The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 749: Thunderbolt means shock the family

Gu Zheng said that with these words, there is nothing wrong with the analysis.

He finished Dong Zhuo after Gu Zhengkeng, of course, he had to consider the safety of the group of people.

But this act of volunteering to lead the army personally, can be regarded as stepping on the tail of a group of people named Tsundere.

Everyone in the field is the leader of the principals sent by the various families to Luoyang. Although they are not like the patriarchs and patriarchs, they are also the elites of various ethnic groups, and they are all parties who have gone through a lot of storms.

In the presence of these people, a shameless boy wants to be their home. You think you are Yuan Benchu. Everyone has a good relationship with you!

Even if it is Comrade Yuan Shao, he still has a younger brother who is always holding back.

But such a noisy voice of ridicule and dissatisfaction, not long after it sounded, was abruptly interrupted on the spot by Gu Zheng's next move.

Gu Zheng only did one thing. He picked up the dagger he was wearing on the right, and when everyone was caught off guard, he threw it in the direction of the yelling Zhu family.


This short dagger flew extremely fast, after the surrounding people reacted, it had coldly wiped the cheeks of the Zhu family's noble family, and pierced into the wall behind him with a clang.

Even without the handle, I didn't even give the opportunity to tremble.

It was this moment that the hustle and bustle of the venue instantly cooled down.

When everyone was surprised or suspiciously turned to the person in the Zhu family, they found that the target of the attack had a jade hairpin in his side bun, which was slightly shaken twice. Just under everyone's eyes, he fell onto the floor of the hall.

There was a crisp jingle.

And the Ufa, which was not bound by the hairpin, broke away very naturally, making the principal of the Zhu family instantly become the image of him drinking and banquet at home.

"you you!"

The Zhu family who was targeted, their faces turned purple, raised their trembling fingers, and pointed them in the direction of Gu Zheng who was disrespectful to him.

"Gu's child, what do you want?"

"Don't you want to take the arrogance? You have to know that all the private soldiers will be in your hands, but as long as we each give an order, you will not be able to adjust your life for half a step!"

Hearing the roar of Zhu's family, even if the principals watched vigilantly, Gu Zheng was not half smoky.

Instead, he bent his elbows slightly, supported his chin, and showed a contemptuous smile at the stern master.

"I thought that when I went out of the river at the age of ten, the 15-year-old Zhu's housekeeper was such a character. Gu was just a little bit of chasing away the mosquitoes for you, and he actually frightened Zhu Guan's courage."

"It's a sin, a sin."

Gu Zheng's words fell, and the people around turned their eyes back to the direction behind Zhu Guanshi.

What mosquito?

I've been using knives and guns, where did the bugs come from?

But when everyone took a closer look at the place where the dagger was inserted, they saw a fly whose body had been split in half, tremblingly following the gap between the blade and the wall, facing down. Falling scenes.

And along with the descent of the floating black spots, the whole audience was very exhausted and remembered.


"Cough cough cough!"

A few exclamations were one after another. Let’s not say that Gu Zheng’s dagger was the first to hit the hairpin of the Zhu family, and there was a slight collision of angles.

Just talk about the strength and accuracy of the strike, which is beyond reach.

Gu Zheng's force value was just in the throw of the lightning and flint.

And this kind of terrible ability, everyone here, is inferior.

However, a brave general is not necessarily a wise commander.

Gu Zheng seemed to know their inner thoughts, and with the following words, he once again calmed everyone's anxiety and proved himself.

"I know what you are worried about and why you have doubts about Gu."

"But you guys, don't you realize that we have entered a misunderstanding?"

"Who said that this leader who blocks Dong Zhuojun must have a literary and military strategy, and use his soldiers like a god?"

"You know, the role of the person in charge of the private soldiers is just to delay a little time for the pursuit of soldiers that may appear."

"Dong Zhuo and our family of private soldiers, the military strength of the enemy and ours is so disparity, do the adults in the field really have the ability to compete with Dong Zhuo's future?"

