The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 360: Restore the authentic Song Dynasty cuisine

Although Gu Zheng was still lazy at this time, he was not slanted on the dining table in a proper manner, but he was also not the original kind of nausea, but with a kind of wanton and unrestrained chic.

It looks good no matter how you look at it.

The very surprised old neighbours have no idea that peeping at others is an immoral behavior at all. On the contrary, they are upright and start to look at Gu Zheng.

What is the difference that makes a person's change so big?


Today's Gu Zheng wears a bija if there is no dishevelled clothes. Although his robe is draped over his body without a belt, he always wears it properly.

In addition, his face is actually a rare sight, without a fierce look with crooked mouth and slanted eyes. Under the peace of his face, his true appearance was revealed.

This person, as soon as he looks a little more calm, the fear of others towards him is much smaller.

What's more, they discovered for the first time that this Gu family's son-in-law turned out to be so handsome and handsome?

So there was a neighbor who was not stingy, and he praised: "Gu's child, I only know what you look like today."

"You have this look, and you learn the expression of that foolish person, don't you spoil yourself?"

"Look at how handsome you are now. Look at the other side. The little lady who sells bean curd on the other side makes you blushing."

When Gu Zheng was reminded by the neighborhood, he raised his eyes and looked across the street. There was also a small food stall that was steaming. Unlike their formal restaurant, the opposite was a mobile stall that only sold Korean food.

The government officials in this street can settle their monthly management fees, and then they can open their stalls in the designated locations.

At this moment, the little lady who was watching him secretly made Gu Zhengying Yingchao also somewhat impressed.

I think at the beginning, when the client just came to set up a stall, he even went up and molested him.

It was just that his sturdy old lady yelled a few words, saying that it was such a small family, and he was not worthy of his son at all.

And this client, looking at the woman who was on the opposite side shrank, immediately lost her appetite, thinking that she was not brave and strong, and she didn't have the demeanor of her own old mother at all.

Such a lady is not worthy of being brave and heroic.

Therefore, the client who lost interest put the Douhua Little Lady behind.

Seeing the opposite side in the mist, the little lady who slowly blushed because of Gu Zheng's long-term scrutiny, Gu Zheng couldn't help but shook her head.

Fortunately, this person's brain capacity is a bit small, such a good woman, the client should not go to Huhuo.

In the old neighbourhood opposite, Gu Zheng has been watching the other's lady for a long time, only regretting that he said too much.

What if you hook up with this silly kid and think about the girl opposite?

Therefore, the neighborhood just coughed awkwardly, but in Gu Zhengniang's next words, he was relieved.

"Joke, that kind of innocent little lady, wouldn't my son look good?"

"We want to marry, and we also want to marry the woman who knows the poems and etiquette, is courageous and can manage the family."

"Right, son?"

After hearing what his mother said, Gu Zheng immediately followed up: "Yes!"

The neighbor next to him was surprised at the shamelessness of this family. He quickly put the porridge and rice money on the table, shouted at the checkout, and hurriedly left.

At this time, Gu Niang had already cut the cleaned up pig intestines into a wide and narrow ring of small thumb strips, and laid them on the chopping board to prepare for the fried white intestines for a while.

She took down a porcelain jar on the shelf behind her, took out a long-dried spoon from the wooden spoon basket, and carefully scooped out a spoon from the porcelain jar, white and tender lard.

This is not like homemade lard stewed from home-made fat, because these fats, which are like condensed fat, actually flashed a crystal clear light between the spoons.

There are no impurities of charred meat residue.

As if seeing Gu Zheng's admiration, Gu Zhengniang also proudly pointed her chin in the direction of a grocery store in the innermost corner of the street: "The new store there sells some rare things. "

"It is said that the little lady of that family has obtained miracles, learned the good things of gods, and made goods."

"Everyone takes it as a happy listener, but the quality of their home stuff is indeed top-notch."

"I bought this fat from them, and the price is the same as ordinary meat oil, but the appearance is first-class."

"Aniang, I'll use it to make fried white sausage for you to taste."

"Hey!" Gu Zheng was also very curious, what fried white sausage is, the catering industry in this world, from his perspective, seems to be no worse than modern times.

The basic frying and cooking, simmering and simmering, are everything.

The ingredients are also very rich. Spices? Gu Zheng subconsciously took a look at the shelf behind his mother. There were a lot of small porcelain bottles.

