The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 363: Followers and selling

"Well, my son was right."

"The younger sister's age is about to start dressing up. You see, the tender colors are taking advantage of your face to look even better."

"Hey, little girl, take these two hair ropes for you, too."

"If your brother still seems to be so prosperous today, then our family will have a better life in the future."

"I don't have to save money like I used to, I'm afraid that you, a slutty brother, doesn't have a right shape."

"There is no good girl around here who is willing to marry him, then I can only spend more money to hire him from outside the city."

"Now it's all right, if your brother is all right, your mother, I will also pull a piece of floral cloth for you, and make you a body skirt again."

"When you are not busy, you also go out and play with the little sisters around here."

"You don't have to spend all the time at home to help."

Listening to my old lady talking to her so softly for the first time, she touched the silk flower on the new hairpin on her head.

Little sister Gu only felt a sweet joy that emerged from the bottom of her heart.

The tears in the little eyes came out half-and-half.

She just nodded gently, and after a hum, she laughed happily, and asked her mother for instructions: "Mum, I'll go back to the house and put the hair rope first?"

"Go, go!" The old lady Gu, who thought her little daughter was very well-behaved, said more: "After dinner, this shop is not busy. You go to the meeting and I will come outside when I clean up!"


The answering voice added another three points of joy.

This little girl who can be happy for three days with such a bit of warmth, if Gu Zheng sees it, it is estimated that she will have to draw her client's skin a few more times.

That's right, now Gu Zheng is smoking him.

Because just when Gu Zheng was about to wander around this street and prepare to familiarize himself with the environment, the client’s soul ball in his mind yelled and pointed to the place he was originally interested in. Let Gu Zheng go and take a look.

Where else can the client be interested?

He can't touch the latter two types of wine, sex, wealth, and anger, but he is the clear one for the first two.

Do you want to feel the atmosphere of the former swingers again?

If you are caught by such a thing all day, you can jump around in the laugh and forget book, although it will not cause any impact, but it will jump on the back of the foot, it will not bite all kinds of people.

"Laugh and forget the book! Can you do it, let him be honest!"

Gu Zheng's persecution caused the creation of the space to temporarily store the soul body in the laugh and forget the book.

Then, it turned to the client's soul and vented its dissatisfaction.

"Honestly understand! What I signed with you is an equal exchange agreement."

"Do you really consider yourself equal to me?"

"Do you know that I built the space, and the regulations are also defined by me. After you sign my agreement, you must abide by my rules."

"If you dare to leak out your subjective thoughts, it will affect the free play of my host."

"Be careful I squeeze your balls!"

Being three times the size of his own, forgot to forget the book, such a threat, the client's soul ball, subconsciously covered it under his crotch.

But it didn't work. He didn't have any hands. It was just because of inertia that he lost his balance. He rolled a circle and hid in the corner.

But he still wanted to plead for himself: "No, I don't really want to go."

"But in that street, there is a mixture of fish and dragons. If you want to understand the local customs, geography and people's livelihood, shouldn't you go to these places to inspect it first."

"Hey, although I have brought a little bit of selfishness and have been addicted to the eyes, it is not the Lord Laughing and Master Gu that are in charge, and it is up to you to make the decision."

Seeing the client's plausible words, Gu Zheng pulled his mouth and told him to forget the book with a smile, and said, "He said there is a bit of truth. , Just hit it."

After the order was over, regardless of the two small **** that were smashed into a ball in the space in an instant, they turned on the soles of their feet and headed toward the street that the client had told them.

As soon as he stepped over his front foot, two people rushed out from the side street. When he saw Gu Zheng's figure, it was as if he was happy to see Dad.

"Brother! Let us wait!"

"We have been waiting at this junction for a long time, why did you come?"

Gu Zheng turned his head and looked, oh, acquaintance.

These two are Wang Xiaowu and Qin Feizi who have been hanging around behind Gu Zheng.

Saying that he followed Gu Zheng is just for the sake of money.

The client has a mother who spoils him and keeps spending money every day.

If you have a friend who is waiting for you with food and drink every day, can you play two tricks? A fool would not follow him.

Therefore, Wang Xiaowu and Qin Laozi have a high degree of respect for Gu Zheng.

The current Gu Zheng came to this world, but he simply forgot the agreement between the original owner and them.

