The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 291: Playback of the 7th world (3)

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Seeing everyone's interest was picked up, the tour guide pointed to the depths of the path and continued with the rhythm "Look, everyone, the front is the end of this ancient historical road. After passing through this small arch, you will come to the room where you can live and eat for the pilgrims."

"Of course, because of the limited area of ​​the temple, these dozens of guest rooms are now at a level where money is hard to find."

"Especially the row in front is said to be the performance of the second largest Buddhist site in Huangjue Temple, because these rooms, like the gates in front of Huangjue Temple, were built out of thin air in that era."

"According to the discovery of historians, there are only nine rooms in this row, which is actually consistent with the historical era of the temple gate in front of Huangjue Temple."

"For this, there are actually quite a few experts and scholars who plan to study these nine rooms carefully."

"Of course, their excavation work did not go smoothly, because whether it was for the monks in the temple or the local pilgrims, it was as abhorrent as digging their family's ancestral grave."

"So, we regret that we can't understand whether there are historical gifts buried under these rooms. Maybe like the corpses of the original people under the mountain gates, we can also dig out more historical value under these rooms. Where's the treasure."

"Although the archaeologists were not allowed to start construction here for various reasons, the reputation and sense of mystery here also spread along with the news of everyone's investigation."

"Everyone, please follow me!"

After speaking, the tour guide took everyone to the row of fast rooms where the antique and modern high-tech are perfectly integrated.

"Because believers prefer these rooms as a gift from the Buddha, the boundless Buddha's will must be buried underneath."

"So it became a looting place for those devout believers."

"The more traditional Buddhist ceremonies arrive, the more these rooms are in demand. At the end, the pre-stay period has been queued for half a year. Residents just come here to stay for one night. NS."

Said that the tour guide inevitably brought a little embarrassment, she coughed slightly and continued: "Speaking of this, I still have to say sorry to everyone."

"These meditation rooms and fast rooms, according to the energy of our single travel agency, cannot book a room at all."

"But we have already contacted the Fengyang Restaurant located at the foot of the mountain. It is a four-star high-end hotel and the accommodation environment is very secure."

"I hope you all enjoy it."

These uncles and aunts are people who believe in Buddhism, and they are all soft-hearted. It is impossible for them to say that they are completely indifferent to those Buddhist rooms, but they also understand the difficulty of the little girl in front of them, so they just Instead, one after another opened her up.

"It's okay, it's okay, I know your difficulties, it's not easy to do it well in all walks of life."

Seeing the lead this time, she didn't get much trouble at all. The tour guide sister was still very grateful, so she secretly made a decision.

Because the groups she leads are all high-quality customers, the cooperation with Huangjue Temple is quite pleasant.

So she relied on the cooperative relationship for so many years, and she was shocked to get the privilege of bringing a group in Huangjue Temple to eat a vegetarian meal for one month.

Of course, it is impossible for the people in the tour group to enjoy the luxurious small pot service in the private room, but the vegetarian meal of the big pot meal in the dining hall can be predetermined.

As long as two hours before the meal, talk to their enrolled monk, and Huangjue Temple can arrange it for her.

Although the temporary arrangement can only allow these tourists to dine together with the monks in the temple, the more it is, the more the selling point is.

Su Zhai, is it very tall?

And the selling point of eating and living with the monks makes the believers fainted with excitement?

So when the tour guide made this proposal and gave this precious opportunity to the aunts and grandpas, the group of people who heard the news almost suffered two heart attacks with excitement.

Haha, it's a bit exaggerated, but it's really happy.

Although it was eaten with the acolytes and could not enter the real monk canteen, but it was enough for them to show off for a long time.

This tourism project refreshed Ai Beibei, who was following everyone behind the tail of the team to make soy sauce.

When it comes to eating, that is the collective hobby of the people of Daming. Not only do you want to eat well, but you also have to eat something with artistic conception and interest. Then this vegetarian meal can be regarded as occupying all of it.

The topic of the tour group instantly turned to eating, making these gilded rooms relatively dim.

The people who left in their line didn't see it. The footage of the scene began to extend straight toward the ground, and finally stopped on the rotten soldier with only bones left.

