This group of compatriots in Central Asia has never been reluctant to face the surrounding countries.

Whether he is from Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan, he must all be taken.

And as Gu Zheng led the troops out more and more times, a large amount of materials were continuously delivered to the city of the thorny tower.

Zhao Meng, who was worrying about post-disaster reconstruction, was stunned.

He and Qiu Chuji also discovered that as Gu Zheng fought in the four directions, it took him longer and longer to return each time.

Because with the wars, Gu Zheng accidentally destroyed the westernmost cities of several Huajianzim countries. After crossing the border, he could not hold his feet and began to go out everywhere. Expanded.

Then Gu Zheng hit the border of several ancient countries that interested him very much.

Going down the Caspian Sea, there is the Arabian Peninsula, and going over the Caspian Sea is the Oros (Russia) who has never been alone with Asians.


This is interesting.

Then after Gu Zheng looked at the forces behind him, he decisively chose to invade the Arabian Peninsula. By the way, he did not forget to pay his respects to the relics of the former Persian Empire.

This country supported by desert oasis, now Gu Zheng, is really not very attractive.

But in the hands of this group of people, they have the resource that Gu Zheng is most interested in, the camel.

In this vast desert Gobi desert, the role of horses has been brought to the lowest level.

The horses that can gallop on the grassland, once caught in the environment here, they can only look at the teams of camels and sigh.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng had the same cavalry under his hands, and they were really not weak.

This group of troops who were defeated by Gu Zheng in the plains, once they entered the desert, it was like a fish in the water.

What's more, in this loose Arab country, between cities is just an ancient road that can pass.

People still like to live around the oasis and live a life that can see the water.

However, this tranquility was quickly broken.

At this time, Gu Zheng changed the dress of the Mongolian people in the past, and he also had a cosplay addiction and put on the traditional costumes of the ancient Persian country.

The long robe that drags to the ankle is all white, with the collar and skirt on the bottom of the skirt, trimmed with pure silk thread.

Coupled with the deep facial features and tall figure, people who don't know really regard him as the noble son of the Persian kingdom.

It's a pity that this is a yellow demon, and the beautiful oasis is lit up with flames that have been scorched by war.

This time it was Azerkhan, which was also the largest city in the ancient Persia country. After taking him, Gu Zheng completed the task of connecting Antarctic City with the Arabian Peninsula through the most perfect route.

Therefore, when the people under their hands rushed into this oasis city, it was rare that they did not burn them all by following Gu Zheng's orders, but looted wildly in this city.


Women surrounded by veils were rushed to the square of the city. Through the experience of Mongolian soldiers in fighting for many years, they automatically used the hilt of a knife to separate the young woman from the old woman.

The youngest women were naturally pushed in front of Gu Zheng by them. At this time, Gu Zheng was lying on an Arab-style car tent, eating the soldiers under his hands. Consecrated spoils.

Gu Zheng actually wanted to do this for a long time. It's rare to have an identity that is not a salted fish, and the landlord's old fortune enjoys it, who is not happy.

He was also very coquettishly propping his head with one hand, without even raising his eyelids, pointing to the group of trembling women who were kneeling under his car tent and asked: "What's the matter with these women? "

And the cronies around him were also the captain of the camel cavalry he later promoted. Mengdakan, with a flattering smile, approached Gu Zheng and said, "Chief, these women are the youngest and most beautiful women in Asehan. Woman now."

"You have to know that among our countries, what you call Central Asia, the women in the Persian Empire are the most beautiful in the countries of West Asia."

"Don't you know, their deep eyes, long black curly hair, and milk-white skin are as precious as our desert oasis."

"So, after the brothers moved into the city of Azerkhan, they grabbed the gold and silver jewelry, but the woman in this city was not moving, and I kept it all for you."

"Look, are they particularly beautiful?"

Gu Zheng, lying crookedly on the tent that could be used as a bed to sleep on, peeked his head in the direction of the group of women, and then withdrew after a while.

Then he said with the most feeble voice to Mengdakan next to him: "You should be young. As for how you can tell the beauty you said, the face is wrapped in TM with gauze under the two eyeballs. If there is no What about the nose?"

