The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 747: Have to do something

Look, this is the real model for serving people. As for Comrade Xiaozhi, it is obviously the version of the maid who was spoiled by the original client by the wrong maid.

Didn't you look at that after Ren Hongchang finished laughing, when he looked at Gu Zheng again, there was a bit of joking in his eyes?

At this time, it must be explained clearly, don’t you see how many misunderstandings are caused by men who are too lazy to explain?

"Cough, cough, cough" Gu Zheng cleared his throat and introduced Ren Hongchang behind him: "Miss Ren, she is my former personal maid, who takes care of my daily life."

"I think it's because my family is worried about my safety, so I send her to inquire about the news every day."

But when facing Xiaozhi, Gu Zheng didn't say a word uncharacteristically. In his mind, there was no need for the head of the family to explain to a servant who was next to him.

But this little maid didn’t have a half consciousness. When she wanted to interrupt, she was noticed by the tall man behind her, and used the next action to cover up her over-conventional misbehavior for Xiaozhi. NS.

I saw the tall man standing behind Xiaozhi, plopped, half-kneeled in front of Gu Zheng, and after giving a grand gift from the chief inspector, he said the correct words to welcome the owner back home.

"Three young masters, finally waited until you were out of the palace. After hearing the news that the young master was coerced into the palace, the subordinates of the Gu family were very worried about the young master's safety."

"The young master's teacher is even running around, contacting a lot of friends, and opening his eyes for the young master."

"To see the young master in peace today will surely give them a lot of peace of mind."

"Little Gu Quan, upon the order of the Patriarch, I have been waiting here for a long time."

"Well, let's go home first. Oh, also, find someone to help Girl Ren with some luggage. In the palace, thanks to Girl Ren's help, I was able to get out."

"It's not an exaggeration for this girl to say that she is my savior."

"And she will stay in my Gu's house for a while. As for the length of this time, it depends on my performance to be determined."

What does this mean?

Even this man named Gu Quan couldn't help but raised his head to look at his unreliable young master.

"Cough cough cough, it means literally, am I not abrupt to say that, girl Ren?"

Ren Hongchang, who was stunned by Gu Zheng's shameless expression, interrupted her shock when she was coughed by Gu Zheng. In the strange eyes of everyone, there was something that made the old driver Gu Zheng's heart shaken. Smile.

"I haven't been out of the palace wall for many years. For the time being, I can only rely on Master Gu for the life outside the palace."

"It's just that when I'm out here, I still don't want to call the name that I often use in the palace anymore. I am afraid that I have to be cleaned up."

"In the palace, I used to be in charge of Diao Chan Guan's position, so why don't you call me Diao Chan to the outside world?"


Hearing this, Gu Zheng followed by a mouthful of old blood. He blinked his eyes and flew up, trying hard to recall the legend of Diao Chan, and said with a little trembling, "You wouldn't be that Diao Chan, right?"

Diao Chan was also very strange when he heard the words without beginning and end.

"What? Does Young Master Gu know other women named Diao Chan?"

Yeah, I’m so acquainted. Nowadays, if a man is picked up and asked casually, there’s no one who doesn’t know Diao Chan.

Think carefully about the life of Ren Hongchang, who changed her name without authorization. If she followed the original trajectory, she would have escaped the palace safely.

With the turmoil caused by Dong Zhuo when he entered the palace, most of the palace people in this palace were basically washed out.

Those friends and palace people who get along day and night, just die in front of your eyes. For those who survived by chance, is it not like a sea of ​​hatred?

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he suddenly asked nonchalantly.

"Hey, Miss Ren, that's not right, you should be called Miss Diaochan now, Miss Diaochan, you are more familiar with the rules of the palace."

"You said if this palace repatriates those who have made mistakes, how will they usually deal with it?"

Although surprised, Diao Chan answered Gu Zheng very carefully.

"Hey, follow this side door and go straight back. There is a place not for outsiders, but it is the place where the families of prisoners are specially accommodated."