Such a weird lens flashed past, and as everyone moved, it was placed on their body when they returned to the hall.

Every member of the tour group took out the sandalwood allotted to them, and they lined up very religiously to worship the golden Buddha statue with incense in the temple.

At this time, the tour guide’s commentary became calmer and pious, and the Buddha statue was reshaped into a golden body, sitting cross-legged for the emperor’s convenience to clean up, and telling everyone what they are now.

After hearing these explanations, these people knelt down and worshipped more piously, wishing that the Buddha would show his spirit in front of them now.

When they left, he didn’t know if it was Ai Beibei’s illusion. He only felt that the bodhisattva with a golden body made of no material was actually staring at the back of his head and watching him far away. go.

But when he turned his head and looked back, there was only a crowded scene of noisy and popular incense. Where is the weird feeling just now?

Ai Beibei, who thinks that he is really evil, turned his head again and planned to follow his mother to the Reclining Buddha Ridge in the back mountain to pay a visit. The huge reclining Buddha that is perfectly integrated with the mountain is naturally formed. .

This is also the fourth Buddhist site in Huangjue Temple, and the most famous among them. It has been passed down to the ears of overseas Buddhists... Fengyang Reclining Buddha.

This is the only Buddha sculpture in the world formed by a natural mountain. Its exquisite structure and pure natural posture are actually carved by the most exquisite engravers.

But from the point of view of geologists, there are no traces of artificial carving. It is not an exaggeration to say that this Buddha statue spreading over the entire mountain is a gift from God and a gift from nature.

Therefore, the fourth reclining Buddha is the most direct evidence that there is a true Buddha here, and it is also the biggest reason why the incense and reputation of Huangjue Temple have been passed down for so many years.

But when Ai Beibei turned his head and prepared to keep up with the team, there was no one in this supposedly crowded ramp leading to the back mountain.

Some stupefied Ai Beibei took two steps subconsciously, trying to find the trace of his mother, but he really didn't see half of the figure anymore.

He just looked at the empty mountain road, the dense forests on both sides, and the quiet scene of insects in the deep mountains, and stayed at the scene in a daze.

And such a sight frightened him, and he immediately looked back at the hall that was full of people just now, but only saw a dead leaf swirling under the Buddha's feet in the empty field.

I go!

Clucking, Ai Beibei's teeth began to tremble up and down unconsciously.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew around him, as if pushing him forward, moving in the direction of the back mountain.

The extreme fear finally made the kid who just graduated from high school screamed tremblingly: "Mom! Mom! Where are you!!!"

Then he started to run in the direction of Houshan Mountain Road in strides.

Passing through the corridor of the main hall, the first to come is the backyard of the Zen room and the fast room. There must be a monk there who can help him relieve this weird status quo.

And as he ran, suddenly a dark figure rushed towards him, and the nervous reflexes became sharper in the midst of a high degree of tension.

When the dark shadow was about to approach his cheek, Ai Beibei had the courage to come out of nowhere, and he slammed it straight with his fist.

What followed was a scream similar to that of a wild cat, resounding beside him.

It was this scream that prevented Ai Beibei from continuing to move forward, and because of his pause, he saw the appearance of the black figure that was about to throw him down just now.

It turned out to be really a cat, the whole body is black, and there is no variegated color, but the green eyes and the golden seam that stand up make people feel flustered.

The cat seemed to have spirituality. It was very dissatisfied with Ai Beibei gave it a hammer. It meowed a little aggrievedly, ran two steps in the direction of the backyard, and then turned back.

This time it didn’t dare to fall directly on Ai Beibei’s body. Instead, it stopped two steps under his feet, as if nodded to Ai Beibei and asked him to follow its footsteps. After a meow, he began to move on to the backyard.

Seeing the behavior of the black cat, Ai Beibei only hesitated for a moment, and hurriedly followed up with his legs.

Because just looking back at the black cat just now, he didn't notice any malice, and the gloomy feeling on him was slightly diminished.

So one person and one cat ran like this.

Only Gu Zheng, who is outside the page, can see their abnormality.

In fact, the people around them have not disappeared at all, but now they are all fixed by time, and they are still in place. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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