"I am Dong Zhuo's capital, Hou Lu, Bulu Feng, the first, and you and other rebels, ignoring the imperial order, dared to send troops to Luoyang and conspiracy to rebel. I really don't know good or bad."

"Since we are gathered here today, it just saves Lu's troubles. Let's take the lead to death together!"

His roar was really not polite, but the princes who were called anti-thief did not react at all at this time.

Guy is because they were shocked by the heroic posture of the general who rushed out of Hulao Pass.

I saw this general of Lu Weibu, wearing a purple gold crown with three-pronged hair, and a Xichuan red brocade robe on his body. He wore a beast-faced head-swallowing chain armor, and his waist was an exquisite lion belt; he carried his bow and arrow and held a painting in his hand. Ji, sit down on the whistling red rabbit horse, so that everyone who sees it will praise: "It is really "Lu Bu among people, and Red rabbit among horses"!

It's exactly the same as the rumors.

It is the second only to Gu Zheng's Sao Bao.

After the people had finished feeling, they looked at each other, using a first-come-first-served approach, so that the Hanoi prefect Wang Kuang, who first arrived at Hulao Pass, sent his generals to meet the enemy first.

This Wang Kuang had a powerful general named Fang Yue, a famous brave man in Henan.

Like Gu Zheng, he is used to a long spear.

He turned his horse's head and took the initiative to ask for tassels, so he naturally got the permission of his prefect.

And when this grey-pumping general rushed into the camps of the two armies, Cao Cao, who was standing outside the Chinese army’s big tent, rarely put the small cane horse that Gu Zheng handed him on his butt. At the bottom, great attention has been paid to this portable invention.

"Hey, this is not bad, I said Gu Xian, why are you not in a hurry."

"According to your temperament, you are not a master who can give away the fat he has obtained."

But beside Cao Cao, Gu Zheng, who looked like an old god, calmly drank a sip of the tea that Dong Yi handed over. He let out a sigh of relief, and answered the question: "Hey, it's Dong Yi, you kid cooking. The craftsmanship of tea is to my appetite."

"You said you people, you just use boiling water to make tea. You have to add spices, seasonings and salt and cook it together. Is there a way to drink it?"

Passing through Dong Yi with great approval, it was incredibly proud, but Cao Cao on the side spit out his mood again.

"I'll go, isn't this the other righteous son of Dong Zhuo?"

"Dong Yi looks scarier than Nalubu. Gu Zheng, you are really good at training people. Now this kid is as good as a quail."

"The five big and three rough people still know that cooking tea serves people?"

Huh, what happened to the five big and three rough?

Isn't it okay for people who are big and rough to like to cook?

Dong Yi bit the small handkerchief and retreated aggrievedly.

However, Gu Zheng used business affairs to relieve his fellow villager.

"Don't allow Dong Yi to change his evil and return to righteousness. People are just a lamb who is lost and knows how to return."

"Let's talk about business. The reason why I am so calm is because I know that Hulao Pass is not as simple as a mouthful of fat."

"Among our group, whether there is someone who can deal with the general in front of us is the key."

"If I Gu Zheng can't make a move, it's not that I can destroy my own prestige with the current battle. There are really few people who are Lu Bu's perfect enemy."

Gu Zheng’s words just fell, as if he was confirming his guess. Fang Yue, who was under Wang Kuang, was stabbed by Lu Bu in the fourth round and fell on the horse. Down.

"This! How could it be so!"

Those princes who were waiting for the result in the front army felt the most intuitive about the final result of this collision.

They didn't expect that the opposite Lu Fengxian was so capable.

This is troublesome.

Subconsciously, the crowd turned their heads to the teacup and took a sip, took a sip of the steamed buns, and looked in the direction of Gu Zheng, who was eager to eat.

Do you really want to make this kid proud?

With so many princes and so many talents under them, they are actually looking at the face of a boy who has just turned 20 to speak?

