The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 306: Flower? Reinforcement of X Zimo Country

Author: Erbao Angel

Thinking of this Gu Zheng, he contracted his legs and clamped the horse's back, speeding up the running speed of the horse under him again.

Now he must first rendezvous with the large forces, and then find the correct marching route on the map.

But this fact is somewhat difficult, even with a cheat device.

Because Xiaowangshu's own radar map does not have specific place names for this world.

Want to display a comprehensive map on the radar?

Yes, the premise is that he must go to a place before he can automatically record the local geographic features on the radar map.

But Gu Zheng is not afraid. As long as one of the important functions of his radar can be used, he can finally find the correct marching route in the process of stumbling.

Gu Zheng was full of confidence in this, so when he returned to the temporary assembly place for the troops, his face was full of self-confidence.

Because just on the way back, he was not idle either, desperately studying the landform features recorded around him.

When he narrowed down to a certain area on the map, he found countless red dots in the direction of his southeast, and he was moving in the direction of northwest.

The red dot is the enemy!

No matter what, the enemy army he encountered, the two teams must be one. After all, he used a victory in an encounter to find an excuse for his lateness and lead mistakes, and this is still a feat to the door.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng slowed down the horse's running speed, and when he arrived in front of the waiting team, the generals spontaneously surrounded him.

"Leader, we have just dispersed into four directions to explore the small team, but did not find the path you just mentioned. It seems that we may have deviated from the original direction and lost our way!"

The captain in charge of reporting and investigating said this sentence with a very frustrated expression. Leaving the army for a while meant that they had the first opportunity to oppose the enemy compared with other divisions.

Even if it is lucky to catch up with the war of confluence, in the process of fighting for wealth, one step later than others.

If it were more unlucky and the city wall was broken, then they might not even be able to eat the scum.

But Gu Zheng's next words made all of them feel refreshed.

Gu Zheng said: "Our established marching route is deviated."

"But on the battlefield, all battles are changing rapidly, and we must keep this in mind."

"Because, just now, I discovered that from our southeast, a group of troops that shouldn't be on our marching route appeared."

"I suspect that this must be the result of Huajianzimo's request for help from the surrounding small countries. After receiving their request for help, the coalition forces of these small countries happened to appear on the back road of our Western Expedition."

Having said that, Gu Zheng got off his horse and did something that surprised everyone.

For Mongolians who have no culture in this era, the meaning of the world map is unimaginable in their minds.

In their minds, there is only a horse farm that belongs to their own family group, with such a large range.

Those who can draw a horse farm are all cultural people.

But their little commander, when they let them get off the horse temporarily, he just picked up a rotten grass stick on the ground with his hand, and drew them a true picture of the current territory of Mongolia. Sketch map.

In addition, they will also circle the general location and the covered position of the Huaquanzimo country they are going to capture this time.

The rest was pieced together by Gu Zheng combining Hai Gu Duzheng's memory and the marching map sent to them. Their current location is approximate.

After drawing the map, Gu Zheng began to explain again: "Although we are now lost, considering the circuitous route from the beginning, it is to make a circle from the southeast to the northeast of the thorny tower."

"But now", Gu Zheng clicked on the radar and appeared in the direction of the strange army. "At this location, a group of strangers suddenly appeared in our southeast direction."

"You know, on our way to the west, the small tribes that were obtrusive to the eyes have been flattened."

"Then there is only one possibility left. This is the ancient kingdom of Khorasan going around from our north, and then encircling it from the southeast."

"Attempting to cut off the supplies behind our west expedition, let our first west expedition army become an isolated and helpless army."

"Then they will unite with the army in the city of Anitacha in the Hualuzimo country, attack on both sides, forming an encirclement, and wipe us out in this direction to the southwest of Hualuzimo."

"At that time, our supplies will be insufficient, and the battle for the fortification of the city wall will fall into a see-saw state. Then Father Khan's army, our tribe, will be the real dangerous moment."

"At that time, the two armies marching with my father and king to attack other cities, if they achieve a decisive victory, then wait until the class returns to the court."

Speaking of this, the faces of the people around Gu Zheng are a bit solemn...that's a great disaster.

It is indeed the current Mongolian country. The physical father of Gu Zheng, Wo Kuotai, is an extremely dependent son of Tian Khan, and he has also made a lot of military exploits in the course of the foreign war.