As soon as Gu Zheng said, I felt that Mongolians had different procedures for seeing beautiful women from their countries. Meng Dakan rushed to the group of women to make up for his mistake.

"You guys, take off your veil!"

After Meng Dakan's fiercely wicked order, the young women were very obedient, and peeled off the sari on their faces.

This time, frank and frank.

The beauty of the exotic beauties is extremely visually impactful. Their gray or blue eyes are like lakes in the desert, Ling Ling and moving.

The pure white complexion, coupled with the red lips, will show the gentle and soft beauty that is different from the Mongolian people.

At this time, Gu Zheng finally became interested. He turned over and sat up on the bed, intending to have some fun on this boring journey.

Hey, this woman has a big breast, and that one is also good, her **** is round, and she can't hide it even in a wide robe.


What about the good-looking ones?

But who came up with it? Among the girls who looked up, there was a person in the corner who spoke boldly: "Are you from Mongolia?"

"After capturing this city, will you return to your capital city?"

"Will any of you go to Song Country? If I follow you, will I have a chance to visit that beautiful country?"

After finishing speaking, the girl raised her head with burning eyes and looked straight in Gu Zheng's direction.

At this glance, Gu Zheng, who had read all the sails, had to admire the last sentence: beauty.

Gu Zheng, who was already interested in the topic of this seemingly young girl, hooked his finger towards the other party, then pointed to the only empty space under his car account, and motioned for the other party to come over and speak.

The girl looked left and right. In the eyes of this group of temporary companions, not knowing whether it was envy or resentment, she constrained her shoulders, lifted the hem of her skirt, and ran towards Gu Zheng's car tent very briskly.

After reaching the designated position, he squatted down under the car tent very cleverly, and raised his white face with great effort, so that the other party could see his beauty more clearly.

This is really a smart girl, just a gesture, she understood what Gu Zheng wanted to express.

And Gu Zheng leaned down very satisfied, and put his face in front of the girl like a gangster who molested a minor, like looking at a piece of art, carefully looking at this heavenly masterpiece. .

Milky white skin, but it has the delicateness unique to Asian women.

At such a close distance, you can't see any large pores, and they are as smooth as bean curd just out of the pot.

Under the golden sun, the girl's hair was dyed with golden color.

And the pupils in those deep eyes were a rare black color.

This girl combines the comprehensive beauty of West Asia and East Asia, and Gu Zheng who thinks here blurted out: "You should be a mixed race, right?"

"Don't tell me your mother or father is from Songguo?"

"Oh? How did you know? My mother is from Songguo. I heard from my father that my mother is the most beautiful musician in Jiangnan."

"After my father led the caravan on that fertile land, he was instantly overwhelmed by the charm of my mother."

"He has never seen such a beauty like the most gentle jade in the so he took my mother back home."

"Oh?" Gu Zheng seemed to like this story very much. He looked around at the robbed city behind him and asked, "What about your parents?"

Upon hearing this, the girl lowered her eyes: "They are all dead."

"I did it?" Gu Zheng's mouth was picked up dangerously.

And the girl shook her head firmly: "No!" She looked at the group of so-called compatriots behind her with a bit of hatred, and continued: "Because my mother is different from the women here, she is not happy to be here, and she is depressed. end."

"As for my father, he was just swallowed by the city lord, the treasure he transported back from Song Dynasty again, and he was killed under the resistance."

"If you don't come today, I won't be much better if you want to come."

"So, they are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you, because you are the hero who rescued me, and hero, as long as you can give me a glimpse of the scenery of Song Chao, then I will rely on you for everything!"

"Anything? Willingly?"

"Yes! Willingly!"

Seeing this young girl nodding her head very seriously, Gu Zheng became very happy.

His character who will not wrong him, naturally will not let go of the delicious food.

After laughing and refreshing, Gu Zheng really stepped on the land of Aserhan with his feet, then hugged the woman in his arms and asked the last sentence: "Girl, I Don't know your name yet?"

"Daiqisi! My name is Daiqisi."

"Okay! Daiqisi, you will be my Haigu Duzheng woman from today onwards. As for your wish, one day I will fulfill it for you!"

After saying this, Gu Zheng laughed again, carrying Daiqisi and heading towards the camp prepared for him by the guards without looking back.

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