The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 311: Golden Bow and Pink Eye

Mongolians are extremely enthusiastic about hero worship and love.

Even if it is a child who has made an admirable record, it can also win everyone's recognition and admiration.

What's more, is this the biological son of the lord they identified?

Only one person reacted differently. Zhao Meng, who had been standing behind Wo Kuotai, almost pulled off a few beards from his chin.

Who is this to say that Mongolian children are straightforward, simple and honest.

This TM is the fox that emerged from a group of clubs.

Look at the gleam of light in the corner of his eyes, if it wasn't for his own mind to be taken away by him unconsciously, he was used to seeing Tiantian's intrigue in Song Chao's officialdom before.

He will also become the group of warriors underneath, so feel good about this kid.

Just what he just said about his brother's great achievements.

If others didn't know, they thought they were helping their brother waving the flag.

But those who were sitting were all Wo Kota's confidant generals, who could be said to be the generals who watched his eldest son grow up, and who have never been able to pull down from the marches and battles.

Can they not know how much Guiyu has the ability and skill on the external battlefield?

But when Gu Zheng said it with such support, Wo Kuo Tai and everyone were moved by listening. But when I went back and thought about it so carefully, the person admired by a heroic teenager turned out to be a mediocre person.

Even if it is older, the eldest concubine's protagonist, for these Mongolians, who only look at their achievements, regardless of their origin, will feel injustice for this young brother.

And out of guilt, he, the lord who is the father and king of others, will naturally turn the resources he has cultivated towards his second son, so he can lean a little bit more.

This little difference, coupled with years of subtle influence.

In the early days of the frequent Mongolian wars, it became the best opportunity for this second son to rise.

When his wings are full, the fight for this right...

Thinking of this, Zhao Meng took a very complicated look at Gu Zheng, and then he realized that this time of stunned work, this young man was already on the layout of the hall, and this time the so-called "blind cat" in his mouth came across. The process of "Dead Mouse's sniper warfare" was described to the generals.

After Zhao Meng listened so carefully, the horror just now deepened a bit.

this! When I went to pass the order just now, there was nothing wrong with this child's attitude, this child is not a thing in the pool!

After Gu Zheng gave a detailed description of the combat situation to the few sitting, he behaved like the most well-behaved student, and looked in the direction of Wo Kuotai.

"Father, do you see any details about my arrangement this time? Also, the soldiers under my hand have already taken all the spoils back to their camp."

"Does this have to be handed over to the public account for rewards based on merit? This is my first time going on the expedition, and I am not familiar with these details of the rules."

Seeing this child with innocent and thorough eyes, the head's voluminous expression is so relieved.

He laughed and encouraged, and then waved his hand: "We Mongolian soldiers have always been the rules of whoever grabs it."

"Where are the rules and regulations of public accounts and private accounts."

"What's more, your father, I haven't seen anything good, so where would I covet my son's spoils?"

"On the contrary, you told us, why can you obviously wipe out the entire army of the camel cavalry phalanx of the ancient Khorasan country, but you did the opposite and let them go?"

Uh, I can't say, this is the pot caused by your real Lu Chi son, right?

This map shows everything, which is the correct marching route map at the beginning, and does not show the location of your group of friendly forces.

Just like hidden maps and characters, they must be within a certain range before they can be marked on this small radar.

But this is also difficult for Gu Zheng.

In the camp, he returned calmly.

"Father, the child didn't think so much at all at the time, but just remembered your teachings to me on weekdays."

"You always say that the poor don't chase them. When the enemy is desperate, he will always burst out the most desperate force and fight to the death."

"At that time, my cavalry team had already carried out two big assaults, and the light cavalry army, as a support, ran back and forth too many times."

"The speed gap between the mounts on both sides was pulled in a lot because of the fatigue of the people on my side during this chase."

"The camels under the other side's crotch are known for their outstanding endurance. They can rule the ancient kingdom of Khorasan in the desert. Their army is not a reputation."

"If we lose the advantage of flexibility, then we will fall into a tug of war situation."

"Without daring to guarantee whether the opponent has back-up troops, my son dare not take such a risk."

"Furthermore, the assembly time arranged in the early stage of the army was delayed by the son for this reason."