He was thinking, with a ‘stabbing’, in front of Mrs. Gu Zheng, because of the heat from cooking food, Gu Zheng’s mind was turned back.

This stove has now been replaced with a frying pan with a flat bottom. The base is really big, about the size of a washbasin in his daily life.

That spoonful of lard met a hot iron pan, and within a few seconds, it turned into lard with a clear amount of oil, which was smeared in the bottom plate.

Along with the steaming water vapor, it exudes the unique oily aroma of lard.

‘Thorn! ’

With another sound, Gu Zhengniang evenly sprinkled the dried pig intestine on the oily surface that was already 80% hot.

Spread out piece by piece, and use a flat spatula to press on the lard to prevent sticking to the pan.

In a short while, the smell of fragrant and fragrant pig offal was heard in the air.

And the bottom layer of the casing in the pot has begun to glow with a very beautiful golden color. The intestines that were originally swollen due to cleaning are rapidly tightened due to the high temperature frying, until some scorched and crispy are drawn together.

Seeing that it was almost done on one side, Gu Zhengniang was very skillful and put the shovel against the bottom of the pot, gently copying it, a flat shovel against the bottom, and another shaking hands and turning over her wrists.

"Papa" twice, he sliced ​​the small two-liang pig intestines and turned them over one by one, but he didn't even splash any oily flowers.

Seeing such a skillful technique, Gu Zheng was full of admiration.

He looked at the pig intestines on the other side, and after slowly turning into the same golden color, he was thinking, this is how the so-called fried white intestines are eaten?

Can this be delicious?

When Gu Zheng was facing the taste of this Song Dynasty snack and expressed doubts, she saw that Gu Zhengniang had completely fried the golden and translucent pig intestine, picking it up piece by piece with chopsticks, and drying it on an empty plate. Among.

Then he yelled at Little Sister Gu, who was serving the guests to the side: "Sister, serve me a bowl of big bone soup. Sprinkle a handful of chives."

"Hey, good mother, come here."

A soft, crunchy sound rang in Gu Zheng's ears.

When he turned around and took a look, he discovered that behind the big steaming stove, there was a small figure hidden behind it.

This is because it should be the little girl in his memory.

Gu Zheng took a look, only to see a little girl wearing a blue jacket with a hundred flowers on top and a pure cyan skirt underneath. She was holding a bead of sweat on her head from the heat of the rice. Her petite body was not suitable for the big spoon, and she scooped out the big bone soup her mother had ordered into the big round pot that was steaming.

She seemed to feel that Gu Zheng was looking at her, and the little oval face turned around, showing a sweet and soft smile towards her elder brother.

"Brother, wait a while, sister will bring you the soup."

After speaking, he picked up the top white porcelain bowl from the pile of bowls and chopsticks next to him, and poured the white and rich bone broth into the big spoon.

Then carefully lifted up and shook it in front of Gu Zheng, because the soup was kept warm on the stove, so the girl’s hand holding the bowl was affected by the temperature. Burning slightly red.

When she held the big bowl firmly in front of Gu Zheng, and after placing it on the table, she quickly pinched her hot hands onto her left and right earlobes.

"It's hot!" The... lightly jumping on the spot.

This is too cute. Like a soft and waxy little milk dog, it makes people feel distressed when it is well-behaved.

Looking at this little girl who was only in her early ten years old, she knew that she came out to help her mother take care of the restaurant.

How did the client be so cruel that after a few years, he sold the little girl who was not in time to others as concubines?

This person who has fallen into the magic barrier of gambling has simply lost the most basic moral standard as a person. It can be said that the client at that time can no longer be regarded as a person.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, it is even more painful for the little girl in this world who has the closest blood relationship with him.

He raised his hand, gently touched the other party's hairy bun twice, lowered his voice as much as possible, and thanked him in the softest tone: "Thank you, little sister, you go ahead and wait until your brother is full. , And replace you again!"

Little sister Gu was stunned when she heard Gu Zheng talking like this, she just tugged at her ears, and looked at her elder brother who was kind to her in a daze.

Why is my brother so good today?

Not only did he touch her head, he also said to help her.

This made Gu Xiaomei, who had always been ignored by her brother, was stunned.

Seeing the dull look of my little girl, she looked more like a suckling dog, Gu Zhengyu laughed out of it, then turned around and asked her mother: "Mother, I'm hungry, can I eat it?"

"That's good! That's good!"

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