Then, in order to show off their fierceness, the two eldest brothers wiped out the blood on the arms of Sister Hua.

If you look carefully under the lamp, there are still burrs on the same chopsticks.

"Ah! Bastard Saltwater Handle, dare you not to talk about the justice of the world, you actually took the lead during the negotiation!"

"Nonsense! Tamsui Quan, how can you talk nonsense with your eyes open, you are obviously the one who did this!"

"You... so poisonous!"

The eldest brother in the black-and-white vest was in tandem with two screams. Under the shroud of darkness, the brothers behind him heard the sound... just step forward to see what happened.

"Don't mess, this hasn't officially started! Whoops, I X, who stabbed me! Brothers fight with them!"

"This group of bashers!"

Unfortunately, it is easy to accidentally hurt when crowded, and it becomes a mess of porridge for a while.

At this time, Gu Zheng, who had already quickly withdrawn his hand, looked blankly at the chopsticks in his hand, and quickly threw it into the stinky ditch to the side, turning his head but turning Jiang Yue's head to the ground. Pressed on the past.

It's really close!

Jiang Yue, who was already ignorant, lowered his head along Gu Zheng's hand, and wiped a bright watermelon knife from the top of his scalp.

Jiang, who had a little intuition about this, followed closely and softened his hands and feet, and he lay on the ground.

"Gu, Gu Zheng, what shall we do now?"

"It's okay," Gu Zheng, who lay down with him, continued to observe in this noisy environment, and then his eyes lit up, and he turned to the side with this undisguised shiny little eyes. Jiang Yue, who looked like a hamster, asked deceptively: "Jiang Yue, do you believe me?"

"Ah, this is natural, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yue, who was temporarily forgotten by Gu Zheng's question, was a bit at a loss, but in the next moment, he regretted it...Why didn't he think about answering?

That's because, after the sound of his words fell, Gu Zheng moved.

Gu Zheng didn't know where he pulled out a tattered wooden board that was about to fall apart, and flattened him on top of it regardless of his feelings.

Then, Gu Zheng took off his soft leather belt again, and finally used his finger to easily insert one end of the broken board, like a soft tofu poked a hole in the top. After that, this belt, which is not cheap, was tied as a hemp rope, and a very simple flat cart was made.

And this series of actions took no more than a moment before and after, and the sharp energy flying up and down made Jiang Yue, who was lying on the board pulling his pants unlovable, couldn't help but stare at it.

What does this mean?

He had just regained his senses, and he couldn't laugh in the next minute.

He moved again because of the next Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng yelled: "Catch it, the train to the Jiulong Rice Noodle Store is about to start!"

Hi, what time is it, and I still want to eat.

Jiang Yue, who rolled his eyes, let go of his pants and grabbed the board very obediently, because what happened next was as exciting as shooting a popular Hollywood police film.

I saw Gu Zheng gaining strength, pushing it with one hand and kicking it horizontally with his side leg. He carried a rope behind his back, and the other end of the rope was the one who grasped the board tightly. Nothing to love Jiang Yue.

A huge escape space was suddenly knocked out by Gu Zheng with brute force.

Several black-and-white vests who had beaten to death were kicked into a big horse with a careless move, staggered in layers like arhats, and they couldn't get up in a short time.

At this time, the particularity of Gu Zheng's urban management career became apparent. He could quickly and effectively find the fastest chase and escape route in the most complex terrain.


In this area, in the turbulent small road, he was stunned by him.

It was also at this time that the two parties knew that there was another group of people hiding in the darkness, taking advantage of the confrontation between them, giving a blow like a poisonous snake.

"Who is it! Is it the emerging Axing Gang? Or the restless group of Nanyue boys!!"

No one knew the roar of the black and white vests, but after the dark clouds had cleared, under the light of the moonlight that had just been revealed, they saw a god-like...

In the distance there are dim lights, lively shouts, crowded hustle and bustle, and delicious summons in the world.

But all of this has nothing to do with this group of people in the alley.

Just when they figured out the situation and planned to fix the two insidious people first, at the left and right ends of the alley, the headlights suddenly turned on.

"Police! According to reports from enthusiastic citizens, there is a suspected fire in the alley! Raise your hands!"

"Hold your head, turn around, and squat to face the wall! Have you brought your ID card? First take out your ID card and check it!"

Well, the police cause in the motherland spread very quickly, and the saying that you have the right to remain silent is no longer common.

Inspired by Dafa to check my ID card, all the criminal suspects have nowhere to hide.

Thanks to Gu Zheng's decisive action, he ran so fast that he almost concussed Jiang Yue who was hanging on the board.

And this group of black-and-white vests who were taken to the police station together were caught in a routine interrogation process, so that this group of policemen who thought it was a small case such as robbing alive at the dock was shocked to ask. A lot of doubts have been raised.

This group of people is not fake, but this is a bit illegal.

They ran the business of black boats, specially pulling special guests to go gambling on the high seas on the land cruisers.

However, there are only so many guests who know a little of the doorway and have the leisure time and money to gamble in the past, and the merchants who have seen the business opportunities and participated in it... are more and more.

This is of direct interest to those at the bottom of the pier discussing life.

These years, their most dependent and profitable business has been wiped out because of the government's vigorous purging.

Those guys who are doing a half-gray job, want to change career is so simple.

This kind of side-by-side business has naturally caught the eyes of the bosses of various companies.

For the company's sustainable development, it's no good not to fight for territory.

In the past few days alone, there have been no fewer than three frictions of the same size in the same place.

How come these two gangs were unlucky, and they were served by the pot?

Inside the police station, the black and white vests sitting in rows in a cage got the answer during the routine questioning of the little policeman.

"Isn't you making too much noise? The screams are like killing pigs, and there is also the sound of smashing wooden boards like building construction."

"Do you think this is the same as before. Can the young and Dangerous boy be able to block the street if he fights to death?"

"A good citizen made a call and called the police center, saying that you are annoying the people!"

Okay, the Chaoyang crowd's tour group has just passed this place by chance. What are you going to do?

But these two groups of people are also very wrong.

The boss in the white vest, he just unloaded from the fish ball noodle shop, turned his head and was caught in the bureau again. When he said that, he was afraid that the SIRs would not believe it. He really planned to go over and talk to the other party. what.

What's the most expensive these days, people.

For the 60-odd younger brother behind him, the appearance fee for one person is only 100 yuan, and if he wears a uniform dress, he needs to add another 100 yuan.

The mobile guy starts at five hundred, and he doesn't make money in the company.

Now the people he invited have all entered the station. It is estimated that as soon as he leaves the police station tomorrow morning, his terminal company will close down on the spot.

Because the price starts at 1,000, he can't afford it.

So at this time, what he said was particularly pitiful: "SIR, we really didn't do anything."

In other words, it happened to be interrupted by someone while doing something.

"The two of us and A Bing just wanted to discuss business matters, but who thought that there was someone who was particularly unethical and directly attacked A Bing and me."

"Really, it's so fierce, don't you believe it? A SIR, take a look, my arms and A Bing's arms, and the state of my little brothers!"

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