The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 393: Competition on Tiananmen Square

I don't know why, such words of comfort from the bottom of my heart made Wu Yong's nose sore.

Since he was young, no one has said this to him. He will always be the darling of the coach. He has been in the praise of the voice, and he keeps making achievements and then making achievements.

As the trump card of the long-distance running event, he was released in this international marathon as the first stop of his IAAF test this year.

In order to let him have no pressure, his coach also deliberately chose the capital country marathon, which has relatively weak influence, as his first appearance.

But what has he done now?

He failed the coaches who expected him, and even the staff who put a lot of energy on him.

Um? Wait, there seems to be something wrong with this.

Thinking of this, Wu Yong raised his head and asked Wang Lei, "Is this Gu Zheng also a rookie who has only participated in one game?"

"And it was specially recruited from outside. Then why is he not affected in his mentality during the game, and can he play with me with ease?"

This, ha ha ha... The weather is fine.

Wang Lei just wanted to make a haha ​​and turned the topic off, but Lian Ping replied very solemnly: "Gu Zheng is different. He is an urban manager. Who in this society hasn't seen him?"

"Just our athlete's careful thinking, small strategy, can it be difficult to get him?"

It made sense, Wu Yong believed it.

He nodded vigorously, clenched his fist, looked at Gu Zheng's far away back and swears: "From today onwards, I will also aim for Gu Zheng, learn his handling of things without being surprised, and learn his insidious cunning."

"Strive to fully carry forward the style of our national team in the next big competition and run the characteristics that belong to the Chinese long-distance runners."

I always felt that I was running off the track, but overall, the goal of this training was achieved.

The coaches who were secretly observing from the side nodded each other, and then quietly stepped back.

In every game, let these young players feel the taste of it.

In this way they will grow stronger.

Since the end of daily training on this first day, Gu Zheng felt that the long-distance runners of the national team had changed their eyes.

Although everyone just met at the beginning, they were kind to each other.

But there is always a little arrogance in that atmosphere.

This is not to look down on people. After all, he, who is not even an amateur athlete, suddenly airborne in front of this group of top players in the country, he is personally questioned.

But now it's all right, it's like a small circle of people who opened the door that belongs to them and accommodated Gu Zheng in.

Just a few days ago, the day before finishing the intensive training project, when Gu Zheng was eating in the team, Wu Yong, who was crushed by him every day during training, was actually sitting next to him. Said obediently: Gu Ge.

Confirmed Gu Zheng's leading position among all their athletes participating in the Capital International Marathon.

It was Wu Yong's performance that allowed the person in charge of the long-distance running project of the National and Municipal Sports Commission to finally determine the main policy of this competition.

"Let Gu Zheng be the captain of this contestant. Everyone has no objections, right?"

"No? Let's do it then."

For the first time, Director Tie was exaggerated in front of the relevant personnel of the National Sports Commission. Now he is waiting for this competition to allow Chinese athletes to achieve good results.


It is now 7:30 in the morning BJ time, and the early morning flag-raising ceremony on the ** Square has been over for a long time.

But this morning, there is no longer the silence of the past. The huge square is already crowded with people, and you can't see the end at a glance.

People of different skin colors from more than two hundred countries gathered together at this time, with enthusiastic smiles on their faces, enjoying the feast of marathon sports.

The organizers sent a lot of manpower and material resources at the starting point to maintain the most chaotic gathering time before the start of the game.

To ensure the safety of every player who comes to participate in this competition.

In such a noisy environment, Gu Zheng, a group of professional athletes, waited quietly in the race car, listening to Director Tie making the final pre-match mobilization.

"Listen well, everyone. After the registration for this competition is over, according to the list of entries I got."

"Our biggest opponent this time is our brothers from Africa."

"In every Capital Marathon, the organizers will invite athletes from several countries that have achieved results to participate."

"Ethiopia and Kenya are all major achievement players. Since 2009, the first, second and third places have only been produced in these two countries."

"Why do you want to invite this group of people to come to an event held in China?"

