The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 332: Stepping into the land of Europe

And Gu Zheng, who looked back, just smiled at Annabella as if looking at a product, and joked: "My poor girl, if you were yesterday, you would have the courage of your sister, like a rose. Yes, with thorny ambitions, maybe I will agree with your suggestion."

"After all, the opportunity to be taken by a pair of sisters at the same time and serve together is not always available."

"But, it's too late now. You know, sometimes, chance is always a momentary thing."

"If you miss it, you will lose it forever."

After finishing talking, Gu Zheng pulled Daiqisi without nostalgia, walked out of the hall, and walked away gradually.

And Annabella, who waited for her own answer, was desperate and sat down on the seat.

The second wife of the Grand Duke next to her, who was also Annabella's mother, started crying in a low voice.

Standing at the center of this group of people was also Karina, who swept away the sense of frustration from the moment of confrontation with Gu Zheng just now, and looked a little proud of this group of people who eventually failed.

"Ha, some people have been thinking about things that Xiao never deserves since she was a child."

"Annabella, you have liked to **** things from me since you were young. Whether it's clothes or men, you have the same virtue."

"Now someone can finally see your disguise, and they won't be deceived by you just because of your innocent face."

"This is really pleasant. Hahaha, my noblest family members, from now on, this place has become the golden house of King Khan Haiguduzheng."

"And you guys, pack the package for me now and leave now!"

"Come on, send them out!"

The soldiers guarding outside the door who received the instructions had long heard Gu Zheng's instructions. When the people inside made a decision, they threw them out of the city without hesitation.

When the supreme ruler on this land, like a beggar, was thrown out of the city he once ruled, Gu Zheng's army had already marched towards the next target city.

According to the information received yesterday, on the land east of Vladimir, a large army belonging to the Mongolian Second Route has appeared.

Gu Zheng, who had completed his mission on the land of Oros, began to think about his second destination.

He wants to continue to the west and expand his own territory in the future, because these positions are perfectly connected with the place where he belongs to the Khanate.

He wants to flatten Ukraine and head towards the Krpathian Mountains (Budapest). The machete in his hand has already begun to point directly at European territory.

But before that, Gu Zheng looked at the dense coalition forces that suddenly appeared opposite him, and he wanted to take the lead in solving this group of farmers who didn't know where they came from.

Yes, the equipment of this group of people looks like a tattered peasant army trained temporarily.

Such an army made Gu Zheng even have no desire to fight a good battle. He just wanted to let the people under his hand fight casually. Even if it broke up, the opponent's Supreme Commander suddenly sent him a letter.

Under the recitation of the translator, Gu Zheng could not laugh or cry.

The person who wrote this letter was the marshal of the Nanluo Army, oh, the head of this group of farmers.

These messy and stinking troops were turned out to be the kings of Poland and countless small countries nearby, who gathered all the troops together to form a joint anti-Mongolian coalition.

They began to prepare for this decisive battle as early as when Gu Zheng's army leveled Ukraine.

In the letter, King Breslav, also the marshal of the Nanluo army, rightly issued a series of warnings and demands to Gu Zheng.

He exaggeratedly described the size of the army and its high morale, and he also arrogantly reminded Gu Zheng that their war of aggression was very inhumane.

In the end, he said in a very reluctant tone that if they withdraw from Poland now, their small countries shouldn't be considered, and begin to conduct equivalent bilateral trade with the Mongolian Empire.

After all, Mongolia has achieved the basic recognition of these countries, and even if they have made a small strategic mistake, they can still be forgiven.

After reading this letter, Gu Zheng just wanted to send two words to the other party because he was ill.

Where did this come out, the self-confident leader of the mystery?

Could it be said that Mongolia is just a barbarian who can march and fight in their eyes?

Although it was so good in the past, haven't they heard of his reputation among King Khan in the past few years?

It seems that his methods are still too benevolent, and his reputation for benevolence is not better than that of his brutal elder brother, and he is famous.

That being the case.

Gu Zheng threw the letter paper in his hand into the arms of the guards around him, and then gave the final order.

