The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 327: Russian strongman with a dung fork

The whole army was destroyed, and he died silently in a certain place in the country of Huajianzimo. Oh, no, it should belong to the territory of Mongolia now.

It should have died in the territory of China Khan under the name of Haigu Duzheng.

How ironic, but for this result, they Oros didn't even look at it.

Because they did not dare, did not dare to destroy the Huaquanzimo country in Mongolia, and in the period when the momentum was strongest, they were afraid of becoming the next Huaquanzimo to be destroyed.

But this day is coming, and the Mongolian army is coming.

Thinking of this, Vladimir had a headache. He pulled the rattle beside the chair so that the whole hall was filled with this crisp bell.

"Come on!"

"What is your command?"

"Quickly send these two tokens to the hands of Grand Duke Kiev and Grand Duke Garic. No delay!"


The waiter quickly withdrew, and what he held was a token of the family that Grand Duke Vladimir had handed him.

This is an early agreement between the three principalities, and their usual friction is not worth mentioning in the face of life and death.

But the result must have disappointed Grand Duke Vladimir.

Because at this time, the second man and horse of the Western Expedition had arrived at the base camp of the Principality of Kiev, the ancient capital Novgorod.

This means that the gate of the Caucasus north-south transfer was completely opened by this army.

Since then, more Mongolian troops can continue to pass along this path, and continuously transport them to the battlefield against Oros.

I was already overwhelmed with dumplings. I could only bear the stubborn Grand Duke of Kiev in his dark castle. Where can I get a token of Grand Duke Vladimir.

The soldier responsible for delivering the letter was already on the way and was killed on the spot by the Mongolian patrol.

This letter was very cherished and handed over to the Mongolian general Qolji.

When he opened the letter with a completely incomprehensible text, he casually threw the letter for help into the hands of the accompanying clerk.

As for the golden medal engraved with the image of the brown bear, it was treated as a trophy by Kuoerji, and it was thrown into his slung horse bag.

Going home to play pinball for his son, he still has a lot of face.

This episode made Vladimir, who had waited for three days of reinforcements, finally fell into despair.

When the commanders of his three major legions were all there, the entire castle was enveloped in a thick, heroic end.

He indifferently looked at the several brave captains in the hall, except for the first legion army, but they were full of fighting spirit.

"Grand Duke! Your most loyal legion commander invites you to fight, and I will lead my soldiers to defend the glory of the Brown Bear family to the death."

"Defend our territory from outsiders, and drive these rude and uncivilized yellow-skinned monkeys to where they should be."

"Grand Duke, give an order."

Looking at the enthusiastic expression of the second legion commander, Vladimir, who was sitting at the head, was silent for a long time before speaking.

"Then I will hand the future of the entire principality into your hands. Please use the sword in your hands to defend me and my people."

"If you can return triumphantly, then I swear with my family honor that you will become the only legion marshal of my Vladimir Principality."

"I will also ask our emperor to give you a lifelong noble mark. Your family will prosper and become another new noble in my Principality."

"And I will categorize all the territories from the Volga River to the outside of the city of Reyzan as your ascended territory."

Such a reward made the face of the second legion commander flushed slightly with excitement. He immediately knelt down on one knee and gave a vow that belonged to the knight.

"Yes! I will carry the glory of the Principality and drive the enemy out forever!"

After finishing speaking, he got up, led the people who followed him, and left the conference hall without looking back, leaving only the empty collision of armor.

Grand Duke Vladimir, looking at the distant back, did he not see the fear of the first legion commander who had reluctantly left?

But at this time, he was left with only a sigh, and in this castle, the blessings for these expeditioners.

Unfortunately, the blessings of mortals did not have the effect they had imagined.

The commander of the Second Corps, who had assembled three legions, laid out his decisive defense line in the plains 30 miles away from the capital of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir.

His most elite soldiers wore airtight armor, and behind him were rich copper coins, militiamen and mercenaries from all over the place they had recruited.

There are some good players in these wandering troops.

Take the guy named Petepan, for example. He can use a bow in the jungle and shoot three arrows at the same time. Even the most flexible deer can't escape his chase.

