The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 330: Night...get in the car...

Hearing the provocative words like Karina, if he can't catch it, he won't be called Gu Zheng.

At this time, he was not ashamed at all. He actually supported his head with his hands, opened his eyelids, and looked up and down the bold and unrestrained, Karina also got up.

Don't tell me, this is really a stunner.

As far as Gu Zheng knows, the granddaughter's daughter, who is only 19 years old this year, already has a plump breast shape that a mature woman can't match.

Just by looking at the dress and skirt on her body, you can see that the two lumps of flesh that are ready to emerge, if the lace on the chest is not tight enough, it has long been free from the shackles, and has the same personality as her master, and has bounced out. .

However, such a woman is the best consolation after a war. After all, it is a gentleman's shame to refuse a lady, especially a beautiful woman's pleas.

As for where this gentleman’s code came from, we don’t know, but at this time Gu Zheng has already stood up from the large seat, and amidst the roar of other Mongolian people, handed his hand. Arrived in front of Karina.

And just after Yekarina put her little hand in Gu Zheng's palm, she heard a disapproval voice from her family.

Her stepmother, a self-proclaimed noblewoman, reprimanded heartily: "Also, Karina, how can you be like this? It is our enemy who reaches out to you. What you do is simply for the family. His glory is discredited."

And the half-sister who had never dealt with her, nodded in response: "Yes, sister, are you crazy? This man is different from the officers who cheated on you before, aren't you afraid? ?"

Hearing what her family said, Karina actually turned her head with a smile, showed them the brightest smile, and then touched her slightly curled lips and said, "My dearest mother and sister. , What you said really wanted me to laugh."

"Who is it that is cheating on your husband? As for you, my sister, Annabella, don't think I didn't see the desire in your eyes."

"Admit it, you also want to sleep with this man in my hands, but your face-saving character makes you hard to say, you can only be jealous!"

Karina, who had said these words, really allowed Gu Zheng to refresh the three views once again, and the degree of openness to the Orus people in this world has automatically increased by three levels.

And Karina is the one who sprays her family’s face with a bad face, but no matter how many, she is a little provocative. She will hold the small hand of Gu Zheng’s big hand and pull it towards her bedroom, suggesting: "I Dear King, you must be tired and sleepy. Let me, the host, arrange your bedtime."

Then he mentioned his blue long skirt, leading Gu Zheng to the upper floor of the castle.

After the two people bypassed the ascending stairs, they came to a milky white door. The girl who was reluctant to let go of Gu Zheng's hand along the way was rare to let go of her hand and ran to the door quickly. One forcefully pushed the door of the room open from both sides.

The furnishings in the house immediately appeared in front of Gu Zheng without hiding himself.

In this huge room, apart from a huge closet and dressing table, there is only one large one that can accommodate five or six Gu Zheng, while sleeping on it, without feeling squeezed into the bed.

The navy blue sheets, beige carpets, and the very simple and clean room layout, it seems that it does not look like Karina’s character at all.

At this time, Karina turned around and sat on the bed, dragging the big skirt that she had been dragging on the ground, a little bit disgusted, and then revealed her ankle in high heels.

As if she wanted to get rid of this annoying bondage, she threw out the blue high heels on her feet, leaving only those wearing long stockings, those very delicate feet.

Then, like a child, she leaned back and fell back on the bed. She turned over and lay on the soft goose feather pillow, and then said to Gu Zheng with a trace of charm: "Dear Wang, do you want to come and help me?"

Then he stretched out a finger playfully and pointed to the zipper behind her, which had been lowered to the half of her back.

But she did not wait for Gu Zheng's response.

Because at this time, Gu Zheng, like a king, walked straight to the center of this room and closed the door of this room by the way.

Then Karina couldn't wait for a response, and when she lifted her head from the pillow, she silently lowered her eyelids, looked at her condescendingly, and said what a real king should say.

"You are the one who invited me to the room, and you are the one who will take care of me."

"But as far as I know, serving in our country is not for me to serve you."

