The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 382: Playback of the 9th world (2)

Old Niang Gu heard her daughter's voice, she smiled, pointed to the empty table next to her official, and motioned for her daughter to come over.

"My son is here? Come in, have you eaten yourself, put the food on the table, and use the quilt with your old mother and dad?"

Gu Xiaomei pursed her lips at her mother and returned: "I have eaten the food, my family officials and I are running the shop, eating a bite here and eating there. It has already filled my stomach."

After speaking, she walked into the hospital with a basket on her back.

And this line of scenery, which is different from the style of the medical hall, also made the teams full of masters on both sides roar like wolves.

The injured catcher, why didn't they know that this was the sister of their immediate boss, naturally just using their eyes to mean, and the group of thugs who had no price for vision, just ignored them.

Even if they were wounded all over, the tied flesh was exposed, but this did not delay the non-medical words in their mouths.

"Oh, where did this little lady come from, the delicate skin and tender flesh of this body."

"Let my brother come and sniff, oops, this scent makes my brother's heart and brother's crotch really itchy!"

"Hahaha! Forget it, big barbarian, we are now, but we can't eat anymore, really want to rush to be the wife of the village? You have to have this life too."

What I said, my mother Gu's eyes turned into a copper bell instantly, and she was just about to go crazy regardless.

I saw my most well-behaved and most literary daughter, lightly putting the basket on her arm on the table, turning around and walking in the direction of the gangster.

At this time, Little Sister Gu, with a smile on her face, with the smoke of the little people's house, she smiled not to mention sultry.

When she walked in front of the tickle big guy, she burst into the brightest smile at the other party, and then said a word to the big bandit, with a eager tone of words.

"Oh, what my brother taught me originally, I wanted to try it a long time ago. Today is your luck, so let's take your hand."

Then Little Sister Gu, just a slight dismount, her left foot stepped forward a short half step, her right foot was wrong and then a half step backward, one left leg moved forward, and her right leg kicked forward...

"Fuck your yin legs! Ah!"


This kick sturdily kicked in the crotch of the fierce bandit who divided his legs.


The gangster’s eyes were filled with sympathetic tears in an instant, and he immediately became a little daughter-in-law, who just turned around when he was wronged.

And that hapless man, because his hands were trapped behind him, he didn't even have a chance to relieve himself by covering his crotch.

Can only feel the pain for a lifetime.

But this was not over yet. Little Sister Gu stepped directly on someone's key part with her pretty little feet in a room of stunned people.

With such a clockwise step, another twist, in line with the domineering formula taught by Gu Zheng, he shouted: "Spread the egg yolk!"

Later, Gu Xiaomei was laughed at by herself.

"Hahaha, my brother is right, this is really enjoyable."

"It can relieve stress, and it can also dispel depression. It's more enjoyable than drinking a bowl of wine! Hehehe."

I'm going, who's the wife, and no one is in charge, so I can quickly take her home.

At first, she was stunned, but later she was dumbfounded. She hurried forward for a few steps, and dragged Gu Xiaomei back.

When the mother and daughter returned to the table and made preparations, all the people in this hall quietly let the medicine boy behind them give medicine, and they didn't even dare to make a muffled grunt.

Is it too cruel?

It’s too scary, isn’t it?

I originally thought that Old Lady Gu was already like an overlord flower, but she didn't expect that this soft and soft little sister Gu would be directly at the level of a piranha.

Sure enough, none of Hua Yan Luo's family is simple.

At this time, Mrs. Gu, who was educating her daughter, said this: "I said my daughter, you can only do this in my medical clinic from now on."

"You can't do such a killer to your son-in-law, you know?"

"I'm telling you, that man's flesh, he is fragile, and this is related to your happy life for more than 20 years."

"What I'm telling you is a talk of experience, don't take it seriously."

"I know" Gu Xiaomei was so dragged by her mother, she subconsciously looked in the direction of Doctor Jiang behind her.

This yellow-skinned middle-aged man was blushing ashamed by the words of his later wife.

That color, like purple dates, how funny it looks.

In order to change the subject and prevent her stepfather from embarrassing any longer, Gu Xiaomei quickly diverted the old lady's topic about men and women.

"Oh, I know my mother. By the way, ask Daddy to come over for dinner. By the way, help me see. I don't know what happened in the past two days. I always feel dizzy and can't lift my energy."

