The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 367: Come on! Catching the head and grabbing food!

After making up his mind, Yan Catching turned his head and asked Fu Yun, "The restaurant in their house you mentioned earlier? Take the brothers to see it, right?"

Fu Sheng, who was next to him, was taken aback, and then he laughed again, and led the way with a finger to the front: "No problem, not far from here, Yan Tou'er will come with me."

And Yan Catou smiled knowingly, and greeted the brothers behind him: "Brothers, let's go!"

Yes, a group of people turned a corner from the corner, and walked straight in the direction of Gu Zheng's shop.

At this time, Gu Zheng didn't even know what was happening behind him. At this time, he was asking the two brothers to move Tanhuo and Lizi to their inner courtyard.

Gu Zheng came back so early abruptly, it didn't look like his usual style at all.

In addition, he didn't even spend all the money this time, but came back with something, which makes Gu Zhengniang even more strange.

On the contrary, she looked at Gu Zheng instructing Xiao Wu and the other two with some worry, and then asked, "Son, why did you come back so early?"

Then she leaned close to Gu Zheng's side, smelled it again, and continued: "I didn't even eat a sip of wine?"

Now Gu Zhengniang was even more worried. She pulled Gu Zheng aside nervously, and looked up and down: "My son, where are you sick? Or are you tired from working in the morning?"

"If you are tired, go back to the house and don't stay here anymore!"

Seeing that his old lady is an unconditional drowning child again, Gu Zheng helplessly pointed to his purse, and said, "Don't worry, it's not because I went to Wasi today."

"The work is over, and I have met some bullies."

"Let me buy a charcoal fire worth twenty catties with twenty-four cents."

"It's too cumbersome to eat alcohol with that kind of thing. Come over and give it to your mother first."

When Gu Zheng said this, her mother became energetic and grabbed Gu Zheng's sleeve and asked, "Where did you buy it? Why didn't you buy more?"

"This cheap thing must take up more!"

After talking about it, I actually wanted to go back to the house and get Gu Zheng more money to buy it.

Gu Zheng twitched his mouth, quickly stopped his old mother's behavior, carefully explained the reasons for the matter, and this controlled her mother's unbearable power of taking advantage.

"It turned out to be such a thing, alas, but it's okay, it's a lot of money."

Lao Niang Gu's attention immediately shifted to the pears. After Gu Zheng took them out for a bag and stuffed the others into her arms, she went to the back room happily and went to work.

The days are getting warmer, but I forgot to buy some fruit for my family to eat.

It just so happened that when the elder brother bought some of it, she sent it to the little girl.

Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his old lady finally stopped asking questions.

To tell the truth, he has been to so many worlds, and he really hasn't met such a mother who is all on his body.

How should I say, it feels really good.

Being alone, not asking for anything in return, the feeling of loving you with all your heart, makes people feel warm, and softens Gu Zheng's hard stone-like shell.

However, Gu Zheng, who turned his head, saw Wang Xiaowu and Qin Laizi slobbering at the cauldron outside their house, which was always warm.

The touch of affection for the family just now, those Xu's soreness, were instantly washed away by the inconsistency of these two people.

"I said, won't you be hungry now?"

Gu Zheng originally intended to ask this question, but the two people who were facing you nodded desperately.

As usual, the three brothers had already drank it in the Juyi Restaurant. It was like now, they were actually helping Gu Zheng's family.

Looking at these two crooked men, they wanted to look like pitiful mangy dogs.

Gu Zheng really couldn't stand others being softened by him.

He just glanced at the two slantingly, and after looking up at the sky, he ordered: "Anyway, it's going to be dinner in a while, you can eat here."

Seeing that Boss Gu was still so generous, Wang Xiaowu and two grinned.

They were really welcome, one or two, sitting at the empty table in the shop, waiting for Gu Zheng to find Mrs. Gu to prepare the meal.

Usually this number is the same, but why is it different today?

When these two little brothers saw that Gu Zheng actually took off his robes and walked into the kitchen by himself, they were all stupid.

"It's not the boss, don't you ask the auntie to come over and cook?"

"Why call me old mother, I'm not cooking, can it be shit? It's enough to just gag your mouth, where is so much nonsense!"

Gu Zheng's scolding floated out of the kitchen, and the two people outside immediately became honest.

Forget it, the boss is cooking for the little brother, even if it is really bad, they will pinch their noses and eat.

Don't let people outside say that they are not righteous!

The two people who were both mentally prepared, after a short while, were badly hooked up by the smell of the food coming out of them.