As soon as the time of the morning eclipse is over, the three of them will appear on the street on time.

Collect the protection fee for the old farmers who don't understand the rules, and then take Gu Zheng's pocket money to find a place where there is wine and meat to drink a pot.

For the rest of the time, either go to play two games, or go back and fall asleep.

Come out until the night market starts at night.

This kind of life is very moist, but I'll be uncertain in the future.

Now Gu Zheng was too lazy to say anything, and pointed directly to the street and said: "I'm going to hang out for a while. I will talk about anything after I finish shopping."

Then he flicked his robe and walked in.

The two dog friends who were shocked by the different auras of Gu Zheng whispered from behind, "Hey, Xiaowu, have you decided that Brother Gu's aura is more vigorous."

"Yes, maybe in a few days, the government will allocate work. Our brother wants to get a share too, right?"

"Then, is there any hope?"

"Who knows? If it's done, wouldn't it be better for our brothers?"


The two people who didn't say more, rushed to the back of Gu Zheng in two hurried steps, watching the hustle and bustle of this street with interest.

"Pears, crisp and sweet pears."

"Come and take a look, the new silk from the shop."

As soon as I walked into the street, this small street, which was a little narrower than Gu Zheng's house, began to lively.

Gu Zheng turned his head and saw a fruit vendor pushing a wheelbarrow and two baskets on the side of the road. When he walked over, he first saw the fruits here.

The variety is very single.

There is only one kind of goods in the two baskets, pears.

However, it is fresh and full of moisture.

Then Gu Zheng asked, "How do you sell this pear?"

"This pear is not only sold, but only sold, are you going to sell it?"

Gu Zheng, who was not stunned, picked up a pear in the basket and looked at it carefully twice, and continued: "Which way are you selling?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng seemed to have the intention to rush, the old man with the cart immediately became energetic.

He got up from the shadow of the willow tree leaning behind him, patted the floating soil on his buttocks, took out three coins from his pocket, neatly placed them in the palm of his hand, and showed them to Gu Zheng.

"Here, this is the way to sell, the easiest Samsung."

"As long as you can throw out these three jackpots, all'forks' or all'fast', even if you win. For a penny, you can take away my small pocket of pears. "

"But if these three big coins are mixed together soon, I'm sorry, you will give me a pocket of pear money."

"I don't cheat you here. I calculated it based on the original price of 6 big dollars."

"How about it? Can't you sell the guest officer?"

Hearing such tempting words, Gu Zheng pondered for a moment and said, "Can you show me the money in your hand?"

"Okay, the young man is not deceived, I am all ordinary big money, not a false conscience. You don't have to check it."

After speaking, the old man handed the big money to Gu Zheng's hands.

As soon as these three pieces of money were bought, Gu Zheng threw it up a little bit.

It is indeed the most common money then this is easy to handle.

He asked again: "Is it the beginning of the money left?"

"Yes!" The little old man was very confident.

Three coins are the easiest way to win after a single coin.

But it is very difficult to throw all three coins into all forks or all fast.

Among the ten times, there was one or two, and that was a master who was weighing it all day.

That's why he had such confidence, and only took three dollars to sell it.

In addition, the goods he bought and sold were not attractive things, and only three dollars of money were they willing to sell with him.

The wisdom of small merchants and hawkers is endless.

Gu Zheng, who was confident in himself, was not polite. After weighing the money lightly twice, he squatted down and threw in front of the old man: "It's starting, I'm going to vote!"

‘Ding Dong Dang...’

Three coins fell on the open space between the two, one on the front and the other on the reverse. There was a cross and a quick, Gu Zheng lost.

Seeing this result, the little old man's face was loose.

I just looked at the aura on this person, like a gangster who often messes around, and thought he was a master who is good at selling.

Looking at this technique, I'm not very skilled, it turns out to be a young man.

The little old man who was relieved all at once brought a bit of joy. He picked up the three coins and said: "Thank you for your patronage. The guest officer is lucky to win six dollars this time. Can you continue? ?"

Gu Zheng didn't care either. He took out six large coins from his purse and handed them over, and the other hand continued to stretch out in the direction of the little old man: "Come on again."

"Sure!" The little old man was even happier. After passing the three money, he carefully took the six money in Gu Zheng's hand, and then stared closely at Gu Zheng's next gesture.

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