The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 372: Lord Tang has stepped down

But before he could refuse, the two pig teammates next to him had lost all the innocent, kind, old-fashioned good qualities. According to the look of a hungry ghost with a face, they pretended to hand over: " How embarrassed then, to be able to get a treat from the little lady, we will be conceited for drinks."

And the mother who came out of the inquiry downstairs, after hearing these people's words, the expression on her face was three points better.

But before she returned to the building, she was almost staggered by the threshold.

"Futou, the three of us still have a task. We can't all go in for a drink. I don't think so. I'll go to work. You guys have a drink. After finishing the work, we will go to the innermost Qingyunfang to meet."

"What do you think of Futou?"

Miss Rui Qing asked to keep people, but there are still people who don't give face and say that they want to work?

This, my mother's liver is also very fragile.

When Yan Rui saw that Gu Zheng was so insecure, she didn't mention the excitement.

There is always a kind of woman in this world, different from others.

They like to look at cold faces and eat closed doors.

This is called you abuse me thousands of times, I love you as first love.

When others watched her suffer, they were really happy.

If Gu Zheng acted like a tram idiot at first, Yan Rui would be obsessed with her too.

Maybe the lady's momentary interest in him was gone.

This is not the case. Gu Zheng's evasive appearance and cold attitude directly hit Yan Rui's careful and small liver, and her heart was killed and she didn't plan to let it go.

So Yan Rui continued unremittingly: "Then, this poor master, can you come back to me when you are done?"

"Your brother, Shao, has been running back and forth. There is nothing to eat in Qingyunfang. If the poor master is out of work, he can only get the best wine here."

"Yes, it is!"

"Gu Zheng, if you are going to be busy, then go quickly, brother, I am here to thank you, and tomorrow, we will take care of you more."

"Don't forget, come back here when you're done!"

Going back to the Yamen for business together is the purpose of the two of them.

Gu Zheng just wanted to leave quickly, clicked, and left without looking back.

This made Yan Rui cling to the veil again, and took a few breaths of air-conditioning before stabilizing herself.

Only Gu Zheng, who was far away, felt that he had escaped from death.

I don't know what the people in Xiangyang City think, a female prostitute has such a big charm?

This is the person sought after by Master Futai, I understand you are eager for it, but how can you have such a courage to sleep with a woman who has been used by Shangguan?

After all, I am a modern person, and I feel very awkward no matter how I think.

Gu Zheng could not bear the atmosphere of exchanging concubines and giving women to each other in this world.

So when he finished his job, he asked the servants of the government office behind him to seal the money in a big box, save it, and when he started to return, his feet didn’t want to step into the Drunken Sleeping Building. Inside one acre of land.

But the two colleagues he had just met were eating tea here. If they didn't go in, they would go back to the yamen for business. These two must think that he was just a sinister villain who only wanted to show his merits.

The rules in the workplace are still to be followed, but before he can figure it out, the teapot by the door that greets the guests, nodded and bowed towards him.

"Oh, this is Master Gu? Please, your brothers have been waiting for you for a long time."

The lie is telling, the two of them are probably not happy for a long time, right?

Where can I take care of him?

But Gu Zheng smiled and nodded at the other party: "Then lead the way."

The group of people kept under their feet and ran directly to the banquet hall.

At noon, no one is so hungry and thirsty to find a girl in the drunken building, this huge building is naturally empty.

But in only one room, there was the sound of silk and bamboo wind music. It seems that this is the place where Lao Fu two people are.

The teapot led people to the door, and the waiter at the door opened the door of the hall.

I saw on a lonely table, two people were drinking a drink.

On the low stage directly opposite, several musicians are playing the most popular minor tunes nowadays. They are not filled with the powdery smell of girls, nor any exposed sensuality, appearing in this hall.

Such an elegant drink brought the elegance that many literati loved, and it also made Gu Zheng's heart relieved.

Then he didn't plan to sit down, and spoke directly to the two people: "I said pay the head, and the money is collected, shall we return to the yamen for business?"

Gu Zheng hadn't finished speaking yet, and a lot of people appeared behind him.

It was Yan Rui carrying Ying'er, as well as the vassal who played and sang the soundtrack to her and danced, all standing behind Gu Zheng.

Under her leadership, everyone bowed to him Yingying and started the mode of retention.

"I heard that Lord Gu Chai is back, so I came to pay a visit."

"Rui Qing is here to give a newly-acquired small order to play to all the servants, as a token of my gratitude."