"I'm going, what is the boss doing? Why is it so fragrant?"

"I don't know, it's tempting just to smell it, anyway, we can eat it in the end, don't worry."

The tolerance of these two people for food is extremely high.

There is a complete range of things for cooking at home all the year round.

As soon as Gu Zheng entered the back kitchen, he saw the lamb that Mrs. Gu had cleaned up by herself.

These things, when taken out for dinner or late night drinking, are indeed a good snack.

But this kind of thing can also make the local people's favorite, haggis noodles.

Simple and easy, Gu Zheng raised his eyelids, and saw on the fence the soda noodles that had been dried at home since the morning.

After the noodles are air-dried, they can be kept for three or four days without mold.

When it is lowered into a large pot, it will not fall off when it is turned over again.

In addition, because there are some alkaline noodles inside, it has a slightly yellowish color.

It seems that a bowl of noodles can add a third of the appetite.

That's it, the two outside are easy to pass.

Seeing the leftover soup from the braised lamb in the pot, Gu Zheng melted a spoonful of the white water noodle soup.

All of a sudden, the entire kitchen was flooded with the aroma of the seasoning mixed with the lamb soup.

And the soup in the small pot instantly turned into a translucent soy sauce color.

Picking up the wooden spoon next to it, when the water in the pot bubbling slightly, Gu Zheng picked up a spoon and sipped it gently.

It's a bit weak.

From the small porcelain jar next to it, twist out a handful of fine salt grains and evenly sprinkle them in.

It was estimated that the salty and blandness was enough, so Gu Zheng didn't care about it.

The rest is much simpler, a handful of soya bean sprouts and a handful of mung bean sprouts with a thin waist.

Cut a few slices of white cabbage into strips and put them aside at the end.

After everything is ready, the freshly prepared soup is put down and the soda noodles are put down.

One person has four sides, at most six points full.

Gu Zheng knew that this was enough.

When all the soda noodles were fully cooked and surfaced, Gu Zheng used a soup spoon to distribute the noodles with soup to the center of the two large bowls.

In the middle of these two large bowls, white, yellow, and green vegetable shreds were already arranged. After pouring the hot soup and noodles, the vegetables in these colors were cooked instantly.

This just lays the foundation for haggis noodles.

The most essential bowl is chopsticks, mixed with mustard roots and lamb, drizzled with sesame oil and vinegar, and accompanied by a handful of sesame seeds.

In the end, in this spice-free Xiangyang Mansion, the best pickle chef made the spicy dishes. After the red code is on the side of the bowl, this is basically an inexpensive beef mixed noodles, even if it’s done. NS.

Seeing that his craft is still going well, Gu Zheng is really fortunate that there are abundance of seasonings in this world.

Although there is no such product as pepper, the substitutes here, pepper, mustard greens, spicy vegetables, cornel, are stuffed with one another.

It's not lost to the red hot pepper in Gu Zheng's world at all.

Therefore, Gu Zheng is quite confident about the taste of this bowl of noodles.

Didn’t see that when he brought out these two bowls of the catchers who entered the shop from outside couldn't help it?

Um? Why did you come to our house?

Gu Zheng, who was carrying two bowls of miscellaneous noodles, was shocked on the spot.

And the four or five hula la la chasers on the opposite side were not polite to Gu Zheng.

Behind the first one, came out an old man who looked like a modern man and was about the same age.

According to the appearance of this servant costume, it should be an ordinary head catcher.

I saw that he walked up to Gu Zheng very familiarly, and so shamelessly he passed the two bowls of noodles. After he got the noodle bowl, he turned around without hesitation and brought the two bowls here. On the empty table where the group heads sat down.

After that, he was very flattering to his Yan Tou'er and said, "Boss, it seems that this is the specialty of this little shop."

"How would you taste it first?"

After the bowl was leveled, he actually took a pair of bamboo chopsticks from the chopstick basket on the side table and passed them straight to Yan Catou's hands.

This... Did Lao Tzu say that these are for you to eat?

Who is the real robber in the end!

Gu Zheng and his two younger brothers were defeated by this group of people who appeared out of nowhere to play cards according to common sense.

Who is the soldier and the bandit in the end!

But they are such **** who wander on the street, when they see the hunter on weekdays, they all react like rats and cats.

Even if it was in front of so many people and was robbed of the food, the two of them couldn't say a word.

Eat your meal, it will give you face.

If this was left before, Gu Zheng wouldn't care about you.

But in this world, even if you are a tiger, you have to lie down, and if you are a dragon, you have to lie down.

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