"So, this time the leader, as long as he can do a little bit, it will be enough to lead everyone out of trouble."

"Which point?"

When Gu Zheng said that, the people jumped out of the vicious circle of thinking, and they became transparent all at once.

"That's because our commander has the super ability to stop the opponent's generals from calling out, that's it."

"And Gu's martial arts, you have already seen it. If it is called a battle, who is more suitable than me?"

That's right, hey, it's all because a man has the mind to make contributions.

If you think about the number of private armies drawn up by each family, if you gather them together, you can only make up a thousand people.

Among the more than a dozen families that have evacuated together, each family has different ways of raising and training soldiers. If they really want to be commanded by one person, can they not hold back?

Don't be out of the limelight when the time comes. On the contrary, the leader is in a mess. Being laughed at is incapable of being ridiculed. That's bad.

Everyone who wanted to understand all of a sudden realized that this life was not a beauty at all.

And Gu Zheng's self-recommendation was finally put on the surface, and the stewards got the result by voting.

Twenty-eight votes for and one against.

Needless to say, those who voted against it.

It was Zhu Zimao, a mad woman from the Zhu family, but his power alone was no longer able to stop the rise of Gu Zheng. He could only stare fiercely with cannibal eyes and obtained the orders symbolizing military power in the hands of the various patriarchs. The brand's Gu Zheng swaggered away, and finally couldn't bear the humiliation. A mouthful of old blood was sprayed in the center of the chamber.

The second uncle of the Gu family was the first to leave with Gu Zheng. He walked in front of the group of them with a little excitement. Before returning to the Gu family's mansion, he burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Happy, happy, wise nephew, wise nephew, you don’t show up or leak water during the day, but you are only obsessed with instrumental music, but whoever thinks, now at this critical juncture, you finally show your hideous minions. what."

"Yes, yes, it's the son of my custodian."

"This time you just let go and do it. The entire Gu family, and the people already gathered in the capital, are your solid backing!"

"Haha, when this matter is over, I must report to the Patriarch to let him know that among the branches of our Gu family, there are also extraordinary characters."

There is no doubt that Ershu Gu’s joy is that the excellence of the family’s children is the foundation of a family’s prosperity.

If Gu Zheng can do this beautifully, not only will he be famous among the clans and gain more family favors and favors, he will also be able to take advantage of this opportunity to get some benefits for his family by the way.

Therefore, the current Gu Zheng, it is proper to be served by others, he only needs to calm down and put his arms together, pack his clothes, and prepare for everyone's evacuation with all his heart.

When he escaped from Second Uncle Gu’s greetings and returned to his courtyard, there was a Diao Chan in the hall wiping off Gu Zheng’s newly made armor... Her frowning thoughts were interrupted. NS.

"You're back?"

Diao Chan, who turned her head and looked back, smiled a little worried.

She knew what the discussion meant, but she was still worried about the man in front of her.

The days when I went out of the palace to live in Gu's family were comfort and warm times that Diao Chan had never tasted since his parents died when they were young.

Whether it is the meticulous attendance of the Gu family servant, or the unstoppable daily greetings of Gu Zheng.

Without knowing it, Diao Chan's heart with a cold shell was warmed.

In the conversation with Gu Zheng, Diao Chan seemed to have understood such a different world.

There are the most beautiful rivers and lakes in the world,

There, there is also Wu Nong's soft language that is the best in the world.

The mountains there are beautiful, like her black The springs there are sweet, like her red lips.

There are great rivers and mountains, waiting for her to stop, and there are unheard foods there, waiting to moisturize her taste buds.

In life, there are too many things to see, to do, to listen to, and to sing.

How can she not be greedy in such a beautiful world?

And how can the person who portrays such a world not make her feel good?

Getting closer?

That's why she was so worried when Gu Zheng and her explained what they were going to do today.

But when she saw the man who walked quickly to her and gently took the silk cloth in her hand, lest the rough armor would scratch the man with her not tender little hand, her heart suddenly fell. Get down to earth.

Yes, I believe he is right.

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