This doesn't work. Where is the dignity of our group? Let's boost our morale. Who's the next turn to play?

The prefect of Shangdang, who was collectively paid attention to by everyone's gaze, made a public appearance. He twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly, and then slowly looked back at the generals behind him.

If the superiors have difficulties, they must be on top.

In his county guard area, the prestigious Mu Shun greeted him with a fight.

"Don't panic the lord, I think that the previous military commander used a pistol technique with many loopholes. The so-called reputation of bravery is probably the tall one picked out of the scorpion."

"You will not be talented at the end. He has been practicing guns for more than ten years, and he will surely be able to gain the first merits of the Lord, and raise the prestige of the Lord."

Hearing Mu Shun's guarantee, Zhang Yang's heart was also slightly settled. He gently patted the shoulders of his beloved generals, and gave a very tempting promise.

"General Mu Shun, if he can take Nalu Bu in one action this time, I will appoint the general as the commander of the army and place the troops in the same town under the general's command."

Hearing such a promise from his lord, Mu Shunna was overjoyed, arched his guns in both hands, bowed his spear, and greeted Lu Bu with his horse.

"Hey! A child with the surname Lu, don't be mad, wait for me to join the party, Mu Shun, to come here for a while!"

After speaking, he screamed an iron spear and danced, and rushed over.

Seeing this general Mu Shun’s reaction, Cao Cao of the Chinese Army was shocked: “Hey, this general is afraid that he is more brave than the previous one. It can’t be said that the two sides will fight fiercely.”

Everyone thinks this way, only the careless Gu Zheng and Dong Yi, who knows well in front of the camp, are like camping, what should they be doing.

Then Gu Zheng made his final conclusion without even lifting his eyelids.

"Don't you know, the grasshoppers after autumn, the more they jump, the faster they die?"

When he said this, he didn't cover it up, and naturally the voice was not unclear.

It just didn't feel so comfortable when it reached the ears of the other princes of the allied forces who had incomparable confidence in Mu Shun.

Especially Mu Shun's immediate superior, Comrade Zhang Yang, who is known for his good temper, also went mad on the spot.

"Gu Zheng, what are you talking about? At such a critical moment, you dare to raise the enemy's prestige and lose your morale! Don't you see our Shangdang County in your eyes?"

On the side, Yuan Shao, who was accustomed to the muddy mud, hugged the publicity from behind, who was about to rush over and use his meat fist to fight his life. While consoling the irritated and attacking prefect, while pretending to be a man, he gave Gu Zheng a wink: "How could it be? Gu Yuansu was also young and energetic when he thought of it. He was a little anxious to see someone trying to take credit for him."

"This is not an indirect explanation. General Mu Shun is also a fierce general who can threaten Gu Youcai's status? Don't be annoyed by Zhang Taishou, don't be too real with young people."

"I said, Yuan Su, so are you. No matter who gets the first level of Lu Fengxian today, this is the first achievement of the army and the prison is also your Gu Zheng. Don't worry, I, Yuan Benchu, is the most fair. Just ask the military officer to record your military merits on ~www.readwn.com~, which puts yourself in the position of the head of the Chinese army. It is a good calculation.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng didn't plan to buy it. As soon as he raised his eyebrows, he sprayed a disdainful air from his nostrils, pointed at the raging battle behind everyone, and read the countdown to Comrade Mu Shun's life.

"No, Mu Shun is dead, right in front of him, 5, 4, 3... Sorrow."

Hello! How about your two and one?

I didn't have time to say it. I thought that Comrade Mu Shun could support the last few rounds anyway, but when the first charge passed, because he was too big, his subordinate sold a huge flaw.

He miscalculated the gap between his strength and Lu Fengxian, but the first collision caused him to knock his pistol away, and when he passed by, he was given a side fork by Lu Bu. , From the seam of the armpit armor, I stabbed a pair of them.

After dangling along the horse for another ten meters, it fell under the horse like soft noodles.

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