"Is it because of heat stroke, let daddy have a look, and give me some medicine soup to relieve the heat."

"Oh oh oh. Officials come soon."

As soon as she heard that it was something related to her own daughter, the old lady Gu became nervous and greeted Jiang Thioli, who was still busy in her hand.

This Doctor Jiang's temper was really like that of Mrs. Gu, and he threw away the life in his hands, and he also came to the empty table.

Stretched out one towards Little Sister Gu and said, "Come on, let me get the pulse first."

After speaking, she gently pressed her finger on the wrist that Gu Xiaomei extended.

"Well, this pulse..."

Doctor Jiang thought about his face and wanted to pretend to be deep. He snapped on his back and was slapped by Mrs. Gu: "Dead old man, hurry up and say, how is my daughter, don't let it go!"

"Cough cough cough, our daughter is fine, she is just pregnant."

"What!? Hey, my good daughter, this is a happy event."

The table over there burst into joy in an instant, and the few **** under the hall, after seeing what happened to the poor Doctor Jiang, suddenly became quieter.

Can't wait to shrink in a small corner, thousands of others will find out the existence of a few of them.

"It's so ruthless, even the officials in the family treat him like this. This person who cares about the family is really extraordinary."

"Isn't that nonsense? People shouldn't look good, these few have just followed Gu Zheng."

"Growing a jade-faced and romantic face, but actually using that cruel hand."

Now that they have found their roots, can they not be afraid?

It was the protagonists on the table. After being happy, they began to take out their meals and ate them while making future plans.

"You have to tell your family official about this first, my honest son-in-law."

"This second child, I'm finally looking forward to it."

"Secondly, you have to find someone to send a letter to your elder brother, and take him home according to this matter."

"At that time, I will arrange a good day, and I will walk through this famous matchmaker in Xiangyang City."

"Bring back those good women's information and pick it up carefully for your eldest brother."

"This time, I have to think of a way to keep him, and leave him after marrying me."

"In a blink of an eye, he was thirty years old, and he didn't even marry a wife, what it looked like."

"All day long, just messing with those fans, it's got a great reputation."

"What else to say, Oiran is fortunate to have a lover in this life, Gu Langjun."

"Hey! No one showed up at our door holding a doll one by one, and it's an oiran. I think it's just a needle-nose thing."

"Even our son can't hold his heart."

It seems that Mrs. Gu is almost crazy about her grandson, she doesn't even care about her birth.

Little sister Gu thought and understood that although her elder brother's activities and professions were not particularly decent work.

But the identity of this official family, as well as the official position from the fourth rank, are all placed there.

Looking at the age of my brother, and the appreciation of him from above, my family still maintains the citizenship, but I can’t say, there are more good luck waiting for their It doesn’t matter whether we marry a woman or not. , As long as the elder brother is happy, not to mention the side, half of the little ladies in Xiangyang City will line up at the door of their shop.

Even if she was the daughter of an official family, her elder brother was married.

Gu Xiaomei is so self-confident.

So she persuaded her with a little pride: "My old lady, you are also anxious. As far as my brother is concerned, there are only things he doesn't want to marry, and no one who doesn't want to marry."

"Do you really think that the eldest woman hasn't gotten married, so how many concubines will be added to the future sister-in-law?"

"That's why there are no rules in our house. Now my brother is just romantic. When he has enough outside playing, he will always return home."

"So, let's not worry about him for now."

"I can take this opportunity to pass a letter to my brother and let him come back quickly."

"Last time I said it was going to execute the case. It's almost two months now, right? It should be over, and it's time to come back and see us."

"It's such a reason." Mrs. Gu nodded here, and the one who could report the letter came.

There was a person outside the door, and it was Wang Xiaowu who had finished cleaning up, feeling that the wounded was almost bandaged, and was about to come and take him away.

Wang Xiaowu was very familiar with his elder brother's medical clinic.

Since this place has been transformed into a public hospital, he will show up here if he has nothing to do, either to send his injured brothers or the bandits who are on parole for medical treatment.

He is familiar with everyone here.

So when he arrived in the hall, under the greetings of a group of small catchers, after seeing the treatment level of these bandits, he planned to say hello to the family of the older brother, and then hurried back to work.

But just after saying something, I was left by Mrs. Gu.

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