"There is no way. In this competition, in order to reach the level of gold medals in the IAAF, we must be satisfied that at least 20 players have achieved the 2:10:00 score marked by the IAAF. "

"Or there will be the top 20 runners in the world ranking in the marathon."

"These two provisions have now become indispensable."

"And the prize money of our competition is getting more and more generous. Those professional players who make a living on the prize money are naturally willing to participate in our competition where the pressure of competition is not as great as that of London or New York."

"So, everyone remember that this time our goal is to secure the first place in the Chinese men's event while striving to get the top five results in the men's competition."

"If there is more energy, try hard to compete for the top three."

"As for you, Wu Yong, you are only seventeen years old this year. According to regulations, the age for a full marathon cannot be less than 20 years old. Therefore, in the half marathon, you are all on your own."

"And everyone knows our pre-match strategy, right?"


"Okay! Then I won't be too nonsense. Let's get out of the car and do some warm-up exercises before the game. Go to the early starting position arranged for us by the organizing committee, and wait."

"Good director!"

Wow, four people in a party got out of the car under the leadership of Director Tie.

While turning his hands and feet, he slowly walked in the direction of the professional team.

Now the people on the square have reached the peak period of the entire marathon.

Although the rule of this competition is to wear sports uniforms uniformly distributed by the organizing committee of the competition.

But just treating it as a cheerful citizen is unwilling to obey it, and their professional athletes dislike the inferiority of the competition uniform and refuse to wear it.

All of a sudden, the scene of the game really became a sea of ​​strange costumes.

In such a loose environment, more people regard this competition as a grand joyous parade. During the competition, they can enjoy life and carnival with new friends to their heart's content.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng walked through the crowd, he saw all kinds of strange costumes.

What wears a turkey-like weird man with feathers, what is a confident warrior with his upper body and only putting the number plate on his chest.

There are also a few fellow foreigners pushing a double stroller. Sitting between the two buckets is his twin baby who is only one year old.

If these are people with some personality, then the young man standing next to Gu Zheng at this time, even the well-informed him, couldn't help but look sideways.

This young man who doesn’t seem to be too old just posted a very reserved entry sign on the two beans on his chest, but on other parts of his body, he used his phone number. Posted all over the body.

His thin cross-department position is also posted with a big sign: marriage.

And such an eye-catching behavior did not provoke any pink peach blossoms for him, but instead formed a vacuum zone for female contestants around him.

There are not no people who have been attracted. No, there are two men with furry legs who are faintly wearing long stockings with their orchid fingers pointed up in their sneakers. They are wiping in the direction of this young man.

Seeing this Gu Zheng couldn't help but shudder, and silently glanced at each other with his teammates. He went around in a small circle behind this person and killed him. He didn't plan to pass in front of him either.

When Gu Zheng broke through the barriers and came to the forefront of the participating team, the pressure on the crowd around them was suddenly reduced.

In this area, all are official contestants selected from various countries.

Some people come to participate in the World Series to obtain the required number of competitions, while the other part comes from the prize money awarded by the competition.

Therefore, the atmosphere in this area suddenly changed in style.

Let Gu Zheng and his party who came here later really feel what the atmosphere of the regular arena is like.

Fortunately, these first-arrived players, when they saw the familiar red and yellow team uniforms, they knew that this was a local player sent by the organizer.

Because of the racial gap in men's middle and long-distance running, these brother countries from Africa didn't take Gu Zheng and the others as a matter at all.

The competition within these countries is fierce enough, and the others basically come to accompany them on the run.

Gu Zheng didn't have much thoughts on this, but Wu Yong was suffocated in his heart.

In order not to affect the stability and unity between the countries before the game, Gu Zheng, as the captain, did not hesitate to kick him among the half-marathon runners.

Go boy, give vent to the depression in your chest, and let them see who is the strongest king.

Gu Zheng felt ashamed of these two, but he knew from the notice from the organizing committee's loudspeaker that the marathon, which started on time at eight o'clock, had already reached the countdown stage.

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