And the warrior named Ladijates was as strong as a black bear in the forest. The two huge axes on his back had harvested countless enemy heads.

These desperadoes all have their own proud stunts.

When faced with those savage Mongolians, it is really appropriate to use such a person to defend against the enemy.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng led the cavalry team and marched into the territory of Vladimir's capital, he saw this scene.

On the plain opposite them, a dense crowd was already standing. These people dressed up in different ways, like a gang of beggars mixed together.

There are Caucasians with half of their arms naked and fur wrapped in fur, and Kazakhs with the same Eastern face and a scimitar in their hands.

There are rangers in tight leather jackets, and farmers holding dung forks.

Behind these chaotic teams, is the regular army phalanx formed by bright armor, the number of which seems to be the same as that of the cavalry team led by Gu Zheng.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng laughed, and the louder he laughed, he really couldn't understand that the soldiers of the powerful Oros Empire that he had imagined countless times would look like this.

And as Gu Zheng began to laugh, the group of most loyal cavalry guards who followed him began to have a lot of fun.

This seemed to be contagious, and then the entire Mongolian army laughed.

The collective ridicule of thousands of people, the opening of this group ridicule mode, made the army commanders of the Grand Duke on the opposite side stunned.

"Hey, what do you think the Mongolian people on the other side are doing? Why do you laugh when the two armies are facing each other?"

"Could it be that this is their tradition? Or is it a kind of witchcraft in the East?"

"That's horrible, I won't make them laugh anymore by giving my orders! Offense! Offense!"

Only the group of hired groups standing at the forefront can truly see the smiles from the Mongolian people.

Even if the language is impassable, they can see that it is naked ridicule.

With condescending contempt.

As a group of people with the highest military value in Oros, when have they been so insulted?

Under the influence of strong alcohol, they have already developed the habit of doing things if they don't agree with each other.

Therefore, when the army commander's offensive order was issued, the group of people wearing the group of demons dancing wildly, armed with weapons, screamed and rushed in the direction of Gu Zheng.

"Look at how my arrow blessed by the goddess of nature penetrates your arrogant head!"

Oh, I forgot to say a word, this group of Orus people who still believe in the gods in Slavic mythology, from the moment before the war, still firmly believed that their **** was the most powerful.

But following Gu Zheng's order, they saw the evil that belonged to Changshengtian.

"Let the arrow!"

Gu Zheng sitting on horseback, even with an upside-down hot pot helmet on his head, did not affect his handsomeness, but as his arm fell, the rain of arrows in all directions rose. .

The roaring Mercenaries of Oros died under the rain of arrows before they could make any effective resistance. U U Reading

It is so dense that there is nowhere to hide.

Only those who held shields escaped with their excellent response, and those rangers who believed in personal strength, the bows and arrows in their hands had not been able to be pulled away before they were defeated by the strong bows of Mongolia.

This is not a tactical victory, but just a crush on equipment.

When an empire has evolved into a group army to cooperate in combat, how can another country that is still relying on its own financial resources to recruit mercenaries to be the opponent of the other side.

The Nek Shiwanvsky, who could fight bears with his bare hands, had fallen to the ground like a scarecrow's target.

And the assassin who was known as the most sensitive had already quietly fallen from behind the person who was covering him.

Just because a bow and arrow penetrated the throat of the person who was acting as a meat shield in front of him, and then pierced directly into his eyeball, penetrating his self-proclaimed clever brain.

From Gu Zheng's order to the collapse of everyone, this was only a process that took less than two minutes.

And it was this short period of time that revealed the life and death of the person in front of him.

Some of the militia farmers who also carried dung forks and hammers, because they were not agile enough, ran to the back of the team.

It was precisely because they couldn't do it, and under this round of arrow rain, they escaped.

Quiet, there was only death-like silence on the battlefield at this time, but the terrified howling of a trembling peasant broke the deathly silence.

"Ah! I don't want to die!"

"Run, they belong to the devil's legion, a war punished by the gods! This is a battle between the gods, not ours!"

Then, when he ran, he didn't forget to pick up the dung fork he had just thrown down because of panic.

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