The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 763: Yan Ren Zhang Fei vs Ren Zhong Lu Bu

The ‘walala’ aroused a dust, and within a few moments, people ran away without a trace.

At this time, Gu Zheng carefully took Diao Chan's pink drapery hat to cover, and lightly attached the light and breathable veil to the front of the opponent, and then turned towards the person behind him. Gu Quan waved his hand and gave the next series of instructions.

"Take your future wife to the watching platform to watch the game, oh, by the way, ask my senior sister, if she feels bored in the account, she can also go with him, and let Xiaozhi bring a tool that Mrs. is used to. Don't be on the watching platform. Suffered myself."

"Also, let Dong Yi raise my flag, and the guards around me will wipe my weapon properly. I will return to the front of the formation and meet Ma Zhong Lu Bu!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I have missed the word. The slogan I was not embarrassed to call out, Gu Zheng was actually called out by someone else first. This person has a thick skin."

A lot of Gu Zheng was gone, and Diao Chan, who was led by Gu Quan behind him on the viewing platform, chuckled after the person left.

Isn't it what she thought?

Did Gu Zheng eat the inexplicable flying vinegar?

However, this position is really convenient for people to watch the entire battlefield situation, just convenient for her to confirm that Lu Fengxian, who has been mentioned many times, is the fiance that she has decided to abandon.

Diao Chan, who was on the high platform, just held on to the railing in front of him, and saw a person riding a white coat, white armor, white horse and white spear, galloping away from the stage like the wind. When she passed the high platform she climbed, it was still very Saobao put the colorful neon feather cloak sewn by her hands on her shoulders, and made a weird gesture of touching her lips with her fingers and flying away from the high platform at a great distance.

Although Diao Chan didn't understand all of these behaviors, she felt the deep affection that Gu Zheng wanted to convey from these details.

For a while, this charming lady was staring at her future husband-in-law, looking stunned, but the gentle voice behind her just right interrupted her already blushing face and her thoughts about to be wild.

"Diao Chan, what happened to the front?"

It was Cai Wenji, who moved the twig step by step and stepped onto the high platform.

After the three women gathered in one place, they had a tacit understanding and stopped talking, but once again turned their attention to the intractable battlefield that was already fighting.

‘It’s like him, it’s really him! ’

Even though it was a long distance, Diao Chan could see clearly who was besieged by three generals who suddenly came out on the battlefield at this time.

That figure and the tall back figure that she couldn't forget in her childhood, finally overlapped, becoming a very clear human appearance.

And Diao Chan knew that Lu Fengxian at this time was the same Lu stink.

That tall silent but ambition and unwilling back figure finally understood in a moment.

At this time, Diao Chan had mixed feelings, and for a while, she didn't know how to describe her feelings.

But she saw the shiny figure. As the horses ran closer and closer to Lu Stinky, all her mind was attracted by the newly-appearing man.

‘Gu Zheng will have nothing to do, right? Lu Stinky has been strong since he was young. ’

‘It’s really unfair for the herders who migrated from the grassland, Gu Lang from the Jiangnan Water Village, to the rough Lu stink. ’

That's why this heart is already swayed and boundless.

And this kind of just right mood, I know that the system of women's heart is very complete to the heart of Gu Zheng, who is holding his breath on the battlefield of the two armies.

After hearing these few expressions that were not love words but better than love words, Gu Zheng was in a good mood. After sweeping away the gloom in his heart, the last two steps of the journey made it easier to run.

Gu Zheng was relaxed here, but Gongsun Zan, who faced Lu Fengxian directly on the battlefield, felt uncomfortable.

He was quite confident about his ability, thinking that when his Gongsun Zan was famous in the Han Dynasty, Lu Bu still didn't know where to drink milk.

But when he was entrusted to Dao, as the only person in the battle among the princes from all walks of life, when the two armies fought with Lu Bu himself in front of the battle, he didn't know that the kid in front of him was powerful.

Whether it is power, speed, or the ability to manipulate horses, they are a bit better than his Gongsun Zan.

Not to mention the Fangtian painted halberd by the person on the opposite side, which makes the moves rounded and exquisite.

Several factors have accumulated in this way, and it is like comparing his Gongsun Zan's habitual horse 槊 into the mud.

He just supported it for more than a dozen rounds, his arms were numb, his tiger's mouth broke, and he had a vaguely unsustainable situation.

And this Gongsun Zan, after all, is quite a proper person. He knows the truth that a hero does not suffer from immediate losses. When two people pass by again, he makes a false move, pretending to be launching another offensive, but in fact It was holding weapons and suddenly fled in the direction of the allied forces.

Can this Lu Bu escape the merits he has obtained?

Naturally, he couldn't. At this time, he was on the verge of killing. In the process of military confrontation, the most taboo thing was to fight against the winning streak.

Because the opponent will form an invisible momentum, like adding fuel to the fire, burning more and more, igniting the heart of the surrounding friendly forces, and also burning the opponent's desire to defend and rub the enemy.

It just so happened that Lu Bu was at the peak of this state, and he naturally wanted to continue this momentum.

Lu Bu, who had been watching Gongsun Zan's every move a long time ago, just twitched the corners of his mouth with disdain, then turned his horse's head lightly and chased him up.

The red rabbit horse underneath him was born with an abnormal shape. The horse's nose was slightly protruding, like a rabbit's head on the grassland.

The horse's body is three sizes larger than a normal horse. Not counting the height and body length, the whole body's hair is all jujube-colored, and there is not a trace of miscellaneous hair.

Such a horse, such a horse and uniqueness, naturally attracts the attention of all generals who love horses.

Only Gu Zheng, who had been in the horse-raising tribe for many years, recognized the origin of the horse under Lu Bu at a glance.

This is a Central Asian horse imported from outside, and the Mongolian horses under their generals are not the same breed.

In terms of the evolutionary history and region of horses, two horses cannot be generalized in terms of bone structure and body size.

And the legendary travel eight hundred miles a day, really want to run, whether the red rabbit under him can run past the little white prairie horse that Gu Zheng rides has to be said separately.

But just for this long and tall sprint, this red rabbit is definitely going to take a big advantage. I didn’t see it, and now he was patronizing Gongsun Zan, who was burying his head and fleeing, but he didn’t notice it. After just a moment of effort, this Lu Bu had already copied it. Fang Tian painted a halberd and slid behind him, and was about to stab him in the back when he was about to probe his hand.

In this extremely urgent moment, the rescuers finally arrived.

I saw a white-faced man single-handedly shot out from the flank of the coalition army. Before people arrived, the sound came first, and the lion roar skill that thundered in the day was passed toward Lu Bufang.

"Wow! The slaves of the three surnames are leaving! Zhang Fei from Yan is here!"

He was holding a spear that turned in a twist, and his eyes were dripping round, as if only in this way could he conceal his weakness that he was a little white face and was not powerful Fengxian, who was opposite, paid attention to him. , Greeted the past in the direction of Lu Bu.

And this utterly innocuous remark also succeeded in causing Lu Bu to quickly shift his attention from Gongsun Zan to Zhang Fei.

Lu Bu, who was furious, turned the halberd, and rushed towards Zhang Fei.

In an instant, the two collided together.

Only one face to face, both sides of this battle were shocked.

Whoops, it's a hard stubble! I need to cheer myself up!

That Zhang Fei was even more energetic, all his attention was raised, and he didn't dare to relax as he moved around.

Because compared to Lu Bu's ease, he is the weaker side.

Just when the two sides intersected each other for more than dozens of rounds, Zhang Fei, who was holding a spear, secretly cried out of suffering in his heart.

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