"So, this lady, I am not as pleased as you think, let alone when you ask me."

"I'm not a man who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. Do you think that a person like me will lack women around him?"

Domineering makes people dizzy.

This is the type of man that Karina has never met, but for no reason, her whole legs are softened.

Karina, who heard Gu Zheng’s words, was a very acquainted girl. On the bed, she showed the sweetest smile in her life. Then she turned over and got out of bed and came to Gu Zheng’s. before.

She bounced around like a deer in the forest. The hands used to play the piano and drink tea touched the armor that Gu Zheng still wears now.


A woman who wants to untie a general's armor is really a laborious job, but when Karina really untie them completely, she really feels that this is the gift she has unwrapped in her life. , The best one.

At this time, Gu Zheng, wearing only a close-fitting silk robe and leather boots on his feet, was also taken off under Karina's half-push.

The transparent silk material makes Gu Zheng's bronze skin glow under the sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows.

A hormone belonging to men flooded the room in an instant.

At this time, the round helmet on Gu Zheng's head was also removed by him, and the braid made of long black hair like black silk was laying lazily on his shoulders.

He didn't look feminine at all, but with a hint of unruly chic.

He just picked the corners of his mouth, accepting Karina's service with peace of mind, without any blushing and heartbeat because of the less and less clothes taken off by the other party.

Karina looked like a master of flirting. While untying her coat for Gu Zheng, she did not forget to show her charm everywhere.

Whenever she took off a piece of clothing belonging to Gu Zheng, she would take the most enchanting smile and unbutton one of her clothes.

Of course, she didn't wear as many pieces as Gu Zheng's.

But the woman's accessories, the tight stockings that wrap her legs, and her snow-white corset are all props that she can use to flirt.

At this time, Gu Zheng had no interest in grinding with her anymore, but Karina hooked her finger at the white underwear and skirt, and said, "Come on, let me see. It depends on your ability."

"Don't make me really bored."

But at this time, Karina realized that her teasing had such a small effect on Gu Zheng.

All he needs now is someone who can really make him comfortable and relieve his fire.

In this case, Karina, who is more confident in her body than her charm, is no longer reserved.

As soon as she untied the last ribbon tied to her body, she broke free of the last yoke given to her by mankind.

Became a newborn girl who strayed into the Garden of Eden.

Without an inch.

And her next behavior was the opposite of her body full of desires, she jumped into the bed with a happy vertical leap, and directly sat on Gu Zheng who was lying on her back~www.readwn .com~ Then slowly put the red lips toward the lips of this charming Mongolian man, and leaned over.

With this touch, Tianlei shook the ground fire.

This bed, where four or five people turned over, would not make any noise, but at this time it was crunching non-stop.

The clothes scattered on the ground showed how fierce the battle between the two people was.

And the handover of the affairs that have been functioning in an orderly manner outside the house also means that this ‘war’, Gu Zheng can take it very long...


The night of Oros was not different from the sky of Mongolia. Gu Zheng, who had already put on clean clothes, slowly walked out of Yekarina's room.

Outside the door was Zhao Meng, who had been waiting for a long time. He bowed his head to Gu Zheng very respectfully and reported the details of the afternoon.

But when talking about the placement of Grand Duke Vladimir, Zhao Meng paused.

And Gu Zheng smiled and glanced back at the closed room, and patted Zhao Meng on the shoulder: "After all, I slept with his daughter and owed something to others, so I couldn't do too much. "

"But I think that when this lady wakes up tomorrow, there will be unexpected results."

"So wait, wait until tomorrow, and it won't be too late to drive them out."

The current Zhao Meng was completely convinced by Gu Zheng's whole decision. After he led Gu Zheng to the clean bedroom belonging to the Grand Duke, he quietly retreated.

This night, there was no sound of insects.

At the breakfast table the next day, Gu Zheng was the only one left to dine with everyone in the family of Grand Duke Vladimir.

In Gu Zheng's words, it was the last breakfast, and you had to let your fellow defeaters get full.

He is really a kind person.

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