The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 384: Playback of the 9th world (4)

Hearing that the competition was ready to begin, Gu Zheng patted his sticky hands. At this moment, the little maid who had been following him, handed over a wet towel at the right time.

Gu Zheng picked it up and wiped it a few times before throwing it on the low table, tidying up the flat scarf on his head and the official clothes covering his belly, and kicking the soap boots under his feet, and then went out.

"Please mother to lead the way."

"Don't dare, Master Gu, please come with me."

After speaking, he twisted his posture in front and led Gu Zheng to the banquet table they prepared specially for the official officials.

There, the clusters of freshly picked flowers were moisturized with the clear water of the West Lake sprinkled on top of them, bunched together in bunches, and they were more shocking than blooming alone in the daytime.

Because of the huge sea of ​​flowers, the viewing platform was actually filled with the fragrance of various flowers, which made people inexplicably intoxicated, and it was unprovoked against this Oiran Contest.

Want to stand out among the blooming flowers?

It's not that easy.

Gu Zheng, who had long been accustomed to the powdery air on the girl's body, calmly walked to the largest case in the middle and sat cross-legged.

The originally empty case, because of his arrival, was placed a full table by the maid behind him methodically with plates of exquisite delicacies.

A clay stove, a small pot, a basket of finest silver-silk charcoal, and a tea lady who made tea by hand, all appeared silently behind him.

So caring, with wine, tea and banquets, why don't these officials feel good about it?

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he chuckled lightly, picked up the small silver pot on the side, and poured a cup into the silver cup with the spout.

This color is wine.

Zi Yao, one mouthful, and then raised his head and went on doing it.

Firstly sweet and then sour, slightly astringent, a rare good wine.

Seeing Gu Zheng's eyes narrowed in satisfaction, the mother who was in charge of the hospitality put on a little smile, bowed her head towards the other party, and retired.

As for now?

Everything is ready, only Dongfeng owes it.

On the side of the flower boat, thump thump, put down the wide board that accepts the personnel from four positions.

In the innermost area near the water, only a small narrow plate that allows one person to walk around is left.

The boards on this shore are for the people who watch shows and buy flowers, and the ones in this lake are for the girls who are extremely confident and dare to come to the stage to meet the challenge.

This can not only avoid congestion, but also prevent the crazy bee wave butterfly who doesn't know the severity, abruptly the contestants at this time.

Seeing this place, Gu Zheng nodded slightly. When he lowered his eyelids to attack the fruit under his hands, he heard the sound of drums on the empty lake.

A red-painted drum was set up on an auxiliary ship that was independent of the outside and also belonged to the Huafang ship.

There was a girl in a Hufu style on the boat, with a drum in her hand, hitting the drum in front of her with an indescribable rhythm.

With the reminder of the sound of drums, the girl was beating more and more fiercely. Accompanied by the rhythm of the drums, she kept spinning, dancing, and dazzling skills with great skill. .

This is the signal for the opening of the Oiran Challenge, and it also sets a basic standard for the participants in the Oiran Challenge.

The girl's opening remarks were also meant by the organizers of the conference.

This means that everyone present has seen it clearly, and everyone has a look at this level.

If you can't match the talent of this ordinary drumming girl, I advise you to row your own flower shop as early as possible and leave it secretly.

It's also dark, and people's attention is no longer on small boats like you.

When no one recognizes it, and the face is not lost in public, then go back where it came from.

The provincial guy came on stage and was coaxed down again. It was everyone's effort that was delayed this time.

Don't tell me, this dismissal of the competition really has a lot of Louzi girls from rural small towns.

These women in one city, one town and one corner, some of the famous ladies are really placed in the most flowery Lin'an Mansion, so it's not enough to see them.

So when these buns suddenly saw this kind of opening remarks, those mothers who were a little self-aware, immediately retreated.

When the **** the boat gave a big encouragement, the dance was finished, and the final movement was shown to everyone on the shore with a hand-turning and lower-waist drumming. Several small boats in the lake began. In the opposite direction of Huafang, he drew out.

Because on the shore here, the Oiran Contest has attracted all the popularity, so the opposite side of the lake is actually dark at this time, and there is not much light.

They saved a bit of face when they left.

But in this world, if there are smart people, there will naturally be stupid people.