"If you missed the rally on that day, it might bring serious losses to the ever-changing battlefield."

"If it's because of Haier's army, the entire plan to capture the city of Anita Assassin has failed."

"Even if the son has achieved great feats, he can't make up for his mistakes!"

Seeing the second son at the bottom of the head, his still somewhat immature face was full of seriousness, and the woe at the top was really full of relief.

This commendable son who performed on weekdays did not disappoint him. He had a good grasp of his personal gains and losses and the overall situation.

In the end, he still pays attention to his order to be a Lao Tzu. A young man with a young heart, who can endure such a great feat and the opportunity to become famous, he has rushed back to his account and listened to the order.

At the very least... Wu Kuotai subconsciously turned his head to the side of his elder son. This arrogant and inadequate elder son could not do it.

As the head of the family, Wo Kota nodded approvingly, intending to reward his second son.

In order not to praise too much, his eldest son, who has been training by his side, feels uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Wo Kuo Da waved his hand, and the clerk behind him would award the reward this time. And he himself turned the topic to this time, after the successful assembly, above the siege deployment.

When the high-hanging moon was about to droop and the birdsong in the morning was about to sound, the candlelight of the big tent was extinguished, and the generals of each army took this opportunity to return to their respective camps for a short rest.

Gu Zheng, who returned to his tent living alone, did not remove his armor, so he threw the scimitar on the low couch and fell on the carpet.

The past few days are really tiring, and life on horseback is really unbearable.

As for that insignificant road idiot that can cause such a big influence on a Mongolian, Gu Zheng can also feel it through the marches these days. This is true.

This is not the current life, even small counties will have landmarks.

In this vast expanse of land, it can only be done with the established map and super strong sense of direction.

In the eyes of modern people, Lu Chi, which is not worth mentioning, is very deadly here.

As soon as Gu Zheng's tired eyes stuck together, suddenly the voice of his guards rang from outside the tent.

"Commander, the reward of King Wokoh is here."

Gu Zheng, who was a little more sober by this reminder, didn't bother to get up, waved to the outside and said, "Send it directly into the camp."

"If there is nothing important, there is no need to report it specifically."

"Also, wake me up half a moment before the army is assembled."

"Yes! Commander!"

As Gu Zheng's voice fell, the footsteps of the servants were lightened by three points.

After they opened the camp, they didn't dare to make any sound. They gently put the tray full of rewards in the corner of the camp tent, and then crept out again.

At this time, Gu Zheng was already wearing dusty armor and fell asleep like this.

He didn't even notice that his cheap daddy had rewarded him with something.

Those yellowish things illuminate a small corner and ignite the jealousy of some people.

Inside Guiyou's camp, the lights were still bright at this time.

He who has been following Wo Kuotai with delicious and delicious is not the little pitiful Gu Zheng who hasn't slept well for a few days.

At this time, he was violent, and he kicked the short case next to him with one kick, and turned to the cronies next to him, who had been following him for a long time, and asked again.

"Have you really seen Father King bestow the golden bow to Haigu Duzheng with your own eyes?"

"It's true!" This dogleg from the Abahai tribe moved forward two more steps: "How could I be mistaken."

"The person who gave the reward first walked out of the ordinary treasury camp, and then was called into the big tent by the king's guard."

"When they came out with their things, I saw it with my own eyes. The golden bow was placed on top of the silk."

"The surrounding torches were not extinguished, and the golden bow that was shot was dazzling, and tears were almost streaming out of my eyes!"

Hearing the definite answer from Dogleg, Guiyou banged his fist on the low couch next to him.

"Okay! What a young hero! An eagle on the grassland."

"It's just a little boy who has won a battle by chance. I have fought north and south with my father for so many years. I want that bow, but I can't ask for it many times."

"Who would have thought of this second brother, who took what I couldn't ask for in just one battle?"

"It's not eccentric! It's nothing more than his mother who is like a fairy!"

Having said this, Takayuki was just irritable, he didn't know what he was irritable, in short, he didn't even have the strength to continue complaining.

He has only one goal now, that is, tomorrow's general attack on the city of Antarctic, he must show his demeanor as the eldest son of the eldest son in front of the entire army.

Let the Mongolian warriors see who is the best son of King Khan Wokuotai.

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