But whether it was Drag Thunder or Shuchi, in Tian Khan, they all walked without losing the favor of their big heads.

If this was such a defeat in the battle of Tian Khan's imperial conquest, then their leader, these small clans attached to Wo Kuotai, would never have the day to stand up.

As soon as Gu Zheng said so, the generals around him began to ask for orders one after another.

"Lord, what are we waiting for! Go over and stop their reinforcements."

"While it was unprepared to break up the formation, let them also taste the power of my Mongolian national iron rider."

After Gu Zheng saw that his morale had been boosted, he raised his head very calmly, raised his eyebrows slightly, and gave the order to start.

"All heavy cavalry obey orders."


"Follow my horse and keep riding at a constant speed."

"Allow the light cavalry to automatically divide into two teams, speed up their pace, and support from both sides."

"Order the scouts to rush to the southeast. After discovering the reinforcement targets, they will adopt a pass-through method, using half a quarter as the longest time to pass the order, and pass back the information of the forward exploration without any detail."

"As for my guards, they are on both sides of me at any time to take orders. When the scout cavalry finds other branch troops in a different direction from me, they will share our situation with the other side first."

"Once you detect the specific location of the Anita Spike City, you will report it back in time."

"Yes! Chief!"

Orders were issued one by one, and this group of well-trained cavalry troops, like vast locusts, galloped towards the direction led by Gu Zheng.

No way, the Mongolian shirt, yellow-gray, is normal, just like the skin color of their nation, very harmonious.

For a nation on horseback, marching and fighting is as easy as drinking water to eat.

When they got up in a hurry, it was shown on Gu Zheng's radar that the enemy coalition was still a considerable distance away. Under their pursuit, the two teams began to get closer and closer.

Before long, the former detective's reconnaissance force brought Gu Zheng the news that the two armies were about to meet.

"Less command, the enemy's reinforcement reconnaissance troops appeared in front, but we were very clever and didn't let them discover their whereabouts."

"The coalition forces of these ancient Khorasan countries are really not so good. The reconnaissance forces are not alert at all, they are very loose."

Regarding this point, Gu Zheng had to explain to the other party. In fact, the other party chose an inaccessible water and grassland as a rescue route.

Except for nomads grazing on weekdays, no one would choose this path to go to Huaganzimo country.

Because here is the grassland and Gobi Desert, the most difficult to grasp the direction, the marching terrain.

But who came up with the idea that Gu Zheng, who was beaten upright, found them?

As a result, the armies of these small countries are feeling the vast territory of this country and the fertility of the aquatic plants. Several generals are still thinking that they have helped such a rich and powerful country to tide over the difficulties. How much gold and jewelry the other party would use to thank Suddenly, each of them felt the sound of vibration coming from under their bodies.

At the beginning, the vibration was very light, and it made the coalition forces of the Central Asian countries who were originally cavalry only realize that an unidentified army was approaching.

But when they heard the rumbling sound of a sledge hammer that followed, these coalition forces really became nervous.

The commander-in-chief in charge of this reinforcement was General Alladen from the ancient kingdom of Khorasan. After hearing this voice, he was as if he had been beaten with blood, and with one stroke of the Damascus machete in his hand, he shouted: "This is the Mongolian army!"

"Assemble! Assemble!"

"Damn it! Why do these **** appear on this group of routes! Ah the apostles sent by this group of demons!"

"Cavalry phalanx! End! Hurry up!"

With this cry from Alladen, the coalition forces of various countries began to rush, and began to pull the horses under their bodies, and assembled according to their respective marching formations.

As for the Mongolian light cavalry who had discovered their tracks and started running, they didn't talk nonsense with this group of people at all.

They loosened the reins one after another, and when they were hundreds of meters away from this group of enemy troops, they began to pull their two-stone bows on their horses.

Pulling out these single hands has a strength of more than 70 kilograms, which is comparable to the curved bows of Olympic athletes. In the hands of these Mongolian warriors who have used bows and arrows to defend their enemies since childhood, it is as simple as wringing out water drops on their clothes.

In the eyes of the coalition forces of the Central Asian countries on the opposite side, when these Mongolians were still little black spots, the arrows shot from their hands had reached the enemy one step ahead of their horses.

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