"Among them are servants from official households, those with better looks are trained as official prostitutes, and some younger children appear in the population trading market."

"This is also the place for the palace people who made mistakes. The sin does not lead to death. If we can escape our lives, it depends on what kind of world we can fight for."

In other words, Diao Chan is very likely to be bought home by some ministers surnamed Wang.

In the palace, even though Gu Zheng had never heard Diao Chan sing, he was definitely not far behind.

After that, Gu Zheng basically knew the whole story.

Then Ren Hongchang, oh, that’s not right, now it should be called Diao Chan, the comrade Lu stinky who flashed past in her heart...hehe...

Thinking of this, when Gu Zheng looked at Diao Chan again, the meaning in his eyes contained many kinds.

At this time, Diao Chan seemed to be aware of Gu Zheng's strangeness. She gently stroked her hair bun, wondering if there was anything wrong with her appearance today.

This look, how do you see her hairy?

Then Gu Zheng's words that popped out next made her even more surprised.

"Ms. Diao Chan, let me ask one more question. The girl has a man who had a marriage contract at home, but his surname is Lu Mingbu?"

"How do you know?!" No matter how calm Diao Chan is, the surprised words still blurted out: "My fiancé in the countryside is really your name. Could it be that Gu Gongzi actually knew my fiancé?"

Know, hehe, and it won't be long before he will come.

It seems that the most terrifying stumbling block has appeared on the road of making a girl.

Ma Zhong Chitu, Ren Zhong Lu Bu, is this name for nothing?

It won't be long before this young talent will become famous in the world and become famous in the first battle.

And you, Diao Chan, will return to him until Lu Bu's death, you will not leave it, and you will follow to Huangquan Road.

No, such a thing must never be allowed to happen to him.

For the present plan, he Gu Zheng must do something to prevent Dong Zhuo from being as rampant as he used to be.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he stopped procrastinating, he waved to the servant team that had surrounded him, and got into the chariots and horses that had been prepared for him at home.

As for Zuo, followed closely with Diao Chan, they boarded another smaller vehicle, and the group came to Gu Zheng's home in the capital with their own thoughts.

Using the word "home" to describe this mansion, I felt a little bit shivering.

This one has three entrances and a courtyard with a back garden. It is one of the rare and spacious residences in Luoyang City.

This is also the foothold of Wu Jun Gu in Luoyang. On weekdays, most of the official business is handled here, which is convenient for their business to do cheaply, and it can also allow them to spy and keep the news in the city. Passed to Gu's family far away in the south of the Yangtze River.

Naturally, waiting for Gu Zheng to return home in the mansion at this time... not just the servants.

Uncle Gu's second room is now sitting on his knees in the hall, waiting for Gu Zheng to tell them carefully what he has seen in the palace these few days.

When they greeted Gu Zheng and heard what Shi Changshi had done, and the sporadic news that the world's heroes were about to gather here, one or two of them showed contemplative expressions on their faces.

How good this news is to their Gu family, and how to preserve the inheritance of Gu family in this turbulent situation in the world has become the first task of this group of people.

To say that this Gu family is a famous family among the four great families in the south of the Yangtze River.

But this clan is a heirloom of poetry and books, and what he teaches is the way of being assisted by good ministers.

If you are in the heyday, you can be the slaughter as a supplement. What you do and learn are all about the economy and the people's livelihood, and you will have some practical ministers.

It is the kind of family that the emperor likes the most.

But now, it's the stage of struggling for hegemony in troubled times.

The Gu family's ability to stabilize the people's mind and work for the benefit of the DPRK can only be used as an aid to the rear.

It’s okay if you encounter a Ming master, who has survived for more than ten or twenty years, and the general trend of the world will once again return to stability. The contributions that their family has made in the troubled times will be highlighted, and they will eventually be able to be in the new dynasty. Can be reused.

But what if you run into an unreliable or talented master?

It would be nice not to be brought into the ditch together.

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