"You have asked the other party's messenger to tell you what kind of letter he will write in my prison after this battle is over."

After speaking, he strode out of the camp, and waved his hand at the group of generals who were eager to try out of the account, "Why are you all standing here?"

"Let's play freely. I allow you to looting on this land, but the time cannot be too long."

Gu Zheng pointed out three fingers towards them: "My camp will go slowly behind for three days. As long as it is the town I reach, you are not allowed to rob anymore."

"However, as long as it is a place I haven't reached in these three days, I will not restrict your behavior."

"So, what are you waiting for? Quickly take out the skills and nature of our Mongolian soldiers, and quickly get rid of the group of idiots on the opposite side."

"I look at a group of croaking toads, and I have a headache."

The main reason is that it is disgusting, that kind of inexplicable arrogance, the feeling of being around is really too bad.

Obtaining the accurate order from Gu Zheng, this group of authentic Mongolian generals went crazy.

How long has it been?

They thought they were following a strange, not like Mongolian Khan King.

The Mongolian Khan King who values ​​infrastructure and urban development, what the **** is this?

What does it mean to be pro-government and love the people, and the integration of fifty-six ethnic groups?

They don't know, but one thing that is very uncomfortable is that during their quests from the north to the south, burning, killing, and looting was banned.

Even if it is looting, it must be carried out without disturbing the people.

They all said not to disturb the people, and how to rob them.

Even when calculating the credit afterwards, everyone was given a lot of treasures and beauties, but in their hearts, they always felt that something was wrong.

How should I put it, a sense of imperfection, empty chatter, as if this gift of treasure lacks some spirituality.

Until now, they didn't understand what that strange feeling was in each of them.

It's called the satisfaction of having enough food and clothing on your own.

Even if it is a lump of shit, what I snatched over is definitely fragrant.

Therefore, the Mongolian soldiers sent out rushed into the battlefield in the vast crowd with a strong obsession with the smell of shit.

The soldiers of the Nanluo army who were still on the hillside waiting for the consultation between the two armies were caught off guard.

Before many soldiers even had time to pick up the weapons in their hands, they were smashed their heads by the hooves that leaped over.

And many soldiers who were still prepared, just when they were about to fight hard, they understood the gap between their cavalry and infantry troops.

I can't catch up, and I can't beat it.

They were sitting on a Ferrari with acceleration and slashing towards you. There was only one end in the end. You were drawn like a top, without any resistance.

It was just a sprint, and even the teamwork of heavy cavalry and light cavalry was not used in any formation.

The entire battlefield was broken up.

Each group of Mongolian cavalry followed the army of a small country, and this huge Nanluo army was immediately washed out.

As the supreme commander this time, Gu Zheng was perfect, and he was still on the scene of the battle.

He was not in a hurry, but pointed to a town on a map drawn by him with the cooperation of a local tour guide and said: "We will use this place as a stronghold to gather the marching reports of various cavalry teams."

"Then send people one by one to gather the territories they have taken down."

"Time, just give them two days. After all, these countries are too small. If this group of people is really mad, then after my people pass, these towns really can't be bought."

Who made the Poland that Gu Zheng sees now, it is not a modern unified country?

In this world, on the land within this range, there are more than ten or twenty kings, large and small.

Their people are at least a few hundred people, and the slightly larger ones are no more than 10,000 people.

It can be summed up in a shabby way.

As for the place that Gu Zheng pointed out, it was Pelie'er, the place where his kingdom, the capital of Boleslav, the supreme commander of this time was located.

This place is good, approximate location? Maybe it's Warsaw.

Gu Zheng slammed his shoulders, not at all ashamed of his retaliatory behavior, leading the guards behind him mightily and marching towards Pi Lie'er.

His careless behavior calmed down after the people in Pi Lie'er panicked for three or four days.

Because they found that the new king they had replaced seemed to be less brutal than the legendary one.

Although the people's dung fork suddenly changed from iron to wooden, it was not very convenient to use.

But the craftsmen, farmers, and officials they brought over brought new crops and farming methods that were not owned by this country.

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