The girl standing on the bow of a small flower boat showed a bit of contempt for those who quit.

She held the pipa in her hand and tightened it twice before hearing the opening remarks of the host of ceremonies on the main deck of the game.

"Lin'an Prefecture, the 8th Oiran Competition has officially started."

"Those who are familiar with our competition must know that the next part of our most exciting talent show arena."

"And the girls who can stay on our card each year are all wonderful and gorgeous."

"I just hope that you, judges, don't be stingy with the silver in your pocket, and you have to start a lot with your favorite girls and throw out your flowers."

"I don't know, this time, where the first girl we volunteered will come from, please wait and see."

As soon as the emcee's voice fell, two people eagerly came up on the small board behind the ship.

One person wears a pipa with one hand, and is dressed in red robes, and the other person wears a zither with the other hand, and is dressed in cyan clothes.

And the appearance of the two is also very different.

The Pipa girl is gorgeous, and the Guzheng girl is only somewhat delicate.

Seeing that her opponent was such a person, Girl Pipa curled her lips in disdain.

I don't know how this beauty is famous in the local area.

When the two people stood on the stage in unison, the contrast between the two faces actually caused a lot of discussion among the audience.

"I heard that the people who can be invited are the most famous ladies in the area."

"How to look at that lady in Tsing Yi is very ordinary, even the appearance of my newly bought concubine is somewhat inferior."

"That's right, it's the lady in the red dress. The color is really good. I haven't looked closely at it recently, but I can still feel the scorching beauty."

"I don't know what do you think, brother?"

These veterans in Fengyue Field with a little money started to comment when they saw the people who came up.

And the ordinary people who like gossip, how do they understand the twists and turns here, they just use their most intuitive likes and dislikes to follow in the footsteps of these literati, elegant and romantic.

It's just that because this is the beginning, everyone still has that good lady who hasn't appeared in their hearts, and in their own hearts, they won't act recklessly.

After all, the first one or two pennies this year is not a small amount of money anymore.

Therefore, when the two people had not formally competed, the counter of the organizer responsible for selling the flowers was still quietly watching.

After seeing the two women on the stage, Gu Zheng, who was filling his mouth with fruit, stopped slightly, but for a while, if nothing had happened, he would throw the lobster crisp in his mouth. Chewed up.

Then, the two girls, under the sign of the organizer, drew a lottery, and determined the order of the performance.

This gorgeous girl took the top spot, with a little animal pride, and picked up the pipa.

‘Qiangqiang! ’’S bounced.

With a sip, Gu Zheng raised his head and drank the sip of grape wine, which he squirted out without any image.

Without him, out of tune.

And the several maids who had been following him were also giggled because of the performance of this handsome young official.

After the reaction that he was a little, he quickly covered his small cherry-like mouth.

Whoever came to think, Gu Zheng liked the silver bell-like laughter. He smiled sideways at the little maids behind him, beckoning: "It's okay, I like your laughter."

"After all," Gu Zheng had an uncomfortable look on his face, took out his ears, and sighed slightly toward the stage: "This laughter is also better than the girl's lute on the stage, it sounds a lot better. "

"Hee hee hee."

Gu Zheng's expression amused the people behind him again, and the little beauty smiled, it was definitely a beautiful sight in the world.

Gu Zheng blinked at the maids, and when he turned his head again, he found that the girl in red was already halfway through the performance, and was coaxed off the stage by the crowd booing off the stage.

The folk appreciation level of the Song Dynasty people is still very high.

From the literati class to the literati, that is a talented person.

People are more or less fascinated by their eyes and ears, and they still distinguish the quality of a piece of music.

Seeing the green face of the organizer's mother, the girl in red was also very wronged.

Her elder brother ***, who is well-known in Wuzhong, hasn't sung yet.

This is a must order for her benefactors, really, she can sing well.

But looking at the terrible low pressure that came out of the other party, especially when she recovered for herself, the moment when the song was reported, the other party's expression was about to kill her... it made her directly persuaded. , Quietly retreated to the side of the ship, waiting for the next result.

As for now, the mother in charge of the competition system has no hope.

This is the case every year, so why are there so many people who don't recognize reality and want moths to come here to embarrass them?

Who caused this first wave in Wuzhong?

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