Before Gu Zheng's refusal, Yan Rui pressed on step by step, actually getting closer and closer in front of everyone. Gu Zheng had to step back and just sat down with a few people to set aside for him. Above the empty seats.

And Yan Rui, who achieved her goal, carried a trace of complacency that others could not see clearly. A lightly sideways, the piece of clothing did not even touch Gu Zheng's body, and she went straight to the low stage for performance. Away.

When Yan Rui sat down, everyone's minds were focused on how amazing she would be, the mother who was entertained by the outside manager, but a little flustered, broke in.

Yan Rui hurriedly said a few words in Yan Rui's ear, and then backed out.

After listening to her mother's words, Yan Rui's face was white, and she returned to her original appearance in an instant, so that people who did not observe carefully would not be able to see it at all.

But when she turned to the audience, her expression was a little bit sad: "You guys, you always have to listen to this song another day."

"What? What happened?"

"It's okay for you officials to not know it. Master Tang, in response to the court's order, is in charge of flood relief in the Huguang area this year."

"Because it was urgent, so I left in a hurry."

"You guys should go back to the yamen and listen to the tune, so as not to be missed by the Shangguan, you will be reprimanded."

Upon hearing this news, all the three people in the audience stood up and said goodbye.

After a short period of effort, in this small hall, only a little poor Yan Rui was left alone.

Ying'er next to her was a little worried. She stepped forward and asked, "Miss, Master Tang walked in such a hurry. He actually came to inform on the eve."

"I don't know if it's a transfer order or..."

The following words are not clear, but Yan Rui understands the meaning.

Is it devaluation? It's a disguised exile, all of these are possible.

As a woman attached to Master Tang, her own wealth and life were all saved by the other party.

It can be said that both the glory and the glory are lost. No matter how difficult it is to take the lead, she still misses herself. For this alone, she Yan Rui is also grateful.

So she interrupted Yinger's words next to her, and gently stroked her fingers on the piano, provoked the strings, and made a ding-ding-dong-dong sound. Among these meaningless notes, she slowly arranged to : "You can ask the people below to help me inquire now."

"Who is the person who succeeds Master Tang, his temperament, his family's population, and his age experience are all indispensable."

"After all, the deceased has left. Those of us who want to live in this city still have to continue to live."

"Yes, miss, I will do it now."

Ying'er retreated quickly, and the incident suddenly made Yan Rui no longer have the idea of ​​taking advantage of the macho.

I just hope that the news I find out is good, and don't make any major incidents.

Yan Rui was worried here, and Gu Zheng, who returned to the Yamen, saw that all the arrests on the street had gathered together.

It turned out that Lord Tang's departure was basically equivalent to being escorted back to Beijing.

This involves the disaster relief of the past few years, and the whereabouts of the large amount of arrears is not just a small corruption, it can be explained clearly.

As for the successor?

Along with the imperial court, there was also a newly appointed Futai who was sent over to take over the city of Xiangyang. The surnamed Zhu and Xi were the same jinshi on the fifth list in previous years, and they were also from the main book in other counties. , And slowly become a doer.

According to a well-informed person, the style of this person and their life is completely different from that of their Tang master.

Quite a little self-disciplined style.

And the most important thing is that the school ideas of Zhu Xi and Tang Zhongyou are completely opposite. Tang Zhongyou once was extremely opposed to Zhu Xi's Confucian Confucianism in court.

In the eyes of the wanton Tang Zhongyou, Zhu Xi is the representative of false Taoism.

In the eyes of the serious and self-disciplined Zhu Xi, Tang Zhongyou is a typical gentle scum.

Two people who couldn't see each other, now one is gaining power and the other is losing power.

The former person was directly transferred from the official position, while the other one had just finished giving lectures to Ning Zong and was sent to Xiangyang city full of trust.

Then the sky in this city was really turned upside down.

After Gu Zheng learned about the reputation of the newly appointed Shangguan, he confirmed one more thing.

That is to be dedicated and conscientious. Newcomers like him will naturally not be embarrassed.

Sure enough, the anxious casual workers returning home, the guards began to be unusually busy after they started to work the next day.

Because Zhu Xi, a newcomer to Xiangyang Futai, with a big wave of his hand, he turned all the external servants who were guaranteed feasible by the old servants from the probation period.

And they have only one role.


Catch all the relevant figures in the Tang Zhongyou case. In this Xiangyang city, all the people who have provided convenience, money, and even service to Tang Zhongyou in this city.

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