past and the past."

"After the donors have visited, take it back. The mountain temple is small and there are no miracles."

"I and others are all people who escape from the world and practice. Zhu Donor doesn't want it. This Huangjue Temple will have this third time to close the mountain, right?"

"In successive years of chaos, disasters have come from the sky. The first two disasters were irresistible by manpower, but in such a stable age, Huangjue Temple closed the mountain three times for me."

"That is too detrimental to Zhu's reputation and image in this world."

Looking at the big brother on the opposite side, there is no feeling of clinging to the touch, Zhu Yuanzhang only feels a little bit empty and chattering.

But he was relieved in his heart. This mysterious senior brother had no intention of official career, let alone the idea of ​​developing a sect, which really made him relieved.

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